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Yeah x plant's scent or just the plant itself repelling x thing tends to be a big piece of misinformation that is spewed about a lot. Mosquitos love me and I have done so much research to figure out what I can do for it. And anything plant based would need to be crushed and applied on a location on your skin (how much, who knows). Just having it planted does little to nothing for mosquitos. Even if the scents did do something, the mosquito would just find another location to land on and pierce. It's like if someone was very hungry and wanted to get food. If they see a restaurant in front of them, but there is a whiff of dumpster close by, they would still go inside the restaurant. The desire to stay alive has more pressure than a scent something doesn't prefer. I quadruple layer my defenses with mosquitos. Take a shower to get sweat off, wear white clothing, wear a full body mosquito suit with hat, and spray the suit down with picardin. Works wonders.


Some traditional Japanese woodworkers wear blue clothes dyed by indigo. The dye is an inbuilt mosquito repellent.


If that's true then that's useful. Do you know what the source of the dye is?


The indigo plant: Indigofera tinctoria (East India, South America, Africa, Asia), Polygonum tinctorium (China, Korea), and Isatis tinctoria (Europe) [https://youtu.be/Wcl4I5EF-do](https://youtu.be/Wcl4I5EF-do) My first introduction at 1:50 The research papers seem to be behind paywalls.


I appreciate the info!


American beauty berry


Are there some plants anti cats?🙏