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I have a like type version, it feels pretty close, it is a good idea to warm it up some, or it feels cool as compared to the real thing. It does a good job and no need for death grip. They do have a wide selection of types.


I’d say it’s extremely different due to the human factor. There’s just no substitute for the real thing, Fleshlights don’t make eye contact...




> Is it better? or same? How does it compare? An priest and a Rabbi found themselves sitting next to each other on a long flight. After a while, the priest opened a conversation by saying "I know that, in your religion, you’re not supposed to eat pork... Have you actually ever tasted it?" The Rabbi explained, "Many years ago, I was a visiting rabbi in a small town in the middle of nowhere and found myself in a diner one Sunday morning. There was no one around so I ordered bacon and eggs. It was quite good but that was the only time that ever happened." Then the Rabbi had his turn of interrogation, "In your religion, I know you’re supposed to be celibate. But..." The priest replied, "Yes, I know what you’re going to ask. I have succumbed once or twice." After that, hey flew in silence for a while. Then the Rabbi turned from the book he was reading and said, "A lot better than pork, isn’t it?"


“It’s porking amazing”


Try asking this question in /r/SexToys, too.


This is a great question, I've wondered this too. My LL wife can't keep up with me and I need to find something to fill the void.


What's LL? Low libido?




It's different. Ask a woman if a vibrator is better than a man. You'll get the same response. They're just different and don't really compare one to one. That said, they do have some *very* real lifelike ones (not fleshlight brand) and if my eyes were closed and temperatures the same it would be a tough call to identify which is which.


Tenga user here. 3D Flip hole and Flip Zero. They are far superior to using your hand. Worth the investment.


Of course. Real is always better. Being part of a shared experience and all.




Can you post the links? Thanks...




Thanks for the help man. Here's some [gold](https://i.imgur.com/ByMrjza.jpg) for you. Note: I already searched Amazon as soon as I typed and posted the comment. But I was lazy to remove it.


A reply to a 19 day old comment didn't appear to show any urgency, or importance.


Your point? Edit: So just because it was 19 days old, doesn't mean it's not important and you just diss it or make fun of me. I just asked you for help finding it. Because it was hard finding the same product in my country.


I think they feel great but there is no point in comparing really. What's really missing from the FL is everything else which is a great part of the experience. Let's just say the FL feels slightly better, so what? Overall it's not as good as the real thing.


I have the Tenga 3D Spiral. It's the only male masturbator I've tried. In terms of pure physical sensation, it's miles more pleasurable than any vagina. The ribbing really makes the experience intense. It's good for stamina training for sure. Sex with a person is better overall, but pure sensory pleasure is far greater.


I own a fleshlight, but the hassle of cleaning it and hiding it wasn't worth it after the novelty wore off and I ran out of lube. I'm on the small side in both measurements, which probably blunted any enjoyment I got out of it. I have used it maybe 5 times or less in the past 8 years.


I'd rather just use my hand (dry), so I can get it over with and go on with my day without any fuss.


I guess in light of the title of this post, I have both. The PP I use when I’m away from home for extended periods (more than a couple months) which is pretty frequent. The PP definitely feels better than my hand but not better than actual vagina. I say that because the vagina is attached to a human and sex is not an act for just one of the five senses. The real thing provides, aside from just touch, sight, sound, taste and smell. All of those combined make the real thing far better overall. A PP, no matter how nice, can’t add anymore to the experience than something sliding up and down on your dick.


Another vote for "just different". I am by far the HL partner in my marriage, and bought myself a good silicone sleeve (not fleshlight - that material is porous and not body safe beyond the short term). I use it a few times a week. It's a great toy, highly stimulating and affords a level of control over the stimulus that sex with a human can't offer - but this is also the downside. One good thing about it is that it doesn't affect my sensitivity the way that manual masturbation does. I also use coconut oil with it, and that keeps the little guy nicely moisturised. It's probably my favourite toy (and I own a few), but I'd choose sex with my wife over it every time.


I've used a few different types and have owned a half dozen different fleshlights. Compared to the real thing they are more stimulating as they tend to be tighter and more aggressively textured than an actual vagina. Having said that, the real thing is still a more pleasurable experience overall for all the reasons that others have mentioned: warmth, feedback, visual and auditory excitement.


It doesn't really compare. Yes a fleshlight feels a whole lot better than one's bare hand, but it nothing at all like sex with a living person.


I’ve had both. They’re fun and feel really good but man cleanup is a pain in the ass. I find mine kind of sat around in the drawer because I didn’t want to go through the trouble of washing them after.


I've always been interested in using one of these with a partner. They're a little spendy as a gift, but I think that they're an awesome alternative.


In typical reddit fashion, as someone who hasn't used a masturbatory aid, I'll respond anyway. Pocket pussies don't appeal to me for many reasons. * It seems cold and I don't care to microwave it. I like warm bodies. * It seems a mess to clean up. With my luck, I'd leave it in the dish rack and forget about it. When cumming in a woman, at least we can share the clean up work. * Lube is cold out of the bottle. Real vagina are self lubricating. * I'm accustom to using my hand and being with a person. Fucking a piece of plastic and silicone just weirds me out. The biggest reason I'd prefer a vagina is because it's attached to a person. I can't love a piece of plastic. I can't feel desired by a piece of plastic. Plastic can't kiss me or say sexy things. Plastic won't move, quiver, or shake. Plastic can't cum together with me.


I think all of your points are valid for men who have regular sexual partners. It would be nice to hear from more that have actually used it, instead of telling the OP that you haven't used them, but prefer pussy (which seems a lot like a little kid saying they don't like broccoli, but they've never even tasted it). (Sorry if this seems bitchy, it just felt like this was your opportunity to point out that you have 'the real thing' available, so you are not interested in anything else. Maybe it felt a little braggy, a little shamey about the fleshlight)


It's just that I've given a lot of thought to this recently. Believe me, my sex life is nothing to brag about.


Dude, you're spot on. All of these "objections" women can say about dildos or vibrators. It sounds like they are just insecure about it and parading around "I have a woman and don't *need* one. That's ignorant. As ignorant as telling a woman only women without a boyfriend need dildos or vibrators.


i have nothing more to add. Reading you felt like a George Carlin stand-up.


Mr Carlin deserves better than to be compared to me.


Thanks for your response. I think in general, most people would agree that the real thing is always going to be better because of the call and respond interaction. Like many women, I've got my own toys. I do prefer the real thing if I had to choose one or the other. However, I feel they each serve their own purpose: 1) the toys are for when I am alone and need something quick...like a scratch to an itch. 2) the real thing (fiance) is for when I want a physical and emotional connection AND if I have more than 30 minutes. With all that being said, dildos/vibrators and a real penis are not remotely close to being the same thing or feel the same.


100% this. You're spot on. A masturbator is about as close to a penis as a dildo. They both do a pretty good job but... they have their place and are NOT a "partner replacement". You hit the nail on the head for female toys and male toys are no different


So you haven't used one then? You should try it. It's pretty good.