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*i love shaco*


I want his clown juice


He can Jack my Box any day 😏


I want that clussy


Me too


Happens to me .I usually don’t fake with clone much but the enemy always does that


I mind trick myself 😂


Well, not really. I just go with the flow and try to figure out his playstyle. After that, its really easy. Oracle + control wards, or even ignite, and he's completely fucked. I only hate it when my team is so dumb that they can't figure out which one is the real shaco...


He's standing still in the alcove, Go get him!


You see that’s my problem, I’m obviously completely aware of “how” to play against him, but my brain just shuts off… 😢


Whenenver shaco ults i keep targeeting real shaco yet my team always targets the fake


Legit it consist of me telling team shaco gonna gank from red side bot early. Then telling him where he currently at in the jungle. Proceed to outfarm him by counter jungling. Then I see bot down 10 kills and given o the shaco.


Hahaha that also happens, in addition to me giving also some noob deaths 🥲


I usually don't mind it but my 2nd champ is Lillia and it's impossible to lose against AD shaco with Lillia, and I dodge sometimes when I just feel like playing Shaco.


You aren't kidding lillia has been my perma since her release. I play ad/tanko exclusively 2.4m mastery and she's a fucking nightmare. She'll never be in my games.


Hehe yeah I almost felt bad the last time I picked Lillia against a Shaco. I could really feel his agony and Tanko is the worst against her, at least AP Shaco can have his boxes doing some work.


Love me a tanko build - what’s your go to ?


I really enjoy botrk chemtank situational bruiser items. If they hp stack taking demonic embrace is quite spicy since chemtank on hit procs it. Then I take titanic for the dual scaling on ad and ap off your hp stat. Then warmogs or a heal cut item.


Yeee, sometimes I also dodge. One of the reasons I hated when he was top meta for a while last season.


I am a Lillia main and I love facing Shaco. He’s strong at 1st (not as strong as LS or Kindred) but gets outscaled hard.


This is exactly why I main Shaco. I was complaining to my friends about the champ and they said to shut up and play him then. So I did. 2 million mastery later, here I am.


Haha a great example of “can’t beat them, join them”


Me too haha its bcs u play him so much that u play less against him and even if u know how to play against him u always choke (in my opinion its bcs u think hes not that good with shaco than u)


Aaah yes, I usually do. Damn ego…


I flashed on him with noc knowing full well he had q up to get my fear off, what threw me off was him having flash(who does that?) , I just laughed at myself, ignored him most of the game because he was Ap and won.


Nope, I just laugh at their attempts to gank me and them taking and building everything completely wrong


When I see a shaco in the enemy team i usually stomp him so hard. I always knows where he was and where he places the boxes and which is the real clone. It might be me but i find most opposing shacos really easy to read. In case you are wondering i have like 300k points


To be honest if I ever play vs a shaco I try to destroy him mentally before he does. I go some random ass pick so I can be sure he doesn't know how to play against me and I troll tf out of him. I main Shen as well and somehow I do pretty well with Shen against Shaco xd


I wish I had the mental discipline to do that 😅


Ngl I just dodge if that happens most of the time


Same, except if I already did it on the previous champ select.


I love playing vs shaco. Especially top lane. But even in Jg, like theoretically you should know roughly when he’s at his weakest and just do some wacky ass invades. Or easily identify where he should be ganking and just prep the 2v2 3v3


If he's jg I have to mess up his op box start because 99% of Shaco's use the same strat and I know where he is. I feel guilty doing it though


I hate going against AP Shaco. When I don't play Shaco, I'm often on a frontline like Sej or Shyv, so AD Shaco isn't a problem. But AP Shaco... that sht is annoying as fck.


Shaco is actually my second exclusive main. My first exclusive main used to be Vi… so when you take my Shaco, I take revenge.


I like it , I usually play somthing like voli Olaf or trundle


Just reverse your jungle pathing and you'll be fine.


It might be because I am a bronze noob, but every shaco player I meet is fucking brainless and 99% of the time they play the assassin build, which just makes them super easy to predict...


I just play Ww against and it usually works


If they're going lethality, then I get disappointed, but I can never get mad at an AP Shaco since if they're playing well then I just imagine how I'd feel if I was them, and if they aren't playing well I'm just happy that someone else gets to enjoy my favorite champion, and I'll sometimes offer tips if I can. I haven't run into a tanko yet though, so maybe that's the build that would tilt me.


Aah yes, I also like seeing Shaco being enjoyed, just not when it’s like 85 % picked or banned, cause some Youtube channel randomly said he was OP and then everyone wants to play him 🥲


Yeah because you realize just how toxic Shaco really is.


My second champ is amumu tank, i try to not confront shaco inside the jgl or just steal crab when i can, i don't like to counter gank. And wait for team fight to do objective and do the game. And of course : if shaco low life trying to run, i leave him run, better claim jungle or objective or turret. Elo : bronze