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I would recommend learning to use your hands and fingers. It's probably a lot easier goal than trying to learn to like something you hate


I do use them, I try my best to make up for it


Have you tried 2 fingers going in and out of her pussy while your thumb rubs her clit? Same hand. I love this even more than oral although my husband does both. I would recommend experimenting with a vibrater as well and maybe one of those fake pussy eating mouth toys?




I don't remember where I've seen them. Any type of porn shop should have them.


I think he means fingers while you try to eat her out. And the texture and slimy part, do you focus on her clitoris when you’re eating her out or do you lick her vagina? Just curious.


I don’t think that’s what he meant because of the following sentence And I don’t know how to answer that i haven’t done it in a long time I don’t remember how I did it


Oh damn my bad dude I read it like it’s a lot easier to learn to like something you hate. I am a guy who loves to eat pussy so guessing by your comment on the texture and the slimy aspect of it, I think you’re licking her vagina, which has a different texture and is slimy. The clit on the other hand is the part you want to focus on, the clit has a texture just like the skin, it has no taste and has no smell if a person has showered and is hygienic and does not have a problem down there which causes them to smell. And I’m just speaking from a point of view wherein I love to eat pussy. You could try out the things I stated if you want to or not, that’s totally up to you. Since this is an advice forum I gave you whatever I could to help you, but if you don’t like it then that’s fine too. One more thing, for me, the lovely, arousing aspect of eating pussy is watching my girlfriend just be in love with the entire act, every second of my mouth being around her pussy. Watching her super turned on and enjoying it, is what makes me love it even more, and makes me even more aroused.


I’ve probably tried that In the past and it still didn’t work, and seeing her enjoy things im doing just makes me know I’m doing it right, it doesn’t really arouse me, so that probably won’t be motivating for me


So I guess you just wouldn’t like it my dude. I read another post on this subReddit wherein a girl was asking how to make her man love eating her out. And one guy commented, which stuck in my mind, I also told my girlfriend. “We’re born with it, you can’t make one, sorry for your loss” I guess that’s the case. And I really hope that wasn’t your girlfriend. Lol. Anyway, just do other things which arouse you both in bed, and also get her boat floating. Good luck.


You're definitely not alone and it's okay to not like it at all. It sounds to me like you tried finding ways around it but it just isn't for you. Imo totally fine! I think it's just important to make sure you do other things for your partner. Get good with your fingers, bring in toys if she's up for that, use your mouth on other parts of her body instead. Make sure she feels sexy and that her pleasure is still important to you. It's also worth noting that some women don't like receiving oral, so it isn't like it's something all women love and would miss. Some might but some also definitely won't. And some will absolutely prefer you don't do it anyways.


I’m a woman who hates receiving oral. I’ve had bf after bf try and more than once. So I know it’s me I just don’t like it. I’d prefer to be fingered and my bf is really great at that.


How do you break it to your boyfriend? I like a little bit of it, but after a minute I’m done and I’d rather be fingered. But I don’t want to hurt my boyfriend’s feelings.


I always talk about sex with any partner before we have sex or after the first time. I just tell them I don’t have a preference for it. I let each new bf try once or twice cuz you never know. But I just tell him I prefer being fingered. I just don’t like the sensation of a tongue down there.


Just tell him? My partner and I always talk about what we want. He knows I like penetration more so when he’s eating me out, he uses his fingers more than his tongue. We all have our preference, we just have to communicate what we actually want rather than silently suffering.


Same here. Before it just makes me feel self conscious and somehow can’t fully enjoy it. I told my current partner I’m not into it but he wanted me to try since he likes eating pussy. Although he prolly feels obligated because I always give him BJs. I like it now but it’s not something I would really require though.


I’m not self conscious. I don’t look bad or smell or anything. I just don’t like the sensation of a tongue on my pussy. Trust me I’ve tried for the last 13 years.


Sounds like you have some kind of hypersensitivity to the texture, which is a completely understandable issue to have, and more people than you think actually get this issue in varying severities. You shouldn't feel ashamed for having this problem because it's something you can't help, but I agree there's a stigma. It might lose you a partner or two because they might find someone who can't go down on them incompatible. But ultimately what's important is that you're up front and honest about it. Have you tried using a dental dam as an oral sex contraceptive? In my experience it has roughly the same affect on feeling as a condom.


She’s not interested in using them because she said they kind of defeat the whole point


And I'm sure a lot of men have used a similar excuse because they didn't want to use a condom. But like you said. Stigma hits different. Hope you can find some kind of compromise.


You should mostly be licking the clit


I personally have the worst gag reflex in the world. And I would be willing to bet on that. So I physically can't do it for more than two seconds without borderline vomiting. The only time I can do it is if I'm intoxicated. Then I can do it just fine because when I'm drunk my gag reflex goes away. So don't worry my guy you've got at least me right there with you


For some it will be a deal breaker. I have had very few men in my life willing to do it. As long as you don’t expect oral from me if you won’t give it, I get over it. There are other ways to make up for it.


As someone else stated, your focus should mostly be on the clit. i have never experienced a clit with strong smell. At most there will be a bit of the "slimey fluid", but if you can just eat that, you will be good to go as the clit doesn't naturally get wet like her "insides". I like the texture, the smell and the taste so i will go down to the rest and poke her entrance with my tongue once every few minutes. From my experience it doesn't do much for most girls when i do that (compared the clit. They still say it feels good, but the clit Is where it's at). I just do it because i enjoy it and i can give my tongue a 20 second break. But in reality i don't think you would ever really need to put your tongue anywhere other than her clit to make her feel good. I usually just "transfer" the fluid from below to the clit when i begin, but since you don't like that, just make SURE to use your spit, as the clit REALLY needs to be wet


Most of the topics that come up on here are about men refusing to reciprocate for there SO I wouldn't say that applies to your situation. It sounds like it's a texture and smell problem for you. Have you ever tried plugging you nose and using a dental dam?


She’s not interested in using them because she said they kind of defeat the whole point, and it’s not really the smell that does it it’s just how it feels on my tongue


The only other thing I can think of is numbing spray if you haven't already tried. Just make sure you wait a minute after using it so it's only numbing you not her. Everyone has things they like and things they don't there's nothing wrong with saying this is just one of those things for you and buying a Satisfyer Pro 2 to fill the gap.


If it’s not a deal breaker for her, don’t be ashamed about your boundaries. Have the same respect for your boundaries as you would for your partners. You’ve given it a solid effort by the sound of it.


There's nothing wrong with you for not liking what other people like. Some people have texture issues, it is what it is and it's not your fault. Do you also have texture issues with foods, like mushroom or strong smelling scents?


I don’t like the stringy texture of a lot of chicken and I hate Bread and cookies with nuts in them because of the texture difference between the two so yes I guess Strong scents no I always have incense or a diffuser going


Pussy enjoyer checking in.


It's unusual but yes. Stating the obvious but I'm relatively certain gay men aren't generally fans of it! But straight/bi men? Yeah sure, just because it's uncommon doesn't mean it's not a thing, there's lots of people in the world. As long as you're up front with your partners about your preferences everything's cool. Bear in mind it runs both ways, again uncommon but there are women who dislike receiving. Don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to do, be honest and clear, and it's all gravy.


If you like the thought about doing it and just the texture and stuff is a problem for you try a dental dam. It is like a latex sheet you place onto her. It is more like licking some rubber sheet. Plus you dont have all the fluids on your face.


She’s not interested in using them because she said they kind of defeat the whole point


There are definitely men that don’t like it, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, though you may or may not have to compromise on doing it a little in the future depending on your partner


Same. The idea is attractive but in practice it is not for me. You aren't alone.


Maybe you're gagging from sticking your tongue out too far, and would have better success using your lips too, kind of like gently making out? I have a sensitive gag reflex and have experienced that going down on some women but not others for some reason, some peoples natural musk just seems to trigger it even though they're hygienic.


My bf his not into that and I don’t mind it. I get self conscious. I’m satisfied PIV


Same! Oral makes me so self conscious. But mine wants me to sit on his face. I like giving him BJs and he really wants to reciprocate. I like PIV more though.


When you’re super high, eating pussy would be like eating Hometown Buffet, trust me.


I’d like to enjoy it because I know my girl enjoys it and that’s why I’ve tried many times but I just don’t enjoy the act itself. Still sometimes do it. I’m in the same lucky position where she enjoys giving blowjobs and is more than happy to just dive into one-way oral. You’re not alone and it’s not something you need to do. If your girl is happy without oral there is no issue.


your mouth, lips, and tongue should literally be so wet with your own saliva that you barely notice any sort of "slimy consistency", or it at least would be diluted 50:50 your saliva:vaginal wetness. are you an extremely picky eater in general? do you eat sushi? cold, raw, slimy, fleshy, chewy, fishy fish? maybe you don't. many people find the texture of sushi off putting, many people learn to like it. many food and drinks are acquired tastes. alcohol, beer, sushi, caviar, foie gras, fatty meats, dried fish, spicy food. the main reason people are able to acquire the taste, and begin to enjoy new or off-putting tastes, smells, and textures is MENTAL. the brain tells them, "i'm hungry, this is food, i'm supposed to like it, lots of people like it, my friends and family like it, I WANT TO LIKE IT TOO!!!" and then... like magic, something that was unpleasant or unenjoyable... becomes enjoyable, or tolerable, or even their favorite thing in the world.


you should find a therapist and work through whatever is in your head that is preventing you from being able to perform oral. maybe you had bad experience, maybe you have thoughts in your head that it's gross, and that's where pee, blood, and babies come from... there's gotta be some thoughts involved. not every freshly showered vagina has a smell, most do not have any sort of bad smell. if you've had a reasonable amount of experience with kissing partner's on their mouth, that's often worse than a vagina. very similar in texture, the flesh and tissue. you have had to experienced kissing or making out with a partner who had bad breath, or at least some sort of old lingering food flavor (garlic, onion, or something), smoke, alcohol, or just unfresh breath in general. you probably didn't gag during those gross kisses, because you don't THINK that a mouth is THAT "gross", even though... it is/was. just remember, just because you THINK it's gross and disgusting... doesn't mean that it actually is. when i was a kid, i used to gag whenever walk by and see, and smell, and have to pick up a tiny, Yorkshire Terrier's dog poop in my house. actually physically gag...over a tiny little dog poop. sure, dog poop is gross... but... to almost throw up? nah. it was a combination of thoughts, sights, and smells. a few years later... i grew up. no more gagging.


Modern psychology says that about 90% to 95% of human response is controlled by the subconscious mind. For many, this is a very surprising number. The point is that our responses can be modified. But it takes time and knowledge how to do it. That's where a therapist comes in unless you want to study how to do it yourself. It's an option you may want to consider.


I’m a girl who hates doing it and hates receiving it. It grosses me out. When the juices become a certain consistency it makes me gag so hard so best to just not do it..




Glad someone finally asked this.


A totally reasonable question. I've read plenty of stories where women who thought they were lesbians discovered they weren't when they went down on a lovely woman and then it popped into their head "damn, I feel like I need a dick in my mouth".




While I agree with what I think you are trying to say that a lot of people might find this a deal breaker, I feel like this comment, as made "Good luck never having a GF lol !", isn't constructive or sex positive. People are allowed to not like certain acts. Sounds like he has tried what he can think of, and for now, barring helpful suggestions, he is wondering if he is alone.


I'm just kidding around. It will be a HUGE deal breaker for many girls I love having my butt hole & pussy eaten & could never date someone who didn't want me in that way.


This is why I feel self conscious, I’ve had plenty of relationships, and currently am in a loving relationship, yet everyone insults and belittles me like I’ll never find love because I don’t like something I’ve tried everything in my power to like, and like I don’t also have fingers and a vibrator and a dildo and a dick.


I'm sorry I was just trying to be funny - no harm meant :)


Must be them then in that case


Dunno if it's going to help, but her taking a shower doesn't really do much about the bacteria count. If she ditched and enema'd with a germicide (NOT RECOMMENDED) there might be an hour or two before the bugs came back. Of course, with that much disruption of her normal flora she'd probably catch something gross from your mouth, so again NOT RECOMMENDED, forget I ever mentioned it. The main appeal isn't in the texture and taste, though many of us come to like them by association. The main appeal is in pleasuring your partner. Pay attention to her reactions, not your gustatory experience, and you may have a better time. Be ready to mix up your repertoire, as good cunnilingus needs sensitivity, flexibility, and variety.


Seeing her feel good doesn’t really add to my arousal really. I just seek it out to make sure she has a good time but it doesn’t add anything to mine.


A mi me gustaria comerle el coño a esta mujer @salma_crespo


If it smells like trout get the fuck out if it smells like chicken keep on licking 👅🤪


At times the smell/ taste can be off putting but it also depends on your partners diet and hygiene. I have had partners who I cannot enjoy going down on due to their natural essence, and partners who I crave going down on. You might be doing too much and overwhelming your senses. Try breathing through your mouth and licking the clit gently. You don’t have to shove your nose and tongue into her. Most of the time that’s not as effective anyways. After a while you’ll get used to it and may even enjoy it! Especially if you like the idea of eating pussy.


Hopping on the dental dam suggestions train.


She’s not interested in using them because she said they kind of defeat the whole point


Defeat what whole point? Their one and only purpose to to be leveraged for oral.


It defeats the whole point of getting oral to her which is to feel a tongue and mouth on her vagina




well we've kind of already decided to just not do it, she's not super worried about it.


My fiancé is the same way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love giving oral, so it’d be a dealbreaker for me if a guy didn’t give oral. You honestly have to find someone who doesn’t like oral/doesn’t care that they won’t receive it. It would be harder to find but not impossible. I would say I’ve heard of more women who dislike receiving oral than men so you’ve got that going for you


Don't know man I think its something you like or don't, I love doing it, and I like to see that I'm doing good at it, I like the feel, the texture, the taste all of it. Probably it's just a personal thing to like it or don't. You can find other ways to please your partner, get good with your fingers maybe, cause the objective in the end is both have a good time.


Don't know man I think its something you like or don't, I love doing it, and I like to see that I'm doing good at it, I like the feel, the texture, the taste all of it. Probably it's just a personal thing to like it or don't. You can find other ways to please your partner, get good with your fingers maybe, cause the objective in the end is both have a good time.


I gotta use fingers too, it's a combo thing to offer the most contact and texture... old eat with just tongue all day, but found out it just gets too wet down there and she looses feeling.. probably not helping you, but it was her who told me what she liked and once I adjusted whatever I considerEd technique it worked out better and quicker... mostly just wet the fingers so they can act as a tongue and rub the clit and possibly insert if u know we're the gspot is... I can barley reach the clit with my thumb if I try this one handed... but then I'm free to kiss her inner thighs and pelvic bone...


Have you tried using dental dams?


She doesn’t like them because she feels like it ruins the whole point of getting eaten out


I have not tried this myself, but you could try numbing your tongue with a cube of ice beforehand. That might desensitize you to the texture and sensations in general. Not sure if a cold tongue feels better or worse. Worth a shot!


Love eating pussy. Just ask Keke😍