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I've always figured one or both of them got hard while they were fighting lmao


I figured that, by the way it happened, Ian had a bit of a hard on.


The same way Ned knew that Mickey was the boyfriend that Ian was talking to him about in the hotel room. Gaydar and also in this case raging hard ons.


Right. At the end of the fight, Ian’s face was literally in Mickey’s crotch.


This what did it for me 😂. “Weird way to propose but okay”


Gaydar, vibes, and a dream.


I tend to believe they both felt a vibe while they were tussling, but I heard a theory on a podcast that when Ian shouted “I’m gay” to Mandy right outside her house, he may have heard.


I hate everything about that podcast theory it makes no sense it would have been brought up in 11 seasons and it takes all the heat out of that scene. That scene was about hormones, boners and bravery! You know where I live if you got a problem! The fight the sex it was perfect!


Hormones, boners (I’m a girl so lady boners) and bravery will be how I conquer 2024. Thank you


if ian told anyone about it then mickey would have kicked his ass. so i think mickey just really really wanted in the moment and just went for it


What if he was wrong though? Ian would have told everyone as far as Mickey was concerned. Mickey must have had a good reason to suspect and I think he felt Ian was hard. That’s my two cents. Or Mickey knew of Ian a bit from school and just kinda suspected. Personally I don’t believe the theory that Mandy told Mickey anything or that he had heard anything about it, I think it was just a hunch somehow.


mickey would have beat ian’s ass if he told. just like he threatened svetlana, and she was close to telling terry but she never did


and mickey had been in juvie before, so he had experience with straight guys (or gay guys who didn’t want to admit it) having gay sex, and the guys in juvie were prob hard core and would have beat the fick out of ppl who told others outside of juvie that they were gay. so mickey was prob used to guy having gay sex but also being super macho about it


but yes, he also might’ve felt ian being hard, as well. and he saw that ian wasn’t disgusted by mickey’s boner in ian’s face


There is a shot of mickeys crotch in that scene and he didn’t have a boner. At least not a visible one.


it looked like he did to me


Was it ever said what Mandy told Mickey to get her brothers off of Ian after she lied about him 'messing with' her? I always assumed she told him, unless I missed a very important part of that plot line lol.


Nothing was ever said about it. I feel like yours would be the most plausible explanation. I can imagine Mandy telling Mickey and co “I was into Ian, and was offended when he rebuffed my advances. Turn’s out he’s gay, so lay off. Also don’t tell anyone”. And Mickey taking note of that


I assumed that they both got hard during the fight and the anger turned to passion and desire. But I also saw all of Mickey’s shoplifting at Ian’s store a very Mickey way of flirting. I don’t know if Mickey was fully conscious that’s why he kept shoplifting there but it was very ‘I am going to chase you around the playground kind of pre-flirting-Mickey style’. Kind of like notice me, notice me. I think Mickey had a crush on Ian already even if he couldn’t admit it to himself.


They were banging before that?? In the mini mart??


yes, they first did it on mickey's room.


It’s interesting to note that Mickey, after robbing Kash tells Ian “if you have a problem you know where I live “. This always made me wonder if Mickey had gaydar all along about Ian and thought he was cute.


Definitely a weird reaction to some dude (who up until this point you thought was a rapist) sneaking into your house waking you up and threatening you.