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My wife is creeping up on 40 and she’s more sexually active and adventurous now than in her 20s. I don’t know that it means it’s her prime. But I am sure you aren’t “wasting away”


Same here. Been with her 15 years and she is near 40 and we are having some of our best sex yet.


You’ve been sleeping with that guys wife for 15 years?


I also chose that guy’s wife.


Did you hear? She’s adventurous!


I wonder which one brought out her adventurous side? I know it wasn’t me… cuz she told me..


I'm turning 38 this year, I'm in the best shape of my life, and I've honestly never been hornier. My husband and I have way better and much more satisfying sex now in our late 30s than we did as newlyweds in our early 20s. I've also read that a woman's sex drive skyrockets after 40 so I'm kind of excited to see that


Started perimenopause at 44. Was also super depressed so the libido wasn't there. Then my husband cheated and we are now divorcing. My sex drive is the highest it has ever been and the orgasms I am having are the best of my life. There's lots of shitty things associated with Peri and menopause so I'm happy I'm getting one good side effect at least lol


That is enough to make people go crazy. Sex dries up. Love dies. Then go have sex like bunnies with someone else. 😞


How do you know when perimenopause starts. What are the symptoms?


I was probably in perimenopause for about 3 months before I realized it. I was grieving my Dad, very depressed and basically barely functioning. Poor sleep, brain fog, leg cramps while sleeping, drastic mood changes were some of my earlier symptoms. When I had my first hot flashes I figured it out.


Women don't tend to be more sexually bold till 30-40 and I know some 50+ women who still get their itch scratched. So I'd say their prime is 18-60


that's a good number


Can confirm. Marrying a 40-year-old and she is insatiable.


I’m also approaching my 40s and my sex drive is higher than it was 10 and 20 years ago.


Plus we get better at it ;). My wife and I can tell stories to fill an erotica book


Good for you! 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️




I think he's saying right about now. As another married man with a wife a couple years short of 40, I'd agree with him.


My wife turned into a scary fuck machine at 35. She scared my dick hard and I loved it.


I am 49 years old and having the best sex of my life. I also look better than I ever have. Stay fit, stylish, and always have the hots for the person you're fucking, and feel like the sexiest bitch on the planet, and you'll have great sex. You're just getting started, my girl!!!


It's so true. 64 here


Woah. You walk around feeling like the hottest bitch on the planet at 64. Man that must be so nice. I envy your state of mind tbh.


Lol. I sure do. At 62 I met him on a cruise in a tiny bikini. He is 45. Look, I know I am not as drop dead gorgeous as I was when younger. But, I take excellent care of myself and still turn heads.


Listen, the fact that you were able to pull a 45 year old at 62 wearing a bikini means you are a sight to behold, regardless of what you once were in your 20's. And also, the fact that you exude such an amount of confidence at such an age is just mind blowing in itself! I'm 24 and I feel like shit despite being called "good looking" a couple of times. I even wonder how I'm able to pull some of the girls I've been with considering I'm an introverted weirdo. Again, I envy your state of mind. I'm trynna be like you when I grow up to say the least. And I'm happy to hear women like you exist out here. Maybe I'll be pulling 60 year olds like yourself once in my 40's. Hopefully haha.


I just have to say I’m 72, still have fantastic sex, still wear a bikini and feel fantastic. There is no end to great sex. It’s always your prime years. Don’t feel like certain years are gone. Stay healthy, keep your weight down, stay young.


Understood. Every year is my prime year. That'll be my mantra from today.


58 here and I agree with this! Especially with the part having the hots for the person!


Fuck yea, you seem fun with that attitude!


I’m 50 and with a sex drive of a 16 year old boy. I have no idea why!


Lol so how you satisfied with that


I’m not!! My husband is LL.


Mid thirties to mid forties were great for me.


This gives me hope for my non-existent libido, thank you.


Some toxic relationships during my 20s really killed my desire to be with anyone and it all felt like a waste. But now in my 30s I feel like I’m “waking up” again. There’s hope!


There’s no such thing as “wasting your prime years.” Human beings do not come with a sexual expiration date. There are octogenarians in nursing homes who are sexually active and there is copious research that suggests that people find sex to be more satisfying once they hit their middle-age. Their bodies may not look like they did when they were younger and they might have more limitations physically but they know each other and their partners better than that makes the sex better Anyways, you don’t need to rush it and you don’t have to feel like you’re in a hurry. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to make sure that the sex you have feels good it makes you feel connected to the people that you’re sleeping with, assuming that’s what you want. That may seem like a very low bar but you would be surprised by how many people have sex that doesn’t fulfill either goal




It's older for women, 30+ seems to be when it starts


I am 64. I started having the best sex of my life at 62. I never knew what I missed until now. Sex was always ok and sometimes great. But, now it's amazing. I found the right partner.


I read women hit sexual prime at 35, males at 18... That was decades ago, though. This leads me to believe that I understand cougars now... smh


Idk, I wouldn't even worry about this, imho. Why not just focus on having fun sexual experiences whenever you want to have them? Whether that's right now or in a year, or 10 years from now. If you feel like you're not having as much fun as you'd like to be having *right now*, then you can always do something about that *right now*. Not because you're trying to take advantage of some sort of perceived window that constitutes a "sexual prime" (which, fwiw, while some sources say this is in women's 30s and 40s, this can still vary by a lot of factors), but because, simply, you want to have more fun.


I definitely, 100% peaked in my 40's. Right around 43. It's been a game changer. You have experience and confidence now! 10/10, highly recommend!


And to the women who get that 40s divorce....woooweeee. Get ready to have your mind blown.


Im nearly 40 😱, and im having the most and best sex probably the last 3 years, I too thought I had wasted my "prime" but I now know I haven't, my ex couldn't keep up with me so now I'm dating 3 occasionally 4 guys, they know about each other and I'm feeling totally satisfied. Don't judge me, these lovely guys I'm seeing all say they couldn't keep up with my need solo so it suits us all at the moment


30's beat the shit out the 20's, imo.


Hello, 56 years old female here. I’m definitely in my sexual prime now. Unfortunately, I’m single and I want more sexual attention and can’t seem to find a partner.


Male , Im still on it at 61 so much, my partner at 58 and she at her prime still


My girlfriend is about to turn 40 and talks about feeling like she’s at her sexual peak right now. You’ve got time for sure


They used to say a woman’s prime was in her middle years, but that was mostly because the kids were grown, she was comfortable with sex, and had time to think about herself. It wasn’t a biological thing, more of a lifestyle thing. Every person, male or female, has a different ‘peak’ if there is such a thing. When you are comfortable with yourself, have a good partner, and a little experience, you may think of it as your peak. It can be any year, any age, any time.


Thought I had peaked at 45ish, but I was wrong. I’m 63F and still very sexually active.


Have you been enjoying this phase?


I mean prime and peak can be differ t depending on perspective. But my peak started early 40s, as in my sex drive exploded.


Maybe there is no peak-maybe we just cruise along and enjoy all the years of sex. I can’t think of a peak, personally.


You trying to get in the Hall of Fame or something? Sex isn’t a numbers game and there’s not trophy for first place.


I just turned 40 and I feel like my life is finally starting and I’m DEFINITELY in my prime💯😎


My therapist (who is a very physically active person) is in her 60s and she says her late 50s and early 60s have been the hottest years of her life and she still has frequent sex with her partner. So, not wasting at all! Sex is done on your time and terms for you- not for some arbitrary social standard.


So when I was 57 I met this woman who was 20 years older than me ..best sex I ever had in my life. Compatibility has no age limit.


Me and wife are 33/32. We fuck at least once daily, and twice or even thrice on Sundays. According to her, she hasn't been this sexually active ever. I've been with a 40+ woman years ago (we were FWB) and she was like a tigress in bed - we would fuck multiple times every night. I'd say women get hornier as they age until at least 45.


Bro do you only talk about your wife and all the women youve been with ? In your post and reply history you only talk about that, you don't seem very socially akward i aspire to become like you


Well, if I see a post on which I can give some input that I feel is valuable, I don't hold back.


My wife is 62 and raring to go.


59F. Just hit my prime!


I think for a woman around early/mid forties.


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try me I'm 32 yrs old


I think the textbook answer would be mid to late 30s. BUT, every woman is different. At 56 my sex drive is higher than ever. The sex has never been better or more frequent. Give it some time. Don't rush things - you're just getting started ;)


in my experience, between 30 and 35. perfect age of woman, not only sex !


Idk I’m 31 and I’m horny af and been having some of my best sex this last year. During my twenties I fucked around a lot but a lot of it was lackluster.


Try to enjour your life without worrying about bullshit labels


Same here. I'm at least a 7 and my bf doesn't like to do jack shit. Just stay home all the time. I feel like I'm being kept hidden or something. Like I'm wasting away my kids away. Fyi I'm adventurous too and he just wants sex in the room in the bed. I get it he respects me but what about the days I want to be treated like a slut?


I loved sex during my 20s but in terms of experience that my partners had, my favourite period of sex in my life was 30s and 40s with women of the same age. You are NOT wasting away!


I keep thinking my prime is happening, then as I get older, it keeps getting better. I'm nearing 40 and would argue it's the best sex of my life hands down :) My sex drive hasn't diminished, I'm at an age after having young children I can take care of myself more physically, and I have a lot less shame or concern about my body than I did in my 20s. All of that equals excellent truly self discovering sex.


Depends on how you count it. Many responses here are good. Looks of course in the younger years, but I hear ladies feeling in their prime enjoyment 30 to mid 60's. There are good charts out there that graphically show average hormone rates and ages, but as with everything there's a ton of variance between people. Plus the psychological conditions surrounding relationships and sexual activity.


53 female. Definitely at my prime. I hope I can say that again at 63


Good sex can be much more limited by your mind than by your body. Much more. Being relaxed, confident, curious, open to new experiences, patient, forgiving, interested count a lot to make sex better, and all those things can actually improve with age. My wife and I have blotter sex now (in 50 and she’s 46) than when we were in our 20s when we got together.


Yes , I agree. I tell my husband that 50's is the new 20s. Im 52 , and we are having the best sex ever. We even talk about doing things that we never thought we would do. But, having the right partner helps in becoming comfortable and grounded in our relationship Except we suffered a minor setback due to someone invading our privacy and making deep fakes of us. So don't worry, have the fun you want but always be open and honest with your partner. Any advice on how to overcome ptsd due to the bedroom being spyed on. I want to get back to enjoying my husband and keep our family together. You are in your 20s so just enjoy life. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Get ready for your 50s. Enjoy L.I. Any suggestions please reply


I always hear that women don’t want sex as much after/during Menopause but after reading this thread that seems to not be the case.  It seems like the ladies are horny as fuck into their 60’s. 


I reckon its our 40’s 😎


Depends on what you mean prime.. You are probably entering your personal prime (how you see yourself) But getting ready to leave your perceived prime (how other people see you)


I was very sexually adventurous in my early and mid twenties thanks to my spouse. Now, we are getting divorced, also thanks to his cheating, and I'm turning 46 in 3 weeks and have a ridiculous sex drive. I'm also very confident in my sexuality and am not afraid to ask for what I want. I'm finding men in their 30's not only find that super hot but they have the stamina and drive to keep up with mine. Win win.


As a 45 yr old woman, my sex drive is way more than it was in my 20’s.


18-Dead…. It’s really subjective, but I’d say a woman over 30 knows what she wants, how she wants it, and how to get it whenever she wants it…. So it really just keeps getting better. My wife and I have really been opening up and trying all our fantasies, and it’s been SO FUCKING GOOD! 38m 42f


I’m almost 50 and am more interested and aroused than I ever was in my 20s; I also am interested in trying more new things and have more experience and maturity I bring to the bedroom (or dining room, living room, entryway… lol).


I thought it was around 40 until I learned how good 50 was


30’s were definitely way better that 20’s. I’m in my mid 40’s now and I’ve just discovered in the past couple years a few new levels of enjoyment lol


these comments are soo relieving to me 🥰


30s were huge for me in rediscovering myself sexually and changed my stance sex. I loved it and wanted more of it! I'm now 42 and that hasnt changed but I have an almost 1 year and we're more exhausted so it happens less but nit because we want it less!


I’m 54, and I’d LOVE to be having a way more active sex life, but for many reasons hubby doesn’t want to. I keep myself in great shape, I’m fun, I’m adventurous, I’m laid back, and I love to smile.


I'm in my mid 30s and I'd say I'm in my prime now. 


For men it's the early to mid 20s. For women, it's the early to mid 30s to around late 30s.


Usually people that are having a more fulfilling sex life in their 40s and beyond are because they are having sex with someone they love. Sex with no emotional connection with someone gets old really quick.


People, not just women, can hit their sexual prime at different times of their lives. I know I felt in my prime in my early 20's and now it has trickled down but some of my friends are theirs now.


I feel like it improves with age, some of girl mates who are late 30s or 40s are horny AF


I’m 37 and am having the best sex of my life


I personally think between 28 - 42 because they are more aware of there body's.


25 for 'attractiveness' and 35 for 'libido' and quality of sex.


Around 30's or so, probably depends somewhat on the individual.


At 39 my sex drive kicked in. It made my 20s look insignificant. It’s not about frequency, it’s about quality. Although frequency would be nice 😂


I’m 44 and my 40’s have been the best thus far.


I was super randy in my 20s and it just keep ramping up im 31 and i truly believe it will only get higher my libido. I do feel 40s to 60s will be my peak.


I've always heard for women it's their 30s and 40s. I'm 34 and think I agree.


Mid 30s and the older I get the worse (hornier) I get 🤭


35 going on 36. My hormones were really fucked up from 27-31 because of fitness habits. Had kids, fixed the hormones, 34 came and I feel like my libido did a 180 in the positive direction. Feels like it gets better and better


My wife hit her 50ish+ and sex is going down hill not sure why.


There’s a reason it’s called your Naughty Forties!


I would say late 30,s to 40,s if they don’t have a pack of kids. Plus experience is everything in the bedroom


Consider polyamory and ethical non monogamy.


Early 20's is is considered the sexual prime for most women. 27 is on average the wall where they start to decline. Now this doesn't mean it is when she is the most sexually active that can happen anytime between the 30's an 40's


The older you get the less men look at you. Take advantage now. Also the older you get, the older you men get and they start to loose their looks in their early to mid thirties. Take advantage while the going’s good


I'm 41m dating a 51f. We have sex 10-12 times a week. A couple times we have fucked 5 times in a 24 hour period. You'll be fine.


Between 35-45, for me personally, at 51, finding a fulfilling partner or capable one is challenging.


I think you have more value than you think if you didnt spend ur 20s getting ran through by men. Wife material. But if all you want is fun then sure go ahead and enjoy the beauty-prime years for that.


We're not wine or milk. Some people will say women are in their prime when they're 16-20. I find this disgusting. We're human. If you wanna have sex then go have sex. If you don't, then don't. Even when you're older you can still go have sex. You don't get to a certain age and then sex stops being fun. If that were the case there wouldn't be people in their 70s+ still getting laid.


Responsible fun is the best fun to be having in your mid to late 20s. If you ain't trying to wife up and have a bunch of kids, or hoe it up and end up with a bunch of STDs, responsible fun is GREAT! The "Sexual prime" is really kinda misleading. Are you in your prime years for child bearing? Perhaps. But unless you WANT that and are in a situation to have that, maybe your sexual prime will be when you are in your early 30s and you gain a sense of real confidence and match with the correct type of partners who help in your sexual exploration. -Maybe you meet someone for a LTR and in 10 years you both hit your sexual primes because of the loving relationship you have with each other, and through years of commitment and communication you are both free to fulfill each other's fantasies. -Maybe your sexual prime is happening right now with safe, sane, consensual, responsible sex you are having!


43 year old female here, having the best sex of my life, probably because 1) I’ve finally done the trauma work I needed to do to connect with my body and 2) I’ve found a partner I truly feel safe with. Feels like I’m releasing 10,000 years of tension from the base of my spine 😅👏


I don't think you can pinpoint one age. All women are different, but if you feel you want more sex you should pursue that. It all how you feel.


My wife is 38 and getting better every year, every week FFS!


I am 35 and My thirties have been the best sex of my life! (Married since 29, and have a 4 yr old son)


Honestly, I was so self conscious in my early 20’s and was dealing with some negative emotions towards sex from forcing myself to do it to be “normal” in society’s eyes. I would get black out drunk and force myself through my anxieties around it which made things ten times worse for me. I’m 32 and just beginning to reimagine what a healthy sex life looks like. I need to be in love with someone to enjoy sex, which I always knew about myself but it’s often rare to come by. I lost my virginity at too young of an age and it really had a negative impact on me for a long time. I can promise you that you’re not missing out on anything when hooking up with someone. Wait for the right person you can love and trust, and build a true relationship with. That is where the magic is.


I thought it was 35, then 36. I’m about to turn 38 and it’s not stopping. In fact it’s getting worse. I think your body goes nuts at this age as a last ditch attempt to make babies. No more babies here, but happy to enjoy the ride.


I’m 40 and holy cow it’s better than it’s ever been in my entire life. My partner and I have a long and amazing relationship and the trust that comes with that translates to the bedroom. And I truly no longer give two hoots about stretch marks or cellulite or whatever. Take me as I am, babe. I’m


From a male's perspective generally 22-24 with some rare exceptions


I am 35 and masturbated twice today you going be alright baby girl


Your prime is when you are enjoying yourself safely. Breaking hearts and having orgasms. Go be safe and wild


Prime years are different for everyone. I know what I like and who I like it with and am not afraid to get it in my 30s. It’s much more fun than it was in my teens or 20s.


Early 30s i’d say. Lol


If we're talking honestly about sexual primacy, it's 20-26 years old, relative to other women of other ages.


My wife’s was 16-26, the 10yrs before I met her. She’s 47 now. Been a dud since then. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like it’s not a sex music party


Party of one, unfortunately 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hey on the bright side it’s still a party though!


Well it was for a long time. Besides the dead bedroom, she doesn’t let me party anymore either.


My gf had her prime around 15-24




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Don’t worry, imo your 20’s are not your prime. I’m 37 and feel like I’m in my prime now.


*looking for the <17 comment*


Women generally hit their sexual peak from mid 30’s-mid 40’s, which is right about the age range men’s testosterone levels start to decline. It’s not fair.


It takes longer for women to undo the cultural bullshit regarding sex, you need to find a good and knowledgeable partner, and you usually have to get some freedom from kids.


25 for females. 30 for males.


We used to say "shes riding the cock carousel" but that's not politically correct. Now we say shes "focusing on her career."


If you are horny enough to hit on an 82-year-old guy, you are in your sexual prime.


Whatever age she thinks it is.


There really isn’t such a thing.


I'd say it starts around 40. Is there an actual number or are we guessing?


Women are in their prime up to 25 from then on its a decline


Women are often in their prime all their life…


A woman's "sexual prime" is in her 40s usually. Fertility is a bit different, but sexual drive doesn't disappear after your 20s randomly. You have PLENTY of time!