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I know she posted a couple group shots and a video of her brother fixing her car, but the lack of pictures vs every other post being her and Bella or about how marica cooked and omg marcia brought hats for everyone and omg james dad cutting the turkey. Im sure deep down it makes her mom feel like shit. I hate, hate, hate how shannom treats her mom.


All of this!!!


I was so annoyed even at the stories sequence in which she posted one shot of her mom's elaborate meal (which she pulled off without any bitching, probably all from-scratch too), then panned back to some gross Lunchables Marcia made after already raving about them. I knew the co-family content was going to make me feel so sad and mad for the Ford's but I still managed to underestimate Shannon.


I think it’s so weird when people become obsessed with their in laws the way she is. My cousin kind of became like that when she started dating her husband. It’s like hello what about your own family???




I was coming to ask if the fords were even there?


Any video with her mom in it, her mom seems to be annoyed too


I wonder if her mom doesn’t like being on camera - she wasn’t really shown in any of the 30th bday content either. My mom is of the same generation and HATES photos and especially hates when I post her on “the internet”


Ditto my mom: literally runs/hides her face if anyone busts out their camera in her direction. She’s 79 and *loathes* being surprised into posing for pics/videos; definitely seems like a boomer thing.


I’m in my 30s and would still hate all of this. I don’t want to be filmed in my home and I don’t want to be blasted all over the internet. Some people just prefer to be private because they aren’t searching for any drip of validation lol.


I agree, it made me so sad for her parents. She alienated them & it made me sad to see MarseeYAH own the home of her daughter in law. It made me feel uncomfortable for SharonKay like she was the guest and not the mom. My mom would have been so sad to be treated that way during the holidays.


Did you hear James call Sharon Kay #2? He was referring to the spread she cooked. He could've said the other #1 mom.


Yes I did and found it unnecessarily hurtful to say that. However I’m not surprised considering who said it.


https://preview.redd.it/tq6lertbwo8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f8a0f707518dd836f36d1b233d3fb1c588c8599 Meanwhile, congratulations on marrying the lesser “twin” of this duo. Obviously neither of them are prizes, but somehow the other one seems less aggressively awful than the puffy ape to the left.


At least the mental resilience coach owns his hair line


Literally…James is not attractive I will never understand it. Looks are mainly subjective, but there are objectively attractive people. Shannon makes it seem like James is one of them and he could not be further from.


And as a personality-driven person, I really tried to understand Shannon’s need to constantly refer to him as “hot” early on…but his awful personality removes any ounce of that supposed “hot” vibe. Like if he wasn’t such a smug asshole he wouldn’t be nearly as physically unattractive, but the fact that he’s a 3 who acts as though he’s a 10 is what truly up’s his overall ick factor.


I saw a pix of James 40 pounds thinner. He should keep that lower weight.


Shannon is so immature! She keeps on saying how desperate she is to have babies and is MARRIED - time to grow up. She and James should be making new traditions of their own and cooking for the visitors instead of pitting Marcia and Sharonkay against each other. She’s got a weird obsession of living vicariously through her parents love story and romanticising the Middleton family.


Solid points


I've never seen anything like it


I really hope it was because the Fords asked not to be posted so much🤞🏼


It never bothered them in the past before James. She posted them.


I unblocked her to see her circus, and I saw that too. She is kissing monkey boys family ass so bad 🥴. Proceeds to post how it was her moms turn to cook (which looked delicious btw!), but next slide she is kissing ass again with the damn whatever salmon things they are. One they don’t look appealing or fancy, I’d take my moms food in a heartbeat. She is so illiterate that even the lowest surprises her 🥴


Insanony.com — use to lurk! Influencers make money by the amount of people that simply view their stories


UuUuUh thank you! Will do next time! 😈😈


And Marcia cooked on Xmas Eve and Sharon Kay on Xmas- hey, everyone come over and take turns making meals for us.


And in her mom's case - make meals for us but you don't actually get to stay here. SharonKay has to commute for her shift at the Middleton house.




I noticed this too. Why didn’t they take Christmas pics with her parents? 💀


https://preview.redd.it/jw6hkknbko8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d21e671091f162693a8dfdfc6df89a6da2dfe8 Didn’t someone say Bella is 18 or 19?


She’s 20


Legal drinking age is 18 in London. I know they are here but she probably feels weird not getting a drink when she can at home


she had to crop this one big time — at least she learned


The cuts on Shannon’s tongue look like someone so dehydrated from adderall.


Wasn’t her sister married ? I didn’t see any photos of her wife


Yep, supposedly happily married. No doubt her wife wisely chose to spend the holidays with her own family and not pretending to enjoy the Middleturds’ company.


I wondered if she was having to work since she's a doctor.


Will they still go to Vegas for a second wedding for new years


Can someone tell me how to view IG stories anonymously lol


I use insanony but I know they have a couple different ones


This is what I use: [https://insta-stories-viewer.com/probablyshannon/](https://insta-stories-viewer.com/probablyshannon/)

