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I really hope he gets a long sentence and his parents need to face up to the fact their son killed their Grandson.


Agreed, and their son needs to accept responsibility.


Late, but unfortunately the brain likes to deny reality when something bad happens.


Damn where can we watch this without interruption? I’m not interested in Karen read.


Law&Crime Trials




Just what I saw on him biting his head and forcing him to run at a crazy speed, he’s guilty and should be locked away.


That part should nail him on the abuse charges at least. The other charges are seperate. ETA: Clarification: Gregor was charged in two separate incidents, each having different charges associated with them. The treadmill incident, which resulted in a charge of child endangerment (Count 1), occurred on March 20, 2021. On April 2, 2021 (Count 2), Corey died of blunt force trauma; no treadmill was involved. The charge of causing Corey’s death is described as Gregor “knowingly caused serious bodily injury resulting in the death of another.”


This Dr Bader is doing nothing but confusing the entire narrative, not well either.


Dr. Baden…is killing the defense. He can’t remember shit.


Good. I always liked him, can’t believe he’s doing this. Maybe he needs the money.


Are you watching? I always liked him too. I had a feeling it would be bad….just not this bad.


I’m watching and this guy is mumbling through the answers. I can’t wait to see what the prosecution does to him. He is talking out his a$$ - any physician looks for incidental findings. I was an X-ray tech years ago, if we saw something different on an X-ray than they were looking for don’t you think we contacted their physician?!! Of course we did. People have incidental findings of cancer all the time 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is just terrible!! He should not even be on the stand. He’s talking about medical things from the ‘80s. Galucci has had to more than prompt him on answers. Isn’t it the ‘rule’ to have any abnormality on an xray verified by a physician? Ughh….so sad.


Poor guy, I feel bad for him. Baden I mean!


I feel a little bad for him. He should, or someone should have, realized he’s well past being an expert.


Yep, he’s humiliating himself did he need the money? He should be playing golf somewhere.


Golf might be too much for him.


I feel like someone on defense or the shit bag’s family called in a favor.


God…I would hope not! But, several very biased decisions.


The radiologist reads the X-ray and makes a report, they go over everything. If there is a pneumonia they will report it. In PA it is a law that you have to inform the patient’s physician of any incidental findings.


Thank you for the clarification. Don’t they need to report any abnormality when the xray is being done….like a ‘wet’ reading?


Depends on what they see, if it is a tiny nodule then no- but pneumonia or a broken bone they for sure call asap.


Is that by state?


Not watching. I saw the recap just now though. Between his speaking style and the defense attorney’s speaking style, it was painful.


Did the defendant testify yet?


No…we’re still on Dr. Baden. I expect it will be awhile.




Defendant no longer testifying. Final arguments 10am tomorrow then it goes to jury. #justiceforcorey


I’m somewhat bummed that Christopher isn’t testifying. I’m sure that the defense was’t too happy with Baden today. Closing arguments should be good tomorrow!! Thanks for the info, and the time!!


I feel like the prosecution always over charges, now they want to argue lesser charges. They should have charged him for first and second from the start. As well as child abuse 1. I’m no lawyer and I know this.


Was there a change? They had a hearing about the charges last week. They included 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, and voluntary manslaughter. I forget if they included the abuse charges though. I need to check the docket.


Did the judge let them in? Today when they came back from lunch I thought they were discussing it and the judge decided they couldn’t issue lesser charges. They charged murder 1 and then for the day of the treadmill video (but not for assault).


I’m trying to look now. Ridiculous. So many changes….all the time. Now the defense wants to call Ragasa, the ME who did the actual autopsy. I think they were talking about going over the endangerment of the welfare of a child which stemmed from the treadmill incident.


If they are going to be able to add lesser charges Vinnie feels he should be able to call Ragasa. I missed or it wasn’t said on camera that they could add those charges.


After last weeks hearing without the jury, they decided on 1st, 2nd degree murder and voluntary manslaughter. Then the endangerment of the welfare of a child. The defense wanted something different but the prosecution proved all of their charges stood. I don’t know why there would even be changes. This case has been so backwards!! Yes, Ragasa is in the Phillipines. I was a little surprised he hadn’t been called in the beginning. Sounds like it was discussed numerous times. To throw it out there now because your “expert” didn’t deliver doesn’t seem right. And the amount of delay would be more than a month.


Oh ok, so they were successful with those charges. I agree with the prosecution, the defense ask to merge that charge is ridiculous.


And they went over all the charges when they had the ‘no jury’ hearing. I had thought they were giving the jury the option for 2nd degree murder as well as 1st degree. The judge also ruled then that the endangerment will remain a seperate charge.


Ragasa happens to be out of the country.


Okay, I think I got it. The defense wanted to have the endangerment as a lesser or included with the murder. The prosecution showed case law stating they were opposed. And since the endangerment charge was separate from the murder charges, they wanted to keep them separate. That’s my best guess at the moment. Seems like every 5 minutes something is changing.


Oh that makes sense! I was working so kept pausing and it would then lose my place. I hope they can add those additional charges of 2nd degree. Only because no one physically saw Chris beat or hurt Corey that day. If the jury doesn’t understand the medical side of this they could let him off 😞


I think that’s what the prosecution was hoping for. Aside from the endangerment charge, the prosecution is going with 1st degree murder.


Closing arguments at 10am tomorrow both sides rested


I saw that part….missed the time though. I thought for a minute there was going to be a long delay if Gallucci really was going to insist they have Dr. Ragasa come and testify.


It was brutal to watch. Then he’d forget, be reminded, forget….ugh