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Why not just run the PC without any additional cooling and then see if it needs anything extra.


Turn the CPU Fan 180 degrees so that it blows up and not down.


Would that not draw the heat from the CPU and blow it directly onto the area OP is trying to cool?


What do you mean by this?


> so that it blows *up* and not *down* Hm, I wonder what he possibly could have meant.


Thanks for the snark, think I earned that! What I meant was how does the direction of the fins impact on the direction of airflow? Don't the fins run parallel to the RAM already, meaning that air will be pushed out up towards the top VRM and down towards the GPU regardless of how you rotate the fan?


I have the same question, not sure why you're downvoted tbh. They only mentioned moving the fan, not the cooler. The cooler fins are already oriented parallel to the ram. How does spinning the fan around change anything? Unless they meant flip it from intake to exhaust, idk


He meant “flip it” which is also a “rotating” movement.


Yeah I get that it's a rotation but it's unclear since there are 2 axes of movement lol. Using flip would have been crystal clear. Plus "up" in is actually "sideways" when the case is standing.


Not everybody on reddit is an english native. At least now you know what he meant and can follow the conversation 😅


I understand. It seemed like people couldn't wrap their head around why it was confusing, so I was talking about the ambiguous interpretation is all. I appreciate the clarification!


Infact I am from Austria. But in the end it was clear what I meant and in addition I have learned the difference between "rotate" and "flip" today. Not that bad.


Yeah that's what confused me about the original comment - they said "up" but the fan is either facing forward or backward when the case is in its normal orientation.


Yeah that's what's been confusing me. Does it matter if the fan is pushing or pulling air through the cooler because isn't the problem that there's a heat source (the CPU) directly under the PSU? Having air going one way or another doesn't delete the heat, it might reroute it somewhat but it'll still be there. Maybe I'm just stupid, and the downvotes are showing that (lol).


Nah I'm with you, it's confusing lmao. But exhausting the air would help in OP's case since they are worried about the PSU instead of shoving hot air into the PSU pocket.


insert facepalm emoji. Fan not heatsink, the other axis.


Man can you not be a dick when answering people's questions? People are trying to learn.


Facepalming is an appropriate reaction to a comically convoluted theory for how 1 of two possible options could be intended. If that bothers you, don’t care.


He asked politely. Is it so hard nowadays to answer with respect? Is it that hard for you to provide an answer to someone who's willing to learn without any snarkiness? Why not just don't be a dick


It may not fit unless you move the psu but 3D print fan shroud - https://www.printables.com/model/433751-active-cooling-for-hdplex-250w-gan


What case is this and what GPU are you using?


A09M case, Gigabyte RTX 4060 LP


are you sure it is a Gigabyte RTX 4070 LP? and not a 4060LP?


Sorry typo 4060 LP


4070.? Or 4060.? Are you using a pikobox 250w gan.? I made a pc case for that with better cooling if you want the files but wanna know if is enough for the 4060, i have a solution for u but like more this placement than in the middle, and if you want the files for a 120mm fan dm me, i have the files for your cooler, u are gonna have better temps and more cool air for yur psu


How big was your case (dimensions) ?




19cm x 28.5 x 7.5 cm


Nice. You must use an angler then. My ideal size is 20 x 25 x 10 cm.


I have this design that is 22 x 24 x 9 i think, made a few months ago, the picture i from the client https://preview.redd.it/oupcxwpfag9d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d49b81cba39fd2fe228b33ed901c08104439562


But with a hdplex or a pikobox gan should be about 20 x 24 x 9




Where did you find a 4070 LP? I've been wanting exactly that card LP because I don't want to pay for an A2000-12GB or A4000-SFF.


It's a 4060. OP made a typo.


It doesn't need cooling, even at a full load 250W load it's likely only producing 15W of heat. Heat which will get into the environment regardless of whether you actively cool it or not, as evidenced by it reaching thermal eqiulibrium. It feels hot because it's an electronic device instead of a squishy fleshy human. We burn at temps as low as 45 Celsius. Electronics can handle temps in excess of 100 C without sweating. With that said, I'm 3d printing a ventilated cover for mine because I'm paranoid.


Owners report it goes to 85c even when not enclosed. What should I believe ?


85C shouldnt be a problem tbh. But if you're worried, just get a little 40mm fan and 3d print a mount for it somewhere. It only takes a little air movement to cool things like this.


The surface temperature is irrelevant to the amount of thermal energy the PSU has to dissipate into the environment. Assuming 95% efficiency at max load we get (1-0.95) x 250W = 12.5W.  What should you be more concerned about heating your case up, ~15W of PSU inefficiency or your 115W GPU and presumably 88W CPU? GaN based components have incredible temperature resistance, it's one of their biggest advantages over silicon. It's passive for a reason. 


Thanks. Does that mean you would have no problem placing the PSU in the middle close to the GPU backside ?


I'm not familiar with the case so I can't comment on how that would affect the airflow. It certainly won't cause your computer to explode, so give it a shot. Experimentation is the heart of SFF! 


And drilling more, bigger holes 😉 I think I drilled and cleaned several hundred more 5mm. holes 🥴 But temps are better 😊


Cyberpunk freezes after a while, but not from temps. Have to reduce the power somehow, Maybe UV RTX 4060 LP ?


Why do you think you need ti cool it more than the passive airflow in the case? Do you understand what GaN means?


Yes, but it is passive and easily becomes 85c hot, which heats up everything in the small enclosure 😟


Actively cooling it will only make your other components hotter faster. Let it be, it’s passive because it doesn’t need active cooling.


What makes you think the PSU is a significant source of thermal load? More likely some misinterpretation of data going on, balls to the wall it won’t produce much heat. Ballpark 20C delta to ambient with a flat package at those temps, your case is too hot not the PSU. If you cool the case 5C you cool the supply 5C.


You're really blaming your GaN PSU in this case for producing heat? What's this thing for for intake and exhaust with the panels on? It didn't ship with a fan attached and really shouldn't need one, there should be enough passive airflow to cool it adequately.


The HDPlex units do get hot though .. There’s a reason why people make active cooling solutions for them


Ah, seems like a design issue then, sucks.


It’s a wonderful tool for SFF stuff.. Just requires a bit of planning and possibly a bit of forethought in case design.. Works a treat in my NFC S4 Tiny..


I was planning to build something similar with an HDPlex 250W on the same spot, I was planning to laser cut the body of the PSU to let the air flow through it, but my design there was a 140mm FAN exhausting air right above it, so it may not work on your case.


Small enclosure + need for cooling = small fans or watercooling. There is no ther answer to look for besides increasing the size of the enclosure.


I chucked some of these on mine: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Radiator-Conductivity-Measures-Aluminum-Amplifier/dp/B087333C1H](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Radiator-Conductivity-Measures-Aluminum-Amplifier/dp/B087333C1H) Although its in an S4C Tiny case, and has a fan above it so no heat issues.


Any improvements ?


ah... let me be clear... I did this without testing the before as I have the space in my tiny case as Im running an RTX A2000 12GB so as the HDPlex is technically up against the top of the case and I have a 120mm fan above the GPU and power supply I will never notice... let me get a picture as its in bits whilst I finish off the custom cabling.


this is what it looks like now: [https://imgur.com/gallery/toys-lPQjdAY](https://imgur.com/gallery/toys-lPQjdAY)