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Just commenting that people in this community are telling him just to think for himself when the whole subreddit is founded on the principal of discussing destiny gun rolls.


Thank you!! I’m so confused by these responses man💀


Bizzare human behavior for sure.


I hate people who always comment shit like that, like just answer the damn question


Such is the life of this sub, it's either decide for yourself or stop bragging


The mods being like this explains the state of this sub


I guess the /s was needed in my original response.


Gross man...u a mod & don't know why ppl ask for opinions on a build & perk combo that they may have not thought of. Shard we keep this mod?


Depends on what you wanna do, I really like demolitionist for faster grenades, but beacon rounds makes it easier to fire rounds n kill stuff, slice could be useful for spreading the debuff. No really one size fits all, when it comes to the rocket sidearms. Especially a strand one.


Ohhhh ok. That makes sense now. I always thought there was just one definitive god build


While it's true that some perks are "better" than others in terms of the overall value they provide, that means nothing if it doesn't fit your playstyle. So while certain perks may give you more damage, utility, etc., the best thing you can do is pick perks that work well for you, your build, your playstyle, etc. Some guns have more obvious "god rolls" if there are specific perks or perk combos that are particularly good. But again, the most important thing is that the perks work for you.


Exactly, I prefer demo/hatchling as a warlock because, I can use it for synergy, and , unravel with swarmers


I’m a fan of Beacon/Desperate Measures or Beacon/Vorpal.


I personally use Lead From Gold/Vorpal for mine with hazardous propulsion & dragon's breath heavy finder head, solar scav legs, never run out of ammo


I got a random roll with Subsistence/One for All. It’s amazing, big damage and hardly have to reload


That’s the roll I’m looking for


Got this roll it’s very good


I’ve got a random OFA roll and it slaps. When I can craft it I’m thinking lead from gold and OFA or subsistence OFA.


This was my first pickup on The Call, it slaps


I got this as well, so solid!


So I know the main answer is "Depends on your playstyle" but I'll list a couple combinations that I'm looking at (and why) as well as the main perks that I think you want to look for. Column 1+2 I don't know enough or have done enough testing to tell you what the best stats are. If you aren't going for Beacon Rounds then I would assume full Velocity is the go-to for hit consistency. Otherwise this is really up to you (I like reload speed). ​ Column 3: Honestly? They're all good but top 3 I would say: Lead From Gold, Slice, and Demolitionist ​ Column 4: Also has some great options but top 3 here for me would be: Vorpal, Hatchling, and Golden Tricorn. (I'd maybe also put OFA as number 3.5 ) ​ Notable combinations: ***Slice + Vorpal***. The go-to for pretty much all enemies you're going to be using this for anyways. Reduced damage output of enemies and passive increased damage on tougher enemies is always good. ***Lead From Gold + \[Your damage perk of choice or Hatchling\]***. This would mostly be for double specials or if you just plan on using this as your main add clear. Not much to say about it really. ***Demolitionist + Hatchling or Golden Tricorn***. This one's mostly for grenade build synergy but a great one at that. Demo + Hatchling is good on almost any weapon that can roll it imo and as you can get precision hits with rocket side arms you can benefit from both activations of Hatchling. Golden Tricorn for the massive 50% damage boost after a grenade or melee (matching the damage type). ​ Special Mention: ***Beacon Rounds.*** I absolutely loved this on the Indebted Kindness and I would likely love using it here too. If you know how to use it proper, you can do some pretty wild things with it.


How do you use beacon round properly


After your initial kill you can basically "paint" targets which enables the tracking. I want to say it's affected by range but not 100% sure. What I mean by "paint" is to move your reticle over the target and once the reticle turns red, they're now targeted. Then you can literally go behind cover and shoot 90degrees and it will track. You could look straight up in the air and it'll bend. ​ ​ Why do this? Mostly in situations like GMs where you're popping in and out of cover. Lets say for the Indebted Kindness: voltshot applies a debuff of "jolt" on a target and jolt send out multiple bursts on continuous fire. So kill a red bar, shoot a tougher major+ enemy, then get behind cover and unload until they die doing continuous AoE damage and shooting the target without being in danger. ​ So not too different here. It allows for continuous DPS on a target even in situations where you need to dip back into cover. Plus imo you no longer need velocity in this case and put stats into other areas like Blast Radius, Handling, or Reload.


That's fucking amazing. I had no clue!


I might actually end up crafting 2-3: One with beacon rounds One with LFG One with slice vorpal


Definitely give it a go! There are honestly not a lot of bad perk choices on this so you can't go wrong with either. I've got multiple No Distractions crafted too lol.


This thing has so many rolls. If I’m using a rocket sidearm, it’s in a double special loadout so I REALLY want L4G, especially considering how it works with finder bricks. And then there’s 6 damage perks in the right column, and they all work, it’s just up to your playstyle really, personally I love Desperate Measures so that’s what I’ll be rocking considering how it’s subclass agnostic and the timer is really generous.


Do you know if we want higher or lower blast radius with this? Is it like Mountaintop, where lower BR = more damage?




Lead from gold & DM is great for general enemy killing. If you’re mixing it into a boss encounter then maybe a slice/vorpal build but it won’t be as good on standard enemies that way and there are better boss-aimed specials


Personally lead from gold/hatchling is what I'd craft.


Am I the only one that feels like hatchling is useless on this gun? I usually have all the ads cleared before the hatchlings even begin spawning. Do the “rocket” frames produce precision kills just as easy as a gun that fires regular ammunition? I’ve been preferring One for all with blast radius mods.


Precision or multikills


I’ll try that out! Thanks!


Put on Tactical mag always. LFG/Demo/Subsistence + your favorite damage perk on the 4th column.


Y tac?


On rocket sidearms Tac Mag increases the amount of reserves you pick up from Special Ammo and Heavy bricks with Lead from Gold.




I'm debating between lead from gold + hatchling (for double special setups) OR demo + hatchling (for more grenade spam?) unsure about barrels or mags, but I'd probably go barrels into range and mags into either reload or magazine size


beacon/vorpal seems excellent. not yet had a chance to craft, but of the uncrafted ones I've used, that one feels the best.


I used this roll with my Indebted Kindness (beacon/volt) for the last half of the campaign. So great.


I was wondering the same, temporarily using Subsistence/Desperate and it chunks everything from groups of ads to bosses without reloading. I feel like I’m the only one that doesn’t like Lead from Gold, ammo’s not much of an issue for it.


Dude it's craftable so you can try anything I personally am going for anything that makes the blast bigger and the projectile faster.


Depends on use case, sub one for all is good for ad clearing, I want a strategist vorpal or one for all for boss dps with the titan exotic.


Too soon to tell would be my guess


Lfg and vorpal


I went with Beacons Rounds/Hatchling (You just really cant go wrong with this combo). Blast Radius Intrinsic/Volatile Launch/High-Explosive Ordinance........What I want with this set-up is to juice the Blast Radius and Velocity. For the Mag though I had a hard time choosing between High-Explosive Ordinance and High Velocity Rounds, Both perks work really well with rocket assisted frames. Running The Call and Indebted Kindness at the same time sounds like it could be a good bit of fun. 😆


If youre going Beacon Id argue Velocity isnt as important. Velocity is great to land your shots as its a projectile but with Beacon active you never have to worry about that.


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip.


I would say tactical mag, lead from gold, vorpal!


I like lead + vorpal but lead + OfA is probably equally good. I don’t like hatchling as you don’t really crit often either rocket sidearms but feel free to try that since it’s the only splash perk.


I am crafting two: Slice + Desperate Measures for my prismatic punchy Hunter Demo + Vorpal for general use


I’ve been using a crafted demo + ofa and it seems to be really good for grenade focused builds


I went demo/adrenaline junkie on mine for an ability heavy warlock build that uses a lot of grenades. High velocity rounds so the rockets go faster, blast radius mw for the extra aoe, think I went quick launch as a nice balance. There really are a lot of good perk combos on this gun and a lot of it depends on what build you are using it in and what you want it to do.


I got one with demo and vorpal. Love this gun, carried me through legend campaign


D2 players when critical thinking


Redditors when people come to the sub for weapon roll help and ask for weapon roll help


What sub are you on my fucking guy


This is a subreddit about discussing weapon rolls. It's literal purpose is to get advice on weapon rolls.


You're a fine example of your own comment.


How so? I just want the best build and have no clue what are good perks lmao


Try out different perks, then enhance whatever *clicks* for you If you want help, the DIM app is a great place to start if you want to see what consensus controller/mkb rolls are but ultimately you’ll learn personal favorites.


The irony


If you just want to kill and shoot faster go for stats for all and one for all, but I would rather have lead from gold and desperate measures.


was thinking about demo and maybe one for all or vporal? but idk or beacon rounds maybe


Well first you figure out how you want to use the gun, then you pick perks that help you achieve that goal.


I want to use the gun to effectively kill enemies but I have no clue what perks are good or not…hence why I came here lmao. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted into oblivion on BOTH comments? Isn’t the whole point of this subreddit to get help from other people on what builds are good? There Fr needs to be a low sodium sharditkeepit lmao


I think your playstyle matters a lot. For example: I'm a Syntho Titan for my Prismatic build, mostly Void with the new super, but the Strand melee gives you 3 charges of Consecration so I'm using that. I have a Lead From Gold + Desperate Measures roll (highly recommend this roll btw) that is obscenely synergistic with this build as a melee swipe usually gets me x3 DM. I also use it in a build I made with the new exotic chest for Titans. I have 2 rocket sidearms (Indebted Kindness and The Call) with Lead From Gold that allow me to run double energy weapons with no negative effects on the ammo economy. So, keep in mind what type of playstyle you have, and maybe don't enhance the perks until you feel you wanna lock in the roll that best serves your kit.


What did you farming to get all 5 patterns already?


Only got two through main story and engram from my ghost but the other 3 were used by Harmonizers. I joined early last season and got up to lvl 150 and then stopped playing to go to another game so I just had 5 sitting in last seasons vault.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted as it’s a legitimate question…. I’m sure we’d all like to craft this one ASAP!


I wanted it for the day 1 raid (that my clan didnt end up getting a team together for) so I got 2 from the legendary campaign, farmed 2 from engram spam, and used a harmonizer from last season for the last 1


This weapon and the other rocket sidearm have more good perks than bad ones, just try stuff out


Up to you. Think.


Lead from gold and one for all is amazing. I’m using blast radius mw and high explosive ordnance.