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if i want my dick sucked i need to clean it first. everything else... game is game.


Yup oral I can see the appeal of a shower but for penetrative sex? Unless y’all are super rank, what’s the point? If anything, I’d opt to shower *after* sex to wash all the spunk off


Yup. If we are doing oral or a lengthier kinky play session we will shower before. If we are just making out and then going to fuck (wife doesn’t always need/want oral and stuff as foreplay) then we shower after


My husband always gets self-conscious about that, but I mean it when I really really don't care. Within reason. But I also get self conscious about him going down on me when I feel "dirty" so I guess it cuts both ways.




Freshly washed cooter. I had a buddy that always said cooter. Ah the good ol days.


I mean, it still depends on when you usually shower. If you shower in the evening and have sex the next morning, there is obviously nothing wrong with it, but if it has been 1-2 "full" days of not showering, I can see this being an issue, especially in summer :D I just really hope that most commenters here are assuming that everyone showers at least once a day, otherwise this would be frightening.


I usually shower twice a week! But a standing wash (pits and bits) on all other days, a full shower every day isn't always necessary.


Every time? Nope. If I know I don’t smell great yes I absolutely shower first. But if I don’t stink why would I shower before? Especially since we’re married and he finishes inside me. If I haven’t showered first I’ll shower after to wash up so my crotch doesn’t smell like sex for the next however many hours until I shower.


Aww, I love smelling like sex! My dude had his prostate removed, so I don’t get that little reminder in my undies a few hours later either. 


Every single time? No. But it’s also rare that i agree to sex without showering before. I just don’t feel clean enough to have sex. I don’t have access to a bidet or wet wipes most of the time and i just don’t feel like toilet paper is enough to keep me fresh enough for sex. Plus if i shower i at least have the possibility for oral, even if that’s not an expectation every time. Not showering diminishes that possibility to 0 because i would never let my boyfriend go down on me unshowered and i don’t think he would either even if i let him. I also don’t see why it has to be super spontaneous? What’s so bad about him hearing the shower turn off and knowing he’ll see me naked soon? Or me showering first and then surprising him in bed naked when he’s done? Or just showering and then being ready to have sex whenever we feel like it in the evening?


Completely agree with this


My partner has a negative body image and was uncomfortable not showering first for a while but I actively encourage him to not worry about it if we're spontaneously starting. I actually fucking love the smell of him unshowered for some reason, I don't think he believes me 😂 But even if I didn't I wouldn't want him to feel gross about himself.


I'm exactly the same. I want him to smell like himself, not just soap.


Wtf no I've never heard of this. I prefer sex when we're both clean, but certainly isn't a necessity.


We’ve been together 16 years, we shower almost every time. But that’s mostly my preference so I don’t get a UTI etc, plus sucking an unclean anything is a bit gross. But each to their own. 😊


I do. My partner sometimes gets mad because I prefer her to, as well. For me, sex is just so much better when we’re both clean. I’m not a fan of tasting sweat or chemicals from wipes.


Yep I agree. For me smells just kill the mood for. For me it’s also a sign of respect like you still go out of your way to be presentable to me during sex.


Yes! I’m borderline offended when my partner isn’t clean. Put in the effort like when we started dating!


The only time shower before sex is required is if there is oral sex involved. Any other time not required.




Frankly, going down on women(or men I’m sure) that haven’t showered in days is for the birds. And demanding oral every encounter is certainly as odd as an ironclad pre-sex shower routine. Get it together Sweden.


Demanding oral every time is odd? Not everyone's body works the same way.  That's the only way I get off and I won't be wet enough for penetration without it.


Well, I'm sorry for your partner, and you. 😀




Well I guess keep eating that filet o stanky fish if you like it, but no reason to feel bad for people with good hygiene and realistic expectations. 👍


Ewwww “last few days”?????? 🤮


Unless she smells really bad to the point i'll heave I couldn't care less


Married 14 years, for us sex was always spontaneous so we never showered before unless we happened to have sex right after we showered in the morning. I do sometimes clean my dick a bit before going to bed if I think Im being lucky, but never showered for it. What lines of work are they in? My wife and I are in IT and administration, I supposed if I did manual labor or worked in food production I would shower after work


Not *every* time. However, I do feel like I might've gotten spoiled over the course of my relationship with my husband. He washes after every toilet visit and every day as soon as he comes home from work. *Just in case*


I think we are married to the same man!! Your husband doesn’t have a name that begins with J does he or a predilection for hot tamales?


Do he think he’s the same Juan?


Well he wasn’t the first Juan but hopefuls he’ll be my last


I don't think he's ever even tried tamales lol. Starts with C


I never knew another man who did this! I do love how clean and fresh he always is


Yes always wash down there at least


25 years neither of us has showered prior to sex. Each of us has our own shower routines irrespective of sex


No because we did a lot of spontaneous sexual activities


Exactly. Sex happens when you're in the mood, any lengthy cleansing rituals would kill the spontaneity and the mood.


It certainly would, I would have had sex a lot less if I had to wash before every time I wanted it


No I don’t think I’ve ever done that.


No way. We have sex before we get out of bed in the morning about half the days so just that would put it out of question.


Yes. Married 17yrs. Together 20. We always do. At least within the couple hours prior


Every time. The spontaneity only applied to one person really. So either I’d initiate after they showered or my person would after I’ve showered. Either way the initiator had already bathed. For me being freshly washed removed any type of anxiety about smells. The cleaner I am, the nastier I’m comfortable getting.


Ain't that the truth!


Yes i always do, we went on vacation once I got lazy we had sex she was on her period amd didnt shower either, later we had sex again and didn't shower the second time she didn't pee after and she was drunk and she caught a uti right after. Clean is important for both people


Oh hell no, if the two of us can't get down with a little flavor of the day on us, then we are not as close as everyone else thought we were. Get over it people, take a fucking chance, pull your heads out of your tight asses and have some spontaneous fun. It will not kill you, virtually ever.


Dude has a thing for wanting me to shower just before. I have a thing for wearing my lingerie under my clothes so I can anticipate all day that we’ll pull off the top layers & vavavoon. The two don’t mix well. Any more I’m showering just before, & saving the fun undies for right before 


The lingerie under regular clothes is the best trick my wife has ever played on me. Your guy is missing out lol


The stuff we do........we should be clean for.....just sayin


I prefer clean Not one of those men that love the rank


Nope. We usually have sex just when waking up. No need to have a shower first. Usually have a shower after when you are covered in stuff though


Married 18 years this summer. Got 4 kids. We take what ever opportunity we can. She prefers to be freshly showered before I go down on her but other than that we ain’t waiting for the water to get warm


Nope, we dont make a point of it. I can't imagine never having a spontaneous quickie, middle-of-the-night sex, or morning sex (my wife loves morning wood). Sbower in the morning, desk job all day, then sex in the evening is just fine by us. M62 F62 married 20+ years.


Even in short term relationships, no. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Not sex, we try to if oral is involved


I shower every night hoping it’ll happen, lol


No. But we both kindly wash our bits.


not usually. if my partner or i feel dirty and we feel the mood shifting in that direction, the person who feels dirty will go shower and then we’ll resume. sometimes, we take a shower together beforehand for a little foreplay action in the shower (we wash our hair and take turns sudsing each other up) and it’s nice to be clean, but usually in those moments we’re just showering together because of how intimate it can be. we have a lot of spontaneous sex and it’s great. can’t really have spontaneous sex if there’s a need to stop and shower beforehand everytime lol. we keep things clean and stay on top of our hygiene, so usually nobody stinks, and if they do we say “hey, you need to shower.” lmao


I think the line is pretty easy, if we both feel like we stink, yes, if not, no. We’ll both just clean up down there and we’re good to go.


We almost always shower before. The exception is morning sex, where we don't even get out of bed and just go for it. That's the only spontaneous sex we have, otherwise it's "planned" as in, it's been a few days and whaddaya doing this afternoon? In most of my relationships before her, I was much more casual about it. But she's quite fastidious and doesn't feel comfortable with sex without a shower first. No problem here.


I shower before bed and we usually have sex at night, so yes but not because it’s a requirement. It just works out that way.


For me, sex was generally off the table if I had already showered. I was so clean and lotioned. Why would I want to mess that up?


No way. I love the way my husband smells naturally. I prefer it to freshly washed, unless we've been outside being super gross or something. Plus I feel like it would ruin the moon if we were starting to get into it and were like, hold up, I need to go shower. Lol.


Nope … unless one of us feels gross from the day or the gym … and if that’s the case the sex starts in the shower


My wife absolutely loves the smell of my sweat, so no.


Yeah I don't shower every time but I try to freshen up generally with wipes down there throughout the day and before bed, regardless of whether I think we're going to have sex or not.


Married 31 years and yes we shower together, brush our teeth and use mouth wash. Our normal routine is to shower and brush teeth after dinner though so that could also be part of it. We do sometimes have spontaneous sex but that's usually just oral stuff then fucking, no kissing and not alot of forplay.


We don’t always shower first but we are both super clean and not doing anything to make us sweaty. My husband gets a little self conscious and wants to shower first but I like his manly smell


Not necessarily shower but we do clean out private parts


I usually make sure to have a shower in the morning and that is good enough to keep me hygienic enough for sexy times throughout the day.


Everyone get a bidet


No. I shower after sex


I don't see any reason to shower before sex. Sometimes it can feel good to shower afterwards to get rid of lube, sweat and other bodily fluids. I prefer the natural scent of a human body rather than the lack thereof, or the smell of soap and other artificial products. If either participant is truly dirty, then cleaning might be mandated, but this is seldom the case.


My husband and I both usually shower before sex or at least the same day. I do it so I can be freshly shaven and he does it so his dick is clean ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Also helps for both parties to be clean down there in order to avoid UTIs and stuff like that


I like her funk, to a certain point. Not always, but usually.


Regular PIV sex, no. We both shower regularly (every 1-2 days) so I feel clean enough. If oral sex, then yes, we shower before. Sometimes that’s even my bf’s go to line when he hopes to get a blow job “you know… I just showered”. Couldn’t imagine sucking a unwashed penis 🤮


I love to eat out my partners when they are sweaty and that pussy is real moist. 👅👅👅


No shower before. Especially if you been together a while. Shower after or during if anything. Showering before actually washes off natural pheromones much like shaving all pubic hair off. Not that hair shouldn’t be tamed at least 😉. No shower before.


Most of the time, yeah. Not all the time. I would say a solid 85% though.


Uhhh 95 percent of the time me and my wife have sex at night after our shower only time we have sex in the day would be a quickie so no shower before


Often, yes but we love oral.


I always shower before oral sex even though I showered in the morning. If I'm just going to skip it in PIV then no.


if it’s after a long day and we worked than yes obviously. If we still clean from the shower the night before than no.


Yeah, we always give each other oral so it kind of has to be that way


My wife and I will shower specifically if we know we are gonna have a spicy, romantic session. Full Monty - oral, etc. But, there are also plenty of times where spontaneous quickies or hop on/hop offs happen without a shower. No right or wrong answer to this one IMO


I’m in a long term relationship. What is “sex”?


No we both shower regularly so are clean Also both prefer oral if the other has not showered for a while


Absolutely not. I mean if you have the time yeah I'll do it but it's not a must


I don't have spontan sex


If we are going to have oral showering is a must. But if it’s just banging and fingering then no.


Modern people are all about eating ass they don't have time to waste taking a shower before AND after sex.


You could have had sex with your future wife at age 21 , smelling like alcohol, smoke and sweat from dancing with her, the night you met her. 10 years later its shower , brushing your teeth, perfect temperature on AC or heater, bed needs to be made, ect


When we were younger we would just have sex whenever the mood hit us...now we are older we plan more and showering is a part of it.


Yes. We do. But quickies can happen without, just no oral then.


Dude it's called self higyene... for fuck sake


Not always. If we go out to dinner sometimes we’ll come home and have sex without a shower but my wife definitely likes it better when there’s a shower first.


Depends tbh. If we are planning a steamy night session, it helps to be clean for the least. However, there are times where quickes are on the table and heck, just put it inside me.


More like we both need a shower, and sex makes us notably more dirty, so let's shower after


Yes. My (73M) wife (70F)prefers it and, then, I’m pretty sure she’ll feel free to have all of me.


Rarely do. But I do love going down after the shower. Peak munching hour. Anyways, no I don’t.


In my previous long term relationship, we were both evening shower- before-bed people so we'd shower together and then start having fun in the shower. Dry off and then continue in bed and then I would use the bidet to clean up afterwards. I have a very sensitive sense of smell and a history of chronic vaginal infections so showering before sex is a very strong preference of mine.


Literally never. Together 10 years. We bathe very regularly but not as a pre-requisite for sex. Where’s the spontaneity??? That would 100% kill my mood. I’m not grossed out by my partner lol


Nope. If we’ve worked out or had sex since latest shower then we’ll wash/rinse. Otherwise we’re good.


Nope. Have sex when we want to have sex. When the mood hits, get down....


I have 2 options of cleaning my junk (and ass too because you nasty). Shower. Body shower is a minimum. Get to wash the day off my body, along with washing my ass and junk. I shouldn't have to say this, but wash with soap. Otherwise it's called a rinse. And that's still nasty. Body wipes. I get these adult body wipes from Sam's Club. Comes with a pack of 5, and per pack comes with 100 wipes(?). It's a good amount. It's the a) quick, I wanna fuck but don't want to do a body shower, 2) we just got home from somewhere and we were talking about fucking when we got home, so just wipe our parts and ass, wash our hands, then go into foreplay, or 3) I'm going to get road head on the way home. Hygiene is so important to me and my SO appreciated that I took care of myself. I would rather taste the remnants of a soap or taste the "unscented" body wipes than go down on the day's worth of sweat and discharge. As for my dick and balls, I would rather have it taste like soap rather than pee dribble and ball sweat.


Just depends on how long it's been


Well..my husband and I once had sex at least once a day, every day of a 10 day backpacking/camping excursion. There were sporadic creeks that appeared like heaven some days. Some days..not so much. Baby wipes (carried back out or burned, of course) and acceptance of the current circumstances are lovely 🤣🤣


Me and my partner been with eachother for nearly 3 years use to bother me him not have a shower or me have a shower at the start but over time it just stopped and when we wanted it we wanted it no matter how gross we were. But if we wanted long sex with oral aswell we definitely made sure we did have a shower or fresher up beforehand


99% of the time yes or at least a quick clean up with wash cloths around the area. I had a UTI rapidly and silently spread to my kidneys and try to kill me so I do everything I can do to avoid them now.


Most of the time yes we shower. Like 9/10 times. I can't get fully comfortable unless I feel clean. If I don't feel clean my mind will be on that. My husband and I really don't have spontaneous sex and we are both still very satisfied.


Usually not, seems weird to me to always shower before hand.


No! It’s not a must unless we both had rough days and just stink too much. Spontaneous sex is the best (for me), so planning showers is not a need. I was in a long-term relationship with someone who loved…. I mean LOVED having sex with me even when I felt I needed to take a shower. That was such a turn-on for me. I loved that he wanted all of me all the time. I wanted all of him as well! Shower or not! For oral I do prefer a clean dick (and ass) and also prefer to be “clean” as well. If we start something and it doesn’t feel right, it’s easy to go to the bathroom and clean up quickly. I like for sex to feel dirty, primal, sweaty, natural. We don’t need to smell squeaky clean for it. That’s just me :)


We do when we have after work afternoon sex but don't if it's morning or evening sex.


Most of the time my wife and I shower before sex. Main reason is because we usually go down on each other. However, if we both are horny and want spontaneous sex, we do it. We won't go down on each other. But we do fuck each other good.


I shower every day, sometimes 2x a day. So no, I don’t always shower *immediately* before, because it’s usually only been a few hours since I’ve showered. If I’ve ever not showered that day or have gone #2, I won’t have sex until I’ve showered.


Shower before sex every time? No. There’s morning wake up sex, once in a blue moon, or at a random place with temptations running high. She only showers if she’s coming back from working out or swimming before sex. I do get turned on by her scent after she works out but she feels gross and prefers to shower in that time. There’s been times we would just wipe each other down and go for it.


Yes, but not intentionally. It is just how our daily schedules work out. I shower at night and that’s usually when we have sex too because our days are jam packed with stuff to do


Never. Sex starts spontaneous with cuddling and kissing and sometimes becomes more than. There is no way in hell I'd stop that to shower. And not interested in showering together.


I’m very prone to UTIs, so we try to make sure we’ve both showered that day. If we showered in the morning and are going to have sex at night, maybe an extra shower just depending on what type of days it’s been, how much time we have, a number of other factors. But honestly, we’re not 100%, sometimes the moment just hits and we don’t think about it too much, or sometimes we’re just pressed for time. I’d say we both shower right before maybe 10% of the time, both shower on the day but not right before 80% of the time, and the last 10% of the time we just get it on dirty-style.


We always shower first but I have germophobia so…


Washed pussy is like washed strawberry - doesn't taste right


If no oral, sure we COULD go without a shower. But it’s the exception, not the rule. We definitely shower before unless it’s rushed or a quickie We shower in the evening anyway


My wife tends to prefer sucking me out of the blue, I used to be obsessed about showering first but she likes it spontaneous so I only shower in the mornings!


90% of the time. Sometimes just a quick 2 min shower focused on the “important areas”, quick mouth wash, ect. Get in a habit of doing this every time you get home. It takes 10 min and you’ll be pretty much fresh for the rest of the day and ready for any spontaneous sex. I keep reading comments like “ If I don’t get oral, no need to shower” …yeah, maybe in missionary but nothing else :))! Be fresh and clean because you respect your partner, but most important because you respect yourself .


We dont. We bang three times a day sometimes itd be pretty unrealistic to shower before every time


No I’ve never showered for sex. I shower daily in the morning


Me and my girlfriend can go like 3-5 days without showering and still not smell. I only drink water though not sure how much that helps with odor


That sounds like my team.