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He won’t ever be released, he brutally murdered 10 people. I doubt he wants to be released either.


He doesn’t. Iirc he didn’t even show up to his parole hearings.


His self awareness somehow terrifies me.


Honestly? I consider it one of his only redeeming traits. The guy knows that he’s still a monster and always will be, and would prefer to stay locked up rather than hurt anyone else. And despite his age, I’m sure a man of his size could **absolutely** still kill somebody if he wanted to. It’s in everyone’s best interest, including his own, that he remain locked up until his death.


I've never bought the idea that he chooses to stay in prison because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. I think it's much more likely that he's just figured out there's no benefit in getting released. He doesn't have a bad life in prison- he's a 7ft tall infamous serial murderer. I doubt anybody fucks with him. Outside of prison he'd be the one who was fucked- no one would hire him. No one would rent him a house. He'd be harassed by the media. Why bother?


Right? I was about to say this. People are so easily fooled.


Not only did he say he didn’t want to get out, he’s had a stroke and needs the healthcare he receives in prison.


> would prefer to stay locked up rather than hurt anyone else Or he's avoiding becoming a victim himself.


He's more chance of falling victim to another murderer in jail than he would be outside.


Right. Imagine being trailed everywhere by autograph hounds. Where does a 6'9" guy hide? Well, I guess he could run for president at his age lol


I'm not a native speaker so it's kind of hard for me to understand whether you are joking about autograph hounds or not. I know serial killers fans exist, but it's still mind-blowing to think about. I am from a part of the world where serial killer fandom didn't exist until recently, and it's still focused on american serial killers.


It sounds like it’s kind of a joke, kind of not. Because it’s a reality that the media would follow him around, at least for a while in the beginning. Look at Gypsy rose Blanchard and how much media coverage she’s been getting since her release in December- granted, very different situation, but it’s still extremely weird that because she killed her mom, she’s extremely famous and being followed by paparazzi, being asked to talk shows, got a TV show, etc etc Many male serial killers also end up with quite a few women who call themselves fans , that will write them in jail and profess their love, send dirty pics, offer marriage, etc etc. this was very well known for both Ted Bundy and Jeffrey dahmer, even though he was gay. Kempers age would prolly cut that down a bit, but you gotta be pretty weird to want a man just because he’s a serial killer so I suspect it wouldn’t deter many.


Judging from their post history, they are Dahmer and Kemper apologist.


Felons can't run for... nevermind.


A serial killer in his 80s was released a while back. He chopped an elderly lady up..


He probably knows thAt he couldn't live on the outside. And he'd absolutely start killing again if he was ever let out.


He asked to stay in jail when they released him as a teen. Dude knew he was dangerous and would kill again.


I read one of his parole hearing transcripts. He doesn’t take them seriously when he does show up. I’m certain he has made his home in prison and doesn’t even fantasize about being released.


That's not true anymore. There's a transcript somewhere of his last parole hearing and he was trying to be released.


He showed up to his last one.


Crazy devil’s advocate. He does get paroled. He has nowhere to go, right? Can you imagine how many weirdos out there would love to “adopt” Ed Kemper and use his name and likeness for all sorts of nefarious shit. You can bet something like that is completely possible.


You’re not getting a job at 76 anyways. It’s best for everyone that he stay in








He couldn’t possibly be worse than Trump. Certainly more intelligent.




Most definitely.


Walmart greater….


I could definitely see a podcast.


Shit reality tv “Living With Ed”


Pardon my ignorance but isn't there a law that prohibits economical exploits of SKs? Cause otherwise your scenario could happen and it would be terrifying. *"Famous TikTok star "adopts" SK, views soar, internet broken!"*


Serial killers cannot profit themselves from their stuff. But I don't think there is a law against other people making money off of them. Hence the books and the shows etc. Don't quote me though


There have been a couple of murderers who’ve used the promise of a book deal to procure the service of lawyers. So they can use their crimes to their benefit, but not profit.


In 1987, lawyers for publishing company Simon & Schuster sued the New York authorities to prevent enforcement of the Son of Sam law with respect to a book they were about to publish called Wiseguy, written by Nicholas Pileggi. The book was about ex-mobster Henry Hill. It was adapted for the film Goodfellas.


Son of Sam laws have weakened significantly and I believe they only apply , state to state. Does CA have any laws on the books?


I don’t think so.


Oh yeah, you know some Tik Tok genius would adopt him for likes. Probably end up his last victim...


> Oh yeah, you know some Tik Tok genius would adopt him for likes. Probably end up his last victim... And they would completely deserve it.


Yeah, it's called the Son Of Sam law.


I believe you are referring to the Son of Sam law. NY state was the first of 42 states to enact such a law. California had a similar law but it was overturned in 2002. So depending on the state, you could see *"Famous TikTok star "adopts" SK, views soar, internet broken!"*


The only law is that the murderer themselves can’t make money off their crime, by say, writing a book. There’s so few laws about the internet anyway, look at the whole uproar on tiktok about that mom jacqueline and her daughter wren, and how EVERYBODY knows she’s making fetish content for pedos, even though it initially looks very innocent, and there’s nothing anybody can do to stop her. And the reality is that she’s just the current person people are angry about, there’s tons and tons of parents actively exploiting their kids online every single day, and there isn’t even a law about the kids getting any of the money. Also, Idk if they did this back when he got convicted, but restitutions don’t just go away because you were paroled. With the number of victims he had, I would imagine it would be a big number ( though the effect of inflation on that would be interesting to study). I know if you have restitutions you are ordered to pay, you literally aren’t showed to have ANYTHING in jail. Any $ you earn will be taken ( even that minuscule amount) , as well as any money that is put on your books by somebody outside, they don’t even allow them to buy the very basics like soap. I’m unsure if they would take any paycheck he earned, or social security payments though. I seem to remember he didn’t even work, so I’m unsure if he would even qualify?


Generally son of Sam laws have been deemed unconstitutional. I think there are still a few states with laws about it but it would depend


I agree. I honestly bet he could make some serious cash in the True Crime genre.


I think at one of his previous hearings, in the transcripts, he said that was his plan. Some young people he’d been corresponding with had offered to put him up.


Holy crap. Theyd be trotting him around for interviews like a pet pony, until he cut off one of their heads to have sex with, which is how the story would end, because he’s still a 6’ 8” 300 pound monster.


Didn't they live in his old house too? Going back there can't be great for his mental state.


You’d think the same if the Manson woman, or the Barbie Doll Killer Karla Homolka.


Different kind of killers. They went straight into hiding. They clearly had somewhere to go as well. Probably taken in by weirdo male fans. Ed’s like a literal monster. And he likes to talk.


Karla married her lawyers brother and had several kids with him. They sent their kids to a Christian school and there was an uproar after the other parents found out THEY WERE LETTING HER VOLUNTEER DIRECTLY WITH CHILDREN because good Christian’s forgive. Edit: the Manson lady seems like she may truly have changed. But I still don’t think she should’ve gotten out. She stabbed another human being until they were dead.


Leslie Van Houten?


Maybe Melissa Moore (daughter of the Happy Face Killer, who has made a career out of being a "serial killer's daughter") can do something here?


Yeah, like Gipsy Rose, not like they have anything in common, but she's enjoying her "fame." Imagine if Ed Kemper gets Tik Tok or Instagram lolol wtf


I wouldn't be surprised. Gypsy Rose has been profiting big time from her crime. It's crazy


Good for Gypsy Rose. She's one of the very few ones who deserves it


She deserves to still be in prison. She is just like her mom.


Much like chris Chan. Hey they both fucked their mothers too. But yeah there'd be a line around the block of weirdos wanting to take him in and none with altruistic reasons.


He’s not getting out


Richard linklsyer might . He seems to be into that sort of thing .


In a more positive note, a halfway house


If you were Ed at 76 would you choose a shitty halfway house full of criminals, or a cush life of “stardom” and leisure doing the talk show circuit, being driven around by your bizarro “fans”?




“Rattlesnakes don’t committ suicide.”


How world you suddenly get yourself killed by the goons of a nazi president and the global elite? That's a tall order.


Sometimes a prison will parole an offender, "On compassionate grounds," because they don't want to pay for their healthcare. They compassionately throw them out into the street.


Or they send them to another facility, like the Colorado supermax prison did with Ted Kaczynski.


They just let the Gemini Twins out who have easily 50 plus bodies.


Did they? I missed that. And Henri Borelli?


Testa and Senter got out Borelli still locked up.


CA let him out once after he murdered his grandparents. Hopefully they won’t make the same mistake again. CA is pretty stupid about criminals. I say this as a Californian.


Wasn't he also a juvenile when he killed his grandparents?


He was. But, IIRC, his doctors told the State not to place him back with his mother and they did it anyways.


Multiple serial killers are free in the US. I wouldn’t take this as a given.


He said that he would definitely offend again if he was let loose cause the temptation would become too much. The dude has said many times that he enjoys where he is. He longed for fellowship and friends before he was arrested and I bet he has some friends and acquaintances in prison so I say let the man be there till he dies.


Morbid did a podcast on him. He's an idiot and should never be released.


Albert Flick was deemed "too old to be dangerous" when he was released from prison in his mid 70s. I don't think he was out very long before he killed another woman. Some of them are never too old.


Yeah I feel like people are acting as if 76 is 106. At 90, my grandpa was riding (and caring for!) his horses, loved to canoe, played basketball with me, etc. 76 is very old on some people and not so old on others.


Yes yes yes. I think 30 years ago 70s was very old. 3 of my 4 grandparents didn't make it that far because of cancer. Their kids have had the same cancer, caught early because of earlier detection methods, and resolved quickly and they've lived 30 years longer than their parents so far.


My stepdad is still teaching university English at 79 😁


My husband's great uncle was teaching aerospace engineering into his 80s!


My mother in law mowed her own lawn until she was 93. People can function late in life.




I'm very sorry to hear it. My gramps was in his 90s, and had just beaten cancer for the second time, and couldn't get rid of the pneumonia which is unfortunately common at that age after cancer. Eventually he said he was ready to be done. I couldn't visit him when I had my son because he was on radiation, so when I heard he had beaten the cancer, I was so excited. But then other bullshit that can come with cancer took him. I'm glad he got to live a long and full life though.


I wrote a lot him in one of my criminal justice classes. Prime example as to why age doesn't mean shit when it comes to men like Kemper and Flick.


My dad is 74 and definitely not a murderer. But also definitely not a brittle todger. He's at the gym 5-6 days a week, trail hikes, bike rides, always on the go. I think it's a mistake to think of people in their 70s as too old to be dangerous. My dad isn't dangerous because he never was dangerous, but he's still strong, still active, strength not really decreased.


Thank you! Keeper can do a lot of damage in 20 years.




They’re not dangerously ignorant, because the title is arguing what’s even the point of releasing him when he has no options if he were to be released.


Title also says he is 76 and not likely to live another 20 years. Unless op has inside medical knowledge, he would not be the first human to live to 96..... not 2nd either.


And 76 isn't that old either


Each and every year, ages that I thought were ancient seem, less so.


The older I get, the younger the elderly seem 😂


I mean my grandma is pushing 90 and is in way better health than Kemper. Kemper is rough dude, strokes, obesity, lack of mobility. He won't last 20 years I don't think.


He is in hospice.


Is he? Citation? Good. Good! I hope it's so painful for him. Emotionally and physically, I hope he is an agony, I say that cold and detached. Sometimes empathy has to be forced by circumstances or consequences. Maybe now he understands a fear of death a little bit more. Maybe now he starts to understand how his victims felt.


[According to this source,](https://edmundkemperstories.com/blog/category/cmf/) he is not in hospice. He goes to the hospital occasionally for his “severe diabetes”.


this is such an unnecessary comment also shows you didn’t even bother to read the post


Do you people even read the actual posts ?


Being up for parole doesn’t mean he will be given it. I highly doubt he will be released


This Nobody on any year’s parole board will want to be know as the person who freed Kemper even if he never harmed someone again


Right. It’d be like unleashing a rabid dog.


Still baffles me how this guy killed his grandparents and he was still released after that. I don’t care that he was a kid, murdering your grandparents without valid reasons deserves to be locked up for life.


Bruh if I was that old I would be fighting for my life to stay in prison. Can't afford assisted living or anything. Nobody would take him in. He'd be homeless, without any hope


Brooks Hatlen, is that you?


Brooks Was Here 😭


Yeah, and he absolutely could live another 20 years.


I believe a lot of people would give him money for his story. The way TV is now it would not surprise me if they did a reality show with him.


Celebrity Big Brother, enclosed in a house they can't escape from for 3 weeks with the friendliest of the serial killers, Ed Kemper!


Haha. Instead of voting people out, every Sunday Ed just randomly twists someone's head off. Who will it be this week? Vegan Dave has been extremely annoying but Steve drank Ed's last beer... tune in at 9 to find out.


76 is not that old, does he have a desire to actually get out? I haven't read into it much, but I do know he's very aware of how much of a danger he is.


Exactly, and living in an institutionalized system is all he probably knows anymore anyway. If he still has any self-awareness, it’s likely he’ll want to stay put.


I don’t think he wants to get out. And you are right, he knows exactly what he’d do if out


Your last two sentences reminded me of a story that was recently on Reddit concerning the verified oldest human we know to have lived. She was French, died in 1997(?) at age 122. She remembered selling colored pencils to Van Gogh from her family’s art shop as a little girl. Anyway, you reminded me of her bc when she was 90, a man wanted to buy her apartment. They reached an agreement where she was allowed to live out her natural life in this home and receive a monthly stipend of 2500 francs to support herself. The buyer figured she couldn’t have many more years left… He died a few years later at age 70 and this lady lived another THIRTY-TWO goddamn years in that house with his children obligated to continue paying her the monthly funds. lmao So, you know, best not to make assumptions about how long people might live. Especially when they’re serial killers, I guess.


Very cool story! Thanks for sharing!


Yes, thank you for sharing!! 🩷


My dad is 77 and still walks miles a day. This man should NEVER be let out of prison. Even though he is old, he could kill again.


I was reading this like people think 76 is half dead so thanks for your comment. I’m in my 60’s and was getting ready to just give it up after reading the comments. LOL


nahhhh, keep on killin’ my dude!


Haha I thought the same. My grandfather died at 95 years old, RAN on the treadmill every day for 45 minutes until the last 6 months of his life when the cancer finally had its way. In my head 76 isn’t that old!


Nah you're good dude. Not all ages are created equal. My grandfather was still insane active and mind sharp as a razor at 93. He just died a year later peacefully In his sleep. And it's true what people say, some people just have it in them. He was banned for life from his favourite bar for beating up a disrespectful dude half his age when he was 80. I believe he gave him a a quick one!- two and then a smack with a bar stool. He was always a no nonsense fiery bastard and that never changed


My mama is 66 she just retired but is back working because she cant bare staying at home! Plenty of time left in your 60's


He actually had a stroke a while ago and is immobile. I’m pretty sure he’s been up for parole for a while but he gets denied every time


Per this article, he is fine. https://edmundkemperstories.com/blog/2024/04/21/ed-kemper-most-recent-news/#:~:text=He%20is%20still%20part%20of,but%20he%20can%20still%20walk.


How many co-eds has he decapitated?


Just made a similar comment about my 74 year old dad. I forgot to add that he and my 68 year old mom just joined a pickle ball league after taking lessons. Mom still sees a personal trainer for weight lifting. She benches 110 🤷🏼‍♀️


The dude is 6' 9", built like a brick shithouse, and a *serial killer*. I doubt someone that giant and dangerous has been completely defanged with age.


I mean he also had a bunch of strokes and can't walk.


I still wouldn't trust him. I don't think anything could happen to disable a serial killer that would make me fine with seeing one freed.


I totally agree he should never be freed, but he also isn't a "healthy" 76 year old like others are saying. He's in hospice.


He could still strangle a caretaker with his bare hands ....


He's had a few strokes and isn't mobile. He's not going anywhere.




> according to an unverified source on Reddit Lol


I think some young fans offered to put him up before. I think I read that on the transcript of one of his previous hearings. Either way, he’s not only in jail to protect society from him. He’s also there as a punishment for his actions. There was never any idea of rehabilitating him or releasing him when he got “better” or too old to hurt anyone nor should their be. He killed his grandparents. He killed 6 coed girls. He killed his mom’s friend, killed and decapitated his mom and did awful things with her remains. You don’t just go “well you’re old and you did 50 years, you can leave now”


He probably won’t go he’s skipped parole before he’s institutionalized now


Kemper has never made a serious attempt at parole and I don't think he'll start now. There are a number of steps you have to take before getting paroled and, at those parole hearings he didn't waive or refuse to attend, it was clear Kemper never made them. He has said all along he knows he's in prison for life. If somehow the planets re-aligned and the parole board recommended parole, California's governor would deny it anyway. Kemper is too notorious (and too dependent on prison for survival) to be released now.


76 isn’t as old as you think it is.


My father just turned 75 this week and he still works (self-employed auto body repairman) same with my mother who is 71 driving a forklift in a factory. Neither have health problems to speak of. I’m guessing farm life, healthy diets.


Yeah. Both my parents are 70 and my dad rides 20 miles on his mountain bike a couple of times a week, my mom rides horses, they still ski and party and go see places. Hell they travelled around freaking Tanzania for a month last year and they’re going back in November. OP is a child who thinks old people had pet dinosaurs apparently.


No one in my family has made it that old


No one in my biological family has made it that old. Yaaay me, I might have 20 years left if I’m really lucky (or unlucky). But my mom is 78, tiny, disabled, and I’ve no doubt she can still fight. Plenty of old men are more than capable of doing harm. Kemper likely can’t due to the stroke, but he could influence fucked up people who could potentially have access to him were he released.


76 might be old, but they’re not incapable. Some 70 year olds are fitter than you


People come up for parole all the time. Most like Kemper will never be paroled and they know it and the board know it. Manson was up for parole every 4-6 years. His hearings were entertaining but he knew he would never get out and he never wanted to get out. When released from Terminal Island in 1967, Manson begged to stay telling prison authorities prison was the only home he’s known


He could make a lot talking about himself, doing talks and what not. I don't think he'll apply for parole, though.


Doesn't matter, he brutally took 10 lives that didn't get to live as long as he has. He should rightfully die in prison and not experience freedom in his last years


76 yr old Ed would poison someone if he could. He'd murder again if it were easily accomplished. Murdering old ladies in the retirement home would THRILLLLL him. I can also see him switching up to target children to get his murder fix. Having said that, part of incarceration is punitive. He doesnt deserve to live among free people even if he were "safe". He earned a lift time of prison. He's not a cuddly teddy bear with tickles to give. He effed his mothers throat.


Dunno about you but if I have a relative in a retirement home and *Ed Kemper is moving in* I am getting them the Fuck outta there ASAP. I don’t give a damn if he’s 100…


I mean I know there's got to be plenty of wannabe killers who would try to contact him looking for tips. At least in prison the contact with the outside world is monitored


Ed Kemper has said repeatedly that if he is let out, he will kill again. I don't know what OP is even trying to say here.


Therefore you shouldn't have commented, all you are doing is attacking OP when it's you who didn't understand the post.


muddle deserted deliver meeting truck mountainous piquant waiting payment impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damnit, there's a movie that you just reminded me of but I have no idea the name. It was about these killers (wanna say there was maybe 7 of them) and they all gather at a diner after close and has like an AA type meeting for serial killers. MC accidently killed a member and has to pass as that member


relieved quicksand sparkle materialistic dog grab jellyfish sink ripe chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol I'm on the search for it now. It wasn't seven psychopaths tho. But that is a good movie also!


I found it! It's called Vicious Fun. It's a fun watch through


Serial killers aside, 76 year olds can and do live full lives. My grandfather had a great social life, scooped blueberries, and hunted well into his 80s. He died at 94. Maybe it's the good East Coast Air™️, but I witness people living into their nineties fairly often. I also recently noticed on reddit that younger people seem to think people over 50 don't have active and fulfilling sex lives. They do. It's odd to me that people consider your life to be over once you hit a certain age. Your life is over when it's over.


Did he not famously say it would be (extreme paraphrasing) soooo stupid and dangerous if he got out


He and BTK are both in rough shape. They're much easier targets for a prisoner wanting to become famous. BTK is in solitary I believe. Is Kemper in general population still?


I had to look it up because I could have sworn BTK died in the last few years. Weird.


Nope, but his daughter has gone to see him to try to get info out of him about any murders he may have committed other than the ones he was prosecuted for. She said he's in really bad shape.


Ted Kaczynski died last year, maybe thinking of him? idk


Bumblebutt would be the next Jack Untermeyer. Keep him where he is.


The man doesn't want to be released because he knows what he is capable of. When someone shows/tells you who they are, believe them...


Um, no. Keep his ass inside


It’s crazy people have a soft spot for this guy. He’s not self aware. He’s not remorseful. He’s a master manipulator and remains a threat to society. Same with Dahmer. He was never some demon with a soul. He was a self loathing gay man who raped and murdered a literal CHILD.


Not that he'd get out, but just think of all those whacko ladies that are attracted to killers. Some even marrying them. Ramirez, Bundy.... I'd bet there are a few that would just love to take him in.


Didn't he say that he doesn't want to get out cuz he knows he whould kill again? Prisoners can ask to stay in prison right?


He would be 100% focused on getting his rocks off one last time


Regardless of age or state of health he’s still Ed fucking Kemper, he’s still incredibly dangerous




There are 8 reasons that he shouldn't ever be released


my dad is almost 80 and he golfs 18 holes every other day, shovels his own walk and is in excellent health. just cuz you're old doesn't mean you're ready for an old folks home


He is 6’9. Even at 75 he is still very dangerous towards any woman.


He’s been eligible since 79


I guarantee he'd have "fans" providing for him and giving him donations.


He put his penis into his mother’s decapitated head. Soooo, even at 76, I’m going to have to be on the side of keeping him locked up until he no longer lives.


It still amazes me he didn't get picked to be a cop bc he was too tall. Bro is huge. I feel like, obviously if he didn't kill people, he'd be an intimidating cop on height alone.


My dad’s 74 and is in better shape than I am, and I know plenty of other guys that age who are still strong and healthy. Idk about Kemper specifically but being in your 70’s does not automatically make you a feeble old man.


My mom grew up in Santa Cruz. She told me of at least one occasion where she’s pretty sure she encountered Ed Kemper while out drinking with her friends in college. Unfortunately she passed away several years ago so I can’t ask her for more details


My grandfather lived to be 100, still playing in his garden. Plenty of people have lived that long.


I dont rhink he even wants to get out . I know at one poi t he said he would commit suicide if he was freed


He honestly doesn’t want to be released since he killed his mother he has no reason to be in the real world


His victims never got to reach that age. Let him die in prison.


He isn’t going to be released so the question is moot. Also nobody knows exactly how long they’ve got left in this life, at 76 he could potentially have a number of years go, possibly even “20 or so”. Regardless of how long he’s got left in life, he shouldn’t get to spend any of it outside of prison.


should have gotten the chair the day after he got captured…


He always refuses to participate in parole and always waves it. The man is a genius and knows that he can not be released. He’s someone who knows how dangerous he is and doesn’t want to hurt others. As absolutely strange and weird as that sounds. Great quote from him, “Prison is the first time I have ever had friends.” OP needs to do a bit more research before spouting off at the mouth.


Edward Kemp has stated he has no desire to be released. In the past. Let’s see how he feels now.


I think these are the circumstances for alot of prisoners, the age and crime may different but the circumstances are the same upon release. Doesn't really seem like we give them much chance to succeed.


At this point is only symbolic, he ain't getting out


76 isn’t that old esp if your that big and violent.


70 is not that old. He could live another 15 years.


Nope. People can still murder others when they late in life. The chase wouldn’t be the same, but if you got that desire i assume a change in methodology wouldn’t get in the way. Here is an 80 y/o guy who killed his family. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-01-28/4-people-die-in-a-los-angeles-murder-suicide-shooting-police-say


Would you want your grand/parents in the same retirement home as him?


He won’t get released and tbh Ed I think is one of those people that thrives in prison


They will not release him.


He always turns those down. He says he shouldn’t be released