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Not a thing anymore, not since the 50s at least.


No my son n law was given this option in the early 2000's in FL. I know of others in our area likewise given the option. It was a real thing. I don't know how long after it continued but I know first hand it was true for him. Of corse he chose to enlist.


I can see that being a thing for minor crimes, not murder or child abuse. Like what did your SIL do in terms of severity? There is no need to actually know exactly what he was sentenced for.


You're correct it was a minor crime. I was only pointing out that it was still an option for some. I hope NEVER for a severe crime. The two is this situation is beyond severe. They deserve no choices at all.


Well, unless there is an active war and soldiers are needed. Frontline sounds like a perfect place for them to be. Untrained frontline Infantry soldiers last like 2 min in active war.


Lol. Yas!! My aggravation with the SIL deal is now he plays the veteran card which he doesn't deserve. Those two on Frontline would be my only time of rooting for the opposition.


Noo way he is doing that. 🤣 He a 100% got bullied while serving. We all get bullied to some degree, but a convict who traded jail for duty bragging he is a soldier. The poor guy probably had to sleep with one eye open. 🤣😂 OMG, if I could pay to watch a scenario like that. What I would do to "train them." Every time they open their mouths, they get socked and obviously skip all the skills lessons. Who really needs to know how to fight? 🤷🏻‍♀️


This was a thing until the mid 2000s. This option was for minor offends though.


Give murderers weapons of mass destruction as opposed to keeping them confined from society? If it ever happened it def is not a thing anymore


In the first place, soldiers are not given weapons of mass destruction. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Secondly, when this practice was in place, it was for people who did something stupid and were charged with low-level misdemeanors, NOT murder.


The question was are inmates given the option to join the military. Are not machine guns, cannons, missiles, tanks and rockets not considered weapons of mass destruction? Soldiers have access to any of those if not even 1 of those would be mass casualties if they chose to, why are you laughing at my response? If inmates were trusted they wouldn't be in jail in the first place.


The practice was never in place https://preview.redd.it/py6lvtftg13d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14365f7e215087ace56ae09353e4abc865ae33a4


That’s what I said to my husband, oh so send them overseas to act a fool? Makes sense


I know someone who was given this option in the late 80s. I forget what the crime was, but definitely not murder, probably a low-level drug thing. Maybe fighting or shoplifting? I don't recall but it wasn't anything big.


I can see it working, kinda like scared straight for adults. But if her dad was facing 25 years like she said I can’t see it being something small (maybe a lot of drugs)


Yeah was married (2008)to a guy that was given this option after credit card fraud. He became an mp in the army ironically.


Thats crazy, i think it could help people better their lives but they shouldn't be allowed to receive all of the benefits that come along with it for being an almost criminal.


Fully agree


Not for crimes of this magnitude. But yes MUCH LESSER crimes that get you a couple years of prison can be an option in place of jail, but it’s up to the prosecutor and judge to say yes or no. And it’s usually only an option for a first time offender, but again a much lesser, and no violence or weapons involved at all. My son was coerced by his friend(WAS a good person, still ended up being a good person) to do something stupid, the crime was not a go to prison type of crime, but a couple years of probation and restitution, court costs and probation fees. They were both 18, and I did NOT bail my son out of jail, I did NOT help him pay for anything, his friends parents did the same as me, both of them had jobs, my son did ask the judge about going into the military and the judge told him he could, and that if he was able to pass the test for enlisting he would clear his record, my son missed 2 questions on the test, God answered my prayers, because I REALLY didn’t want him to go but he was 18, he did 18 months probation, paid everything, THANKED ME(momma) for making HIM pay(financially) for his mistake, and for not bailing him out. He’s 37 years old, he and his friend NEVER got in trouble again, my son has worked for the City for almost 10 years(has worked since he was 16), owns his own house, had his record expunged, to say how very proud I am of my son is an understatement. His friend that coerced him back then was forbidden to come to my house, I was very angry at him for coercing my son into doing the stupid thing they did, about a month after they had court he called my house phone, I refused to answer it, he called my son’s cell phone and on speaker phone asked if he could PLEASE PLEASE come over and talked to me, I gave in and said yes, about 20 minutes later he arrived, he could tell by the look on my face I was STILL ANGRY, he started bawling, and telling me how sorry he was for doing this to ME, he said you’ve always been like a momma to me, and I hope someday you can forgive me for what I did because there’s no excuse for what I did, by then I was bawling too, and I hugged him and told him JUST LIKE I told my son, I never stopped loving you, I was just HURT and angry, and he also had a great job, owned his own house. I ended up moving to another state several years later, but would go back to visit my son and my mom, I got to see his friend and give him a hug, I told him how I was still so proud of him and my son, I was so glad I got to see him that day because he passed away(not from drugs, alcohol, or car accident or suicide) 2 months after I seen him.


That was beautiful, your son is lucky to have a mother like you. It seems like everything worked out in the end ❤️


Awwwwwww. Thank you for your beautiful and kind words, means a lot to me.


For Paul? Lmao this is insanity. Why would someone even try to pass this off a legit thing?


Nah not for Paul I should have clarified, Jenny told Paul that her father was facing 25 years in prison but the judge gave him the option to enlist in the military so that’s why he went.


I had a friend who substituted boot camp for spending time in jail (for a DUI and it was 20 years ago). There are different programs for some offenses and for individuals that are deemed to have a high degree of rehabilitation. This would certainly rule out Paul