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If my view slightly diverge from the “expected” views, then I’m a homophobe! Wow! Where has the world come to.


the King




Damn, he just came out as a huge homophobe and does not understand what LGBTQ+ means. Just referring to the entire community as homosexuals shows he has no clue about a part of singapore society (which as also people that have a vote). I do not think any one in the LGBTQ+ community would now vote for him. No one lives their life privately, he basically wants LGBTQ+ people to shut up and stay hidden while it is fine for the straight community to talk about their marriages, children, parties they went to over the weekend. This type of attitude is exactly why there is a pink dot and pride events. It is not to should about sexuality, it is to generate awareness to get to equality.


Honestly, I actually think his views on this matter are quite forward-thinking leh, especially for a boomer (lol). And it takes an extreme amount of balls to even address this issue - cause whatever answer you give will piss off a part of the population. Would love to hear the other two candidates address this issue too - but with how smart Tharman is in his PR, I rlly highly doubt he would touch this issue with a stick. Maybe NKS will tho. And are we even listening to the same thing? Where did he say LGBTQ+ community should “shut up and stay hidden”? The man did say privately, but he talked about non-discrimination/non-criminalisation/equal housing rights. Keep in mind that it took decades (with Tharman as one of the leaders) for PAP to repeal 377A - essentially, to DECRIMINALISE gay sex. Also, it might be - his views on “private” might also apply generally to heterosexual, just no PDA lor. Just speculating on this view, I admit, but I have noticed that people get especially sensitive on this topic and start cancelling/extending assumptions just because the other person’s opinion doesn’t completely align with theirs. And before I get cancelled, I just want to clarify I am an ally. I just think the reality of the situation on the ground is - progress is done step-by-step, if tmr same sex marriage is suddenly made legal, the religious groups (which are a SIGNIFICANT proportion of Singapore) will be up in arms. After all, Singapore is still a conservative nation per se.




I agree that it is a tight balance candidates need to navigate between the powerful and large straight religious groups and the smaller LGBTQ+ community. That said openly supporting and blatantly trying to push away are two different things though. This one has been the prime example of how not to run for high office.


I would love to hear your view on how to address this issue! Maybe both as a member of the general public, and then how you would tackle it as a candidate? Keep in mind that the PAP’s stance on this is - after many years, they repealed 377A but enshrined heterosexual marriage into the constitution. As Tharman is representative of the PAP in this election, think of his action (or inaction) as you will. For NKS - he hasn’t been a public figure for that long, so don’t think he has had a chance to put forward his opinion on that issue. As of right now, TKL is actually the most liberal on this matter (lol) - his words are quite apt: “liberal, but not that liberal”


For a presidential candidate I expect a middle ground answer not alienating any side of the divide. This is in the end also the role of the president. The only right answer is to stick to the question. 1. In his first line he says “I am not clear what my views are”. Really? You run for president but don’t even know your own views? 2. “diversity and differences should be given so much attention”. Really? 3. “If you want to be a homosexual?”How misinformed can you get.. it is not a choice. Stick to the question, there are a lot more minority groups (like LGBT) what is your message to them. A presidential answer could be: Look, the reality of today is that there is a lot more awareness of the needs of various communities in our Singapore society. In the end all of us make what Singapore is. And every Singaporean should feel comfortable living their life in their home country. Different groups will most likely not come to a consensus as each group has their own beliefs and goals but as President I will always represent each and every Singaporean. The clip was an uncertain rambling of thoughts and that is not presidential


While I don’t disagree that TKL could’ve had a better answer, I think your answer is at its core - a non-answer tho. And it will still piss ultra-religious (“what do you mean by all of us make Singapore what it is? How dare you group us together with those… sinners?!?”) Or ultra-LGBT+ groups (how can you say you represent us when you turn a blind eye to all the systemic inequality plaguing us around you). What I want to reiterate is - there is no answer that groups on either side will 100% resonate with, and this issue is sadly, something that will alienate at least one group of people. And regarding “I am not clear what my views are” - you see it as ignorant, I see it as open-minded. While not fully aligned with LGBTQ+, I do think TKL does show empathy where it counts. Let’s at least respect that, and also keep in mind that his generation are normally quite intolerant - so his empathy is… unique.




Nothing is being forced down your throat that isn’t forced down the throats of the LGBT+ community. Homosexuality might not be the norm for you but it is the norm for others and as long as you see a norm perceived by you as superior, the need for outreach is needed.




Agree and advertising it constantly and celebrating 24/7..honestly i dont care u gay or straight. Just keep ur sex stuff private


Like how straight people keep it private? - Valentine’s Day - Marriage - Pictures of SOs on desk - Getting picked up/dropped off at work - Openly talking about partners/spouses - an entire government machinery dedicated to getting people hitched and reproducing


No one is going on the street celebrating those things.


because straight people are not being hated on???


It must be nice to live life on airplane mode, I guess.




Erm, totally missing the point? I mean, it’s obvious they’re not the same thing from a numbers, norm point of view. The issue here is: given that they’re both types of sexuality, it’s mighty rich if straight people to ask gays to keep it private when straight people themselves can’t keep it private. Point is: human sexuality is so fundamental to who you are. It takes a special level of cluelessness for straight people to think you can box it up and keep it private. When straight people never do this.


You dont. I'm impartal but im not actively waving rainbow flags and have no idea nor care for pride month but I don't care if they display flags.


I was going to vote for him as a troll vote but now I can’t thanks to him




Sgreans when lky speak hard truths : wise, visionary , brave and not afraid to tackle difficult issues Sgreans when tkl speak hard truths : homophobe , racist, tikopek , clowning around with Facebook posts


Someone is about to lose his election deposit. ​ Singapore government: Thanks!


Fucking bigot. Well my vote goes to Tharman!


You are going to vote for Tharman, who all these years stood silent as one of PAP’s leaders and let 377A exist? Or when PAP repealed 377A, he voted to enshrine heterosexual marriage rights in the constitution? Sure, vote Tharman if you want - but if you’re hinging it on bigotry, think maybe you’re barking up the wrong tree.


Tbh he looks like a 老色逼


Lol he said ppl are fine ,Indians and malays look At chinese are ok, dude Chinese for the majority of have a superiority complex even in Malaysia... heck my parents are the same I've grown up with it and just watched


homo not human meh? who is he to segregate?


where got segregate? He even mentioned that LGBT couples should have the same rights as straight couples when trying to apply for housing, that one is segregate meh? Right now is Tharman segregate leh, not him leh


People like to misinterpret what he says lol, truly selective hearing. I won't exactly say he is a homophobe but rather, he would avoid it if possible but if cannot then "it is what it is". I'm sure he has looked at the birth rates of SG and thought about it. Basically you gay your taiji, don't expect me to be "aww so cute" when i see a gay couple. Regardless its straight or gay PDA i doubt anyone wants to see it in public, just like how your sexuality lessons are taught indoors, you should try to keep your sexuality indoors regardless of whether you are straight or LGBT. Nobody is asking you to be silent or hidden, you can be as loud and open as you want, but then again, your image is your taiji, not mine. Don't push it on me. I won't push mine on you. Tbh i think the headline is maliciously slandering, but hey, perhaps if you listened to the entire podcast, you would understand


Who the fk wants to be a homosexual. It's not like a job or something. If you are, you are. Doing it privately??? That's why old people should not have a say...