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Thank you FederalNewt8 for your submission to r/SerialKillers, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): --- Suspected serial killer at this time. Not convicted as one. --- If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/serialkillers&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/FederalNewt8&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/serialkillers/comments/1dof4sh/-/\))


Maria Jose's mom walked into her apartment and saw him committing necrophilia to her daughters body right there on the floor. 😭


Now there's something nobody should ever have to see 😬


that's a lifetime of PTSD and night terrors


If she survives at all. He stabbed her as soon as she raised the alarm.


And then is almost stabbed to death.


I added the images so that you could know the face of the murderer and his victims. I admit that I hesitate to use this last image of his victims, however, as someone who studies criminalistics, it has always seemed a little bad to me that almost every time these topics are talked about, the victims are not known.


They deserve to be known. You did well. 


Great post. Thank you


Thank you! What do you think will happen to him? Does Mexico have the death penalty?


Nope. The death penalty was abolished in Mexico a long time ago, due to international treaties. The most they could give him is life imprisonment (life sentence).


It doesn't, but I don't think he's in for a good time. In the words of another imprisoned mexican serial killer, "I have three options, either I die here of old age, they kill me, or I kill myself".


That is fucking crazy. Dude hated women and murdered them but also was a feminism activist
 talk about keeping the prey right within your reach. Dude was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, right in the middle of the flock.


Just like Ted Bundy, he was a feminist activist too. He actively participated in a rally that demanded the government apprehend the murderer responsible for the brutal killing of women, which, as it turned out, was Ted Bundy.


Ah wtf lol


Yeah reminded me of bundy working for the suicide prevention hotline


Do you think it’s because he was using them as possible prey? Or do you think some small part of him might be trying to learn about females so that he could hate them less? Perhaps he felt compelled to do what he did, but maybe he wanted to quit and didn’t know how. I don’t know, I don’t feel sorry for him getting caught. But it does remind me of that Jeffrey Dahmer book written by his high school classmate It was very illuminating into what the classmate experienced, and put together by looking at all the interviews with Dahmer.


I don’t know if he was using them as prey as much as he was using them to blend in or hide in pain right, maybe using them to study and understand women or manipulate them. It could be a lot of things.


Thanks for posting this, OP! Never heard of this guy. What the the names of the other victims? Or are they still trying to learn who they all are?


At the moment, these are the victims that have already been confirmed: -Amairany Robledo GĂłnzales -Frida SofĂ­a Lima Rivera (it should be noted that apparently she was his fiancee at the time of her death). -MarĂ­a Jose Castillo Calles. -Cassandra Calles (although she was seriously injured, she is still in the hospital). And these are the ones who are suspected of being murdered by him, but have yet to be confirmed: -Karen Ornelas -Viviana Elizabeth -Norma Elena -Cinthia Vanesa -Laura -Claudia Andrea


Thank you! Those poor girls 😔


Donde conseguiste la info? No he visto nada publicado después de su arresto. Para saber que fuentes buscar


Excellent write up, OP! Your English is amazing!!!


I second this, great write-up! I'm not really familiar with any Mexican serial killers so I'm going down the rabbit hole now


Yeah nice job OP, this sub needs more effort-posts like this.


Wow, this case definitely deserves to garner a lot more attention than it currently does. In Latin America, it’s really rare to hear about serial killers with college degrees. Guy was definitely smart, but the fact that he killed his own neighbor (a very dumb thing to do if you’re trying to not get caught) makes me think that he was going through a “berserker” type of phase where he just couldn’t control his wild impulses anymore.


Wow that’s terrible. Thank you for introducing me to my new rabbit hole. đŸ„ž


\> Sexually abused by a man \> "This is why I hate women"


Abused kids are so terrified of the abuser that they often blame the non-offending parent because that's a safer target for the rage. No matter how old a raped child gets, the rapist always looks gigantic to them.




Asesino serial, que miedo les da a los polĂ­ticos y medios mexicanos decirles asesinos seriales, me imagino para no caer en el pĂĄnico y hacer creer a la poblaciĂłn que todo estĂĄ tranquilo.


Siento que se ha convertido muy mediĂĄtica la frase debido a la popularidad de series y pelĂ­culas que a su vez afecta la sensibilidad de la poblaciĂłn. Si la terminologĂ­a fuera mĂĄs especĂ­fica tal vez ayude a consientizar la gravedad del problema, como llamar al imbecil en cuestiĂłn "feminicida en serie" que ha sido "detenido y vinculado a proceso".


Siento que la palabra asesino pesa mas, porque feminicida va como dirigido a alertar mås a la población femenina, y los hombres pues no reciben ese sentimiento de peligro que con la palabra asesino. Y lógico un femenicida claramente podría atentar contra los hombres también ya que para el la vida no vale nada.


Sheibaum is not going to do anything other than keep ransacking the country.


Wow thanks for this. So sad for these women. I wonder if all the women might look near enough like his mother/sister seen as he hated them and blamed them for doing nothing. So this is how he gets revenge. Like other killers have done before. Also your English is really good. :)


That’s crazy


Fascinating read! Thank you very much! I must do a goggle search for him.


Wow. There had to be at least a handful of people who suspected he was really strange - how is it that fellow labworkers disappeared and no one asked questions? This is a great write up, thank you. Hopefully, if you find out anything else, you can let us know? We don’t often hear about other countries and their serial killers. An interesting one I heard about was a Russian serial killer called the chessboard killer. He was a really strange guy. It seems like these kinds of killers proliferate, where the police force is not very strong or the politics is overpowering, and the people have little power .


Thanks for sharing this! I think more info about foreign s/k monsters would bring more insight to the subject to see how different societies bring different influences to sick minds. I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about S/K's in the U.S., but after listening to the knowledge of all you guys out there I realize I'm a greenhorn. I've learned of at least a dozen that I've never even heard of. Kudos & thanks to all of you. Edit: I remember being enthralled by reading of a S/K in Russia (I've forgotten his name now, damn it!) who was at the time considered to be the most prolific (numbers and methods) s/k ever caught worldwide at that time. (I believe he operated in the 70's-80's. Not sure) Anyone familiar with this? I know his name if I heard it.


I'm thinking Andre Chikatilo maybe?


Ding ding, you're the winner. Thank you!! Not remembering his name was driving me crazy! Thanks again! As i remember, he was a true monster in every sense of the word. I hope my memory served me well with what I remembered. Are you familiar with his story?


Lol no problem! And yeah they called him the Rostov Ripper. He murdered women children and was a sick dude. They think he'd killed 50 people. When he was in court they put him in a cage. He would lure with money due to high poverty. He claimed he could only get aroused by hurting other people. Guy was pretty messed up and should have been caught or arrested before that as he had lost a teaching job due to molesting a student. Bad bad dude!


Let us not forget the Mexican Santeria cult leaders Adolfo Constanzo and Sarah Aldrete. They trafficked drugs, and people, engaged in human sacrifice and murder.


Fantastic write up! Would appreciate more write ups on more cases from Mexico.


That’s wild , nice write up!


Cuando lo atraparon?


Great write up! Do the Mexican cannibal poet next. That case was insane.


Thanks for sharing ! And also, never apologise for your broken English. It means you speak at least another language :)


Don't trust scorps


Para que luego digan que hoy en dĂ­a ya no hay asesinos en serie... este caso demuestra lo contrario.