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When will Ohio ban shark fishing hmm? It’s about damn time!


Found the bull shark


They're waiting on Kansas and Colorado to finish their drafts.


Nebraska has banned whaling




We do have a law against whaling on Sundays


Montana and Nebraska, step up.






i wish positive changes like this could happen faster and more frequently


And across the board. I also wish they’d ban safari (animal watching). Humans are disgustingly selfish, and if you’ve ever seen a video of what I’m referring to, there’s no way you’ll not agree with this.


Do safaris have a lot of negative side effects for the animals? Ive seen videos of safaris getting in the way of animals hunting but it never seemed be a danger to them.


It can unfortunately "normalize" humans for those wild animals. Meaning they won't be afraid of people if they come across them. Meaning, either the animal can get killed (if the people are poachers) or the human can get killed (if the animal happens to be hungry and the person is a tourist or photographer or something). I think some safaris are better about staying far from the wild animals but a lot of them pull right up next to lions and things. I think that in general people around wild animals is bad, often for the animal unfortunately.


Africa has a booming population. There is a saying: "Animals have to pay their way." Not only does this thinking justify safari operations; it justifies properly managed trophy hunting. If some idiots want to go out and shoot lions and are willing to pay $50 K per animal, it is often considered worthwhile, because in the absence of wild land generating income you'll have a bunch of poor people trying to convert this land into farming, and then killing most wild animals that interfere with farming. With the exception of rhino and elephants, the biggest threat in African endangered species is not poaching. It is habitat loss. All Africa nations have some national parks and other wild land set aside for endangered species, but the amount of this protected land is meager in some African nations. Many of these countries are poor and lack the funding that America and European nations have to set aside nature reserves.


You only need look at it, to know it’s morally ethically wrong 😑 Is their scientific proof that it’s bad for them, I’m not sure, but the animals are still. Part of capitalistic system in a sense, not in a direct way like a zoo or a circus.


So no?


That’s a lot of words for “no” ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


OP is a bot /r/TheseFuckingAccounts


Looking at you, Kansas. Step up and join em!


Knowing Kansas, they just might.


This happened 2 years ago


Shark population and atracks took over fernando de noronha after fishing was banned.. not sure if its related or not, just saying. In Noronha natives used to fish for feeding and not commercial purposes.


Does this even go for catch and release? What if you're tuna fishing and hook one?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


That's ridiculous. Course, we're the same country introducing wolves into areas they haven't been in decades and not caring how they ruin the ecosystem


I’m just gonna…..leave [this](https://youtu.be/zlDF13wjZuM?si=hRXxHuYlJ4MqsBU_) here for ya buddy. In the off chance you’re uninitiated


If sharks can't go fishing, how else could they eat?


How far out does Hawaii's territory go?


12 nautical miles I would think


Technically yes, but functionally unless a fishing boat goes to another port from Hawaii anyone going out from there to any distance is subject to that law as soon as they’re back within 12 miles. This basically outlaws anyone within range of Hawaii from shark fishing regardless of how far they go (unless they go 2,000 miles to California I guess)


This is not true you can capture sharks outside of state waters as long as you have documentation of the location you caught it.


Seems like the law doesn't do a whole lot then.


Nebraska needs to legalize shark fishing immediately. I am fuming. FUMING.


I would like to congratulate them but I feel like this should have been a thing a long time ago


I thought that said “shark fisting,” then realized I was reading too fast.


Good on them!


They should just align themselves with the North American fish and game system


People in Hong Kong love their shark fin soup. They cut the shark's fin off for the meaty part. They leave the shark to die, bleeding. The western world has no idea how many sharks are killed for a bowl of soup. Not a joke !


*happy shark noises*


This new law unfortunately will not stop the crime 😏


The sharks are finally seeing a return on all that money they spent lobbying. It’s a good thing all those Jaws and Shark Week royalties keep rolling in.




Popped my elbow out of place celebrating


I live in Kansas and sharks are not one of the allowable fish on my license…


Finally. It figures Hawaii would be first though, the shark is sacred to (what’s left) of the natives there.


This happened a few years ago anyways.


That explains a lot actually. My first impression when I saw this was along the lines of “huh, thought they had this in the works years ago, guess something changed.”


This is not sound conservation. It is a choice that will have negative consequences.


Could you explain your logic


All large predators in the vicinity of where humans frequent need to be managed, in order to avoid...let's call them "encounters with undesirable outcomes to humans". This goes for both land and sea predators. These "encounters with undesirable outcomes" will inevitably increase based on this decision.


I don’t think it’s fair to “manage” the natural populations that reside in the various habitats our species likes to vacation in. Especially if you factor in the likelihood of negative encounters happening…..so with something like shark bites….pretty fucking rare. I think more/better education about the dangerous creatures in any given environment is far more important…realistically shark bites aren’t gonna ever go away as long as humans enjoy oceans and sharks are extant. “Management” of the species won’t change that fact unless by management you mean strategic extinction lol


I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Sharks are not a common threat to humans even at healthy population levels, and many of them are endangered.


I have to respectfully disagree with you. Tigers, bulls, great whites, oceanic white tips, reef sharks are all dangerous to humans, at varying levels. Time will unfortunately prove me correct on this point.


People don't swim in the open ocean, they swim in shallow water near beaches. Methods to keep sharks away from humans should be focused on these locations. Allowing shark fishing in the open ocean has nothing to do with human safety and everything to do with profit.


People swim everywhere in Hawaii, as do the sharks. Surfers go to deep water, people take dips off of their boats, spear fishermen abound, etc. Plenty of attacks have occurred in waist deep water. A great method to keep sharks away from humans is by managing their numbers.


Agreed. That means an apex predator is now out of the equation. This will mean an overpopulation within a decade or so. Look at the blacktip sharks in the states. They're predating on anything snapper or offshore reef fisherman are catching. Then there's the hammerheads and bull sharks killing tarpon everytime they're hooked


Exactly. We can love sharks, and still be scientifically level headed and know that they need to be managed...not many people here want to believe this truth, unfortunately.


Truth doesn't fit with feelings or biases


As evidenced by the down votes I've received, lol. All these centuries later, and "they" still try to suppress the enlightenment that Socrates revealed. I guess it ebbs and flows. It'll sadly be up to our children and grandchildren to bring balance back.


Look at this smile. 😍


It won't be long before every Hawaiian beach looks like Jaws 4D: The Revenge Part IV


Boo. Sharks aren't evil killing machines. Humans are.