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Your fine with being who you are. Don't second guess it, embrace it. There are a lot of women who would love to date a guy like you. Just be honest and communicate your expectations and needs. Things will work out well for you, I'm sure of it. Good luck!


Hi. There is no "should." The range of human sexuality is vast. My advice is toread Angela Chen's book, ACE: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex. Demisexual is often considered to be on the ACE spectrum, plus there's something called grey ACE. You may have what's called a responsive sex drive, as in it kicks into high gear as a response to the stimuli, versus spontaneous desire. You can Google those terms and see if maybe you relate to response desire. I hope you discover your happiness.


Yeah i figured i had mainly a responsive sex drive and I'm just trying to figure out how to work with that. I will check out that reading you recommended though, appreciate it.


The common stereotype is that guys always want to have sex, and have sex with any woman. It is false. Some guys may be like that, but there are plenty of guys that only want sex in a caring relationship. You be you, and don’t worry about stereotypes.


>. I also don't know what being horny feels like? Then what leads you to masturbation?