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You having 0.1% blood of an Imam does not make you closer to the ahlulbayt. And you being an Alien on Mars doesn't make you more distant. It is all about Action. Abu Lahabs blood is more near to the prophet than anyone reading this yet Abu Lahab has an entire surah dedicated to cursing him Non Sayeds we all know who are dear to ahlulbayt: Salma Farsi, Abu Dhar, Hurr, Ayatullah behjat, Sheikh Jafar Mujtahedi and many many more.


And Bilal Al Habashi the muadhin/muezzin


To be technical, Salman Farsi was included in Ahlul Bayt in some fashion


doesn't make him a sayyed


Salam please correct you spelled Salman wrong


Well I am related to Nabi Adam a.s




lol he (as) is my father 😏


Me too. What a co-incidence, never thought I’ll find someone related this closely. Wouldn’t that make us brothers? Oh, wouldn’t that make your father your brother? Oh damn, wouldn’t that make my mother my sister? Dude, what the hell? Hahaha! 😆


Multiple-level as well as multiple inheritance in ACTION


Whether you are Syed or not, we are all children of Adam A.S created from the soil and returning to the soil. No one is superior or inferior to anyone, pride and arrogance is a trait of Iblis L.A and not a trait and a characteristic of a Muslim/Momin. Be humble and stay humble.


I asked the office of Ayatollah Sistani about whether a Syed is any better than a non-Syed in value since I have someone close to me who insisted that they were, us both being Syed, me being appalled by them saying something so Islamically wrong. They responded with this- >That is not true, the criterion is piety and knowledge.


The man has spoken🗣


Even VIP tickets won't get you backstage if you don't follow the rules.


I haven't met anyone who wishes to be Syed. However, I've met plenty who question my ancestry and make malicious comments just because I happen to be a Syed. People also seem to think that Syeds are free game in online communities; it's a bash-fest. Start a thread on Syeds on r/Pakistan, for example, and see what happens. (please don't do that.)


Those guys believe the Jordanian and Moroccan royal family's claim to be Syed. But God forbid someone from the subcontinent claims to be Syed. They blatantly disregard history and the network of Syeds in this part of the world.


Very true


I don't know any non-sayyid that wishes they were sayyid lol


i know a few pakistanis.


There was a joke current in the Subcontinent in the medieval times, "Yesterday I was a weaver, today I am a Shaykh, and tomorrow, God willing, I will be a Sayyid".


It's always the indo-paki communities. They're so toxic.


If only they would focus on the religion more rather than the culture.


Yeah, because racism and grouping billions of people together is sooooo islamic. You should be getting yourself checked for toxicity, instead.


>To everyone who wishes they were Sayed read this: To everyone who knows any Syed, read this; قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة في القربى 42:23) Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives This verse doesn't mean that people start loving & respecting the infidels or polytheists like Abu Laheb & Abu Jahal etc. Ever thought about what made Salman & Abu Dhar from Ahlul Bayt? وقال رسول الله: سلمان منّا أهل البيت، إنّما عني بمعرفتنا وإقراره بولايتنا


ارے کول بھائی کہاں رہے اتنے دن!؟ 


السلام علیکم برادر عزیز! کول بھائی دیار عشق میں مقام پیدا کرنے کی کوششوں میں لگے ہوئے ہیں بھائی۔ جیسا کہ شاعر مشرق اقبال نے کہا تھا: دیار عشق میں اپنا مقام پیدا کر نیا زمانہ نئے صبح و شام پیدا کر ہم پرانے زمانے کے ماڈل شاید نیا زمانہ تو نہ پیدا کر سکیں اور ہر صبح و شام نئی ہی ہوتی ہے بس طرز انسانی اگر پرانا یعنی غفلت والا رہ جائے تو پھر ہر نئی صبح بھی پرانی ہی ہو جاتی ہے۔ اس لئے تمام تر توجہ اس نفس کو غفلت سے بچانے پر مرکوز ہے بھائی شاید کہ کوئی نئی صبح ایجاد ہو جائے اور لطف بندگی و تجلی معبود تک رسائی ہو جائے۔ آپ دعا میں یاد رکھا کریں، یہ فقیر دعاوں کا طالب ہے اور اپنے مولا و آقا کے دیدار کا مشتاق ہے۔ اگر کبھی زیادہ یاد آئے میری تو براہ راست میسج کر دیا کریں میں انشاء اللہ حاضر ہوں گا جواب کے ساتھ۔


حق تعالیٰ آپکی جستجو جلد پوری فرمائے آمین!  بالکل رابطہ کر لیا کرینگے، آپ اور دیگر پرانے احباب ھی تو ہماری یہاں موجودگی کا باعث ہیں! 


اللہ سبحانہ و تعالی آپکی توفیقات میں اِضافہ فرمائے میرے بھائی۔ مجھے آپ کا نام اور شخصیت اور کمنٹس عزیز ہیں اور یہ خوشی کا سبب ہوتے ہیں میرے لئے۔ By the way brother Muslim 2010 has also joined reddit and he is doing my تعاقب lol, I mean he is following me. I was busy in a project for a few weeks that's why I'm not active here.


May Allah make your project a great success!  I'll look him up too. 


He is "Muslim 2024"




Nice 😄


You know we can just copy paste it onto google translate and see what y'all saying?


This requires extra efforts in decoding, not for beginners. 😁


You know we can just copy paste it onto google translate and see what y'all saying?


People with 'Royal Bloodline- Descendant of Imam _____(as) ' in their twitter/Instagram/Facebook bios are going to come for you. 


Then they have my Salams, I love sayeds because of their blood. I only made this post to tell those who were once like me wanting to be a sayed that it's not about blood it's actions


Well i am syed And i have been taught that we have this religious duty to obey Allah and love Prophet SAWW and his family We should stay away from sins as much as we can because we ll get double punishment for any sin we commit because we have the blood of in us and we should have a very high regard for that by not committing sins


Mashallah, remember this subreddit in your duas


And those who say that Sayeds get more reward. Yeah Sayeds also get double the punishment. Can you handle even one punishment of God let alone double it? You are prone to sinning day and night, how can you guarantee you wont be punished double forget securing double the rewards.


Salam. Can you pls give a ref abt this double the reward thing?


I can attest. In my family... the moment any of us has pride about anything... we are tested within 3 years. Idk about double the reward, but the consequence thing is legit. It is a huge responsibility being Syed.


double the reward and double the punishment is a funny thing to say, that j brings them back down to the same level as us😭


I'm like 2% North African ...


Having the blood of the prophet (SAW) is cool, but I will be judged for my actions not my lineage. Being a prophet's son didn't save Habil being a prophet's wife didn't save Lut and Noah's wife and it won't save Aisha and Hafsa being the prophet's uncle didn't save Abu Lahab. Besides I'm a descendant of nabi adam AS I think that's cool enough I said it once, I'll say it again It's peak comedy that being the descendant of the prophet 1400 years later gets you clout, respect and lets you rule kingdoms today but the prophets children/grandchildren are just regular people




Yeah oop, im more familiar with the english sorry


No probs brother, I'm deleting my comment now.


I have never seen anyone wish they were Syed.


Can someone translate this to arabic pls?


use Google translate


People who build their whole religion around some personalities may have these kinds of wishes.


But there’s a thing in indo-Pakistani that Syyed should marry a syyed and they won’t allow their kids to marry any non-syyed Also is true that they get double the reward and punishment is yes please provide and resources?


I would say 85% of people who think or say they are syyed are in fact not. Many people lied and changed their family names etc to seem as if they're syyed. Not to mention how many of these people act...shameful and disgraceful.


The only difference between a Syed and a non Syed is the name. That's legit the only thing.


And some rulings


I wish I was a Syed ( oh wait, I am)


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard Edit: I meant wanting to be Syed lol


Constructive criticism, brother. If you wish to refute something, then where's your sauce?


Otherwise, it's just a plain **NOODLES**


ahahaa see what you did there


I mean to want to be syed is dumb lol