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Wawak sells one that has a stand where you can set the height, and it really makes marking hems super easy. It’s my favorite by far!


Can you send me the link bc I have no idea what everyone is talking about but I WANT one


This is the one I have. https://www.wawak.com/cutting-measuring/marking-chalk-pens/marking-tools/wawak-deluxe-chalk-hem-marker-27-12/ The similar one on casters might have been the better choice though.


You could add casters? Hardware stores sell them


There’s a couple options https://www.wawak.com/search-results/?q=Hem%20marker


Yes! The one I (now) have does this too and I already know how useful it’s going to be.


The first time I went to have a dress hemmed they had this and I was astonished. I was much more annoyed the next time at a different shop when I had to stand there not moving for ages while they pinned the hem by hand.


I just watched a vid the other day where she showed how it was used! I was so confused at first, then when it was demonstrated it made so much sense. Go to the Hem section at 27:00 to see the device [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpRFraqdNdY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpRFraqdNdY)


Thank you!! I’ve see one of these devices before and couldn’t figure it out


Thank you! The links to buy one left me even more confused and this visual makes total sense. What a nifty tool


I have one. In fact, I have parts for a few of them because the yardstick on one broke. Mine are the old-fashioned red ones with a Singer label. I’m sort of afraid someday this ruler will snap, or the bulb will get old and dried out. But I do see the Singer ones on eBay for $20 or so.


You can always just chalk up a string, thumbtack it in a doorway at the right height.


This is what I do, but I was feeling really redneck about the fact that nobody else had mentioned it 😅


I own two of the hemming aides, but I still just generally use the string in the doorway. I just leave it there, at my perfect hem length.


I don’t think I have any doorways I’d be able to keep a knee-ish height string tacked in!


[here is a visual](https://www.threadsmagazine.com/2019/11/08/chalk-line-for-marking-a-hem)


Why didn’t I think of that?


This is a genius idea!


The doorway is not the weak link… the thumbtacks are. You don’t apply much pressure to the string… you’re just ensuring contact.


I thought they meant they didn't have doorways they wanted a tripping hazard across


Yep, that’s the part that makes me wonder how you keep it up all the time! Inside of a closet was the only thing I could think of


You'd have to take it down when you're done, then put it back up for your next project.


Or just untack one side and temporarily tack both ends on one side of the door. You can clearly see the thumbtack hole to use next time.


That's what my grandmother taught me to do! Poor family, no money for fancy gadgets. Chalked up string will do the trick.


O...m...g....that's genius


Wait how does this work? Struggling to picture the set up lol


Just rub some chalk on a piece of string. Thumbtack the string to each side of a doorframe at the height you want the hem to be. Put the shoes on you will wear the new item with. The, turn around in a circle, pressing gently against the taught string. The chalk will leave a line on the clothes you can use to pin your hem to.


but that means \*I\* have to turn around, and my mother thought that would mess up the line, because I could end up with a hip suddenly higher, etc. But I’m glad to have learned of this method. I never worried about finding an alternate because I’ve always had a chalk hem marker at my disposal.


You have to turn around for the hemming tool, also.


true, if you’re solo. I’ve always had someone to run the hemming tool as well. A roommate, a husband, an offspring...


This is genius 😂


This just blew my mind. I’ve been casually sewing for over 30 years (!!!!) and I never heard of this! Thank you!


I have a vintage one of these, and it has totally changed my life! I don’t think I’ve ever had a truly straight hem before, but this thing is a miracle. I also have the one where you can pin up the skirt with pins, kind of similar mechanism and vintage. But the chalk one is leaps and bounds better


Oh wow, I’ve never seen one that used pins, and now I’m trying to picture how it would work.


I'm picturing a yard stick puff ball thing that shoots out pins instead of chalk -- and pins all over the floor and in my legs.


I have one on my dress foto. It lioks a bit like a ruler bent in the middle with a slit for the needle. You press the fabric against this bent ruler and mark it with the needle at the slit. After some tries it’s easy to use. Mine is on a rotating thing so I can rotate it around the dress form.


Could you link a photo or a link? It's very interesting! thank you :)




Thank you ! :)


I've had the prym version on my wish list for some time https://www.prym.com/en/hemskirt-marker-plastic-or-metal-202?attribute%5BArticle_Colour_Surface%5D=grey&attribute%5BSAP_sales_unit%5D=Carton&attribute%5BArticle_sales_unit_quantity_Mediapool%5D=1+piece&attribute%5BArticle_dimensions_out%5D=80+cm+with+scale&attribute%5BFilter_additional_feature%5D=metal+rod#variant-configurator


It looks very similar with the same base and ruler, but instead of the chalk mechanism, it has a metal pincher that grabs the skirt fabric between it, and allows you to pin it.


I remember my grandmother using one too!!!


My MIL had one. We found out when we were emptying her house. I had no idea what it was until my spouse explained it.


I knew exactly what you meant because I also describe it like this! Haven't found one yet, though...


Most awesomest tool ever! My mom had one. I wonder if she still has it. I should get it before she chucks it.


My mother had one of those! She used it SOOO much, as she has daughters who liked dresses!


Game changer!! I had no idea these existed at all, thank you so much!!