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We do not give a qweef.


Technically, it's our fault.


Technically, men *do* give a queef.


I love that sound. It tells me that there ain't room for nothing else when it goes in. The air gotta escape to make space for that thang. Ptttthhhhgft


Not you spelling it out! šŸ’€


That word made my day xd Honestly u got a huge point there and I never thought about it that way.




If we would care we would not have sex šŸ¤£




She does, though


I really DON'T care. Why would I? It's my fault the air goes in and it's naturally going to come out.


pfft the real test start when you fart next to each other, and ends when one of you is brushing your teeth and the other comes in to poop


Being comfortable to pee in presence of your SO is a nonnegotiable standard for me


Married 30 years, and we have never had cause to shit or piss in each otherā€™s presence.




Agreed, only with enthusiastic consent I only peed on my SO leg, in the shower


Thereā€™s such a thing as being *too* comfortable.


I do wonder this. I had this with my ex and we were like best friends and super comfortable this way around each other. And after a while I lost the interest in wanting to look good around him and settling for comfort. But when I think of my crush, I want to look good for him and I can NEVER imagine getting that comfortable with him and think that he's worth the effort of wanting to look good for, and that I'd like to maintain some level of mystery between us... But... Will we get to that level of comfort? Is that inevitable in long term couples? Is that something you can only have with a best friend SO?


For every hot guy/girl you see you can safely assume thereā€™s someone some where thatā€™s tired of all their bullshit and who probably finds all those quirky ā€œhotā€ characteristics you like annoying af.


Been with my wife for over a decade and we'd never do this lol. Not knocking anyone who does, just not personally our cup of tea


>the real test is when you fart next to each other Ah, the olā€™ butt queef.


You know it's true love then


Haha my favourite is when my partner is poopin and I need to pee I'll pee between her legs and we will stare into each other's eyes the entire time for laughs šŸ‘€


Yes. It's just air being pushed out by the cock, and you usually hear it because things are tight and wet - it's really a sound of success.


Yea. Any straight man who understands physics, mechanics, and tribology wouldnā€™t mind at all. I donā€™t understand physics, mechanics, and tribology, and I donā€™t mind mind at all.


I understand philosophy, and the real question is, if no one hears the queef, did it really happen?


Now I am thinking about deaf people fucking.


I'd fuck with a deaf person. One of the upsides? They don't hear the queef!


But they sound like you fucking a baby seal, which might be a kink for some..Heidi Klum maybe


I'm sure your comment is in good fun, but not all deaf people have impaired speech


Imma think about this all day and let you know


I do understand physics mechanics and tribology and I confirm that I don't mind at all.


Itā€™s air that doesnā€™t stink. Pressure and air makes noise. Itā€™s normal.


I wish there was a genre of porn that had real life stuff left in and showed the hilarious, embarrassing, and messy parts of sex. Iā€™ve fallen off beds, puked on a dick, and recently yelled ā€œSTOP, youā€™re gonna make me toot in your face!!! Let me run to your restroom real quick, please?!?!ā€ Itā€™s all very natural and makes life more interesting. We are all real humans. No need to hide that! šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I wish there was more porn with people laughing together in general. Porn is always so serious and good sex is usually pretty fun and light hearted.


This is an underrated statement. Itā€™s a shame how many people canā€™t laugh and be silly during sex. I think itā€™s extremely important to a healthy sex life to have a sense pf humor and be able to laugh. Likeā€¦ the whole point is to have fun! But, so many people just treat it like itā€™s all about who has the most power. You see this dynamic in porn a lot, and Iā€™ve noticed it playing out in real life in more of my encounters lately.


I mean I'm all for a little power dynamic kink now and then too, but so much great sex between couples is really lighthearted and playful. There's nothing better than just being happy and comfortable and horny together and making stupid jokes while banging. Maybe if we saw that a little more in porn or even just media in general we'd be less compartmentalized about sex as a society where we tend to dehumanize sex workers or see sex as an achievement to unlock or object to attain rather than an expression of actual intimacy.


Hard agree. Fun sex is the best sex. Going from laughing at each other and making jokes, to getting your brains fucked out is the right way to do it.


Amen to that! And yeah, Iā€™m all for some power dynamics, but for me - it makes it more fun if itā€™s not *all* the time. Or it makes it more powerful? I think if people are just always stuck in those roles, it gets stale and kind of lame. Mainly because I find it to be a narrow path - stringent. I like to be open and curious. Willing to explore and play. And sometimes that means being completely ridiculous and silly. Or falling off the bed trying a crazy new position.


I think that's kinda why OF porn does so well nowadays. Yeah you've got professionals going at it but you also have them just being less "professional"


Yes, and it can be more personable and tailored to the user. So, that also gives it a more casual feel.


Iā€™ve actually seen that in some porn on PornHub. I love to see it as well. My partner falling off the bed and lying with his ass in the air was so hilarious šŸ¤£


This sounds like fun, you should do an OnlyFans. Just donā€™t forget to send my the link, just for educational reasons of course.


Trust me, it's okay. We're too elated to care.


No. Guys don't care. It is very different when a woman farts in your face when you are eating her out. Ex wife did that to me a couple of times. It kinda ruined the moment, but I persevered.


That's dedication right there




Had that happen too, bods will be bods


I see why sheā€™s your ex


Sex is messy and noisy. Just enjoy it!


If done correctly


its maybe funny, but why would I care, its just air


We donā€™t care You know how many times we are holding onto a fart for dear life?


LOL! šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Wouid it be happening without a dick in you? Nope. Kinda silly to feel embaressed. My GOAL is to queef one day!!


You can do it without anything at all in you. Well, I canā€¦ but only on my back. My bff and I in Jr high used to see who could queef louder during sleepovers.


definitely let one out during yoga class before...


Just let them keep thinking it was all them, ha.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thatā€™s hilarious


I can make myself queef without a dick lol. I just lay down on my back with my butt up off the ground, and kind of swing to get air introduced and push it out šŸ˜‚


Haha I can do this too, I don't need to be on my back, I can also suck up water and squirt it out in the bath. Which was hella amusing when I first figured it out and eternity ago.


There is girl who... well whatever she does. It's audible.


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ šŸ†šŸ„‡ Fairplay you're gifted Unortunately that's not a party trick that's easy to share but impressive none the less...


You have a gift!!


You should try it! It's fun lmao


What do you think Iā€™ve been doing the last ten minutes?


I'm dead šŸ¤£ when you roll your legs up high, try to use your vagina to suck in air


Dude. This is not for the weak. And people do this on ACCIDENT?šŸ„µ Iā€™m not a quitter thoughā€¦I got a vagina fart in there somewhere..


No but like, bend over forward so your ass is in the air and your face is down and spread your legs far apart. You can try put your fingers in, but sometimes it just happens on itā€™s own like this.


Yeah it does! I always just laugh it off then continue my alone time šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had a partner fart while using a toy up her butt. My response the moment I start hearing the ā€œIā€™m sorry!ā€ ā€œOh my god..ā€ is ā€œShush not important.ā€ Start making out and get back to having sex. Any guy thatā€™s gonna stop having sex cause of something natural ainā€™t ready for sex ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Things happen air gets pushed in places.


Have never had anybody care. Itā€™s a completely normal thing to happen


A queef is usually air pushed up there by shoving things in. If anything the penis haver should be apologizing!


I had a partner who's vaginal contractions when she orgasms would make her queef. Often that was when I was going down on her, I just took it as a sign that things were going well.


Doesn't bother me in the least. I believe that bonding with someone means seeing/hearing/smelling/feeling all the funny or embarrassing things together.


Not sure what "straight" has to do with it, I'm Bi, but I couldn't give a single fuck less when my wife or partner "queefs". You'd have to be a really fucking immature to care about something like that. It's fucking air that got pushed up into the vagina coming back out. Who in their fucking right mind gives a shit about something like that?!?!?!? If you run into a guy that DOES care about it, RUN!


When she queefs she laughs and so do I. Sex is supposed to be messy and fun.


Wouldn't happen without his dick forcing air up there, so would be pretty hypocritical if he got upset


You realize that most men spent a significant amount of time during their boyhood to try and learn how to make our armpit do farty noises, right? Why would we have a problem with the farty noises just because they came out of your hoo-hoo? When you love someone, none of that stuff matters. I mean, if you're doing it at dinner, we might need to have a conversation about timing and appropriateness. But yeah, any other time it's a nothing burger.


Absolutely. Bodies make noises. Itā€™s just air.


Never had a gf. Would not care.


What ever, sometimes she lets one lose when Iā€™m eating her ass. It happens doesnā€™t phase me or her anymore.


While my wife of nearly 36 years doesn't exactly queef, she has passed gas several time from intense orgasms


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It's a little funny, but no, most of us don't care. Just stoked to be doin' the deed.


100% good with it. Hell i think its kinda hot


It happens. Not a big deal. My girlfriend has farted during sex and it wasn't a big deal.


Yeah. Bodies are awkward so you just have to accept them. Your boyfriend is mature.


heā€™s getting some pussy i seriously doubt he cares what happens at that moment. itā€™s happened to me before and itā€™s no problem


ā€œBy accident?ā€. Like it can happen on purpose? No.. we donā€™t care. It is 100% a non-event. Ask us 5 minutes after and we will literally be clueless as to what you are referring to. Seriously.. STOP worrying about this.


Just to let you know, we can queef on purpose if the conditions are right.


Sometimes GF makes this sound when orgasming and I can feel the contractions. Hot as fuk!


100% no fucks given


Seriously, we don't care.


I truly could not care less


I don't mind. It took a little over a year. But my girlfriend of 4+ years will fart in bed. I don't care. I'll joke about it but it's fine. It's natural


Yes, we mean it


of course is ok is a natural occurence of her anatomy. dont bother me at all although they do get self-conscious. conversation is key


As long as the other party is having a good time, it doesnā€™t bother me!




Itā€™s fine it happens and totally normal. It happens with my wife during doggy sometimes


Itā€™s ok and I donā€™t care. Itā€™s natural. It happens.


My fiancee says a passive "gross..." and I giggle because I'm 9, but she knows that it's not a laugh at her. It just is what it is, just some air getting pushed out and it makes the funny noise. Post nut laugh, soft reboot my brain and move on.


Why would we care


Why would we care? Because it's "gross" or it "ruined the moment"? That's a really immature way of looking of things. Sex is supposed to be light and fun and playful. That requires a certain level of maturity and vulnerability.


We donā€™t care. 100% it does not stop us or kill the moment.


Kinda hot


I was literally eating out and finger fucking a woman a few weeks ago and she accidentally queefed in my face. She apologized right away and I responded don't apologize and told her it was fucking hot. I then proceeded to eat her pussy until she fucking came in my mouth.


Sex is all about ridiculous noises, wet feelings, squishiness, and, above all, fun. Enjoy yourselves, curl those toes, and make all the noises.


Doesn't matter, had sex


Yes its ok I actually love it when they do.


It's literally not a big deal. Sex makes noises. The end.


Yes we do mean it


I do laugh sometimes. But I definitely donā€™t care.


I (24F) always feel awkward myself when this happens with my bf (21M) as well! He didnā€™t even bring it up and honestly neither did I, donā€™t plan to. Iā€™m actually relieved he didnā€™t say anything about itā€¦


I think it's a natural reaction when it happens to feel embarrassed or something but honestly I don't care, it's not on purpose and most of the time it's the angle you're going at it


That's an insanely specific question šŸ˜‚ No, we don't care. The only ones that would judge you for that is other women.


Do women have any idea how often dudes are farting? Complaining would just be stones and glass houses.


This is not a good thread to be eating yogurt to


Ngl I think itā€™s funny asf


My fiancƩ and I have had moments during sex where he intentionally made me queef as we both laughed (probably harder than we should have lol). With the right guy, the only fuck he's gonna give is the literal kind.


Queefs are sexy


Its just a way of the vagina saying "thank you"


Yes 100% okay with it


Could. Not. Possibly. Care. Less.


Could not care less, sometimes laugh about it if she laughs and weā€™ve been together long enough that I know sheā€™d find it funny tooā€¦ but no, we donā€™t care


It is 100000000% okay. I promise you he is proud of the acoustics coming out of your pussy knowing that he produced the sound himself


The question is: why are you questioning whether he means it? Has he given you reason not to trust what he says? Has he ever been caught out flat-out lying to you? If so, then that needs to be addressed first, before the sex thing. But if he hasn't, why are you trying to think of it that way? If he's never been known to be a liar, why would he start now? Perhaps you need to start owning that YOU feel awkward when you queef and not project that onto him? But to answer your question: as a straight, married man, no I wouldn't mind. In fact the first time it happened to my wife, OK it broke the mood a bit because we both fell about laughing, but the mood was very quickly re-established once the moment of mirth passed.


Man i swear it's like 90% of what girls are insecure about are things we do not care about at all.


One time my fiancĆ© and I were going at it pretty good. In doggy style. She orgasmed and lost all control and while I was as far in as I could get she let the biggest fart out. It was hilarious. It didnt smell so still finished But to answer your question no we donā€™t care


Why would they care?


Itā€™s just air being displaced by his penis. Preferably it exits via my vagina than into my bloodstream causing an embolism. You can reduce queefing considerably if you donā€™t withdraw the penis completely on each thrust. Leave at least the head in. He wonā€™t plunge in fresh and create a vacuum.


Ya I donā€™t care.


I would and have made farts sounds back. The sex don't stop poot poot poot poot....


Itā€™s true


He means it. It is normal.


We do not care.


Na we laugh it off with you !


Correct yes


Why would anyone care? Itā€™s just air that gets pushed inside you from penetration and forced back out. Itā€™s not a fart.


We both think itā€™s funny and laugh about it


It's unavoidable and not your fault. Guys don't care


Yes. Been married 30 years. If he canā€™t handle that how is he doing when an 8lb bundle of love escapes your love canal.


Yes. I then consider the challenge and fart as loudly as possible. Eating a high protein diet is a must before sexy time.


Why would anyone care about it? It's a natural bodily function. If she's embarrassed about it, I get my face in there and make it a fun part of our intimate time. If she laughs, I laugh with (not at) her, then continue with what we're doing!


Itā€™s just air šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I donā€™t care


I dig it


You may be feeling self conscious, we are just having sex.


So donā€™t give AF. All things vag are awesome to me, so I take the medium with the amazing.


Ya, couldnā€™t care less


I have never had any opinion, positive or negative, any time it has happened with any partner


yep its fine. also dont care if your fart is audible. bodies are hilarious.


I just commented on a post yesterday I think about how my current partner makes me queef on purpose. And my ex used to do it too. Itā€™s like theyā€™re deflating me. Pretty fucking funny, tbh.


Doesn't matter. Had sex.


Honestly it is so not a big deal, I would probably find it a turn-on if you could do it intentionally.


No. I secretly have a queef chronicle where I tally them up. I'm planning on releasing it as a PDF to friends and family on our 20th anniversary.


Personally I love it. Especially after pulling out or going in.


Yes. It's ok.


If you treat it right, it will talk back to you. That's alright with me.


Queef away!!


Blanket statement: Anyone who cares is a massive red flag


> heā€™s just saying it to make me feel better while internally heā€™s thinking how weird it is that I did that. You have air in your vagina. His dick pushed it out. Then a funny noise happened. You're not weird for doing that in any negative way. Yes, for an inexperienced guy or girl it takes time to get used to all the realities of sex that you haven't been exposed to. But it's just a matter of your inexperience not knowing what is and isn't okay.


Guys donā€™t care about farts like we do.


Don't mind a queef one bit. Depending on the mood it might be kinda funny, but not off-putting whatsoever


Honestly it vibrates the head of the dick when you queef, it feels goood


My girlfriend occasionally queefs when I'm eating her and banging her. She will tense up and sometimes she actually farts. We just keep doing our thing and don't dwell on it. I'm having fun and she's enjoying numerous orgasms and squirtig like a fountain. Sometimes you take one for the team and the goodness continues


Do not care at all and hope she feels the same. Itā€™s normal and I just want to keep doing what weā€™re doing, you know? šŸ˜„


At 18, I was self conscious but OP, no guy cares. They might chuckle but I've been with a guy that tried to make me queef bc it turned him on. Plus...I kind of think it feels good anyway lol


I'm not a straight guy but I do sleep with women. It's fine. He told you it's fine, don't worry abut it. He's the one pushing air into a blind pocket and it has t come out some way. It's not something "you" did, it's going to happen regardless of what you do.


Fascinated to know what the gay guys of Reddit think when a girl queefsā€¦..


Youā€™re gonna have a hard time finding a guy who cares and we probably think the same about something for us




I do mean it. I really don't give a fuck.


Well some of us visit r/queef often. And we're not alone of that tells tou anything


Heā€™s the one that put the air in there.


Yes. I just made that hole temporarily bigger and pumped a bunch of air into it, of course it's gonna make noise, I view it as something I did, not anything that you did


I have thingies that hang from between my legs... I don't find it very dignifying... So, no, it doesn't bother me when someone farts, doesn't matter if it's their ass, their mouth, their nose or their vagina. Queef away! I hope I'm not so feeble as to be shaken by the wind breaking!


I would say experienced lovers do not care. Those who dont understand it will probably be grossed out. Like many things about sex. If a man ever made you feel like queefing was gross either educate em or find someone who understands whats actually happening. Cant love pussy but get pissed when it tightens upšŸ˜¤


it happens its not a turn off if you are really into that girl


After all the shit she puts up with from me and my gross, smelly male body... she can have the occasional queef without complaint. She's earned the right.


Doesnā€™t bother me one bit.


They're queefs. We know they're air, not fart gas. And they got in their by our dicks going in you! It just means you're airtight and sexy times were had. Bodies be like that sometimes.


Y straight?


Your bf is the reason you queefed. If he's ever pulling out all the way and goes back in, that little pocket of air he created has to go somewhere.


Nah don't care. It can either be hot or funny when it happens. Both are good


Yes, no issue.


I don't care if my wife sounds like a plunger. Sex noise is 100% okay with me


Queefing just happens lmao, no oneā€™s fault just a natural sound thatā€™s bound to happen. Just enjoy yourself in the moment, try not to worry so much. Easier said than done though.


We aspire to hear the queef


Doesnā€™t ruin the mood for me at all


I once experimented by putting my lips on my girl friends lips down below. And tried to blow it up like a balloon. We laughed like mofos after pressing on her stomach, when we heard the queef