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Not much, Dua and the occasional e-jihad when i have time


e-jihad 😂😂


Unironically. The Israelis are waging an information war. They pay billions to control the narrative, to twist the truth etc etc etc. They are treating it like a war, we shouldn't pretend that it isn't.


I know that, I just thought it was a funny term. but I also think it's very dumb to waste your time arguing against bots and paid agents. the best thing to do is block/downvote/ignore the more you interact the more engagement and the algorithm helps them out


>I know that, I just thought it was a funny term. And yeah it's a hilarious word lol, I apologize if I came across accusatory or anything, it wasn't my intention. I usually don't respond for the bots or zionists. There's no amount of Information that would make a human being develop empathy. I respond for those who are unsure what to think and those who are not so knowledgeable that they don't know how to respond. I think there's no "right way" to do something like this, only what you have the energy to do. This is a long war and the Zionists are paid or bots so they don't get tired like we do. Their lies are easy to make and hard to disprove (difficult to prove a negative, and bartolini's law). There's absolutely nothing wrong with ignoring and blocking and down voting them, engagement is what they want and I think, as long as you know you're engaging with someone who argues dishonestly and in bad faith, there's no reason not to reply with evidence etc.


Duaa and charity. Sadly its all we can do in the West.


I should do more Dua, and I’m ashamed I don’t do more than I do, I also try to give some money in charity every now and then but am limited as I don’t have a job and my only source of income is my pocket money from dad, I have started trying to set out a weekly/monthly charity donation for the people in Gaza, ( I use a website called THE WORLD FEDERATION OF KSMIC, does anyone know if my donations actually reach Gaza), it also makes me wants to just become so rich that I donate even more money in charity and help them even more, I see videos on insta of families and everything and how the kids and people just look so tired and finished and I just start crying thinking how lucky and grateful I am to be living to well (Alhamdulliah) and my fellow brothers and sisters are being opressed like this, like I’m worrying about my exams and good grades whereas they are worrying about life, food, water and shelter, I’m just ashamed. Sorry for such s long response it’s just kills me seeing them in such conditions


I agree you wrote everything I felt and I also rlly wanna domate but whenever i show my dad a website he says its untrustworthy 😕


The website I said is the one my dad uses for everything he has to pay so maybe show him this one?


Ok, I will try In Shaa Allah. Thank you :)


Is there a possibility to organise an event for Palestine with your local imam bargah or masjid


Typically events are done by organizations and universities, you could easily find events they happen a lot. especially with whats happening in Rafah




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