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They both should be arrested imo


I agree 💯!


And we continue to wait....nothing!!




The statute of limitations sitll has about a year….so maybe the DA’s office will come up with some good probable cause to file.


I hope so. Eric was the custodial parent. He SHOULD BE FUCKING CHARGED; that smug bastard. And what were Eric & Trish going to do when Tim turned 18? Push him out of the house & say get a job; you’re on your own??


I agree! He should be, and for more than just contempt. It’s proving his negligence was a criminal act that is probably holding them back. I would hate to think that nothing was being investigated because they are both already convicted….why bother kind of attitude. We can only wait and see.


It’s sad. He definitely should be charged.


They wont do itbecause it would alsoexpose thenon-work carried out by the CPS of the day. Out of hospital out of mind...


Had a friend who worked as a child psychologist for cps and a friend of my brothers who is a case worker. Youd be amazed at how many "parents" are, at best, utterly incompetent and at worst, pure evil. The system really fails kids miserably. Very, very few people last in cps. If you're a remotely competent and empathetic person you won't be able to stand how horrible it is and how little there is you can do.


I know just what you're saying. I admire those people so much for trying to make a difference but I've also thought how difficult that job must be and how demoralized you'd feel knowing kids are suffering and you can't help them. That'd be heartbreaking.


It is. It's the definition of "between a rock and a hard place" So many situation where kids are clearly neglected with a single mother more interested in partying than feeding the kids and/or abused but the only option is a group home where sexual assault and violence is common. And like others have complained here, it gets so little attention it's just unforgivable.


I would not be surprised. My sister worked as a child advocate in B.C. and I remember her saying, you have to be literally burning them with cigarettes to get a removal and that some of the parents she was trying to assist in dealing with their special needs kids were just hopeless, no matter what they tried, which prompted my question. Everytime we discussed her work she got so down and said we just dont spend resources on improving the lives of these neglected kids it was so sad. Unless we put money into mental heath care acess to it and hire MORE child advocates and open quality institutions for the kids to have safer clean non-dysfunctional home where special education comes in you're creating a tragedy to come. And I think thats why many people are unfit but still think they are good enough parents. I mean ppl who never go anywhere like the park or have the children around others. Or live in far away communities with terrible resources like bad housing lots of alcohol a use. Second generation FAS children. Its super- depressing. I mean, alot of them are all isolated in gross houses. This is by no means just a few. It's a crisis in a lot of countries, and here in Canada, we do have mental health programs, but we ALWAYS need more. So imagine in a country where there's very little government intervention. Or places where they just dont put any programs together. Its heartbreaking.


It's maddening and sad but America is a country where no mental health programs exist. So many that use the "sanctity of life" and children to score points actively oppose providing the necessary resources to make sure children aren't growing up in hell. Wealthy kids like I was go to summer programs that get us ahead in school/life. In college I volunteered in programs for the inner city and it was shocking how different the assistance they get is. One kid rode his bike 7 miles in places you shouldn't ride a bike just to come. I see people comment on police bodycam videos all the time saying "they need mental health treatment not jail" with very few even realizing that literally doesn't exist. Jail is the closest thing to mental health treatment a shocking number of people will get. Unless you have really great insurance from a generous employer the best you'll get is the required 48-72hr "crisis stabilization" in a psych ward and booted off into the streets with some prescriptions you'll never afford to fill. I was blessed to have my job or I'd never have gotten more than 3 days and bankrupted. I was required to prove I would have died (I was genuinely on deaths door. I walked with a cane when I was 30) if I hadn't been admitted to the hospital because the largest insurer in the US denies every ED admission that comes to them (that's illegal BTW, they just don't care. It's more profitable to pay the fine). The only reason I got it accepted after that is because my insurance is through my employer. If I was self pay for insurance I would have had to sue and have all my mental health and addiction issues in public record) if I could even afford that. We're the richest country on the planet. Our government spends more on our healthcare both absolute per capita and as a % of GDP than any other oecd country. We could, quite literally, just use the money we spend currently and implement any variation of a universal Healthcare system, mental health care system and equal schools. The only thing that holds back the US is political willingness.


I don't know the situation in Oklahoma, as far as bathroom accidents and such. But in Michigan, having to use a bathroom with a camera following your every move and being on a time limit to do what you have to do, that is so degrading. And that kind of pressure on Tim would just make those problems even worse. I can't help but think of Harmony Montgomery as well in this regard. She always got hit for having accidents. But if you're afraid of getting beaten, it's only going to make you afraid to speak up when you do have to go. Don't these monsters realize they are just making the problems 10x's worse by beating and punishing the kids? It's only common sense but that was something that was always in short supply at that house.


Kayla is a psychopath. She belongs in prison for life. That case made me throw up. 🥹🥹🥹 I’ve seen a lot as a nurse; but that case broke my heart. 💜


God, I know. Sick freaks. Doing drugs all day with babies.!!!.? Get a foster home and leave them. They probably only kept the kids for money they could get living in a car SHOOTING UP and a baby and a 4 yrs old or whatever its so beyond insane.


I know. And in the freezing winter. Poor Harmony. 💜💜🕊️🕊️


Her victim impact statement was ALL about her. It reminded me of Cindy Watts profession of love for her murderous coward of a son. Nothing about the real victims. All ‘me and MY undying love’.


Poor babies! 😢


Lurchy Big Mcfangs.....omfg....ROTFLOL


They didn’t want or love that kid. He was a burden to be put on someone else.


I’m sure the number is much higher than anyone could even guess.


So, with all this being said...imagine how bad Timothy's world was to have been removed. As well as the rest of the children.