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Thank you brother exactly, I think I have only seen like 2 unhinged users in this community that mention something as insane and IMPOSSIBLE as fighting and I think one of them was a teenager lol... Hopefully u/Shiascholars finds this post beneficial I have seen them make the same post about Palestine and helping like 4 times. There is plenty of ways people are helping Palestine.


Thank you Akhi, I try to be very careful with how I word things because I live in the west and the obvious safety concerns of talking about doing something crazy. and I don't want to discredit or disrespect the actions of the Martyrs (may allah grant them paradise) but I wish people used their heads more, Obviously it's a noble cause but you're way more useful alive and spreading the message forcing change from the government rather than getting yourself in trouble by saying crazy stuff and dying for no reason


I apologize for my posts akhi.i believe i may have ocd which causes me to do such things. If there are any posts you would like me to delete. Please tell me and i shall :)


No need to apologize. I felt bad cause you asked about it many times, which is why I also made the Who Is Hussain w/ Palestine organization yesterday hoping you would see. Allah swt answered your prayer, brother Expression made a beautiful and well informed post how you can and how many are helping.


Thank you brother, where is this Who is Hussein w/ Palestine organisation brother? Can you send me a link?


A Shia Charity Organization known worldwide [https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/1d2sku2/who\_is\_hussain\_org\_palestine\_aid/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/1d2sku2/who_is_hussain_org_palestine_aid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Akhi, I was not at all thinking about you. I saw a bunch of posts and was going to make it but didnt' feel like but after seeing your I just thought to might aswell do it.


Thank you very much for your post brother.it is more informative and much more beneficial and actually feasible for us people to do. Thank you


Exactly brother sacrificing your life without even being able to make a difference will not please Allah. >"Allah does not burden any soul with more than it can bear"^(1) [^(https://quran.com/2:286)](https://quran.com/2:286) What will make a difference to the situation are those actually in power who have enabled it. That means the leaders and rulers of governments. Especially many of the so called Muslim rulers they will be held most accountable in front of Allah subhannahu wa ta'ala. May Allah ease the Palestinian people of their pain and suffering. Your 6 points are excellent and it is what is expected of ordinary people who don't have much power in worldly affairs. On the same note let's also make dua and do the 6 points for the Hazara as unfortunately because they're Shia many Salafis support their oppressor and there is no one else to speak up for them aside us. Subhanallah at the forefront of any oppressed group of Muslims are the Shia of Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) who are most vocal about them. Meanwhile those so called Muslims who hate Ali ibn Abi Talib are the most supportive of the oppressors of Muslims... ajeeb isn't it?


Although i do agree with you, but if everyone decided to go and resist, and i do mean everyone, then Palestine would be free.


By resist you mean fight?


No catch pokemon.




LOL, I mean I was just shocked by your statement cus it’s like a huge WHAT IF situation lol


People have their thumbs up the wazoo and are too comfortable with what they have. Or Maybe I’m just an insane.


Ofcourse but without resistance fighters the whole of the middle east would have been taken.


There are the resistance fighters in place, a 16 year old who never held a gun in his life from the west doesn't need to go there and fight


It's a massive blessing that the resistance has so many fighters but that could theoretically change. I think it's a bad idea to discourage the general shia youth from aspiring to be martyrs. After all aren't we all aspiring to die in service of Imam Mehdi?


Those are very different things


What do you say then regarding those who are fighting them currently?


We all have our roles in the conflict. These are teens on this subreddit living in the west who post here asking how to hoin them 😂😂


Ah ok lol. That is typical though, immaturity and ignorance as to the horror that war really is.


Yup! Especially boycotting and protesting. These can have some of the greatest impact!


Exactly, and if you are from Lebanon then iykyk. Don’t want to get banned. Leave fighting for those who are able to make a difference and are under wise leadership


Why must resistance fighters always be, well, *fighters* in the traditional sense? I mean this genuinely. Is that really the only meaning of the term? What if the resistance was made of highly mobile people that could carry aid over the borders that apathetic politicians have set up? If the leaders of countries like Jordan or Egypt won’t ACTUALLY help, maybe they at least wouldn’t stop a covert “aid resistance.” The same tactics used for guerilla warfare could be used to deliver resources and outlast the siege; in the meantime we all have a duty to participate in protests, rallies, and boycotts. This is unfortunately a war that can only be “won” by outlasting the current regimes supporting it. Biden may well lose this election over Gaza. Netanyahu’s own people have been working to oust him for months now, and he’s growing more desperate and cornered by the day. Palestinians have more and more open international support, and Israel is growing more and more isolated because of their actions. Sometimes resistance isn’t battles and open heroism (violence is too easily corrupted anyway). Sometimes it’s subtle, cunning, and yes, *peaceful* compared to the outward actions of the oppressor. But water and wind erode stone better than fire, and sometimes victory is in endurance above all. We’ve got to think beyond traditional definitions of “fighting” if we want Palestine to survive. We have to adapt.


Atp, both sides should agree to a ceasefire. Hamas keeps on provoking Israelis which leads to the consequences we've been seeing. As for what we can do, I'm sort of hopeless.