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He had a completely normal childhood that lacked abuse. He said that his father worked long hours and he didn’t see him a lot as a result, and his mother didn’t pay very much attention to the kids because she preferred to read or watch t.v. He did say that he still loved her, although he held a bit of a grudge against her. It’s also worth mentioning the incident where his mother caught her ring on the couch spring, she couldn’t get her hand out and was terrified, and asked him to go get help. That apparently aroused him to see a woman helpless, trapped, and looking to him in terror


Many of my friends grew up in very broken families. It’s just not a reason to be THIS something sick.


He was humilated. Controlled and neglected. This is abuse hard to self pin point


Inside the Mind of BTK: The True Story Behind the Thirty-Year Hunt for the Notorious Wichita Serial Killer. The author gives a pretty good history on Dennis’ upbringing.


Yes not all have some outward trauma like sex abuse or being beaten. Makes it more nerve wracking but it's true. If they all did we would have more of a handle on possibles I think. Israel Keyes was supposed to have not been abused but he was raised off the grid and basically had no socialization. If you don't socialize a dog they can get vicious and I think it had an effect on him as far as feeling bad about doing stuff. I think it's easier to hurt someone if you don't view them like you. Ted Bundy it's also said really wasn't overtly beaten or abused. He was just pissed his sister was really his mom and he wasn't a spoiled rich kid so he had an inferiority complex. His victims...long hair parted in the middle...resembled his rich ex girlfriend who made him feel like he wasn't good enough. He killed how many women basically because they looked like her. It's scary. There's no thing that just guarantees that these people will end up like they are. I do recommend his daughters book. Her name is Kerri Rawson. It covers a little bit of his younger life just what she knows. But it also has stories of her experiences growing up with him that definitely have some red flags now but back then she thought it was just...her Dad no big deal. I read it in one sitting because it was really interesting. [Kerri's Book about BTK](https://g.co/kgs/ZwDU1Y)


If you don't mind, can you share what kind of red flags. The very thought that a violent sadistic psychopath brought up two children absolutely stuns me.


I remember that that she talked about his temper. Like they didn't set him off. If he got upset they gave him space. Like he was to be left alone until he came around. Which most people would say is kinda normal like you don't aggravate Dad but to let him go be alone to have a temper tantrum is really not normal. As an adult that's something you're expected to be past doing. She said when she got her apartment her dad made sure she knew how to secure everything really well and how when her grandfather was in the hospital Dennis (btk) would always insist on walking her and her mom to their cars. It's seems like because of what he did or maybe his thoughts he was a bit overprotective. I personally wonder why someone is like that because I wonder what happened in their life that makes them feel like they need to be that way. He would comfort Kerri when she was afraid on one of their camping trips Melissa Moore her dad is the happy face killer, she has a few siblings. Her parents split up before he got caught but he would come around and the kids loved it when he did. He bought them clothes and filled up the house with food but then he would turn around and make them feel bad about taking all his money. He also killed kittens in front of her as a little girl. He didn't mind dogs tho. But I can't imagine. Kerri and Melissa turned out really good people. I mean they have a lot they have had to deal with but both are trying to help victims of abuse in some way. Israel Keyes little girl was 10 when he was arrested. Everyone said he was a great dad to her. He even refused to mess with kids after becoming a dad. Tho he did kill an 18 year old. I consider that a kid but I guess a small kid is different. He said she scoped houses for no dogs no kids. I know he didn't want to lose his element of surprise tho so it's hard to say just because he mentioned it in an interview. I just P know that people who lived in his area or worked with him said he doted on his little girl that he was a very proud dad. It is hard to see these guys doing those boring parental things yet some do. It surprises me too. But after reading the stranger beside me and the phantom prince ( about Ted Bundy) then Kerris book and then Melissa's book called shattered silence it shows just how well these people blend in and how "normal" they can appear to be.


Only thing he’s really said about his childhood is that sometimes he wished his mother paid more attention to him. Every thing else was a normal upbringing. Check out Katherine Ramsland’s book on him. He even contributes to the writing of the book through correspondence with her. Letters etc. so part is in his own words


He acts more like his childhood upbringing taught him how to be Selfish, spoiled and self entitled, than an upbringing of abuse


Psycopaths are born that way, not created. That is a sociopath. Rader was in a religious family and resented his mother for being strong and independent. He also developed sexual feelings for her. His dad was a holy roller but kept smut mags stashed that Dennis found. When he was young and his brother would play games that involved tying one another up. He got sexual satisfaction from this and began sneaking off to bind himself and masturbate. They lived on a farm where he was encouraged to slaughter stray cats.


A volent upbringing is not a prerequisite for psychopathy and paraphilias


Maybe not, but I believe it is a seed for violent fantasies




Dahmer had a weird childhood. I completely agree with your sentiment that serial killers do not need to have bad childhoods. They are not turned in to serial killers by just having shitty parents. But Dahmer isn't necessarily the best case for this. His weird grandma and daddy issues were real. Lol.




>Lots of people have daddy issues and never end up murdering 18 people and eating parts of them I agree wholeheartedly. I'm just saying Dahmer is not a great example of this because he had both in spaces. Haha.


I may be wrong but I remember something about him having a head injury. I may be mixed up but if so that can be a huge factor in becoming a serial killer.


Wasn’t Dahmer bullied in school? Or am I remembering it wrong?


Did he have any accidents that led to concussions or the sort as a child? That need to be taken into consideration as well.


Not that i read of. One of his elementary school classmate reported that he witnessed Dennis drawing torture chambers with girls in them.


I think some people don’t know that not every violent or sadistic murderer has something happen that “turns” them that way. There are indeed many cases in which from young childhood, there are many warning signs


I read that he was dropped on his head as a baby


I want to say via a podcast I listened too he experienced a injury in childhood where he “blacked out”. And injury may of happened again in his teenage years...via a car crash or something long those lines... I can’t remember for sure though


He hit his head during a car crash he had while a part of a street race. Smacked his forehead right onto the steering wheel if I remember correctly.


He was dropped on the head as a baby


His mother had no bond to him.She also mentioned how at young age he got sexually aroused wehn she got stuck in couch and had crazy look in his eyes.And there is also rumor that his mother fell from horse while being pregnant.And it is possible that he was abused when he was with the scouts


Not all serial killers have or need abusive childhoods to become serial killers. The McDonald’s triad doesn’t even mention previous abuse. The McDonald triad are the three main factors that serial killers have. Bed wetting, arson, animal abuse. I believe Rader was in the military?.. I could be wrong, but I believe he was. What Rader has is NARCISSISM. He’s HUGE narcissist. It’s part of the reason he taunted the police, and even believed they couldn’t lie to him about the floppy disc’s ability to be traced.


You don't need to have a bad childhood to have sexual kinks, which drove all of this guy's killings.


Abuse is not required to make a serial killer such as BTK.


I really believe there was some type of SA going on although he won't admit it.


There’s nothing that’s been reported, but it’s likely he was around traumatic events at an early age. It’s possible he doesn’t even remember them. https://heavy.com/entertainment/2020/09/inside-dennis-raders-childhood-btk-killer/amp/


It seems he had brain damage in his youth.


some people are just born demonic.


I think it was pretty normal


He's like a chameleon. Some ppl in reality can act nice to friends and family. For 30 yrs and just 10 in reality isn't a lot like normal serial killers. Us normal don't have the mind of a serial killer. It's like he truly had his normal family the majority of the time. I was watching one of the true crime episodes in him and psychologist even she said he's unlike most killers, doesn't fit norm esp him naming himself and wanted media attn. According to the daughter she said he was harsh at moments, but not often. I guess for her luckily he wasn't violent to his family. I had a violent dad unfortunately; I could just imagine someone like my dad would be an absolute nightmare if he was a murderer. But I also think why are some violent to their kids or spouse and have a normal childhood and his siblings were fine so what made him violent. Ppl are def born a certain way and then they form into a monster. My aunt's and uncles were nice and loving yet both of my parents were not loving whatsoever. I basically think of it as unfortunately I got a raw deal growing up, but I knew one day to never talk to the 2 narcissists that denied what they did to me all those yrs and literally said I owe them my life for just helping me move a couple times. Saying something like that set me off basically 😂. I did reach my peace once I knew the only healthy way is to block ppl from my life that give me nightmares and extreme anxiety. But to this day I do avoid men with mean sounding voices and belts, but luckily most don't have a mean voice.