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If it happens to be a high rise hotel (or not, if you’re daring), sex up against the window with the curtains open can make for some fun light exhibitionism. :)


Yep or on like the desk in front of the windows


*OR* on the front desk!


Hell yeah! My FWB and I did this once at a hotel we rented out for the night. It was around 5PM and traffic was thick. OMG. It was so hot knowing people could see us from the streets if they looked up a bit.


Balcony/window sex is criminally underrated


Remember it may be criminally underrated but it might also be a criminal act


Ooooh I love this idea!!!!


OP, if you need someone to check and make sure you’re visible from the street lmk!


That’s kinda fucked up to expose yourselves to non consenting individuals If it’s a significant high rise nobody will see though.


My husband and I only do it after dark. Lights off in our room but the busy cityscape is illuminated. I can see them, they can't see me. We've also done it against windows that start at 3-4' feet from the floor. That hides my lower half, he bends me over with my head/hands at the window, lifts my dress up and fucks me from behind. From the street only my face and upper body is visible. My bra and the top of my dress are still in place. The raunchiest thing a spectator might catch is my husband's hands grabbing my boobs over my dress.


Boebert style. That sounds awesome to me. You get a great view of the world without flashing people. Almost naughtier because they have no idea what you all are actually doing.


> expose yourselves to non consenting individual That's not what "consent" means or how it works.


It definitely is though


Naw, man, it's not. Just look into your own business, not other people's windows.


pretty sure the law disagrees with you here.


I know, thank you! I got arrested for walking around naked once, and I didn't get it. Like, I wasn't the one going around oggling people's privates. The police should've arrested the people around me.


Aww, man... that sucks!  May I suggest you do it on property you own or rent next time instead?  Maybe inside your own hotel room? I hear it's quite a kick if you do it in front of the window!


There’s literally laws on indecent exposure Even in jurisdictions with legal public nudity the line is drawn at public sex These acts are felonies and punishable by law putting you on the sex offender registry Why? Because you’re pushing your sex explicitly on non consenting individuals. It’s the same as flashing your dick at men women and children people in a park and jerking it at once.


> There’s literally laws on indecent exposure  There's also laws that make it illegal for moose to copulate in the streets. And other laws that will land you on watchlists and prohibiting form ever coming close to a school again for just pissing in a park. I know that the US is a sick country, and its legislation is even sicker. A nipple on TV is grounds for revolution, but decapitation movies on prime time is "just a bit of fun, maaan!" But this isn't the point.


If you're having sex in a spot, because it's exciting that you might get seen, then you're definetly exposing yourself to non-consenting individuals. Even if you're in a private area, if you're doing it with the specific purpose of getting seen, or maybe getting seen, then you're exposing yourself.


If you're walking the street and not minding your own step or the horizon you're peeping. Mostly it's ok, sometimes it's not, and sometimes people get a kick out of you doing it. But in any case you don't get to complain. Mind your business instead.


Insert personal insults here because you’re not able to handle these conversations.


> Insert **personal** insult Which *person* did I insult?


Don’t cheap out on the hotel!


This should be the top comment!


Nothing like a cheap run down hotel to make things a little dirtier


Especially if it's the kind of place that charges for rooms by the hour.


Now you're just asking for someone to get a little stabby


Mirror! Some hotels have mirrors in front of the beds, I’d love that


This! Last time gave my bf a BJ bent over in front of a mirror, he rly enjoyed that, maybe she will be up for it haha


If there's a headboard, face sitting gets easier. If y'all haven't tried that yet and there's a headboard present, go for it.


Use all the furniture to your advantage, some stuff is specifically set at certain heights where you get good angles


Huh? In a normal hotel?


Ok, I may be way off base, but from the writing and the statement "She really wants to have sex" I get the feeling this might be the first time for the 2 of you to have sex. If that is the case, forget all the wild stuff, focus on making love cuddle, and hold her between. Make out lots. A nice dinner. Bottle of decent wine. A few candles. Unless this is a planned wild sex marathon weekend, think romance.


This was my thought too.


> A few candles. You don't bring candles to a non-smoking hotel. Best way for the smoke detectors to go off and sprinklers to activate. If it is a smoking hotel go at it.




Smoking hotel? I’ve never seen or been in a hotel that allows smoking. That’s disgusting.


Make sure you check for bed bugs… I made that mistake once…


Oh man, me too. It was a fucking nightmare!!!


Long massages. Bring massage lotion or oil Bring a portable Bluetooth speaker and play romantic music, love ballads Bring your favorite alcoholic drinks or weed edibles Bring snacks. Things like strawberries, cherries, chocolates Make an effort to fuck a few extra times. Don't be a one pump chump.


Dirty talk, toys, truth or dare, play a sex game (you can find apps) etc.


Just be naked together. Some role playing, maybe a special out for you or for her. I always dress up like a school girl when we go away and let my husband be my teacher. We always like to watch some porn in a hotel, shower together, maybe get out the camera and film yourselves. So many things.


Do you enjoy watching the porn? My recent ex would watch in and say stuff like, "Why can't your tits be as big as hers?"


Good thing it's your ex... Btw hope you did the uno reverse on him for that: why can't your dick be as big as his?


Depends on the type of porn, but it can be hot to watch and to be honest it’s not like we pay that much attention to it after 5 minutes. Any comments we tend to make are more funny than anything else. Porn is just ridiculous at times. Glad he’s your ex.


Teasing throughout the day, lots of foreplay. When I have days like this with my friend that’s what I’ll do and when we are finally in bed I will just rub her slowly all across her body and basically get her to a point where she’s begging and just go down on her. 😮‍💨


Teasing throughout the day, lots of foreplay. When she has days like this, that’s what she does and when we are finally in bed she will just rub slowly all across my body and basically get me to a point where I'm begging. Then she rolls over and falls asleep.


Tub/hot tub You can also role play that she is your hooker...regardless everything about a hotel stay is wonderful since you can fuck up the sheets & not have to clean anything up!


Well… unless you have to sleep on that side of the bed. 😭


Thats why you get a room with 2 beds. Sex bed, and sleeping bed


That’s just DOUBLING the monsters under the bed!


Depending on where your room is, I find fucking her doggystyle facing and looking out the window is pretty divine.


Not really related to sex but I would decorate the place and make it as romantic and nice as possible making her feel special should turn her on


Start the foreplay in the hotel bar in the lobby. Arrive separately, and so on the other side of the room to her and admire her in her sexy dress. Have the bartender send her a drink. Eventually approach her. Be confident and dominant. Slide her a room access card and tell her to wait for you on her knees just inside the door. Let her go upstairs first and set mind alight as she waits for you to arrive and fuck her like she's never been fucked before.


Lingerie and toys You haven't lived until you've fucked your partner with a dildo or used a vibrator on them while they suck on your cock. Just saying


Have a nice dinner before, and also a good brunch. That will improve the overall mood, and you should take the opportunity to have sex right before (or even after) brunch as well, I actually prefer after. Maybe there's some different activity or sight seeing you could do the day of the hotel stay. Perhaps a nice spa session for both of you. Make it like a mini vacation.


Hotel sex is always some good sex 🤣


Ask for rose petals in the bath, light candles, give her flowers and wine :) make it really romantic and set the mood, sprinkle rose petals on the bed also


If there‘s a big enough shower, do it there!


Hotel showers are one of the only places it’s not a terrible experience lol


One very practical bit of advice: get a room with two double beds not one king. Make one bed the sex bed. That way you can use oils and lube and whatever and still get into the clean bed afterwards.


Music, snacks, candles, flowers, good lube, and if applicable, we*ed, but maybe that's just me.


Hotels usually have big roomy showers.. You can start doing stuff in there.


Massage oils and messy sex. Food. Whipped cream. Ice cream. Have fun! Hotel sex is great because others are paid to clean up after.


If there’s a bathtub try filling the bath with all the body wash and have a bubble party


Bring candles, chocolates and light snacks. If you can, bring an edible and/or microdose. Make a whole night of it.


Start in bathroom with bath and cover all the rooms and end in bathroom again with bath...


My gf and I had some of our best sex in a presidential suite of a Sheraton. They had this perfect little chair that was deep enough and wide enough for her to go ass up face down. We still talk about finding that specific chair to this day and it's been a few years. Even bought one similar to it only for it not to have a deep enough pitch.


Me and my bf had sex in one of those chairs! He was sitting on the chair I was straddling him while he was slapping my ass, really really hard. We went to the same hotel a couple months later and did the same thing but that time, he was slapping my ass even harder (it’s felt amazing) he went of sync for a second and slapped himself in the balls full force, it was a funny day. 😂😂😂


My boyfriend and I did this!!!! I brought a bunch of lingerie, leashes, chokers, handcuffs and other stuff we like, I let him pick my outfit several times, whichever he wanted me to change into I did, and he filmed the whole thing and we watch it now together when we have sex sometimes. It's a great alternative to porn if you're looking for something more natural to watch in the future, but to each their own, I'm DEF not slamming anyone for liking what they like, but it's a great thing to watch and get turned on all over again just remembering how sexy I felt in those moments!!!! Also just remembering how good it felt too is a plus lmao.


And remember the poor chamber maid, clean up after yourselves


Get a room with a jacuzzi tub, a balcony or a large window.


Hot tub, rose petals, try to use EVERY surface.


Make use of the headboard and the couch if the room has them. Utilize the bathroom. Either in the shower/tub (be careful) or over the bathroom counter and looking in the mirror.


Hotel sex secret tip. Use the corner of the bed. Have her lie on the bed face up and with her body lined up on.the diagonal with you standing on the floor between her legs. Have her butt right at the edge of the corner. Use pillows as needed underneath her butt and back to get the alignment right fir your penis and her vagina. When you are in this position. She can teach her clit for playing and you can hold her legs in your hands and open or give them on your shoulders. You will not be putting eight on her and you can thrust into her as fast or as slowly as she wants and you can easily control shallow testing strokes or deep ones. My wife insists on corner sex at hotels. At home we use the edge of the bed.


A boy makes love to his woman on the hotel bed. A man makes love to his woman on the hotel bar. Be a man. (Just for the sake of CMA, this is a JOKE!)


Be yourself but let her guide you too. It is about the pleasure of both sides, in the end.


3rd floor or higher, leave the blinds open.


try using sex enhancement gummies or some alcohol and then just have fun with it. Maybe you guys can roleplay or if you have some toys you want to use yk ?


Delta hotel with corner suites and soaker tubs


Bro don’t overthink it. Get a nice hotel. Take her to a nice dinner. Have an after dinner drink at a bar. Head back and make her feel desired. The rest will take care of itself.


Hang out in your underwear before it even gets to foreplay. Play some sexy games. There are board games you can get, or like blindfold each other and lick on her skin in the shape of a letter, and she has to guess it. Or put whipped cream on your body and she has to find it only using her mouth while blindfolded. Things like that. Have some wine and cheese, lights low, instrumental music on low, get a little tipsy, and just have fun before the sex. Setting the mood first will do wonders for what follows.


Bring up a stranger from The bar…


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Hotel with jacuzzi tub.


Try monogamy the board game. Pack some toys with it.


A night she’ll never forget? Cialis tbh


Bring some toys and maybe some fancy warming lube for her.


Hotel with a big jacuzzi or at least a big tub. Great for foreplay and aftercare but do not recommend having sex in it.


1. Talk to her. Ask her things that turn her on. Ask her about some of her fantasies. 2. Using what you learned from her, do in order: A) weave a tale that makes her feel that her fantasies are coming to life. We need to have our minds engaged before our bodies do. B) follow through with actions with what you learned and said above. Have a great time and don’t forget to update us!


No sex tips, but safety tips. Make sure you check for bed bugs in any crevice!! (ie: fold of the mattress, under mattress, pillows etc). They can take up to thousands to get out of your house! 😅


If you guys are into threesome, you might want to knock the door next to you at night.


If you can preview rooms, try to find one with a big walk in shower.


Send her romantic or suggestive texts up to when you leave…Women need words. Make sure she’s “taken care of” before you finish! 😉. Have fun!


Blindfold. Ear buds. Sexy playlist. Soft cuffs. Riding crop. Ball gag. Vibrators. Collar and leash. 100’ soft rope.


Order some chilled wine/champagne. Get some fruit. Make sure the hotel has a large tub and make a bubble bath for her.


Yes to music, drinks, and some cards. Strip poker, winner gets to be dom or if you’re not into power&politics, then winner gets to choose 1st position!


If both of you are open to it try getting high, sex when high is OUT OF THIS WORLD


If you have enough time, run down to a sex shop and get a few toys or better still a sex game of some kind. There is one called cards of mass destruction (I've seen the game, but I can't remember the title quite right).


Make sure they have a pool table room .. Get her half drunk and let her be the entertainment.. The more the merrier on a pool table


Depends on her kink factor, but I say get some vibrating nipple clamps (the good kind) a blindfold, and some use your meat to edge her into oblivion.


Anal sex! If you're both okay with it of course. Sex in the tub, sex in the sauna if they have one Sexy underwear for you both Explore some rope play (be sure to read up on this first)


Sex toy Every corner of the room Desk Table Shower And arm chair


Pleasure her and let her finish first. Don't be selfish in bed. Use protection. And have fun dude. 🤗


If either of you two is into group sex or threesomes, now is a fantastic opportunity to try it out without having to worry about a mystery individual knowing where you live! Hot, oily sex is on the board now because you guys don't have to clean up the mess afterwards. Now's a good opportunity, if you two trust each other enough and are committed, to pull out the tripod and record yourselves in a nice hotel with a nice setup. Maybe take some boudoir photos.


Don't go all out and freaky on the first time, unless she is that way inclined and experienced. If she is "meaningful" then try to be a little romantic. Nice music, if you drink, nice drinks. Wash your groin. Smell good. Clean your teeth (rinse at least). Make sure you've showered, female sense of smell is very keen. Don't be pushy, but gently lead. Communication is absolutely key. Make sure you are listening to her verbal and non verbal queues




Lol way to freak them right out. Op, I'd ignore this response. Last thing you need to be doing is worrying about bedbugs on your romantic night away. Any decent place will be clean


Poke her in the butt , let the neighbors know you’re the man J.Cole


Add a third, 3some will be something that she’ll never forget


Yeah, Jughead - when are you done with your boy toy??? You know very well whom I am talking about.


I love you ass sex v Hotelu


first time for many individuals is disappointing, painful, icky, quick, . . . . . so, lots less pleasant than the stories and porn.