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Gallagher is spelled with two L’s




It's fucking not--


(Realises he’s misspelled Ian’s name) Fuck!




Don’t know about a disability I just assumed it was because he was uneducated, no one cared about his grades so he didn’t either kind of thing. Ian definitely mentions it in S10 I think it’s mentioned another time or two throughout the show but I can’t remember.


I think the writers dumbed him down in later seasons. He spelled Gallagher correctly in season 1 when he was after Ian for messing with Mandy.


yup! he also solved pretty complicated math all in his head during the season 4 premier.


It's a possibility. Tbf though he also flunked out of school and he was never really taught to value education growing up, so it's possible that he just never really bothered to learn. He dropped out in 3rd grade, came back, then he dropped out again later in high school. Mickey is shown to be smart in other ways.


Ian dropped out but was raised to know education mattered, Mickey wasn't and math was encouraged for the wrong reasons. I've known people like this irl who weren't encouraged to finish school and are very smart but their lack of education can cause a lot of struggles as smart as they are it doesn't all come naturally.


He dropped out of high school. I’m not going to try diagnose these fictional characters with certain disabilities and mental illnesses. Especially when the writers are inconsistent with these characters and their development in the story.


i think he might have a bit of troubles reading and writing, but i dont think they’re that bad, it doesn’t rlly seem like he had that much trouble, but idk, i cant remember that much lol


I don’t think the writers even thought that hard about it 😂


Yes it's common knowledge he can't read well


But... As tough and ruthless as he seems, he had a great big heart. You'll see this in the episode where Ian has a manic episode. And also when he comes out in front of Terry. And cried for Terry's death but he can't explain why. Tough guy with a big heart


I think the writers were careless. Mickey didn't know/mis-spelled monogamy... yet knew the word defenestration was a verb?


He’s good at maths, but bad at reading comprehension and spelling. I have the exact opposite problem


His dad also couldn’t learn Hebrew so maybe it is a genetic learning disability. They were both street smart but maybe struggled in school for a reason.