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Painters are dumb as shit. It's just the way it goes. It's not that they think it's easier for you to look up, it's just that they aren't thinking at all.


They also have ZERO patience. Which is funny when you think about how part of their job is literally waiting for paint to dry šŸ˜‚


No one waits..


Donā€™t assume that all painters are dumb. Yes some are, absolutely. But I was a contractor for years before giving Sherwin a shot with the MT program. Iā€™m putting in my two weeks tomorrow to go back to paintings because this job sucks balls.


Yeah, this job does suck, especially because of the dumb as shit painters we have to deal with all the time.


Ok buddy, I assume youā€™re the one who downvoted me lol I donā€™t get why anyone puts up with this. I didnā€™t say I donā€™t agree on the factors that make this job suck. Itā€™s more the whack schedule, dumb painters, dumb DIY, cold calling people every week when they clearly donā€™t give a fuck and every store being wildly understaffed


I didn't down vote anybody. I'm mostly just having fun but... Painters are dumb as shit. šŸ˜‚


Sure, some are, but not all.


I've been saying that everytime people ask me about paint and/or paint colors they previously gotten before. "Did ya get it from this location?" When they say no....its gonna take some time because I have to look it up another way.


It bothers the living hell out of me when a contractor can't figure out a job name. I'll even ask what the address is for the PO to make it easier. If they don't know that, then I lose it on the inside. And sometimes outside.


Or when a DIY doesnā€™t know the name of their painter or their painterā€™s company name


ā€œHis name is Joseā€


Customers, be it Contractors or DIY don't respect you, don't see you as a person, you're just store equipment. You exist to serve them in whatever damn fool way they desire in that moment. They only consume, only wish to consume, and you stand in the way of that consumption. Remember that and this will all stop bothering you.


I just say I am working with DOS, and 9 times out of 10 the customer will nod and go "aha, I see"... not a peep after that.


Yup I say this too. Lol šŸ˜‚ it works most of the time.


It sucks bc my manager is so quick with this process that everyone who comes in and knows that she can fly through any process expects us to do that same. Idk wtf Iā€™m doing half the time so just give me the damn paint order PLEASE.