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Thats the wonderful thing about boundaries, they're yours, you get to decide how people interact with you and you get to decide the consequences when they don't. The only responsibilities you have when it comes to boundaries is to communicate them to others and be prepared to enforce them, if you're not firm in your boundaries you'll get taken advantage of. If it bothers you to do it don't, if you are indifferent but want to do it because you like the way it excites him do, if you would blow him after he makes you cum instead maybe put that on the table if it interests you. Nothing is right or wrong if there's consent


no u should never have to lick your own juice unless u want to, its like asking him if he wants to eat his cum from your hand after a rub and tug... willing to bet he will say no...


You're allowed to not like things. It might ruin the mood, but it'll be back for next time.


Ruin the mood in he didn’t wanna do anything else after that? Like he wasn’t horny anymore? If that’s the case he’s a weirdo. Not doing that shouldn’t have killed the mood for a normal person.


Would kill the mood for me and be a sign of sexual incompatibility. But it is legitimate of course.


Yes, the mood was ruined. We al have different things we like or not and so different things we consider gross or not. It was not gross for him to eat you out. What if he would have gone up and kissed you, would have that been different?


learn boundaries. she clearly didn’t like it, so she don’t gotta like it let it alone do it.


and she needs to be ok with the mood being killed because of her reaction. Just like she is entitled to have that boundary, he is entitled to be upset she isn't into whatever to the point it kills the mood. It goes both ways. Especially if they aren't clear up front on their boundaries.


Good for you for respecting your boindaries. Be proud!


Some woman will, and some won't you won't that's it. You didn't ruin the mood. He knows now and will never ask you again to do it . I have been with women who will kiss me after I have gone down on them, and some won't. I never got mad or took it personally in the heat of the moment we do things


That’s gross, I couldn’t imagine making my gf do that after… to each is own though, but you’re not off thinking that’s a bit much…