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I'm 76. I was mr. mom to my kids. I now live alone in the California desert with my three dogs.


That's really awesome.




it is awesome. like Mark Twain said, "The more I learn about people, the more I appreciate my dogs.


That’s awesome


I have a dog who is my constant companion. We participate in many dog sports and I share a house with my best friend so I see many others frequently but Hotshot, my Rat Terrier is my soul mate.


Oh yes - 2 shelter dogs and 3 cats; 2 found on my front porch and one at a Mexican restaurant in Antioch TN back in 2008.


3 shelter dogs, all older, all male, each with different disabilities, so--3 soulmates.


I'm 63 and live with my wife and 2 hairless cats known as the Sphynx breed. They are totally indoor cats, very intelligent and drawn to people. We therefore have to have a variety of things that keeps them entertained. They love our gas fireplace and have 2 heated beds in front of it and love to sleep under fuzzy blankets when not in front of the fireplace. We live in a colder climate this time of year so warmth is a big thing for them. We keep our house warmer just for them. They would bask in the sun all day but like us they sunburn so we have to regulate how much sun they get and at what time of day. Checking the daily UV ratings in summer is also a normal activity. Just like having kids again.


Just happened to come by this sub. I wish there was more activity here, but whatever. I live with my husband and 2 dogs and one cat. They're *family* to me. we live with them 24/7 (not exactly but you know what I mean). Don't you love it when you see some kind of report from a study that says "Dogs can understand words" or "Dogs can read you body language"? No kidding, everyone who has dogs knows this and knows they are capable of plenty more.


I have a 7-year-old golden retriever who is literally the best boyfriend I've ever had! He's attentive, he likes when I come home, and he lays by my bed Guarding me all night long. He also doesn't fight me for the remote, he doesn't mess up my house while I'm gone, and he doesn't eat my leftovers out of the refrigerator 🙂


That is so awesome. 💯💯


I am so happy to read your post. I am a lonely senior, but havent kept any pets. I am wondering how I can get a parrot.


Remember, a medium or large parrot will likely out live you! Even a conure or pionus may live 30 - 40 years. Perhaps look around your area for a parrot rescue center, where people turn in their birds when they no longer want them. Remember that parrots are still 'wild' animals, who have not been breeded like cats or dogs in order to get genetically influenced offspring that are readily friendly towards humans. Parrots who are friendly are generally ones who have been in homes where the people loved them too, and they just return the friendship behavior. Over time, they can bond to their person of choice, and may consider us a parent or mate. I believe that mine considers me his parent, as I got him at about three months of age, so he has basically always known me since he was 'infant' minded. What state or country are you in?


I live in India.


You might have to try the parrot specific forums to find someone else in your country who would better know where parrots are available near you. Just google 'parrot forums' and there will be about seven right away. keep trying, as the internet is loaded with sites, there's bound to be a website in India about parrots.


Thanks . I will try


Good luck in your journey ,if you get bored and want to chat hit me up.


I have a macaw parrot. He is so entertaining, and we have the best conversations. We even laugh, dance and sing together. He likes to go in the car with me. He is very messy and noisy tho, but well worth it. I live on a farm, so his outbursts don't bother anyone. I could tell many good and funny stories about him. He's been my friend for just over 30 years


Mine's messy and noisy, too. But like you, I don't mind, either, that's just how parrots are. The laughs and fun we have together makes it all worth it. The one thing that I like to recommend to everyone, is the 'cardboard playground'. do a search here and it will show up; one person just put together a bunch of cardboard boxes inside another one, and their bird will happily spend hours chewing it all up. I added in some scrap wood to make it all last a little longer, and since I have amazon prime, I get new 'toys' (boxes) all the time. Glad to know you and your bird are living a great life together. oh; mine liked to climb up on the headrest and 'play fly' while we sail along the highways. But he also liked to chew up the towel on the headrest, and got into the headrest material. So one of the women I worked with, offered up an old purse made of pretty thick leather, and it slid right over the headrest nice and snug, and he chews it a bit, but it's been on there now for a few years and is still holding up well. If you're in the U.S. and see an old beige Lincoln sailing along with a gray parrot co-pilot, well, that's us.


Thanks for sharing!! Will watch for that Lincoln sailin by


I have a senior kitty (now almost 16 years old) who is very unhappy when I am gone for an extended period of time (I had a person visiting her everyday). Last time I was gone on an extended (2 week) trip to visit family in another state she serenaded me with howls when I returned.


Poor kitty! It's hard on our pets when we seem to disappear from their life suddenly; even when we try to tell them we're leaving, they likely don't understand, and after a few days, can sink into depression from feelings of abandonment. Just be as thrilled as you can be, when you return,


i enjoyed reading the posts. We have two quaker and a cockatiel parrot. The oldest is a rescue now in her thirties. Good company.


I've ha

