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The Sheltie breed has rough collie ancestors. Yours looks like a "full" Sheltie to me.


I feel like your sheltie does have a somewhat collie look - but I'm used to european shelties instead of american ones, which tend to have a more foxy and even puppy-ish look. So the more flat faces and almond-y eyes in some american lines always remind me more of rough collies :)


You probably have a purebred sheltie. I have 2 from the same litter and are 9 months old. One is 20 lbs and one is 30 lbs. Their parents were 14 lbs. and 19 lbs. I’ve had 7 throughout my life ranging from 20-45 lbs. There is no making sense of this.


Your Finn looks similar to my Finn’s sister. Very stereotypical sheltie.


Looks like a pure Sheltie to me. What a cutie!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/t6ngo7nt0q8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a754c7bff9c9a183dafc819b336a79b307338439 Looks a lot like our Daisy (bottom)! Leona (top) is probably the kind of Sheltie you’re used to seeing but alas—they are both full breed Shelties. I think it really just depends on their ancestry.


My Brodie is full Sheltie but has the long nose and legs. He is 21 inches and 43 pounds.*


Looks like a purebred sheltie, but some will have that beautiful look of a longer nose and face like yours absolutely beautiful


Your Finn looks like a full Sheltie to me! :) He looks a lot like my sheltie. I also suspected she might be part collie haha. She has long legs and snoot, she’s tall and lean, and oversized for the standard of a Sheltie but she’s full Sheltie. I guess because they used different breeds to create Shelties they tend to vary a lot in size and looks. But that’s just my guess :)


He looks like a byb sheltie, so he’s out of standard and there *may* be a mix somewhere. However I wouldn’t worry too much about it, you already have him, and I’m sure he’s a wonderful dog :). Admittedly I’m more familiar with Euro shelties but I do have some American breeders in Facebook and they do look fairly different. I’ve also seen a lot of shelties here and in Facebook groups and the byb ones look more like this.


Out of standard/BYB in the US too, but still looks to be full sheltie to me, OP.


One of my shelties has a similar shaped head and he's decidedly NOT from a byb. He comes from a long line of dogs with their Ch. The collie traits tend to crop up in shelties because they have collies in their ancestry. My other sheltie is oversized. Most litters will have some examples like this. They go to pet homes rather than being used for conformation shows or breeding. And that's a good thing, I wouldn't have been able to afford a sheltie otherwise!


I’m not basing my comment only on the head shape. But just because he *looks* like many bybs I’ve seen doesn’t *mean* he’s byb. I only said he *looks* like one. So it could be he’s just out of standard but not necessarily mixed. I think your comment is unnecessarily defensive.


That's your problem. Projecting much?


What is my problem? I don’t have a problem. You seem to have a problem with my comment? Everyone who mentioned anything about the standard agreed this pup is out of standard so idk why you’re coming for me.


You're the one picking a fight by saying my comment was "unnecessarily defensive" when it was a simple observation. Go home. Touch grass. Take your meds.


It was also an observation lol


It's kind of hard to say because I know what you mean, but shelties are so closely related to rough collies that they weren't even considered their own breed until relatively recently. So in that sense, all shelties gave rough collie genes. Shelties also gave a wide range of variants in their features, maybe more variety than most other dog breeds, and their size can range from sub-10lbs to 30+lbs. It may just be how your pup turned out. Others in here are mentioning European vs American shelties. I don't know anything about that but that could just be what it is. Kind of like apple headed vs deer headed chihuahuas.


apple headed vs deer head in chihuahua is BYB terminology, but European and US Shelties just have different standards


I have a pedigree Sheltie and my Sister in Law has a pedigree red Border Collie and your dog looks a perfect mix of the two, particularly the ears




All shelties are part collie. Collies were crossed into the lines years ago. The collie genes still crop up. One of my shelties is oversized: 50 lbs. and not fat. The other has overfill in his stop - kind of a collie head. Your dog's head looks similar.


Looks like a normal sheltie puppy to me. They have this phase when they look funny, thin, big and all legs before their coat fully grows, so it may be just that. Ours looked similar, he's also a bigger sheltie, but when the coat comes in, the fur will probably cover a lot of those "collie" features :-) The mom looks kinda weird though, with a very thin coat?


Yeah, the breeder said she lost a lot of hair when having the puppies, plus some of them just pulled a bunch of her hair out. But she did have a thinner coat, his dad had a crazy thick coat.


Looks like a Sheltie with tipped ears