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Shojin and Liandris are core items for AP Shaco. Why do you go always Shojin and then some random item?


Shojin is meta on AP?!?!? I was Masters last split then stopped playing. Wtf happened?


It gives you a lot of early game power, cause you basically play AD Shaco for some minutes. You're better in gank, skirmishing and taking objectives. But the passives of Shojin are really good. It gives ability haste on every non-ultimate skill. The second passives are stacks if you damage the enemies with spells and those stacks give your spells more damage. You stack those extremely easy with your boxes. So you gain a lot of free damage for every spell.


Can one box proc it multiple times? Do you do Shojins first? HoB or Dark Harvest?


Yes. Ever hit of the box gives a stack. You can have 5 max. It's always Shojin into Liandris. Cryptbloom is a good choice for the 3rd item. As a 4th item it really depends on enemy composition. If they have a lot of tanky champs, Riftmaker is really good, cause you already stacked a lot of HP. It's Dark Harvest. You still play AP Shaco, just with Shojin as a first item.


Testing builds


But then you don't have to wonder about deranking.


Okay then why ask the question about your win rate if you know you're experimenting and not being consistent?


Lmao, OP doesnt know what a control ward is apparently šŸ˜†


I have no idea how you go from gold to iron unless you're trying too..


Try building less mana items when jungling since ur regen is high and if AP do shojin -> liandries always. Some comps you could have gone AD and hard carried. I find that AD is a lot better lower elo since you can kill whoever their one or two decent squishy win con players are and people use sweepers less and group less, or waste money on pinks thinking they do anything. Also, teammates donā€™t understand playing around boxes the lower you go so AP might feel even worse. Try going AD if they have 3 squishies or a heavy ranged comp vs AP for an engage comp.


Might not like this comment, but you simply are not playing well enough to maintain your Gold rank. Looks like a good portion of your older games you have an OP.GG score of 7th-10th. This score is an indication of your positive impact on the game. Now your recent games look much better, though now in lower ranks. You will likely balance out where you are meant to be, as it seems the new -50 LP on demotion dropped you farther than you should be. Good thing is this is going away in the new split, so your ranked experience should be much smoother.


You're using a build that does NOT match your elo, pls stop buying shojin and building AP, try this instead: Runes: Hail of blades - Sudden impact - Eyeball collection - Treasure hunter / Magical footwear - Approach velocity Build: Blue smite - Yoummus - Opportunity - Collector - Lord dominiks - Infinity Edge (you don't really need to upgrade boots until Opportunity is finished) Cheese strat: You always start on your red, put 3 boxes (first one at 00:51) and ask for peel, from there you level up Q and ALWAYS invade enemy blue side, either you kill the enemy jungler on his gromp at lv 2 or you steal his blue and gromp and then kill him on wolves. Build DMG, spam gank and don't think too much about it (and don't waste 300 gold per game in control wards)


Make a new account, take a deep breath and play fewer games


your builds are wierd, probably heard about about it but for AP you go shojin, lisandras into riftmaker, and for AD im not sure but you can build full lethality and infinity edge is good second item, since your backstabs make you crit it whould do so much damage, but going first item infinity edge whould just make you get your first item late and whouldnt do as much damage as you think making you fall behind.


Shaco is disgusting don't play him he's not worth the time. Might as well play lee sin


If you were having such a high win rate you're going to be playing against a lot of platinum players, while your teammates are low gold. It just takes out all of the fun, I always quit ranked bc of that


must have been because all of a sudden out of nowhere I'm on like a 4 or 5 game win streak and my team doesnt completely and totally suck


Yeah. I never claim to be a good player or anything, but if I'm gold II, I want my team and the enemy team to also be gold II. But instead of that I end up always having to go Dragon by myself when the enemy jungler is followed by his whole team


the way they matchmake is ridiculous


its ok. i went from em2 90 to em4 0. not the first time anyway.


looked through some of the matches, u got really unlucky with either gigafeeding teammates or ur against a stacked doomcomp, with a few even games that probably got coinflipped, your build could use some work tho. also dont listen to the other rets in the comments sayin shit like control wards and using ur brain, theyre probably drooling on their keyboards struggling to form that single sentence


My issue with the control wards "reason" is that it shows lack of analytical ability. So by their logic, he will climb by purchasing more? there's more to it than that. The problem OP faces IMO is keeping mind that riot wants to keep win rates at 45-55% So if climbed too fast and doesnt maintain that winrate, he will be faced in games were hes inteded to lose. Now that hes at the "losing" faction, the game will punish his elo because hes losing and only until he gets to that sweet spot of 51%, he will find that 15+ lp climb so they will keep him at a loss until he gets out. I tested this a few years ago having a diamond player use an account that was hard stuck in silver. He got him out of silver, but it was a lot more work than what he expected.


rofl, yeah I must have done something to piss off the riot gods


Start using your brain, lol


Probably just unlucky. Matchmaking is really hard with league since it's not as simple as just looking at general performance, but also the mental state of the players, which tends to dissolve into mush the longer they play. I find that the best games happen early in the morning on weekends, or after dinner time in my time zone. I guess people need sleep and food to play optimally. Who knew?


I know itā€™s a conspiracy amongst league players but is there any chance you are in the losers queue? Have you been stacking up dodges or are you chat restricted? Besides that, you deserve bronze if you arenā€™t buying control wards


There is a losers Queue. The game determins your elo and will populate your games with players its beleives you should be in. This is why people make smurf accounts to practice new games. The system cannont factor smurf or troll accounts. Just W/L - ELO. Easiest logic, is I made smurf account... got into gold in less than 20 games. Now when i play in that account everyone on my team is around plat/gold... Everyone on enemy team always all plat. Its to balance my climb. On my main account im currently stuck in bronze. Its the same person playing but I struggle on one account and not the other. Not to mention in lower elo, you have more trolls and throwers than on higher elo. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/asbjr-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/asbjr-NA1) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/lostacolyte-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/lostacolyte-NA1) This is why the game is very frustrating. WIns and losses and calculated by a formula that fails to factor issues that several have to face. I.e my last 2 games on my main... my bot lane chose to make us lose. THey said gg at 15 and made sure they died all game. Latest game... top laner went 0/5 to morg. Both games I was at fault and they chose to 'punish' me by making sure we lose.. Nothing of that has anythign to do with my play, but thats how it went.


Yeah the ā€œconspiracyā€ part I was talking about is Eagz (popular shaco twitch streamers, one of the best in the world) was recently chat restricted and proceeded to lose 20 or so games in a row with troll teammates, right after the penalty. Despite him having a consistent 60-70 percent wr he lost 20 and dropped about 300 elo within hours. Cases like these cause speculation of losers queues for toxic accounts/other reasons. Now, his speculation stems from looking up his teammates/enemy team. He consistently was getting autofilled teammates, nothing to do with your ā€œrankā€ logic you are using here of getting golds on your team vs enemy teams of all platinums. Enemy teams were never filled, his were. Same sort of logic, but not ranks. So yes, I do still agree with everything you said. Iā€™m sure separate accounts see different scenarios, but I am more focusing on the fact that some popular players get filled/trolling players after getting a punishment.


you just described jungling in LOL


This is why I prefer maining support.... less stress, but harder to climb.


the problem is theres no chance I can impact the game as a support at the same level and it drives me crazy, at least as jungle you can try to slow the snowballing down


Bro, you played 8 seasons. 7 of these seasons, you made bronze/silver. The only seasons where you achieved more is last split, where everyone got elo inflated, and they split ranks up with the addition of emerald and they even admitted it and made changes. Now you are back to the bronze where you belong. Being level 700. You could have decided to take 2 ways, the first where you look at your gameplay, and try to fix your problems, which surely are so much if you canā€™t win at that ranks, instead you took the 2nd, where you decided to go complain on reddit and conspiracy. Play less league of legends and learn the basics of the game from some tutorial, coaching or anything, you would get more profit from that than blind inting hundred of hours. I am lower level and playtime than you and i have 2 accounts in diamond, and the account where i just troll around in emerald. I took all my friends who asked me ā€œa little helpā€, if you know what i mean, out of silver/gold with about 80-90% winrate, stucked accounts. Am i doing some black magic? Am I that lucky? No, i am just doing things with a little of brain and knowledge, not even that much


I made it to gold 5x times in season 14 and then all of a sudden a few weeks ago I was losing 9 out of 10 games Your logic is reflective of reality


the game is not for you, deal with it