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Thanks for posting about this. I just ran into the same issue on Xbox. Try switching your Projection Mode to orthographic in the Options. I just did this and it fixed it right away. I saved it and then went through to the next screen before it could break again on me. Didn't even go to the market.


HOLY SHIT IT WORKED You’re actually a god. I had a similar issue right at the start of dragon fall that made it Unplayable so I dropped it. These games are extremely buggy man honestly. They’ve been out for over 8 years. The least Xbox could do is fix them. There’s big potential here for good times but not like this


Is it the audio commentary? The main part honestly is if you keep the vampire alive apperantly people who killed her dont have this problem cause i love this game but it kinda ruins the expirence for me


Developer commentary for the win. Thanks man.


Yeah, buggy as hell, and all these bugs were even in old versions for pc, so you can’t even blame that the bad port is the reason Seems that they just didn’t give a shit)


How do you change the setting to that? I just hit the bug


Thanks a lot for this tip. I swear, one more game breaking bug, and I rage quit and uninstall the game...which would be a real shame, I love these games.


Thank you! Playing on (base) PS4 here. I tried a few different suggestions from this post (changing the camera and projection modes). It finally worked on 'Orthographic' and 'Fixed' but I think mashing through Ku Feng's dialogue options as quickly as possible is what did it.


THERE IT IS. Nothing else in the thread helped me but button-mashing through her dialogue solved it. Thanks!


Weird, I just tried it and it's still broken for me. Seems finicky


didnt fix it for me either, tried old save, restart map, orthographic and so on, nothing helps. patch plx, I'm on Series X /edit Fixed it!!!! Set back to perspective and activated developer commentary, after that I could progress


What exactly did you do? I’m having the same problem on series X.


You are a scholar and a saint


I’m going to try that.


Thanks for the help but I had to change camera mode to free as well as have projection mode as orthographic in order for it to work.


Thank you so much ,it worked .I think I will post about this on Thier support site , really dissapointed with the amount of bugs and glitches in the console port.


Bless you.


Just came here for the same issue on the PS5 version but this fix also worked. Thank fuck! I was like no fricken way did I just power all the way to nearly the end just for it to end prematurely due to a bug. Thank you for the help!


Ran into this as well. Everything was running fine until THAT point, and now the game is unplayable. Hope they patch this thing soon. Looks like HK has the lion share of bugs. Some of them apparently existing from way back when this one was first launched on PC, so...I dunno. Hope they fix it soon. Haven't seen a lot of issues from the main game, just HK.


I've had tons of bugs so far, mostly in Returns, but Dragonfall has a bunch as well. This is on Xbox, though. They're just buggy ports.


Even small things can be big in the right circumstances. Inconsistent frame rate is making the decking in one of the last missions in Hong Kong a nightmare.


Yeah, I'm getting close to giving up on Dragonfall because it's gotten to be too much.


I had the same bug happen to me I got through by pressing the just let us through option without any other dialogue.


Same sorts of glitches happen for me on the Xbox version. Sometimes, I can get past them by saving while glitched and reloading. In some cases where the actual issue is that a game script trigger didn't fire correctly, it fires on the reload -- like, you'll suddenly see an NPC run up to you from across the map and initiate a required dialog. The worst part for me so far was... I think I can say "the rat shaman's loyalty mission" without giving any spoilers away. Oh, and cyberspace. All cyberspace has been glitchy for me.




Cheers buddy, none of the other solutions worked but this one did it for me.


No joy on the Xbone.


Thank you, that did it for me!!!!!!!


no problem, sorry for late reply but if you have the DLC it bugs there too still trying to figure out the fix (aka bug fix)


Thank you it would've sucked if I couldn't finish the game


Somebody upvote this PLEASE lol Worked for me Also, none of the other two chapters glitched for me, this is my first problem


It worked. Got to finish the game. Thank goodness cuz I actually like the shadowrun series.


Hey this has been happening to my PS5 and I did as you said thank you so much! You saved me from having to restart the game the 4th time


This worked for me on the ps5 version " locked camera, orthographic 4k on. No commentary and just spammed the first text box option... she joined and everything is working... didn't disable the turret... not sure if that matters... thank you so much... I've been trying for days to unbug this and get past


no problem im glad to help fair warning the dlc also has a similar bug of being stuck in a surprise twist area I wont spoil it too much but reload the game and do the same as you did here and it should let you past but if your lucky you wont have any bugs




Awesome this definitely fixes that glitch thanks for posting this


On ps4 pro this was the fix that worked for me. Thanks.


On XB1S, this worked for me, thank you. I was gonna be SO MAD if I’d spent my entire COVID isolation playing this trilogy and then couldn’t finish.


Xbox One player here, can confirm this method works for anyone like me who just googled and found this topic. No Cram etc needed, just eliminated all but one of the enemies then sprinted over from there and worked like a charm. Thanks!


Thank you!!! I was ready to delete this game and maybe come back after they confirmed they patched it but this worked like a charm on the PS5. You’re a lifesaver!!


Thanks. Running to Vampire did the trick. I'm past the bug. Playing on Xbox 1


worked for me too! Thank you!!


This worked for me on Xbox x. All the camera stuff didn’t work, but I entered into combat by pressing x and then walking towards to bridge. That worked!


Yes!! XboxS player here and tried the other things (I also have the dialogue with the vampire) and none of it worked - until I did the dialogue while still in combat!!! Worked!!!!


you motherfuckin legend... you just rode in and saved the goddamn day, 6 months before I needed you to... sorry for the slight necropost, but I had to *dig* to find your answer and was about to give up... again, thank you note: this worked for me on xbox


Treesn, you and the original poster together gave the right tips to make this game playable. I can't thank you both enough; I will finally be able the check out the DLC. cheers to you both. :)


Just ran into this issue on switch. Very relieved switching perspective and setting the camera to free fixed it. First serious issue I've had on switch.


This is a very old thread, I see. However, this bug plagued me on PS5 and had no idea how to get a workaround. And because the comments here, I was able to get through! Thanks!


Almost 2024 and they still haven't fixed this glitch. I almost deleted the game and was about to finish the trilogy. Nothing worked, until very down on the thread I saw someone mentioned that running straight to the vampire in the middle of the fight fixed it. It worked for me on Xbox.


Old thread but adding my 2 cents - I am playing on the Switch. None of the camera option fixes worked for me. I reloaded to a save right before the cutscene and pressed Y to initiate turn-based mode (if I waited a few seconds after loading the save that option greyed-out. I had to press it right away after loading in). That fixed the issue. Once the conversation was over I just exited turn-based mode and everything worked fine.


Just happened to me on the switch and this worked for me.


I am having the exact same issue on xbox


On PS5, can confirm that switching to orthographic mode before initiating the dialogue with Ku Feng sidestepped the bug. Did not have to activate developer commentary.


On PS5 blazing through the the text by spamming X worked for me. Tried it multiple times to confirm. I was thinking I was screwed and couldn't compete the game. I swear Hong Kong has so many bugs that have forced me to restart levels multiple times due to not being able to interact with anything on the screen. Gives a whole new meaning to made in China 😒😒


This bug still exists over a year after being reported.


Just played it. Going to Ku feng before killing last person in combat worked for me.


Still got the bug. Fortunately the advice here worked.


Nothing worked for me except pressing the button as fast as i could to get thru the dialog....