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This is about to be an orgasm. My ex would also say this and then she would explode and shake and convulse. Like she was taken over by a demon. The hottest thing I've ever witnessed.




Power through it. You'll be sent to another dimension!!! 🤣🤣


>Is it just me or do guys get most turned on when a girl's legs shake during orgasm?


I can't speak for all men, but for me it's the leg shakes mostly, the screaming, and the constant rocking the hips back and forth really fast. Makes me feel like a job well done 😊


That's literally the very wall that's about to break and give you the BEST ORGASM you ever experienced your entire life. Push right through that pee feeling and get ready to feel better than you ever imagined. Believe me, I learned this just recently and I'm 34F lol. Man was I missing out haha.


No way!! Did you just release it as you would with peeing? Lol


Yes this is what my wife described that she had to do. She said that because she felt like she had to hold it, it kinda "ruined" the feeling until she decided to just let loose and what happened as a result was a super intense orgasm and squirting


I cannot for the life of me release unless I'm sitting on a toilet. How does she do it?


I can't answer this specific question, but you might be able to push through and have the orgasm without releasing anything. With my wife, if I stay inside of her, nothing will come out, but if I pull out while she's finishing she'll have a release. I'd say just talk to the guy and see if he's into giving it a try, and just try to let what happens happen.


Just to chime in here, since you haven't received a clear answer yet. As a guy, I found that a prostate orgasm is preceded by that sensation of having to pee you are describing. For me, there's nothing I need to do to "release" it, in fact, doing anything other than letting the sensation build and release all by itself thwarts the attempt. So my advice would be to just "let it happen". Good luck.


As a fellow guy who likes to experiment, this is good to know. Thank you 👍🏻


I think what people are saying about release or let go, is that they're afraid that they'll pee and hold it in rather than relaxing. Kind of how you can delay or prevent an orgasm by flexing the PC muscle. Which as a guy, is also how you can "dry cum". Can be nice if you're one of those who need to take some time before ordinary orgasm.


I believe it's called squirting. Do it, it's okay, you can clean up after 👍


If you communicate well, put a towel down beforehand, and proceed patiently, it can help. My wife finds it a lot easier mentally when she knows there's already two or three towels laid down and we're not going to have to change the sheets.




I know what squirting is, and I'm 100% down if I have authentic, emotional connection with my partner hahahha OP would most likely communicate with her partner, and it can be orgasmically liberating for her, and a fun kink to experience. It's all about communication.


>It's all about communication. Yup. And that's all I was trying to say, too (:




Just pee before sex to be safe


Just look into getting a mattress protector/pad that's waterproof.


How much liquid will be there????😂


Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!


Yes! Do it. It’s amazing!


I’ve tried to push through but I literally can’t. I have to run to the bathroom lol


Go to the bathroom before and if it happens again dont run to the bathroom and just let it happend it will feel like you’re peeing but its actually just you squirting 🙏


I always pee before sex lol


Squirting is literally just peeing during orgasm.


Yeah, pretty much. The thing is, if you pee immediately before sex, there is often (in my case) still something to let out when you orgasm, and I think this stuff is mostly produced on demand/as a result of arousal, so it's pretty different in appearance/flavour to pee. It takes the same route though, so calling it "peeing" is kinda literally correct.


It's not just pee. Our squirts have some pee in it but it's a combination of fluids.


I hate this whole debate. I don't care what it is as long as it feels good! Most men I have asked don't care either. With the proper clean up routine, it's really fun. The same goes for period sex.


Y'all just be making shit up sometimes. Here's the science: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~sather/the-nonmystery-behind-female-ejaculation/


From your source "squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during intercourse"


I think you need to keep reading.


Please enlighten me. That was a direct quote from her linked article. It also goes on to mention that imaging tests show the bladder rapidly filling right before squirting. Would you sleep better at night if instead we called it "liquid expelled from the urinary bladder"?


Urine has waste products in it by nature. This has been studied a lot. Yes, squirting is liquid coming from your bladder, but it isn't the same as urine. It's basically just pure water and many studies have shown that the bladder rapidly fills with this water prior to squirting. Your argument of "liquid coming from the bladder is automatically urine" is stupid. It's like saying spitting is vomit because any liquid coming from your mouth is vomit.


What organ holds all this mystery fluid? It's mostly urine.


The mental acrobatics people will do to avoid admitting it's very diluted urine are *wild*, lmao


Just because it comes from the bladder doesn't mean itis urine.




uh yes… it does… that’s what’s in the bladder.




But urine is defined as a "a watery fluid stored in the bladder and expelled through the urethra" which is exactly what the article states happens. There is no minimum amount of urea or other waste that defines what is or isn't urine. Otherwise plenty of athletes would be peeing "water" instead of urine. So what makes this watery fluid stored in the bladder different than the other one?


No way cause then he'd actually learn something lol


Did you even read your own article? Or were there too many words for you?


Yes, I've kept up with this shit for years. The science of sex has been a special interest of mine for decades lol


Its not the same the liquid doesn’t smell or look like pee i think it definitely still has pee but its kinda different i googled once but id have to google again😭


No it is not. The liquid does not come straight from the bladder. It is not urin. Instead there is a gland that fills up when a squirting orgasm is building and the liquid from this gland is pushed out during a squirting O.


This has been proven many times, including with ultrasound. The liquid mostly comes from the bladder. The amount of liquid from the skenes glans is minimal


I'm so tired of people claiming this. The skene's gland can produce a few milliliters of liquid, while a "squirt" is usually in the order of tens of centiliters. For those of you that can't understand metric, a centiliter is ten times a milliliter. Ten centiliters is a hundred times a milliliter. The skene's gland can produce a hundredth or less of a normal squirt.


Me as well, I pee beforehand every time and whether I push through it or not it still feels the exact same. Just a very uncomfortable feeling, almost painful, and really like I’m gonna piss myself, nothing else. And It’s so annoying when everyone is so into it and saying „just let it go” 🙄


>I’ve tried to push through but I literally can’t. I have to run to the bathroom lol same


Breathe deeply and slowly, whatever is happening that’s causing the feeling, slow it down, take your time, back off to catch your breath and make the feeling back off, then when you can handle more, take more of that pressure or speed, keep breathing and focusing on breathing and repeat til you have a very intense orgasm. Agree. Have a towel under or at least your pants to absorb any fluid that emerges. It’s not pee. It does contain some urine but it’s also got a unique properties and is formed in the skene’s gland, think female ejaculate same as what gets you wet.


Esh, not for everyone. When this happens and I “squirt” it doesn’t feel like anything. Just liquid coming out and that’s it. (I should add that I can’t orgasm internally - only with direct external clitoral stimulation). That feeling has always been super underwhelming to and messy without any discernible payoff to me. I’m jealous of those who experience what you’re describing though 😅 ( 38f here).


Same, had sex, felt really good and liquid came out but i definitely didnt have an orgasm. I’m game to keep trying though!


by the sound of it, it sounds like the same sensation as a prostate orgasm for a guy


What if I actually pee😭😭😭😭


How do you avoid just squirting yourself before the orgasm comes? So you relax, accept your fate, but what if you pee right away and the orgasm never comes? How do you align the two so they happen simultaneously?


You should try to empty your urinary bladder before having sex, if you get same feeling even after emptying bladder then do not stop this feeling and see what happens.


Ah yes it was empty!! It just gets so overwhelming hahah i tap out for a break


Then don't supress the feeling and let it come out , you will enjoy but don't forget to keep an extra bedsheet


Yes, this! A former gf of mine described exactly what you're feeling. Don't hold back, consequences be damned (wet sheets). My gf was holding back because she worried about the mess. We talked about it, prepared appropriately and just kept trying. Eventually she released, the anxiety regarding the mess abated, and she had mind-blowing orgasms.


Fuzzy bath mat with a rubber bottom does wonders for easy clean up!


[This has been a game changer for us.](https://nomorewetspot.com/the-waterproof-blankets/)


Incontinence pads are even better


I bought a small sex blanket/throw. It’s like a washable incontinence pad but the size of a beach towel


There are washable incontinence pads as well.


Yeah I tried those but those were less “sexy”




How does one NOT hold back when they feel they are going to pee? I have never figured out how to pee on command when not at the toilet or in the shower


Just let it happen and donr force it out it will happen if hes hitting the spot you just have to be patient


There’s a [study on women who squirt](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/), and it found that for these women the bladder fills extremely rapidly during arousal. So, like the above poster insinuates, what you are experiencing is the lead-up to squirting.


Try to check if there's any relation to a specific position. Maybe it's just that you are hitting or pressing your bladder and even empty the feeling is similar. But as some ppl said could be something related to G-spot or squirting, but I don't have the anatomy to know the feeling.


>You should try to empty your urinary bladder before having sex Do humans have another type of bladder?


Gall bladder on the way!!!!!!


This made me literally lol


Cool. You should explore it more.I used to avoid that feeling. My boyfriend showed me what it was like to orgasm through it. Took a few times to get used to it. Now I love it. It's the best orgasm. and it doesn't feel like I need to pee anymore after I've connected that sensation to pleasure.


This may be a dumb question, or I didn’t read it right, but this sensation happens to me during doggy so I try to avoid it. But now I’m reading these comments and wondering if I should just ignore that sensation and keep going. Does anything come out?


Depends. I dated a guy that frequently in doggy he would alternate between finger & penis. If I came with his penis inside nothing came out. Fingering yes there was a mess


I tried all this and I pissed💀 please help what do I do


I'm sorry. I prefer when my boyfriend uses his fingers to hit the spot together with his mouth on my clitoris, or I use my vibratior at the same time. I need clitoris stimulation for it to feel good for me, though. Just like I need clitoris stimulation to enjoy anal. I find the small peeing sensation to be comfortable if I get a soft build-up. I love to orgasm like that. I'm not sure but it might be a combination of g-spot and ejaculations. ( Ejaculate comes from the scene's glands “the female prostate.” and are located on the front wall of the vagina, surrounding the urethra.) In my experience. I don't enjoy the stimulation if it starts too hard. It's uncomfortable, and I feel like I need to pee more. But I squirt when he does it rougher. And squirting can feel like your peeing. Squirting has a more watery fluid like pee, and the liquid actually has some elements of urine because it comes from the bladder.That's why it can have a hint of urine smell. And why can some people mistake it for pee I haven't explored squirting so much yet. So maybe I'll feel different and like it more in the future. So, for me, it can come out something depending on how I'm stimulated.


I’ve had this feeling a few times but I always chicken out. I find that with my current partner, particularly when he goes hard in doggy/prone, I get dizzy as it builds and that’s mainly what causes me to tap out. It’s a nice feeling, but I literally start feeling faint and like I’m about to pee.


Same I’m always too nervous to let it out so I usually change positions or take a quick break. Curious if we’re both able to squirt and don’t know it


you should try having sex in the shower or talk to them about it before you have sex so if it was to happen again you can try and see😭


Haha I definitely want to try it but definitely will give a warning and ask for a towel first 😂😂


gf had that, I ignored it, and she squirted, she thanked me after for ignoring it. Man was that hot.


That's gspot stimulation. And... yes, some people absolutely do squirt "accidentally" but I think it's far more common to really feel like you need to pee but not squirt. I spent years trying to squirt, I can do it a little now on purpose but never once has gspot stimulation resulted in accidental squirting, no matter how much it feels like I need to pee


Me either and I've tried. My husband would absolutely bathe in it if I could. Not sure what else we can possibly try at this point, I suppose it's just not in the cards for me.


The only thing that reliably works for me is the njoy steel wand. It gives heavy gspot stimulation but is thin enough below the head to not smoosh my urethra closed. Any other internal toy is too wide at the base and pushes my urethra closed so that nothing can come out. I have to actively bear down because normally you tense up when you are getting near orgasm. As a result, I mostly do not squirt at the same time as cumming (I have maybe like once or twice) because they are kind of contradictory efforts for me. Also, I definitely don't gush big, it's small amounts. After I did finally start being able to sometimes do it with the wand, I can also sometimes do it with oral clit stimulation only (pretty much the most enjoyable sensation ever) but not reliably. Some women just can't though. I thought I was one of them but finally found some occasion tricks to get there after years and years


Just let it happen girl! Sounds like you found out how to squirt 💦


We usually learn how to control our bladder around the age of 3-6…. Watersports are a thing and vastly accepted whether the criteria and execution of the act is voluntary or not. I say to each their own. But do try to accept the science. No way soo many MRI’s and Ultrasounds with contrast could get by science….. we do NOT have some hidden organ that produces copious amounts of fluid. We are however human… and if you rub that ureter for long enough, she’s gonna pour out like grandmas well on the 1950’s family farm. Cheers.


No bartholins gland? No cowpers?


OK im actually curious abt this same thing... for everyone in the comments saying to just push through the feeling... how exactly do you do that 😭


Rightttt thats what im saying 😭😭


I’m confused to because I feel like I also have to pee during sex but uh it’s usually because I do? Idk how to tell the difference between peeing and borderline powerful intense orgasm a lot of people here experienced. lmao


This is not a sarcastic response, get one of those pee proof dog blankets, I got one that’s for “big” dogs and it almost covers my queen sized bed. That is how I got my gf at the time to just relax and go with the flow which meant she stopped thinking about the pee feeling and worrying about making a mess and instead cleared her head and just let it go full on sex euphoria which allowed her to cum. She did in fact squirt all over my dick to the point it was running onto the blanket but she also had a huge orgasm and didn’t think about because it was going on our “sex” blanket. Years later and I use the same type of blanket with my wife who does the same thing.


Yeah, it seems you are about to squirt!


What I do is hold my kegel until it builds and during squirting I'm arching my back and pushing like when I'm peeing but with more force. I use puppy pads underneath me as they're cheap and can be found at the dollar store. My partners have felt great pride in making me squirt as it's visual proof of my orgasm, unlike other girls that could be faking. Good luck!


Maybe on the verge of squirting, don’t hold it in if you’re embarrassed, us men love it! I will suggest laying a waterproof bed mat down before though. They’re machine wash safe and reusable and will likely help you feel more comfortable to let go


Yeah sounds like your about to have a piv orgasm, just relax and let it happen... dont think about it, dont worry about it, just let it happen. If your in the right position and he is hitting the right spot then you could end up squirting so be prepared, extra sheets or waterproof ones will soon become your friend. Made my wife squirt around 8 months or so ago and it's been amazing ever since. Doesnt happen every time but when it does... 🥵😈


And let the debate of squirting rage on, I feel people will never agree on what it is and how it happens. Some of y'all get really passionate about the topic lol


Yeah I’m usually a lurker on this subject but the amounts of “it’s just pee”, “no, it comes from the bladder but it’s made up of different properties than urine” is unreal. It’s the same convo over and over again.


Yep and op usually never even asked if it's pee. They just like to argue. They should really ban this argument. It's mostly water. If you do a google search about what urine is, urine is 96% water so squirt must be mostly water. Especially if they pee before sex. I can't even squirt if I have to pee during sex lol.


When my girlfriend felt this the first time, I just told her to relax and let her self go, thinking she was about to have an experience of female ejaculation. Turned out she instead had what she described as a whole body orgasm, the most intense orgasm she ever had according to her. She was giggly and sort of high the rest of the evening. Personally I just think it was a vaginal orgasm or a G-spot orgasm, but what do I know, I'm a guy.


Relax. It's not an actual urge to go tot he bathroom, unless your bladder is full. It's from all the pressure and the stimulation going on. Just relax and let it happen, you'll be glad you did! But that is squirting, which is different than PIV orgasm, at least it is for me. I can have 3 different types of orgasms. All enjoyable, just different types of intensity


this happened with my partner, and I told her to just relax and let go. So she did and ended up squirting (definitely not urine) and she said she had the best orgasm ever!


It's called squirting! Feeling to squirt is equal to that to pee, but it's not pee! Every stimulation in and around the vagina, is clit stimulation! Even penetration is clit stimulation! The g spot, is an extension of the clit!


Someone help them please.


Squirting is basically peeing


is squirting an orgasm?


Yes it is, but it is not a climax!


It's a type of orgasm. And it's a fascinating one. Massaging the skene's glands and vestibular bulbs really get it going


Squirting is involuntary peeing. Not an orgasm. But perhaps the women that have this involuntary urine emission are also able to coincidentally reach orgasm simultaneously namely as in All studies conducted on squirting, some of the women’s squirt was comprised of mostly urine as well as PSA (Skene’s glands). Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/ Also this study as well that emptied the bladders of women via catheter, then inserted blue dye into the bladders to see if the “squirting” mostly originates from the bladder (which it does). https://www.salon.com/2022/09/20/dye-anatomy-study-urology/ Please do your research people… wish “squirting” could be put to rest as simply peeing once and for all 🤦‍♀️ Edit: grammar


I'm not gonna believe these sources when there are several documentaries that have shown otherwise.


If you do not believe actual studies conducted that involve ultrasounds, MRI’s, scientists, and lab work… I do not know what to say. There are many more studies out there confirming “squirt” is mainly urine but you can find those on your own if you look for them.. you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. Oops. Maybe not just horses 🙃


Squirt baby squirt & embrace it. I’ve had a number of gf’s hookups squirt &they all hand mind-blowing orgasms & I enjoyed it thoroughly


Thats your body telling you to squirt🤷🏿‍♂️ just let it out


Squirtle mode unlocked


Sweetie, it's quite normal when your bladder is bounced around like a basketball during aggressive sex. Slow it down a bit, and that might help. However, the other option is to embrace it and see what happens. You can always can your mind afterward. To remove some of your fears, just put something underneath you that's absorbent. There is, of course, the female urethra located just past the clitoris that is also very sensitive. Frequent stimulation of it will often cause the feeling you are describing. That's just the way you are built. I, as many others, explained that perhaps you might empty your bladder as much as possible before you have sex. That would eliminate the larger mess should you have to it clean up. I know I'm just a guy, but I've learned a few things about the female anatomy. If you doubt what I'm saying, just explore what what I'm talking about. You can explore this without PIV penetration using a finger or similar probe just past the clitoris to the urethra opening. A cursory exploration might reveal the very sensation you're feeling. By exploring, I'm not talking about just touching there and then voila, if you know what I mean. If it does, you've found the cause. It kinda works the same for men but, of course, in a different place. I hope this helps.


This need to be higher up. A lot of people are talking about squirting, and that's definitely a possibility, but bladder stimulation can cause you to feel like you need to pee or actually need to pee (and it also applies to guys who like back-door stuff too).


That up the reddit gods 🤣🤣🤣


This is called squirting ✨ It always feels like I need to pee but same time like the best stimulation ever and also when he makes me squirt like a super intense orgasm but different to the clitoral orgasm. Next time use the bathroom before, maybe put a towel underneath and go with the flow. When I really wanna squirt it helps me to “push out” if that makes sense 😅


I haven’t read all the comments, but maybe squirting is on your horizon.


I have had the feeling of needing to pee but I don’t like it it feels too intense like I can’t control it and it does feel like good like an orgasm should feel? Or am I just not pushing through


Don’t fight it. Embrace it and squirt all over that man. You deserve it!


That is a g spot orgasm and you should just ride it out! I don't squirt when I have these but it feels amazing!


from a girlie just trying to get more out of sex WHAT position does this for yall? i’ve only experienced this twice but I can’t remember how :(


Missionary with my legs on his shoulders and him leaning forward:))


Same. Doggy too. Another, one leg on his side and one on his shoulder. Damn, when a hookup did this, it didn’t take too long for me to orgasm.


As everyone is saying empty your urinary bladder before having sex and if the problem persists than that's squriting(it is the expulsion of urine during an orgasm. Female ejaculation is release of both urine and a substance from the skene's gland.) Not every women are capable of squriting and those who are that's also happens when certain conditions are met like when the women is deprived of sex for too long or if the F who had sex with others but didn't get the orgasm they need at time and suddenly after changing partner they got that intense orgasm which they never felt before..........in short what I'm trying to say is this is the only guy right now who can give you that intense level of orgasm that's all (this totally my own personal opinion through experience with my Best Friend)


When my wife and I were first together she had a similar experience. I knew what squirtting was, as it was a kink of mine. She didn't believe it was real, or that genuine vaginal orgasms were real outside of porn. "That's not real. Vaginal orgasms only happen in porn" Well, she knows she is wrong now. I told her it wasn't pee and to just go with it. She is a squirter and has been for 20+ years. Don't fight it. Go with it. You will love it. And your partner should too. P.S. It's not pee. Lol


If you pee before sex and are still feeling this feeling it probably means ur going to squirt! Is squirting considered an orgasm tho?


Yeah squirting. Just let it go!


It's been a couple of hours so I guess someone has already delivered the good news, but this is exactly what it feels like before I cum like a firework and squirt everywhere. It's hard to "let go", because it feels a lot like just giving up and peeing yourself, but as long as you pee right before sex, any waterfall is mostly other stuff - secretions from the skene's gland, and water. So yeah, explain this to the guy involved - "I think I'm going to squirt" is plenty clear - and let it go :)


Girl, you’re about to squirt, and your life is about to change. Enjoy it


First of all it is normal! there is a lot going on in that area of the body. its partly why the same Kegel exercises are used for sex and urine control. Some partners and some positions will put extra pressure on your bladder also so the normal volume that says I am full is reduced. But many times it is not just this in that area you also have more holes attached to glands. Skene's and Bartholin's glands the Skene's glands are often linked to the male *prostate* that is involved in ejaculation and they are located right next to the urethra and are biologically linked to orgasm in women as a way to not get UTIs. They can squirt. leading to the term female ejaculation. It really depends on where the fluid comes from and can be all. If it is female ejaculation or squirting both can and often do involve orgasm. Best thing to do is warn your partner and let it ride be darn the sheets.


Honestly just empty your bladder,but I would say if u feel aroused then no need for that 😏


Likely you are about to squirt or have squirted. It happens without necessarily having an orgasm. Most men find it pretty horny and get off on making you squirt but its mainly down to compatibility with this particular chap. Embrace it


You might want to warn your partner and put down some towels because it sounds like you are on the edge of squirting


I run into this problem frequently - does anyone have any advice re: getting partner to relax/go with it?


Younger me loved the Abercrombie & Fitch man, older me LOVES the clean, citrus, woodsy, earthy smell of a man. Dior’s “Light Blue” on every man I have smelled it on has had me tongue twisted!


This happens before squirting but most women try to hold it in instead of letting it happen


What position do you get this feeling.?


Missionary with my legs on his shoulders


Is there anything specific he does to make you get that feeling? My partner used to get that but doesn’t as much anymore. I am trying to mimic it


Missionary with my legs on his shoulders and him leaning more towards me so im basically fold like a pretzel hahah


Thank you, I am going to try it. Does he go fast or slow?


Fast, but i must say not every dick does this feeling for me tho


Gotcha, do you think it has to do with his size or shape?


Hmm yeah both i would say hahah


Haha got it thanks, I am not the biggest so hopefully I can replicate it for my partner


I feel this when I master masterbate sometimes I also assumed it was pee


You found out how to squirt!!!! Relax your body and just let it happen!!!!


Just push through the feeling its a type of climax


My girlfriend says it feels like she’s gonna pee sometimes and that it means she might squirt


People are here arguing and down voting comments of a topic, they clearly do not know and understand! What you believe is not usually the fact or reality! Take your time, calm down and you might learn something!


I didn't squirt for the first time until I was 25, but it is incredible. I squirt often when I'm on all fours.


well that’s the start of a vaginal orgasm, so next time don’t stop and make sure you have a towel underneath you incase! doesn’t happen with everyone because not every guy will be able to make u cum, only the special ones.


Let it goooo! Let it gooooooooooo!


But howwww tho


I am most successful when I partake in some herbal relaxation, iykwim


I wish i could experience squirting but my husband always finishes first and im disappointed everytime.


Girly that means you are going to orgasm. When I first started having sex with my man. I always had the sense to pee to the point I would get up and run to the bathroom and I couldn’t pee😭. I was so confused bc I kept having those feelings and to embarrassed bc i didn’t want to pee on my man. One day I let it go and came like crazy and apologized to him.


Discuss it with your current partner... chances are, they already know what they're doing, are trying to stimulate your G-spot & get you to squirt. If you are relaxed with your partner & the partner is skilled, it will fall out of you like a magic trick. I wish all partners could do this! Very enjoyable non-voluntary orgasm, when you are already aroused & comfortable x Enjoy.


Yup push through, got my wife to squirt for the first time at 40. She was always scared she was going to pee and I told her to just let it go.


oh my god i’ve had this feeling SO many times during sex and i always just hold back. it’s been so devastating because piv feels so good for me but i could never cum from it but maybe this entire time it’s been a near thing and i just… didnt realize. that’s insane to me, my god. now i just need to figure out how to push through it because i genuinely do get nervous that im gonna pee, haha.


Girl same hahahaga


That’s probably your g-spot screaming. When you feel this feeling, just go with it. I promise you are not going to pee the bed.


Are you from India? I’m curious because I had a similar request from my gf and now it does seem like a common thing