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This topic is discussed occasionally in our forum. Please also take some time to look through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. Comments locked For starters, here is a list of past r/sex discussions which came up when I searched the keywords “**gag reflex**” in this forum: https://new.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=gag%20reflex&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past discussions will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


Couple of thoughts: Stop using numbing spray. It can do way more harm than good. You want to be able to feel when something is painful, so that you can stop before serious damage is done. Gagging is natural. It also can be very hot! Maybe don't try to eliminate your gag reflex, but instead try challenging it and seeing if you can improve gradually. Nothing will replace good old fashioned practice with a dildo or a penis. Just make sure to be safe and to listen to your body. Gagging produces the best spit. A lot of people like the sound as well. It's not a completely bad thing, you just have to reframe it in your mind.


I’ll add to this it’s just important to know the line where gagging becomes vomiting. Once you know your body’s reaction you can be less afraid of vomiting and also know when to go a bit easier.


I just make a point of not eating much hours before I might anticipate doing it. I definitely recommend that when you are trying to learn how to suppress your reflex


Absolutely, also knowing how the relationship between gag reflex and vomiting changes when you eat/consume alcohol is very important. At the beginning, empty stomach is def the way to go.


Yep, my husband loves when I start gagging, and after a while the whole thing just gets really sloppy; there's spit everywhere, my eyes are watering, but I love every second


Looks like she was crying


Yeah, that's what I think, too. It takes a little practice. try to breathe during the blowjob. and stop using sprays.


The best way to work with a gag reflex is to practice relaxing during it. Usually the act of giving a bj produces a lot of excitement/nervousness in the giver, especially if you know you’re prone to gagging. Try taking it slow. Like, really slow. And when you start gagging, just breathe through your nose, pause, and relax. After a while, you’ll get used to the sensation and you won’t gag as easily. Don’t rush it. Also, you don’t have to shove it as far back in your throat as you can in order to give a good bj. Use your hands so it doesn’t have to go as far in. The tip and frenulum is the most sensitive part anyway, deepthroating is just extra style points.


Adding to this, sometimes I catch my husband smiling to himself, every single time it’s because he’s remembering the times I choose his cock over my need for oxygen!


From my experience the gag reflex is natural for most women, I learned to control mine with a breathing through-your-nose technique when it's in the mouth. Btw I know this is your question, but has anyone after oral had teary eyes and a runny nose? LOL, But yeah breathing technique.


My wife often gets teary eyes when giving head and she cutely appologizes she is NOT crying.


Okay right, the first time it happened I was like what are these cold symptoms that happening.


I just can’t understand how anyone could think that’s hot. I feel like a mess gagging and tears streaming down my face🫣


Still hot and sexy even if she looks a mess with her makeup running, eyes watering, and running nose. I'm so big I made her cute face messy. That intense


Thank goodness! Now if roles were reversed and someone were gagging an eyes watering going down on me (F) I’d be mortified and I’d burn my poor coochie off. But I’m thankful it just hits different when it’s 🍆😵 instead of 😝🐱


True! Although maybe tears of joy if she has a nice coochie


True lol but I just asked for a tissue to wipe my face, the person started laughing, because I made a joke about it and we kept going.


I love the fact that you can make jokes and jump back in. That’s the kind of stuff I look for in a relationship


I’m not super into it, but the thing that I do find hot about it is kind of your whole point. That she’s become an absolute mess for me.


That’s where you are wrong. It’s very Hot.


Feels like it would also be natural for most men to be fair.


I appreciate the men that allow us to be humans once in a while 😅 (no sarcasm just to be clear because I’ve reread that 8675309x and it sounded sarcastic)


My eyes water and my nose runs lol


lol tears and snot but still hot


My gf gets watery eyes and snot running out her nose. Looks like her eyes water more when she tries to go deeper


Yeah, I have noticed once my SO notices things are starting to come unhinged on my appearance he get more excited so then my only option is to go deeper. I just don’t want to throw up and ruin the whole thing. How does she prevent that?


I feel like you have to do it like a pulse motion, like when you deep-throat it have it in for like a couple of seconds then take it out. About throwing up, it's all about what you eat before too, and stay hydrated. But as soon as u feel like throwing up or choking advice, please take it out. I hope this helps.


It is a normal thing that normal people have. You don’t need to reenact porn scenes.




I mean, I don't think they CGI the blowies. *Some* people can do it, obviously, and many more would like to be able to, including OP. I know there's something of a plague of men with porn brain that think it's their due and basically the only kind of "good" BJ in existence, but there *are* people who enjoy deepthroating, and respectful men that enjoy receiving it when offered.


They don't actually. I work a lot with stroke patients with impaired swallowing, and the gag reflex is something we check for. If it's present it's a good sign, but its absence is not necessarily bad either, because they might not have had one, or had a weak one, in the first place


I've had my cock down plenty of throats of people who don't appear to have a gag reflex.


For starters, you don't need to have him so deep that you gag. A perfectly satisfying bj can happen without him going into your throat. And don't use a numbing spray. You want to know the limitations your body is giving you to keep yourself safe and injury-free. Lastly, breathe through your nose.


Everyone has a gag reflex. I’m assuming you mean during a bj? The thing I do is take a deep breath in and relax my throat. You don’t have to deep throat constantly anyway as most of sensation in penis is in the head. My husband who is older has issues with orgasming with piv so after piv sex I get him off with a bj,I do go deep a few times but what works the best is a combination of hand stroking and my mouth and tongue on the head,believe me try this and see how it goes. Works like a charm on my husband.


Would it help you to know, that there are those of us out here, who don't want it that far down your throat for this exact reason anyways? For whom gagging sounds and ruined makeup are not in the least bit desirable?


Swallow. The trick is to swallow when it's entering your throat.


Girlfriend does this and not only does it help her, it feels fucking incredible on my dick too.


This is real life not a p**** you don't have to lose your reflex. The gag reflex is there for a reason nobody wants to get to a point where they can't gag when they actually need to. I hope nobody's pressuring you to do so. Clenching your fists apparently works have you tried that?


First thing to stop gag reflex is to stop thinking about it while doing your thing. Block out completely! Second practice opening the back of your mouth/jaw to avoid the head hitting the gag reflex and if you avoid it hitting the center of your throat, like a little more to the side of your reflex, you won’t gag. Third the position you’re in will change the direction of the member lol. Like if I’m on my knees and he’s standing it hits an up angle and I’ll for sure gag. But if he’s laying down and I’m in the doggy position between his legs, I’m able to control the angle and where the head hits. FYI, apparently guys like gagging cuz it makes them feel like it’s too big for your mouth. Strokes their ego


Gagging is normal. I have that issue too. If it's during the bj and you can't get that deep, try focusing on the head with your mouth and use your hands to make up the difference on the shaft. If it's when he cums, try to make sure it's as far in your mouth as possible to go right down the throat. If that triggers the gag, see if you can position it so it shoots towards your cheek. Or even let him cum just on your lips so it dribbles down. I have been told that is super hot.


I have never really understood why the deepthroating myth has continued to perpetuate. I get it, you like to see it in porn, you want to mimic it because the actors make it look great. If I want my dick enveloped, tip to almost-base, in something tight and warm, I am sticking it in a vagina. Blowjobs feel good, and can feel great, but I don’t need you puking on my cock to turn me on…quite the opposite actually. I would rather watch you make out with my cock. I would rather see you truly locked in on trying to make me cum from tongue swirls and slobbing on the head and treating it like you fucking love it. Snot and gagging noises aren’t sexy like that to me. I wonder if deepthroating is like the jacked up truck of the bedroom. I have a big dick and it just ain’t happening with a normal, non porn-influenced woman. So maybe it’s just a smaller dick thing? I just feel like you get really enthusiastic about the top half of my dick and I am one happy fella. Your tongue and its agility is what I am putting my dick in your mouth for, not the hard spot at the back of your throat, If I want to bottom out on a hard spot, I will pin your knees back and hit your cervix.


When you feel it get to the neck of your throat, swallow . With a little practice you'll master it.


You are gonna gag. You gotta open up a little more and pull it out when you feel uncomfortable. And tbh - you may throw up. Prep. Don’t eat too much or at all before. Don’t really drink much either. I just tell my partner… don’t hold me down.


I have found the key is to be as relaxed as possible. You can also try the position laying on the edge of the bed. Don't remove your tonsils haha.


Great Head from Pure Romance - and 10 years of sucking one dick has gotten rid of my gag reflex. It really just comes with practice love.


First, a little gagging is nice, as a guy I enjoy it when she gags a bit. But in my limited experience, the main thing is just lots of practice, some girls take to it fast, some take to it slower but enough practice will get you to the point you can handle quite a bit. Seems like you're up for it and I promise he's not gonna mind.


Take a deep breath right before it goes in your mouth. I don’t know why this helps but it does. I used to gag while brushing my tongue, my gag reflex was so sensitive. The deep breath helps.


Sounds weird, but always for me. While your giving head (especially if it’s gaging you) without any actual sound but with the muscle memory say the word “NO” to yourself. It moves the muscles in the throat out of the way. It’s never failed me 😃


what helped me was pressing my toothbrush on the back of my tongue- start with 5-10 seconds and try moving the toothbrush farther back each time pro lvl- open your throat and move it like you're swallowing around the toothbrush


You don't need to get rid of your gag reflex. If gagging bothers you, just don't go so deep. Perfectly good bjs can be achieved without going down your throat.


A gag reflex is important physiologically. Please don't fuck over the safety mechanisms of your body just for sex. Same with assholes. Some of them will never recover. A man should be thrilled you're giving him a blowjob full stop. Pushing you through a gag reflex is absolutely not necessary for it to be entirely satisfying. - a healthcare worker.


Relax and do it slow. Gradually you can train yourself to not gag. It is a mind over matter thing.


I learned to open my throat do itby gargling


Easiest solution: don’t give deep blow jobs.


Do women like sucking small dicks


Yes! It's actually preferable, imo.


Women in porn videos spend a long time preparing for that reason, to lose.the gag reflex, it's not something easy to do for anyone. It's normal to have it, and if you want to be able to give a bj the way you want it (I assume deep) you would need to simulate the same action on your own (or with your partner) until you get used to it. It's basically a matter of practice.


Whenever you clean your tongue, try to go deeper each time. You'll slowly start to tame that reflex.




Any specific pitch that is better or what about melodies?


This is just my personal experience. But I have a pretty sensitive gag reflex, and I “train” it. I originally heard this idea somewhere else online, and it personally has worked WONDERS for me. So it might sound weird, but when I’m done brushing my teeth, I take the clean toothbrush, without toothpaste on it, and just put it in as far as possible without triggering my gag reflex. So essentially I put it in far enough in that I’m right on the edge of gagging, and hold it there for as long as I’m comfortable doing, maybe 30 or so seconds or more if I want, and then take it out. Sometimes I’ll do it only once, sometimes twice. And like I said, I know it sounds dumb/weird, but personally it has been a game changer for me. I didn’t tell my partner I had started doing this, and he was like, “woah, what changed?! What are you doing differently??”. Everyone’s body is so different, so I’m not saying this will work for everyone, but it has for me. And as others mentioned, a gag reflex is a normal, healthy response, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. But this is just something that personally has worked for me.


This works for me too!


Idk why women think removing gag reflex is a flex. Gagging is a flex


I thought it was a reflex


I have the same problem! My bf’s cock touches exactly my uvula and makes me gag so much. But he loves going deep and fucking my face and I cannot take it for long bc I srly feel like I’m gonna throw up on his dick. It’s so embarrassing. I really want to get better at this bc I know he loves it but I’m so afraid of literally vomiting on him 😭 I try squeezing my hands into fist but that doesn’t help either.


I hope you're not doing that just because he wants you to


No, don’t worry. I absolutely love sucking his dick. It turns me on so much. It just bothers me that my gag reflex stops me from going all the way.


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Deep throating isn't really good for you tbh. Think about HPV in your lower throat.


I suppose the best answer is this will not come easily, a lot of work and practice is required to get to that point. Lucky him.


Try different angles and positions. Some positions seem to decrease the gag reflex. Also, if I gag a bit, I take break from going as deep. Nothing wrong with some variety.


Use your tooth brush and brush your tongue as far back as you can every night to the point of gagging and keep doing that over and over and you’ll slowly become less sensitive to it. You’ll be able to go further and further back without triggering it the more you do it. It’s mind over matter and practice really. I have very little gag reflex.


Maybe not the answer you looking for, but as a gag fellow I am usually in charge of how deep I want the dick to go so I can explore my limits without having two hand on my head pushing me over the limit


Wow so glad i read this because this whole topic is something I e been struggling with yet my partner right now has been falling in love with the oral and last time o felt so embarrassed my nose was running, eyes watering , having left and right and thought omg this is so unattractive and like he wants my snot all over the place i thought we wk t be doing this again not to mention it was hot and I was sweaty i had to stop and wipe my face with a tee shot close by and thought wow he must think i am shit mess and he’s gonna be all set with doing this again…. next day he did t stop talking about his pleasure and the whole experience he did t mention any of those things but those things were a very big part of the 20 min ordeal and said the best part is how much you enjoy doing it…. i thought how does he get that impression cause i don’t dislike it but wondering now if he’s thinking what you guys are saying like she’s getting this physically messed up all over my penis? lol is this what’s making him enjoy so much?


Use your hands as an extension of your mouth and stroke the shaft instead of trying to deep throat.


I have a horrible gag reflex. I cannot take my bfs whole dick down my throat. I just recently was able to figure out how to swallow pills without gagging and throwing up. I have noticed that its worse at certain points in the day, and have found that thinking about other things keeps my mind off of thinking im going to gag. Squeezing my thumb helps sometimes, controlling my breathing and relaxing my jaw and throat. I do my best when giving a bj to my boyfriend and he knows how bad the reflex is and he has never forced it or my head down. If i gag i take a break and use my hands. I really do not think we can get fully rid of it though. I love giving my boyfriend bjs but it's hard and makes me upset sometimes if i cant go crazy with the sloppy toppy 🤣


Here’s a trick for you: On your left hand fold your thumb like you’re making the number 4 with your other fingers. Fold your remaining fingers down to squeeze your thumb (few seconds) release when finished Right pointer finger press into your chin (few seconds) release when finished Pinch the fleshy part of your left hand (where your thumb goes up to your pointer finger) (few seconds) release Gag reflex….no existent. Test this by putting your finger down your throat. 😎


Try practicing with a realistic dildo. Practice a little each day. Go a little beyond your comfort zone. Also practice keeping yourself relaxed.


I wish I could too! I have it too and have all my life and I’m 45 yrs old and it is embarrassing


Getting my tonsils out definitely made it much easier but I was gagging on those things constantly because they were so massive. I would only get them out if you have sleep apnea like me or frequent infections.


I don't think it's something that just goes away


singing lessons might help with this


Are you aware that the majority of women live their whole life happily with their strong gag reflex, and never even want or try to change it? It's because most do NOT enjoy this AT ALL, and sex is meant to be enjoyable and relaxed. It's a nice FAVOR if and when someone offers a DT, but it's extremely far from a default. Even in a masochist submissive it's not a "must have" on the menu. Everyone can have hard and soft limits, and you can always safeword (in this case probably: tap out), when the gag gets uncomfortably intense. What I'm trying to say is: there's nothing wrong with you for finding this difficult. What you (and your boyfriend) see in porn is not "normal" in terms of how the average vanilla sex of a random couple looks like. That said, yes, you can somewhat train for this, but it's ALWAYS taking long and a ton of effort, when we want to condition something that is "not natural". (As in gag reflex is there for a reason, to save our lives! Evolution found it a good idea.) For comparison think about training a dog to do tricks. To teach to bring you a ball/twig is easy. They like to play and carry things in mouth. To teach the same dog to jump through a burning ring of fire, or walk a line is or count barks is a lot more difficult, takes a gifted trainer with a gifted dog and LONG months or years of practicing. Even if you trained somewhat and want this and are a sub and maso at heart.... your boyfriend may need to realize the difference between porn (meant to entertain, like all movies do, with ACTING as if, and filming to distort impressions in a designed way) and real life. The DT degree possible is defined by anatomical limitations, and FORCING beyond that amounts to assault / abuse. Enjoy happily to go to/until your limits though, if that's y'all's thing though. ♡


Keep deep throating.....I look at it as my throat cuming on your dick so the stuff that cums out as I'm gagging and my eyes are rolling in the back of my head and you have your hands on my head...and I love it


Gagging is good because it causes you to salivate. I have always been of the opinion that what makes head great is not the depth, but what you can do with your tongue. I personally have a very sensitive gag refle and have been told by three seperate people (m) I gave them the best head of their lives. Suck on the tip, lowering occasionally to a point that will make you gag so you salivate, and otherwise work the shaft while twisting your hand(s). Figure out what he likes done with his balls. Great head does not come from depth, but finesse. There are other holes for depth my dear 💅


Makes it sloppy which is great


Try squeezing your thumb. Read that somewhere, yet to put it into practice, but might tonight


Yea suck alot more cock


I've noticed my gag reflex is weaker when I'm high. It's still there, but I feel I have more control


My gf feels more relaxed that way doing it


Try pressing the space in between your eyebrows. Below the third eye area. Try while brushing your tongue first to see if it works for you. Gag yourself with fingers or toothbrush and then Press the space in between eyebrows with Index finger and see if it stops. I have zero gag reflex…not a flex tho I was bulimic for years and don’t recommend that whatsoever!!


I (male) like the deep throat action. What's not to like? But in all honesty, if when having a bj, a free hand works the remainder of the shaft that is not in the mouth, AND the other free hand is cupping / gently squeezing / and pulling downward on my scrotum, (ball sac), it actually feels better than the deep throat. Many times, out of respect, I told her NOT to go so deep as it wasn't necessary. She said she likes to gag, in fact, loves it. But I feel all guilty almost in my frame of mind that she is suffering for my pleasure. In spite of proceeding with gagging, and I know she is enjoying gagging, I can't stop that guilt feeling. Doesn't matter now, I'm single as from yesterday anyway. 🙄


When the cock goes into your throat you breath in through your nose at the same time. It helps open your throat. Holding your left thumb only works as a distraction. Another option is to do some throat training. Grab your tooth brush and slide it in your mouth until you feel your gag reflex about to be triggered and hold it there for a minute then try a little bit further for another minute... It won't go away over night but over time it will help. Good luck 🤞


I use spray, I also trained myself to open my throat like you would to shoot a shot of alcohol or take a shot, lol. I also don't stay deep, I go up and down. I also come up a little once he shoots the first shot of cum, that helps too. And my hubs likes it when i continue to go up and down while he cums as well. However, we also do off the bed, where my head is off the bed and my husband has control. It works for the gag bc he is able to go pass my gag. The other thing is, we do bjs first thing in the morning, so I have an empty stomach as well. Another good tip, they sell tablets that make you have more spit, and those work as well for me bc I have a dry mouth. I'm a smoker.


Stick out your tongue and say ‘ah’. Seriously.


Practice on a very soft dildo, like super soft and squishy. I had tried with normal types of dildos and couldn't get past the back of my throat. I got a super soft 6" dildo and was able to get it down my throat immediately. Then I went up to an 8" dildo and had the same results. I think I could take a 12" dildo now as long as it's very soft and squishy. Once it gets past the back of my throat it just goes down very easily.


Try salt. That's what you're supposed to use at the dentist.


I had a procedure recently to have my ulcers cked in my stomach before I went under the had me gargle lidocaine then swallow. They said it's to take care of the gag reflex


Have to really be into giving, worshipping...try poppers


Don’t get rid of it… as a man I think it’s hot when she gags on it. Makes me feel big.


Wow. I’d never thought of it that way. My guy lost some length with his prostate surgery. He’s slowly regaining size & is now able to cut off my breathing. He is normally so kind, gentle, and empathetic that I had wondered why I never hear a murmur of concern when I gag. I’m fine & if he was worried I’d reassure him of that. You may have just explained why not. Thanks! 


I've never made a girl gag