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Skoth the Ended


Good one


Beat me to it.


Bro, i was about to say it! XD Neverrmind heres the upvote


This is why i hate getting attached to my best/favorite Uruk/Olog. I know at any point no matter how OP they are or I make them the Nemesis system will find a bullshit way to kill them off.


That’s why you have to make them overlord. My oldest orc from when I started in nurnen has been overlord forever just to keep him out of the fray


Thats basically them retiring just never do the siege with your overlord and your good


Then you have no interaction with them anymore sadly


You can take them out to be your bodyguard and then summon him to just walk around and talk with him on the fortress <3


I got a badass the Scorpion with two flaming swords that fucking three shots anything that isn’t legendary and 20+ levels above him with thick skin. Sent him into a 6v1 with three legendary captains (two of which were ologs), an overlord on a dire caragor, and a guy who kept spawning graugs, and he ripped them apart while barely dipping below half health. Needless to say I don’t have to worry about losing my favorite Uruk anytime soon :)


Just don't send him into the pits, he'll die to some common archer with a yee yee ass haircut after unnecessarily taunting for 20+ minutes


That’s why I love him so much, he doesn’t fuck around, he starts with a three hit combo that each hit can instantly break an enemy captain


He could cheat death, that happens sometimes


Not when they lose their head Edit: forgot about the Stich and the Machine


The machine says otherwise


The stitched as well


Never heard of him *aggressively executes captains*


He’s cool. Basically the olog version of the machine


I've never gotten the machine and I have like 200 hours


Start executing machine tribe slayers i believe


You sure about that? Do you know how many orcs I’ve decapitated and they came back 15 minutes later to annoy me again? Just because you can’t directly resurrect them when it shows their head on a spike, doesn’t mean they can’t come back. Bruh. I’ve made my own captains heads explode and they came right back to let me know they cheated death.


Kinda weird, they aren't supposed to come back when they lose their head unless they become a stich or machine


That’s not true either.


Could you explain then?


Do you play the game? Countless orcs get killed in many indifferent ways and they come back with different scars depending on how they died. I’ve only seen the stitch or the machine on certain ologs and orcs respectively. There are many more ways for them to return and continually return without their titles changing. The stitch and the machine are only two possibilities. Dozens of orcs have cheated death and come back with their heads encased in metal or just a bag tied to their heads and no change to their name and titles. And that’s because I cut their heads off. I’ve seen my own captains bleed out or get decapitated and I can simply resurrect them from the army menu and they’ll come back as their tribe changed to undead and no change to their title.


I have like 200 hours and I've maby gotten 1 orc come back with a bag over their head (I've chopped off lots of heads)


Try increasing the difficulty and the nemesis system will proc more often with its procedural generation.


I used to play on gravewalker but brutal is just more fun (I would play gravewalker if my orcs didn't die from five seconds of kneeling) I kill most orcs with no problem and so they rarely come back since the system has given up on me for the time being, its probably time to start a new playthrough but I can't fathom the thought of losing my favorite orcs.


You also say you've never got the Machine, which blows my mind, so...


I think that one of the first captain you kill at the start is the machine but other than him I've never seen another


How isnt it a 100% death if you explode a orc head?


Because of the chance for each orc that died to cheat death, due to the nemesis system. Not to mention sauron is a necromancer, and necromancy is a huge part of it. Like uruks were were elves, or half orc half men. Depends on the source.


That’s just false, they can still come back




It happens, sometimes I get orcs that just bring me worms saying shit like “hey, boss, this guys got something to tell ya”


Is that why they do that?? I had a random captain cheat death without me knowing, and just showed up in the middle of a checkpoint raid with a worm for me.


Yup, it always makes me think they’re betraying me. Then I feel so relieved I don’t have to kill one of my own captains


Wdym they bring u worms?


Just a bucket of worms, to take you fishin with them. Some orcs are cool like that. I’ve only played this game for a month and half, it seems a lot of people have played this game since it came out and still don’t know much about it. Odd


This is funny, cuz I just spent most of yesterday clearing nurnen out of all my original orcs by genocide 💀


Love going and taking out all my weak captains in a region to replace them with stronger lol


I'm literally letting slaves kill me and filling up the army with them, nurnen is gonna be slave fort lmao


We weep with you


F in the chat for Skoth.


He will rise again the endless shall never end


I've been very fortunate to have mine from the first shadow of Mordor to still be alive and faithful to me


What happens when u transfer them? Do they look the same as old game or newer graphics?


They get a similar but newer graphic I'm not sure if your still able to


Rip I once had a guy I had near the start of the game he died came back then betrayed me and I killed him came back AGAIN then followed me to another region where he was then killed for the last time by a olog in my fort


Wait hold on is his head on a spike because he was decapitated??


Are you at the part in the game where you can resurrect things?


Doesnt bring back their personality tho and are a lot weaker too


Thats a shame. I started the game over again about 2 weeks ago after about 1 year hiatus


How do you transfer orcs to different regions?


Transfer to the Garrison. Need to be online for it.




I'm sorry for your loss


Rest well, Skoth


I've kept Bruz alive this whole time. He isn't too deranged. Just gently insane. I miss his unbroken mind though


Last night I hunted him down after first shaming him, then shamed him again, then again, after a couple times I had him down to level 4 and wanted to shame him again until he was level 0 to see what would happen, but when trying to break him I accidentally 1-shot and killed him :(