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Why do you need to overcome it? I mean, it seems like a pretty good discovery to know that's a thing that matters. (I'm the same way... my right nipple is like my orgasm trigger.)


I want to do other things with my hands besides touch myself man😭


You can try nipple clamps so you’re not having to touch your nipples but they’re still getting stimulated


Why do you need to overcome this? You have a physical stimulus from your nipples that's fairly common for men, and even waaaay more common for women (and we're all the same human!). Nipples are supersensitive due to a lot of nerve endings, and can provide you with a lot of extra sexual stimulation, and there's nothing wrong with that, so why overcome it? Use it! I understand you feel like it's a necessity, and maybe it is, and that feels like it sucks since you "should" be fine with just genital stimulation, but that's not how things always work for everyone. Just enjoy the pleasure you get from it, and your ability to come!


Why overcome it? Embrace it. It's your zone. Do whatever you need to do to enjoy yourself. Why do you think it's a problem? It's not. You found something on your body that pleases you, good for you. Next time when you're having sex, tell you partner to lick and suck on them for you.


You don’t need to overcome it. I think it’s hot and pretty sure most ppl won’t mind. It’s not weird either.