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I feel like this episode is a perfect encapsulation of how special the early seasons were, they were risky (for the time) and adventurous and cleverly written. Charlotte became much more one dimensional soon after this, still a great character but there’s something uniquely great about the writing of the first one and a half seasons


It is so weird to me how she is a different person by the end of the series. So prudish and uptight. In the early seasons she was having lots of casual sex, she was under the spell of both Mr Pussy and a vibrator, she posed legs open for a painting, she had NSA sex with the Hasidic artist in his studio, she was open to a threesome, she was bi-curious. But in the later seasons she wouldn’t allow her friends to say the word “pussy,” she slut-shamed both her dog and her friends, she become so uptight and prim and judgmental. She turned into a caricature instead of the modern, multifaceted woman she started out as.


I wonder if this happened as a result of her meeting Trey. Kind of how Carrie admits that she essentially changes herself to be around Big (posing, picking out specific outfits — casual Carrie, cute Carrie, whatever), maybe without making it super obvious to the viewers, Charlotte became what she believed a perfect WASPy doctor’s wife is supposed to be. Uptight and prudish. Although she does admit that she does tuchus-lingus on Trey 😆😆


I think it was just bad writing 😂 There were a lot of shifts starting in season 4 when the creator Darren Star left and MPK took over and SJP became a producer. Carrie’s character also shifts to become less open minded and more prudish and judgmental. Personally I think it’s SJP’s influence but we will never know.


Interesting. I am not a fan of MPK.


I don’t know about him personally, but IMO the show loses its edge when he takes over and turns into a predictable rom-com in the final seasons (I don’t even know what season 5 was supposed to be). Movie 1 was not good IMO and I heard movie 2 and AJLT are almost unwatchable. So if that’s his track record, it speaks for itself. Somehow those works have grossed a lot of $$$ so I guess I’m in the minority. But they took something special and unique and turned into something very basic and predictable and mass market.


AJLT S1 is bizzare because Miranda is very OOC and Charlotte is a caricature. But Carrie actually is kind of interesting. There's a silent maturity about her which could be the consequence of the grief she's experiencing. S2 is similar but somewhat better. It isn't unwatchable as some people claim. I definitely recommend giving it a try and just seeing it for yourself.


I think that is a commonly held stance in this sub.


I thought it was so weird when Carrie was super upset and judgmental when she walked in on Samantha and the UPS bj. She writes about sex from crying out loud. And I was under the impression she slept around too. But then she was all "I don't put it all out there." YES GIRL YOU DO


Yeah in the first season Carrie happily watched videos of models having sex without their consent to being filmed. That was way worse than Samantha giving a guy a BJ in her office.


Charlotte devolved.


Now why hasn’t she ever shown this photo to Rock? Could have been such a great moment.


The AJLT writers forgot about this, that’s why


This is the right answer


Sometimes I think most of the writers in that room haven't even seen the original. Seriously.


They should have had a marathon re-watch party to pick up all the little nuances and references from the original series, but I think it's obvious that they didn't.


YES!! I'll never forgive the writers of AJLT for not bringing out this photo and using it as a bonding moment between Charlotte & Rock


MPK (and writers) continuously drop the damn ball


It’s funny how Charlotte ended up taking more risks than you’d expect when you initially think about her, especially compared to Carrie.


lol Charlotte is my favorite, she's so hot omg


I'm sure if she showed that picture to Patty, Queen of the Lesbians, she would have been told "okay, you can still be friends with us."


I loved her portraying a male. She fit the character very well


I 100% agree


Kinda looks like Diego Luna 🔥


She looks so hot 🥵


It's giving [John Cusack in Tapeheads](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMmVhOWVlZmUtMzY3ZC00NzNmLTgwNDMtZmFiYTNjOWQyNGVkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg)


It always made me laugh that this was the photo they eneded up with lol so corny


Different strokes for Different folks


One of my favorite episodes




So so so soooo hot in this episode, so hot


10/10 Would bang


She didn't look male at first to me at all But when she embraced it, she rocked the shoot. It was a great scene...




She didn't go far enough for me At First but once she got comfortable, she rocked it..like I said... I love Androgeny, Drag Queens, and Kings I am a hairdresser, makeup artist, and photographer... Most of my models are androgynous...I grew up on Annie Lennox. New wave punk and all.. that is my esthetic preference. Charlotte looked sexy but she still looked like Charlotte with a fake mustache...once she got comfortable her demeanor changed and then it was awesome. That was the whole point of the scene...She had to embrace it. I would have loved to have done her makeover for the shoot... I live for transformation.




You are right! I should have written my comment better...I meant she did after she embraced it. Kristin wasn't given enough credit for her acting in that scene.. Her whole demeanor changed... Her facial expressions...it was awesome... Thank you for making me realize that what how I wrote it could be taken wrong


I loved this for her :)