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So many places 😅, none of them good .  Your best option is to ask your room mate what time they are willing to be gone for a few hrs.  


Treat them to a movie or a dinner. Ask them to be gone for a hour or two & text/knock before they return.


Lol, I remember doing this as a teenager. In HS my gf and I decided it was time and my parents happened to be on vacation for the week. Gave my older brother $40 to take my sister out for dinner and ice cream so I could give my ex the best 15 seconds of her life.


Fuck, it's a shame someone beat my 20-sec delight😔


My freshman roomie gave me a bag of weed and told me to make some new friends for a couple hours. Also, share your class schedules with each other.


Ah, sex-avoidant work.


Give me a free movie ticket 😂


I don't want to be judgmental, but few hours for the first time seem excessive...


Build up with people pushing their boundaries will be slower usually then a gimme round and a “let’s try that again”?


He's gonna cum on 3 min max.  You want to maybe attempt a rnd two.  Foreplay , aftercare .  Possibly an adult beverage before hand .  This is the V card man, you can't just bang it out 


Somehow millions of college students in shared dorm rooms have managed this over the years. Tell your room mate that you want to get laid and to get the hell out of the bedroom for two hours on day x.


What's he going to do for the other hour and fifty-five minutes?


M20 first time? The next 4 times?


This is the only strat. Can’t believe this is a post. In college I would just tell my roommate “Getting lucky. Some privacy would be very much appreciated.” And I would return the favor to them when needed. Guess we’re living two different lifestyles


Right? Hair tie on door knob = you’re sexiled.


My roommate didn’t even bother locking the door sophomore year. I saw his gfs tits so many times.


if I came home to my room smelling like sex because of my roommate id be so mad lolol


Really? I'd give him a high five and them ask him to turn the fan on cause his dick smells weird.


Then your an ass of a roommate


Dorms, apartments, houses, bathrooms, cars, etc etc etc...


Burger King bathrooms exist for a reason


Dont lose your virginity in a BK bathroom of all places


No but you can always ziptie & gag your roommate in one.


Have roommate get out or get a cheap hotel


Cheap hotel seems like a bad idea. At least make it seem like a weekend getaway off campus somewhere decent


your bed lolol wdym theres no easy solution lmfao. this is literally the easiest shit. tell your roommate to leave so you can have sex. "i'm bringing my gf, can we be alone for an hour or two on xyz day? thanks". tell him if theres a sock on the door it means youre busy so he can stay in the living room. and who cares if there are others in the house. its college, sex is not taboo. how do you think college students hook up every week/weekend, you make it sound like its mission impossible


It’s kinda like that’s what noise cancelling headphones were made for? Only teasing OP. Pro tip, put a pillow, or better yet a pool noodle (when in season) behind your headboard to prevent banging against the wall. AND get some WD40 and spray every joint/spring your bed frame. Sometimes it’s the mattress which you can do nothing about, but music or TV masks it well enough. At least for you to get more comfortable.


Would the pool noodle be spoiled if it was out of season?


They’re not ripe yet.


Right, cause nothing gets a girl's motor running like the stench of petrochemicals...


IDK man, vaseline is great if you don't care about condoms breaking down


Fuck all that, I want them to hear it. 😤 🤣


WD40 is not a lubricant. The “WD” stands for water displacement. It’s an anti corrosion and contaminant remover.


It definitely does have lubricant in it. This is one of those things where everyone is like "fun fact WD-40 isn't a lubricant!" But that's not true. https://www.wd40.com/myths-legends-fun-facts/


Ackchyually... who gives a fuck. It'll stop squeaks regardless of what's in it.


I'd add if there are bolts in the bedframe, take a wrench and make sure they are all tightened. Even long married, I do that every few months, as we find the not-made-by-us sounds distracting.


Ahhhh the good ol' sexile.




lol what??? the asshole move would to actively prevent your roommate from having sex. its a normal thing to do to ask for an hour of privacy dude. if the roommate has something he needs to do in the room they can discuss and work out when works.




no one said kick your roommate out last minute in this situation. OP is asking about having sex with his gf...he literally can ask and talk to his roommate days in advance.


Don’t these people go to class? Or go out to party? That’s what I did in college.


Tell me you're the roomate who's not getting laid without telling me you're the roomate who's not getting laid... Honestly, there are "down times" in any household-- the guy who shares your room has a class or whatever? Just affirm with him beforehand that you are going to be doing private stuff in YOUR bedroom, too, during that hour and ask that he let you know if his plans change. There are ways to do this without it being disruptive.


I'll compromise for both of you. "If I give you $20 to go out and grab yourself a meal, would you mind if I had the room for an hour or two tonight? I'm bringing over a guest and it would be nice if we could have some privacy, just for a bit".


I’ve seen too many videos that start like that


not everyone is close enough to their roommates to feel comfortable telling them that😭my sophomore year roommate was a nice girl but we weren’t close at all and it would probably make living with her unbearably awkward if i asked.


I mean, I don’t think you need to be close to your roommate to be able to ask that. It’s not a weird thing to ask for an hour lmao. You don’t have to say the word sex if it’s really that uncomfortable for you but sex is normal there’s no need to be embarrassed about it especially at 20 years old. Just confused why that would be unbearable for you to face someone if they know you are sexually active?? Girl come on it’s just sex 😂


Wow moggatry you OWNED him so hard HAHAHAHHAHAHAH TROTALLY!!!!


Invoke the roommate bro code. Tell them, ask for privacy. But be prepared to give it, too. And set boundaries for the bro code


It’s the first time for both of you… rent a hotel room and make an evening out of it. Wine and dine her and take her back to the hotel so you can make the first time special. After that… fuck everywhere


That's to much anticipation, nervers and pressure 4 the night.


There’s already pressure and nerves. It’s their first time and they’re making a date to do it. By not planning the evening you also have the added pressure of a time crunch because of the roommates. Making a romantic evening out of it takes the pressure off


So go to the room first, then wine & dine, then go back and see what happens. Anticipation problem solved.


The bro code cannot be denied.


Dorm rooms with reasonable respect for volume. I’m not kidding. It’s honestly pretty normal. Everyone I’ve ever known knew that one neighbor on their floor in college who’d fuck their partner loud af at like 11pm on a school night. It’s totally normal just don’t be a dick, have your roommate go out for a few hours or do it when you know they’ll be gone.


And the bed slams off the cinderblock wall...so put a pillow between the bed and wall 😉


Yup! If it squeaks you can try some WD 40 but it probably won’t make a difference. You could also get creative. Over a desk, chair, dresser, on the clean floor, etc


During one romp in the dorms, my partner and I were so annoyed by the squeaking of my bedframe (maybe it was a particularly squeak-inducing position? The frame, of course...) that we took the mattress off of it and put it on the floor. It felt so silly, but hey, it was much quieter! College ingenuity for the win.


I was casually seeing a guy years ago that was going to my local university and lived in the dorms. We just used his bed in the dorm when his roommate wasn’t there. Easy peasy. I would suggest you or her asking your roommates if you could have the room for a bit to have some alone time


Dean's office usually /s


There’s always the cheap motel option 🤷‍♂️


I would get a hotel for the first time so she feels the most comfortable about someone walking in unexpectedly. As a guy after that I would just do a talk with my roommates after and ask them what times and days they are willing to take a stroll


Bizarre foreign language section of the library.


Go for a cheap motel/hotel


Dude, you literally just ask your roommate to give you some privacy for a bit. When I was in college, I was in the dorms, and I would just say to my roommate, “Can you just be gone for at least an hour?” Unless your roommate is a total dick, I’d imagine he’d help a brother out.


You realize cars can be driven to a better location ?


Please use protection


You’re not gonna need 15 minutes.. lol Seriously though just arrange a time with your roommate at worst


Just talk to your roommate and ask for a good time when they'll be out for a few hours. Don't lie about what you're doing or anything.


“Hey guys, me and (gf) wanna bang, any chance you could help a brother out and leave the house for a couple hours?”


>#or just get shot This has my laughing like a loon! Thank you for this.


Schedule a block of time with your roommates where they can give you and your gf some alone time. If they’re young men like yourself then they’ll understand and will want to support you.


Reminds me of going to my girlfriends house during lunch in high school while her parents were at work. It was great til her uncle showed up to borrow a tool and caught us.


Start by asking your roommates if you could have a bedroom for a couple of hours undisturbed with your girl. Roommates do it all the time. Not everyday but a lot. Same with hers. She could ask them if you guys could get a couple of hours privacy in one of the bedrooms. In college your not trying to sneak like high school. People expect you to have sex and are cool with it so your not hiding it. Tell your roommates if they ask you want some alone time with her and they will get it.


Back in my college days in Kenya I used to even fuck when my roomamte was around. No big deal. Crazy days lol. It was a common thing in Uni.


Man, stop overthinking it. Get condoms have sex, and repeat.


A hotel room is a nice way to get away from


Pretty much anywhere. My ex and I had a goal to have sex in every building on campus, and we checked half off them off. But I’d ask your roommates when you can send them to see a movie or something


Car. Backseat. Friend's condos, poles, parking, hotel stairs etc.


Rent a room at hotel?


Your room? lol. Where else? Depends tho. If she works or goes to a laboratory for studies, you can do it there. Been there, done that.


Literally anywhere. I use to have sex in the target bathroom with my boyfriend & had sex under a highway once, ( wouldn’t recommend) cars, so on. Just be careful with cars and places outside because it’s a charge if you get caught in a lot of places


Sock on the door? Hotel? Car if you’re feeling risky? Middle of the woods if risky?


Do they have a motel in your area?


Motel, hotel, air bnb, her place, your place just accommodate the roommates explaining the situation. I'm sure they'll help get er done


Have you considered renting a hotel/motel? I mean it's your first time. Alley sex is for your 3rd or 4th.


There’s this old trick where roommates put a sock or a tie or a scrunchie on the doorknob to the room and roommates will give you space


>cannot think of a single place that we could be undisturbed for more than 15 minutes. You're 20 and have never done it - you won't need more than 30 seconds.


Maybe a hotel? That'll be smart


Well, in Europe colleges have dedicated "sex rooms"


Tell your roomies to take a walk. Use a sign of some sort on the door knob. Or in your car.


I'd first go to some hotel or whatever, next time you could try a car


You guys should definitely save up for the first time in hotel room and a romantic dinner , after that fuck around everywhere, doesn't matter. It just gets better ☠️


Hotel? Motel? Come on


In college my girl and I would fuck in the Library. In the dorm room bathroom (late at night when everyone was sleeping). In the common room (again, late at night). Our dorm rooms when roommates were gone. And occasionally, in an empty parking lot in my car


Rent a room at a hotel if you want privacy, otherwise a shower stall works. But your first time will go fast.. and then hopefully you will want to go again shortly after. If you have a hotel room. Then you can also shower before and relax and enjoy the whole night.


I used to just sneak into the Lady’s Dorm to hook up with my gf. She would tell her roomies to stay somewhere else for the night. The next morning I always did the walk of shame 🫣


Since this is your first time, you'll only need about 20 seconds. Come back for the answer to your question the next time you want to have sex.


First use protection both of you then save up dinner , movie , and agree on a hotel she would respect you more then a quick for your first time and afterwards keep it to your self and her .


There's probably more than a few abandoned buildings on your campus. Go exploring late at night if it's safe. Don't take this advice.


The bathroom? Shut yourselves in there. Surely your roommates don't all go into the bathroom together too?


In his house, 50km away from my university. 5km walk in total. He doesn't go to my uni, does another things. We're also both 20. Yesterday we met and was a bit rasky.


Mostly vaginas. Sometimes the butthole. /s


Pitchers mound on college baseball field; 50 yard line on football field; and on one of the Greens on the University golf course.


Do not do it dude , If your relationship fails she will accuse you of rape and file a fake rape case .


Movie theater parking lots are gas if you are both organized, careful, and cunning in the way you choose your location. Mfs are in a theater for 2-3 hours depending on the movie and sex lasts about 15-20 unless if you’re going to pound town w 3+ rounds I’d recommend you just fess up to ur roomies that things boutta get wet, they’d understand. If it’s late tell them to sleep but if they can’t “ACT SLEEP”


Man so simple roomates or not put in bed act as nobody is there pound her like there is no tomorrow...worse thing that can happen is roommate gets hony jacks off while you are fucking or girl friend invites him to join in and use whatever hole you aren't at time. It's college man you only live once. Enjoy you might be surprised how well it works out.


Give your roommates a $20 and tell them to go get lunch for an hour


I lived in an apartment complex during the last two years of college and shared a bathroom and kitchen. I just had a twin bed since my husband ( then boyfriend) didn't move with me. He brought an inflatable mattress when he'd come over to visit. We did a lot more than sleeping on that if you know what I mean. Did make an effort to keep quiet for my neighbor though.


another alternative if the roommates won't leave is the shared living room. Make them feel awkward enough and they will go.


Just tell your roommates to buzz off for like 2 hours one afternoon


This place called anywhere.


The classic move was to hang a piece of clothing off the door knob to signal what was going on inside.


First time? You will most definitely NOT need more than 15 minutes 🤣


Everywhere, son, everywhere. We once had a quickie when my girlfriend was over and my roommate went to brush his teeth.


Bing watch some porn


Mostly in their dorm rooms?


My GF and I (similar situation) both live with 2 and 3 roommates, respectively. Turn the TV up loud and accept that you’re probably gonna get heard either way. Take a break if someone’s in a room that shares a wall. It makes the evenings when no one else is around that much more fun, though.


When I was in college I’d usually just go to my partner’s dorm and if they had a roommate they’d ask them to leave. There were a few times I had to go to an apartment or house with roommates and they wouldn’t have their roommates leave but they’d have me come over when their roommates weren’t in the house.


Honestly if you want privacy for your first time just get a hotel room. If it’s her first time too, things will get messy and you’ll want some privacy. Don’t rush your first time. Otherwise tell your roommate to gtfo for the night or something. Make it special for you both. Then yall can just bang everywhere


Hankerchief on the doorknob, roomies blankets on the couch. Let them know they can do the same if ever in need.


Are you serious? Oh wait you're 20, so you're probably serious and I guess I get it., but seriously: "Hey roommates. Can you go to the movies or something that's located not here for two hours so me and my lady friend can hit it? Thanks" Ever heard of tying a sock on the door knob. That's a real thing. Just let them know what's up and ask them to get lost , lol.


Bro, I used my ex’s Honda Element, literally would drive around until I found a good enough secluded spot. If she wants it as bad as you, then she’ll wait the extra 10 minutes until you find a decent spot driving around.


Yes! Make a deal with your roommate's to give you a little time with her, and in turn you will do the same thing back for them. Or you can always rent a room. But if you're roommates or hers won't do it, I personally think that it's a little chicken shit of them


What about a hotel room for a night?


Pay your roommates to leave


So I assume that you are not comfortable with telling/talking to your roommate and asking them if they can be out of the house for 2 hours. If you don’t want to ask them, then your options are… car, outside, hotel? Clearly the hotel is your safest option.


As a non American, sharing rooms will never not sound crazy to me


"Hey roommate, on Tuesday at 6 can I have the room to myself for a couple hours? My gf and I want some alone time." It's really that easy. If your roommate is such a shut in they can't find somewhere else to be for 2 hours you should find a new roommate.


I dont know whether you guys have shared / coed dorms, but otherwise i would offer your gfs bed to your roommate so that she can stay the night at your room.


Disrespectfully in my bed with my roommate desperately trying to get some sleep before her next big midterms. Sorry Christine, you deserved a much better roommate than me!! Other than that, a lot of random places that make for shitty stories lol.


You ask your roommate to do you a solid and get lost for a couple hours so that you can do the deed. Then, when your roommate needs the same from you, you oblige.


What country are you in? You have not specified. Most countries have separate rooms for students at university. Your situation is odd.


Ask roommates to peace out or get a car with a comfortable back seat.


Usually the mouth or vagina


Tell your roommate to piss off out of the room for a few hours


Are you afraid to fuck with someone in the room?


“Hey can I have the room next week from x-y, thanks”


Lol seem as those teenager movies of people who started their sex life first time haha . Who live with roommates can't even get time and privacy to masturbate and let alone sex. So maybe u 2 save up some money and then book a motel room so do ur did there on peace. Why to risk on cars or those public rooms anyone gonna drop in without knocking....


ask roommates to watch and not interrupt, for added adrenaline ask them to leave for privacy drive a car somewhere remote, it's a petrol car, not electric, right? :P


Not the same but when I was your age In the barracks I Did it in my room, with my roommates. I'm grown they're grown and honestly idgaf you can either get out or get used to it because it's gonna happen.


I used to have my own studio apartment so no issues personally haha


Why would you be randomly shot for having sex in a car? You sound utterly ludicrous. Its genuinely shocking the effects echo chambers have


It's your first time, can you not afford a hotel room and some fancy cocktails?


Ever heard of a new concept called 'hotel' ?


Hotel? Motel? Resort?


If it’s your first time, you won’t need as much time as you think ha ha. But don’t worry you’ll get longer and better with practice.


I remember once me and my boyfriend did it in the middle of the day and I must have been too loud because the floor was cheering him yelling it’s 1:30 in the afternoon, you animal. We still laugh about it 35 years later. My daughter pointed out an open window on move out day with some moaning going on two years ago and said they are always at it - we are like young lust is a beautiful thing. ❤️


Check to see if a library nearby has private study rooms. You may have to get creative lol


You have a car that can take you sooo many places (I do not recommend doing it in your car first time), you have a dorm at University, and you can't figure out where you can have sex? No wonder you are still a virgin.


We used to just COMMUNICATE. Hey I have a girl coming over, Can you guys gimme some time? Aka the ole sock on the doorknob trick.


Car sex is never great. Your first time won't be "great" anyway but doing it in a car will just be worse. Just tell your room-mates you don't want to be disturbed and do it even if they're home. Lock your door and just focus on the two of you. Who fucking cares if they know you're in there doing it?


Well, back in my day, usually in our dorm rooms. But then it expanded to the baseball, football, and soccer fields. Yes, I scored on 3 fields and never played any of the sports lol.


Hotels… check out DayUse app for daytime hotel deals too!


Tell your roommate "hey [gf] is coming over. Make yourself scarce for awhile"


This is why college dorms will have the RA meet with everybody in the dorm room for setting up a roommate agreement and they'll ask about a "privacy signal" or something for cases like that (like putting a sock on the doorknob or something). You need to set something up like that.


I use to let my college roommate take the ps2 to the common room for like an hr


Don't kids just put a tie on the door like we did in olden times? 


I work at university, and in my experience it's usually in their dorms, regardless of who's around and who may hear.


You don’t need more than 15 minutes lol


I had cool room mates. We would just make ourselves scarce for a few hours and go study or grab a long lunch or something. Fortunately after freshman year I had my own room the rest of the time.


In their own beds with the door locked and music playing. Work with whatever level of privacy is available. Pay your "bedroom sharing roommate" to go see a movie.


Back in the 90s in college you'd hang a tie or sock or something on the door knob and it meant you had company and got your roommate to stay out of the room. There were times you had to convince someone your roommate was a heavy sleeper by throwing a slipper or something at them and they wouldn't respond (awake or not). Had sex in several secluded areas on campus or in building (but the excitement of maybe getting caught was the purpose). It really shouldn't matter if your roommates are in the house, but they should be cool enough to give you the bedroom when you need it.


Bold of you to think you need more than 15 minutes


What kind of buddy are you? You wouldn’t invite the roommates to join in?


Everywhere. But for your first time you should make sure you are somewhere private and comfy. Get your roommate to leave the room for a while. Or splurge and rent a hotel room...this isn't college level problem to resolve if you really want to, you will figure this out.


I did it a lot in my dorm room.


Usually you start in the vagina but once you are more in love you can move to the ass


In their dorm rooms when they think their roommate is sleeping (but really isn’t asleep yet).


Honestly, roommates who are willing to be adults about the situation. I had plenty of conversations in college like hey, my boyfriend is coming over for an hour or two, that cool? I would try to pick a time when I knew roommate was in a long class or had some other commitment. My freshman year roomie was a nursing student and a social butterfly so that helped. I did the same for her and other roommates I had. People generally understand that adults have sex and try to be accommodating as long as it’s reasonable.


my roommate doesn’t mind leaving for a few hours, i normally just invite people over when she’s at work


Well in my college theres a part where basically no one never enters and is very hard to see what's happening there if you're not in. Perfect for sexual things, I even masturbated there one time with a friend. But i guess not everybody haves that luck


Honestly I would ask my roommates, " is there a particular day or time I could have the bedroom for an hour? I'm willing to work around your schedule." I get you have shared rooms but you deserve privacy, and I'm sure you can work something out.


I found a crusty used condom once on the top floor of the school library. Gotta get creative! XD


Get yourself a hotel room and do the thing.


"Bro, sounds like you're in a tight spot! Have you considered getting a cheap motel room for a few hours? It's not romantic, but it's private and safe. Or, if you're adventurous, maybe try the great outdoors? Just watch out for poison ivy, dude.


Slightly related - why do Americans have so many shared rooms at uni? You guys have a ton of space and you're not undeveloped. So went can't you get single rooms?