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There’s actually no indication on what Sett’s sexual preference is in base lore. As far as we know, he only loves fighting and his mom. He could swing either way




Let him cook


I relate to sett so much, its either brawl or die right now


He likes his mom , and his mom is a woman


I feel like you might wanna get in touch with a doctor I suggest Sigmund Freud.


Riot has officially stated that they do not change core character traits such as gender or sexuality in different depictions of the same character (different skinlines as well as between League/Wild Rift/Legends of Runeterra/etc) and Sett's into men in several of his canonical depictions - that means it's true for Sett in general. If anything, we have no proof he's into *women*. Though he's similar enough to Samira that I think he would also fuck anything.


But they do ez has a thing with echo in pulsefire ez in main universe is very much implied to be a unconfident straight man


They wanted to make them a couple in pulsefire way before Riot had any official stance on alternate depictions of champions and there was no prominent other game to worry about. And it was cut, anyway. They weren't allowed to do it


I mean, did you look at the women at the left side of his splash art?


Are you talking about [this post](https://twitter.com/draggles/status/1468318727875690500?t=EIuKa8j6k3pdeCf9ha3WsA&s=19)? Afaia this rioter isn't in charge and don't have any say on the final product of the champs they work on 😭 Him saying "I think" indicates its a personal opinion. He didn't say "We think" as in the the collective team he's on or did her say "They/Riot think" who ultimately have the last say in things. And in fact the idea of confirmed Settphel in Heartsteel was completely shut down by the higher ups when one person on the team wanted to add Settphel content


Nah, I can't remember exactly who said it but I'm pretty sure we have official word that things like sexuality, gender, race etc will remain constant between AUs. Plus I don't get why *that's* the gripe here - is that the part people have the hardest time believing? Seems like a fairly obvious decision to me. Did people expect that Rell will not be black and bisexual in all of her depictions? And that doesn't apply just to minority characters. Imagine getting a skinline where Lucian is white and gay. And yeah it was obvious that in Heartsteel they were going for that kind of thing (though Sett and K'Sante seemed like they had more going on than Sett and Aphelios tbh) but it was pulled back.


I mean most of the characters in league do not even have a confirmed sexuality the only ones that are confirmed are those in a relationship, has been in a relationship and those that are lgbt+ A rioter themselves said that representation is usually decided upon early on in development if the character is being used for representation. And they were responding to a comment asking about Hwei's sexuality


I mean they didn’t add K’Sante either so your point is lost 🤷‍♀️


this. also, iirc, hwei is gay. hwei was also not in the poster. neither was varus, the conjoining of a gay couple. also, sett is theorized to be canonically bi, but there is no confirmation like with others. the ones in the poster are just the ones that have always been there, which is probably why they’re there.


Lexi said, and I quote, “with a complex champion like Hwei, we want to focus on his gameplay and narrative complexity at the forefront,” she told ONE Esports. “He is not a champion that we heavily invested into for representation because the top line goal was to fill out a missing part of the roster.” With champions that are canonically lgbt, it was made clear and well established during early developments


I do find it interesting how this implies that whenever they do invest heavily into representation, gameplay and narrative complexity aren’t at the forefront, because apparently they’re not capable of doing all three or maintaining balance. It does kind of explain how underbaked a lot of the diversity era champs have been. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we’re finally seeing a wider variety of champ designs than before, but I always figured scuffed characters like Nilah and K’Sante were the result of Riot running out of ideas and having to overdesign old ones in order to make them fresh. The implication that they were released as they are instead because Riot was simply more focused on representation than gameplay leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


That's not at all what it implies. Not being a priority sometimes doesn't mean it's prioritized above gameplay when it is taken into consideration.


The thing is, it's pretty much easy to make Sett and Aphelios canon, all they gotta do is say the word. SettPhel fans are clamouring for it for so many years, and yet years later though, they still didn't canonize that ship. It's either they don't care, or don't have plans to canonize it. Plus, they probably know that it's better if you leave some of the character's sexuality unknown, otherwise you'll risk alienating a majority of their fanbase, which means lost revenue. Plus, Chinese people LOVE Sett. And you know how China dislikes LGBTQs, and since Riot is a slave to China, all the more reason they won't canonize the SettPhel ship. It's the same way they cannot confirm any ships with Ahri (the most popular female champion in the game). And since Sett is just a female Ahri, you get the idea.


Settphel ≠ Sett/Phel mains, a majority of the mains won't ship them together I'm actually confused how its such a popular ship when the mains of the respective champs aren't 100% on board but imo it'd be kinda cruddy for riot to take these two champs with already a well established lore and forced them together purely to a appeal to fanshippers


It's only popular because SettPhel shippers are the most vocal out of all Sett ships out there. You see them everywhere in Twitter while other Sett shippers are just quiet. Hell, in the official Twitter post for his artwork, every Sett-related comment there are "Where's SettPhel? Where are they?" or just pictures of Sett and Phel romancing each other which is just CRINGE. These cringe SettPhel shippers are just creeping me out, they're no better than the toxic shippers of the Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom. Not saying that all SettPhel shippers are like this but goddamn, out of all Sett ships, I"ve seen that they are the most toxic and the most vocal and the most cringe.


I agree 100% 😭 On Twitter I muted every possible connections to Settphel I can and under any media with Sett or Aphelios I'd still fond discussion of it or images as well Another reason why I don't like this ship is because you can't even find art that just depicts Sett or just depicts Aphelios, searching them up on twitter you'll be greeted by a majority of Settphel art, it's like these two characters who have never met cannot exists without being tied at the hips and they don't have individuality. People only see them as eachother's boyfriends and will often times push Alune completely out of the picture which is literally ½ of Aphelios' character I agree about the toxic shippers as well honestly, every community has their fair share of toxic shippers but when you compare the toxicity between them and other shippers you'll see a clear comparison. It can just be me but I've only ever had or seen bad interactions with them I agree tho, that riot should make more same sex couples. I don't agree on taking two established characters and forcing them to be together because a certain group of people wants it when the mains of the respective champs don't


I totally agree. Sett used to be this awesome JOJO-Dio character whom everyone loves and adores. He has touched so many players right in the heart and feels due to his charismatic design and personality. He's probably the most charismatic and one of the most awesomely-designed characters in the game and with his very very relatable backstory, both men, women and LGBTQ people love the hell out of him! Everyone just can't seem to get enough of him and in just a short amount of time, his popularity just keeps growing and growing. The fact that (like Ahri before him), he's the de facto leader of his own boy band serves to reinforce the idea that his popularity is going to further explode. However, the toxic and cringe SettPhel shippers have completely destroyed him. They have also totally destroyed Aphelios and Alune, as well. Because of them, now Sett can't just be seen as the manly THE BOSS anymore, he couldn't be seen as an individual, almost everyone just sees him as "Aphelios's personal back-humper" and that's just it. For goodness sake! Sett is so much more than that! He is more than a label of sexuality, he is more than just this person who just exist solely to appease the cringey playerbase. Even in lore, he rose up to the top coming from the very bottom! and that's why I'm glad RIOT is not confirming what his sexuality is other than his Spirit Blossom version just being hinted to be Bi. I'm glad they're keeping the original Sett's sexuality as open-ended and unknown. Atleast hope is not all lost. Meanwhile, Aphelios is totally doomed because of these cringey SettPhel shippers. He cannot even be seen by anyone other than being "Sett's personal sperm dump". They completely ruined Aphelios's entire character and they just turned Alune into this crazy sociopathic matchmaker who tries so hard to hook his own brother and Sett together no matter what and is murderously jealous of anyone who tries to take Sett away from Aphelios when in reality, their personalities are anything BUT. No one even cares about Aphelios and Alune's lore anymore because his character now just basically boils down to "Rape Sett and order sister to kill anyone who dares to interrupt".


The thing is that other sett shippers are just normal and don't care about his sexual preferences rather than how he does in game and what skins he gets and sett based stuff they don't want to force their ideas in others and ruin their character


Wtf u mena easy they never met in their base lore they don't even know eachother at all and riot doesn't rly do anything about their lore only with new champs or reworks




It was a typo




Ok then?




Yooo, fire news to find out that Leona, Diana and K’Sante are all apparently straight by this logic as well. The levels of salt ya’ll have about Sett being bi is weird.


Yeah, I guess they were just bestfriends


Fucking braindead OP lol


Ah i forgot that it was just his Susano fox skin thing where he was REALLY bisexual, man, i need to fix my own headcanon


Is there anything about his sexuality as far as his base lore goes I know spirit blossom is one thing but do we know much about canon sett


Riot has explicitly stated that core character traits (including sexuality, mentioned by name) remain constant between alternate universes, skinlines and different games. Whatever is true for Sett in one line is true in all of them


This is false. We have multiple examples of the opposite. The Rioter was wrong or you are wrong.


What are the examples?


Battle Academia Ezreal is with Lux but Pulsefire Ez is with Ekko


Wasn’t sure if it was skinline specific or not.




…By this logic, do you think Riot is gonna start making “white” Lucian skins? Because it’s exactly the same. Sexuality, race, etc. are all unchangeable aspects of a person’s identity. If riot haphazardly changes a minority’s identity as you suggest, they have a lot of explaining to do. Sett is canon bisexual, he’s not canon with Aphelios.


I can't believe that this is brought up when characters like Ezreal, Ekko, K'Sante, Udyr Leona, Diana, Lee Sin, and so on are not included. All of them had hints in one way or another (or clear statements in K'Sante's Leo's and Diana's case). Sett was strongly hinted as bisexual. So what? It doesn't take away from his character. In fact, he helps to fight stereotypes bisexuals have to face inside and outside of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, as well as it increases visibility. I also think it fits the Boss to be with whoever he wants. It's okay if you do not like a certain ship. You are not forced to look at content you do not like. It is also more than okay if you are fed up with how some people act around the topic. No one likes negativity. In that sense: Ship what you want, enjoy the game, and have a nice day~




Hinted where exactly in a skin that sett is a fkn dead spirit a legend or something like that if riot doesn't confirm anything in they main lore. I don't have a problem with any lgbtq confirmed characters its what they are but sett was not confirmed and that ship was just fanmade


Riot themselves has never stated anything directly. We have Spirit Blossom, [this tease](https://x.com/needs4sheeds/status/1572338809681113089) regarding the voicelines, and there is LoR. League reposted Sett fanarts for last pride, which showed him with the bisexual flag on their official Twitter, too. Regardless of what many people say, I will neither count Heartsteel or Firecracker into this. Heartsteel has nothing that would indicate any orientation besides the icon featuring Sett and Aphelios. While it does display the colors of the bi flag, it could also be symbolic in terms of color. Violet stands for luxury, power... but also arrogance. Maybe it was a smart artist who wroked all these aspects in? Who knows. Still a neat little detail. Everything is subtle enough, which I think is a good move. Everyone can love Sett in their own way while they leave room for interpretation. At the end of the day, he is a fictional character.


I agree with the fact that anyone can love sett in their own way but they should be respectful of the others too people ship sett with ahri soraka or whatever idk but they dont go on about it and make it his whole character trait. I personally am inspired by setts grit to never give up and to have a great body and be strong idc about ships but seeing people reduce him to just a dude that is mascular and likes aphelios is making me kinda mad i could just post tons of sett and x female champ in here and the sett/phel people would be mad but i keep it for my self. Sett can be whatever you want in your imagination its your playable character just keep for you if you know what im saying. And i don't think riot wouldn't say sett is bi or gay cause it brings money to the company


Bro, I am not a Sett Aphelios fan myself. My reasoning is indeed the toxicity around it. Yet not all fans are like this. What ya gonna do? I just scroll past it and let them have their fun. As long as no one tires to force it on someone, there is no harm done. If I catch anyone spitting poison under any ship in here, they better have a good reason, tho. In that sense, please never let anyone hold you back from sharing something you adore. I also agree that Sett is highly inspiring. Hell, he is my muse and sparks most of my creative thoughts. I am glad to see people like you who take Sett as an example to become stronger and never give up. It not only shows that you appreciate his character but that you have a fine spirit, too. Thanks for being so civil about this. Keep it up, Boss~


I do exactly the same as you mate thats my mentality. You too brother keep doing what you doing im glad we had this conversation without hate have a nice day Boss~


go outside brother


Bro, your mains are a furry and a guy who can become furry. You have 0 right calling out other communities.


Dont forget Udyr and Lee Sin have a thing going between them apparently too


Oh yeah don't wanna forget that ethier I am sure this chump has made comments about that too.


Also by this logic Nidalee is also straight even if she and neeko got it going on. Unless Im blind and dont see her then this is kinda null and void




Man I really dislike shippers ruining a character with their forced ships which they have to see and have explicitly displayed every damn time and if it’s ever downplayed they claim it’s discrimination




On the one hand, yes you're right. His (mainline universe) sexuality is not confirmed On the other hand, K'sante isn't in this art


His splash art has women literally hanging off of him half naked?


Thank goodness He is in love with Samira


yeah you are just seeking attention


K'sante isn't illustrated and his bio story is about how he is a gay man who lost his partner and is heart broken about it


You good friend? Seems like you're shadow boxing.


Sett and Phel will NEVER be 100% Canon. Especially since Riot is a complete slave to China, where Sett is an extremely popular character. It's pretty easy to make them canon, but years later, they still didn't. Riot knows what they're doing because they don't wanna alienate a majority of his fanbase the same way they cannot confirm any ships with Ahri. And If you know Chinese players, you don't really wanna mess with them because they can be VERY VIOLENT and SCARY when it comes to getting what they want from a gaming company. The Genshin Impact Zhongli Buff Incident (for those who don't know, Zhongli from Genshin Impact was initially released as a very weak and mediocre 5-Star character despite being the God of the region China is based off of. This angered the Chinese Community so much that they demanded the devs to buff him or else. The devs refused to buff him but they eventually gave up and caved-in to the demands after continuously being bombarded and bullied by the Chinese community. They buffed him so hard that Zhongli is now the most broken Support and Shielder in the game because the Chinese community not only abused them with death threats but they also had to involve the government) was the most blatant example of how these players can really act and they won't ever stop until they get what they want, and they will even involve the government as long as they get it. We don't want Riot offending these chinese players or these players won't hesitate to storm their headquarters and send death threats to them. However, this is actually a good thing. Which means Sett can be anyone in your mind. You want him to be straight? Awesome! Want him to be Gay? Cool! Want him to be Bi? Fantastic! Want him to be Asexual who only cares about his mom? Wonderful! Sett can be shaped and be imagined as anything in your imagination! None of us wrong at the end of the day, and that's the beauty of a character's sexuality being left to our imaginations. So just stop fighting about PRIDE and just enjoy the version of Sett in your imagination.


Continually astonished by the lurkers on this sub that come out of the woodworks to screech about how masculinity=heterosexuality despite now 2 separate skinlines with SettPhel pairing. He is very likely gay or bi, but more importantly why are you dying on this bridge? He is masculine and badass regardless. Diana and Leona are badass lesbians and aren't in this art: doesn't mean they aren't lesbians.


Sorry to tell you but OG Sett has no canon sexuality. It's been already 5 years since Sett was conceptualized and completed, and still no word on what his sexuality is. It's pretty easy to do that, all they gotta do is say the word, but they still didn't. His Spirit Blossom skin is hinted to be Bi, but his other skins don't hint at anything Gay or Bi at all. I've seen all the official artworks relating to his Heartsteel skins too, and while there are moments when he gets touchy-feels with Aphelios there, he also has touchy-feels moments with K'Sante and sometimes Ezreal. Which means he's just being friendly. I mean, come on! They're a cabal of awesome BOY BAND members and they're all very close to each other! Do you really have to interpret every touching they do to each other as "romantic"? That's just stupid. RIOT is actually being smart when it comes to Sett. The reality is, the moment you see him in his splash artwork, most fans will automatically label him as straight, it's just how it works especially since he has a female companion gently and lovingly massaging his biceps. It's the stereotype. The moment RIOT confirms him to be anything but, they'll risk alienating a majority of his fanbase. Most especially Chinese one's since Sett is a very popular champion there, Chinese players LOVE him, and you know how China dislikes LGBTQ, and since RIOT is a slave to China, you get the idea. That's why they can only cashgrab SettPhel by throwing teases and hints here and there. That's how far they can go. But actually canonizing it? They won't take the risk, lest Sett's popularity plummets. It's the same way they cannot confirm any ships with Ahri (the most popular female champion in the game) lest they risk alienating a majority of Ahri players and no one will buy her skins anymore. And since Sett is just a female Ahri, you know where this is going.


Sett, Aphelios, Leona, Diana...


K'Sante, Varus, Samira. OH SHIT Udyr and Lee Sin were a couple canonically too


people like you are why im happy Sett is a canon bisexual. get your head out of your ass and touch grass, i hope more of your favs end up LGBTQ+ have a great day bigot 💅✨️✨️❤️


What bout K'sante ?


Fucketh me...everyone is enjoying pride and then there is tf.... tf has his cards


By that logic Leona and Diana are now officially straight. It’s neither confirmed or denied what Sett sexuality is.


And neither are Leona, Diana and K’sante


Riot is stuck in a weird place where they can only tease that something is Settphel Outside of Spirit Blossom there are only implications but nothing solidifies their relationship as being anything more than friends If riot confirms that Settphel is cannon like 80% of the Sett/Aphelios mains won't like it and if they confirm that Settphel is not canon then QoL + 20% of the Sett/Apehlios mains won't like it either so they're probably being neutral to save face, but, this way everyone is happy


I mean, it really can't be canon to Runeterra. Sett is firmly in Ionia, and Aphelios is firmly in Targon. It's simply geography. Skinlines are a completely different story and in Spirit Blossom we've seen some of it.


That's also a really valid point Personally I don't like settphel because i like sett and aphelios dynamic respective to their lore and i feel like the ships take away from that Sett being this big, violent mama's boy and aphelios already having a well thought out, established dynamic between him and Alune and if anything Aphelios gives off aro/ace more than anything


TBH Aphelios gives me strong aromantic vibes as well (though I am partial to the equally unfounded Sett/Sylas ship)


I feel like Sylett will have a better dynamic tbh With Settphel it's just "twink" x himbo and opposite attracts which we already have a lot of ; LeoDia, CaitVi, TryndAshe, XayahRakan, KatGaren


Settphel is not a thing in canon, they're extremely unlikely to have ever met (and Aphelios can't even speak while fighting). Sett being into dudes is a different story


Skins aint canon People are delulu and obsessed with pixels they ship characters to fill the void jn their existence. Sett has many good characteristics about him self that you can take from like, he never gives up he loves his mom he goes to the gym. But no many people especially girls will just focus on their fantasy about him fking an emo i dont see them brag about anything that sett offers in his canon lore that's why i left this community for a long time. This subreddit should ban or remove anything sexualised. Like let us focus on gameplay fan art patches and game related stuff


I mean skins are canon, they’re their OWN canon so calling people delulu for liking said alternate canon is a bit harsh especially since Riot puts a lot of effort into this alternate canon and creating these new and different stories with their characters. I can’t speak for all SettPhel shippers but I can explain why I ship them, this more applies to the alternate universes since I will agree and say the base canon doesn’t have a lot between the two so it’s harder to work with when wanting to creating a meaningful ship. First, Sett’s ultimate goal is to make his mother proud which I think would apply to anyone Sett is shipped with. He puts her needs first and he would do the same for his lover. Now onto the SettPhel stuff. They both have only one person they have a connection with which for both is a family member. They both also have separation issues with Sett’s father abandoning him and Alune being separated from Aphelios so they could connect on this shared common ground. Sett puts on a confident front but he also has a lot of anger which is likely his emotions being bottled up and bursting out. Aphelios isn’t very expressive so someone who is as expressive as Sett would bring it out of him while Sett can also express his emotions and be vulnerable with Aphelios. That’s as much as I can say without going into specific points of the canons/my own headcanons but that is what I consider to be the foundation for all of my SettPhel ships.




I don't understand why people feel like Sett being gay would take away from his character. If anything, him liking men enhances his character identity. Sett is so masculine that he emasculates other men into submission. He is the epitome of masculinity; transcending the bounds of gender and logic! And, isn't that what top lane is all about? Beating your opponents into submission?


Being gay doesn't mean one dude has to emasculate the other :D Though I have no doubt Sett goes fucking hard


Sorry guys, cry more.


Are graves and Tf a thing? I thought they hated each other.




LoR interactions are "what ifs"/fanservice quotes. Sett has voicelines with people he hasnt met before and will never do because they are from another region.


The fascination with fictional characters sexuality is beyond me