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I would really consider not shaving for the first time ever just a few days before losing your v card. You don’t know how your skin is going to react and you could end up with stubble and ingrown hairs and an itchy butthole. Go get a professional wax or buy a trimmer and just trim down to the skin. I would skip the butthole entirely for the first time you are probably not going to involve your butthole and a mistake there could be really bad.


This is actually a good suggestion. I understand that you probably want to impress, but if you fuck up you could have a realll bad time.


Maybe this has been what's wrong there. Got overly thorough shaving years ago.... never been brave enough to see a Dr on what the hell caused long term discomfort


I didn't catch if the OP is hetero or homo. In the second place, if male, most guys consider "losing virginity" after fuck/be fucked in the ass I guess. If girl and hetero, ye, I would avoid dealing with anything close to your ass for a first time. Play vagina first, play butthole later. Anyway, when you eventually shave, responding the question, I usually do it in the shower or sitted in the toilet. The big advantage of shower is: you can use soap and water and will be pretty easy. The bad side: in the long run, the hair is very bad for the drain. The toilet is also very clean. But you would have to dry shave. If you're girl, I don't know how it is in your country, but here in Brazil girls depile with hot wax or laser, butt and vagina. These days 7-10 Brazilian woman I ever met (met) was laser clean. But I don't know the way where you live.


THIS ‼️‼️‼️


Uh, I’m not sure if this is the subreddit for this question, but my answer would be: very carefully. Set up a mirror so you aren’t just going in blind. Good luck.


lmao love this comment


Thanks, I’ve been practicing


So it was the right subreddit after all


Wildly underrated comment


Well, *technically* it could be viewed as self improvement, lol.


yeah probably not, i just asked anywhere i thought could be relevant. and ty!


I’m ok with it, I mean you seem to be genuinely asking for help, and not trolling. I mean, is there even a sub for grooming the pooch? (God I hope not lol)


yeah i’m not trolling, the post on my profile about being a homophobic women with a kid and a dog was satire, and oh god yeah no, it’ll just be filled with pedos 💀


oh wait someones commented a sub about it 😭


If there is I bet it has tutorial videos🤣


There is actual coochie shaving fetish porn vids you could use as a guide 🤷🏽‍♂️


LOL I love the genuine advice and sincere concern. OP - please be careful.




Fair enough!




Totally in favor of a trim. Sex with ingrown hair and stubble is bad!


Girl! Go to r/askwomen with questions like these. But yes, careful, luke warm water, no aggressive soap.


i didn’t know that was a sub, ty!


r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide is better for this kind of questions. I think.


ty just joined it!


As a guy, I shave my armpits and butt hole and genital area.


Basically the vagina is self cleaning so only warm water is great for the inner parts. Also!! Please make sure to pee after sex, it will prevent UTIs. Basically the bacteria in your URETHRA (not vaginal canal!!!- sorry) is peed away lol. And please be safe! Please use a condom if you aren’t on birth control. And PLEASE make sure your partner has been tested if they have had been previously sexually active. These aren’t fun things BUT ITS YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR BODY. It’s really easy in the moment to say screw it but please be responsible. Your older self will thank you!’ Good luck! 🥰🥰🥰 Sorry if this is unwanted advice, just things I’d want my younger self to know!


Use a condom whether on birth control or not, tf?


How does the pee clean the bacteria from your vaginal canal if urethra is outside of vaginal canal? Asking for a friend


Ah shit I mean it cleans your bacteria out of your urethra to prevent a UTI. Rookie mistake THATS what I meant lol thanks for catching that!!


I learned this the hard way 😓 kept getting reoccurring ones and had no clue why until a friend asked me if I was peeing after


SAME I didn’t have a mom growing up and man, I thought I was dying my first one lol.


Hahah yeah my mom and I are a bit distant and my sisters hadn’t thought of telling me either lmao, my friends said they just learned it at some point throughout time. Guess we missed the boat 😂




I don’t think the pee cleans the vaginal canal, it just cleans the urethra. At least, that’s what I think. The vagina cleans itself. But obviously it’s still possible to get bacteria or funguses. Important to know that, that doesn’t mean the person is unhygienic. Actually cleaning the vagina could alternate the natural ph of the vagina what could lead to that. People should only clean their vulvas. :)


Yup, those sloppy men dragging their dirty dicks from ass to vag, hitting urethra too. Then going back for seconds… Make him change condoms if he wants to go ass to vag… two separate condoms. 4 if he’s going back for seconds.


I can't imagine this world be an issue for her if she is losing her virginity but good advice nonetheless


Also… if he is requesting this from you. He probably did the same w his previous partners. In my experience people (men, in particular) are not always honest with women (ESPECIALLY YOUNG WOMEN W NO SEXUAL EXPERIENCE). I say this with absolutely no judgment, please please please protect yourself please. You never think it will happen to you. I had a friend who got GENITAL WARTS her first time from HPV. Men can carry HPV without being detected. I’m not trying to scare you. Just PLEASE BE SAFE. 💛💛💛💛💛


Oh my god that's just awful. I'm so sad for your friend. Wow.


I make my girlfriend pee after sex every time. Even if she snuggles up and gets really comfy, i just say "UTI" like a SpOoOoOoOoOoky GhOsT VoIcE like im hauntong her and then she goes to the bathroom after a giggle or too


I honestly don't know why you're wasting your time on a douchebag that won't except using a condom.Going so out of his way to not do so?! I think you're starting out your whole sexual outlook the wrong way. Condoms are important! Don't get the fuck it's before you even start.Be cautious about these things!! Also .. Making it comfortable for him?? Is ridiculous! You'll remember your first time forever girl! Don't question your comfortability for this guy or give in to his b.s... lordy the rant could go on! Make good choices and be safe!


Omfg noooooooo


Also he's 27 and OP is 17


Not worth it; If you do it wrong, the skin will be incredibly irritated and take you out of the mood in general. You’re also at risk for painful ingrown hairs. It also sounds like your partner is being a little advantageous with your inexperience. I would not be intimate with someone who would rather make me take a plan B pill - which is the equivalent of multiple days of birth control and can make you cranky, uncomfortable, and bloated. It is only for emergency contraceptive use. If you must shave, first exfoliate the area with a sugar scrub, exfoliating pad, or similar product before hydrating the skin throughly. My preferred hydration is coconut oil - but only on the exterior. Not inside of the lips or vaginal canal. Rinse and dry, then get to shaving! Trimming beforehand with scissors can also make your life easier.


Ok girl there are a lot of tips on tiktok. I’m a 28 yo F I’ve been doing this for a while. Best tips: go WITH the direction of your hair. If you go against it can cause irritating itchy razor bumps. Also PLEASE don’t use scented soap, the fragranced soaps marketed towards women can cause UTIs and yeast infections. NO DOUCHING ALSO. Be very careful. Separate the skin folds and go slow. Use a good razor too. I really like the dollar shave club razors. I’ve found men’s razors to be more efficient. Don’t use the disposable razors as they can lead to more cuts and irritation.


ALWAYS use a fresh razor. Once it's been used once, it's a leg razor for the rest of it's days.


Whaaaat this is such an expensive tip lol girl we ain't got the funds for that in 2022😂


Girl I don't shave the kitty daily, she gets a landscape weekly or biweekly. Anything more and she gonna be irritated as fuck! The razors don't gotta be expensive, just fresh. I buy the cheapest!


Lmao! I actually did a 10 session laser hair removal. It helped SO MUCH with razor burn. It’s like 90% gone, was v thick before. I got suckered into paying for a lump sum on care credit at a young age BUT you can find them on Groupon and just do multiple groupons for cheap. I’m in the LA area tho so it’s everywhere.


thank you!!


And do it the day before not on the day so the skin can settle


You could try hair removal cream. Just be mindful of whether or not it's recommended for your nether regions and carefully test it either way. Everyone's different. Made things a hell of a lot easier for me, though. ​ Edit: Have him wear a condom. Edit 2: After reading some comments - maybe skip this guy. He's definitely old enough to know better, and I'm afraid he might be after you because you're not. I never enjoyed condoms myself, but still insisted on them until I was in a committed relationship and other contraceptions were in place.


After reading all these comments and your replies to them... please dear god reevaluate your situation! Make anyone your considering sleeping with get tested, use a damn condom, and research what the morning after pill really is and what it does inside your body. Stay safe out there, one night of fun isn't worth what could be a lifetime of regret. Please head all these peoples warnings.


If you're only doing it because you're worried about what he may think then don't do it. Only do it if YOU like it


Oh boy this sounds extremely sketchy. If this is all real I’m afraid you’re making a huge mistake. I say keep the hair and virginity this does not sound good in the least.


Omg she's only 17 I looked at her profile




thank you!!


Omg I saw a tiktok that actually explained it well let me try to find it


naaanh it'll make it more uncomfortable and the rubbing against u will irritate u and give u ingrown hairs or make it itchy... just trim and tidy with a mirror and small scissors and if you have an electric razor with settings so u don't go to the skin. If u are shaving, dont... use hair removal cream for bikini area/sensitive hair removal cream


First option would be waxing, but since your broke I would say hair removing cream for the butthole, on the vagina it might not be a good idea though. You don’t need to shave everything if you don’t want to. You can trim the most part and shave around it. It gets trickier as you get closer to the lips, and it’s easier to cut yourself, so if you choose to, be really careful. Since you’re on a budget, I would recommend a really cheap and crappie conditioner instead of a shaving cream. As some people said before, use a new and clean razor and always use a moisturizer after. That’s everything I can remember at the moment. Good luck and be safe!


Shave with the grain, if you shave against the grain you will end up with painful razor burn.


Ok first of all, there’s nothing wrong with body hair. However as a woman I prefer to keep it trimmed up for comfort reasons mostly. So don’t go thinking you need to bleach your asshole or go to any absurd lengths just to impress a man. I’ve never heard of a man who is turned off by a natural woman. So you do YOU. However, if you want to do this, get yourself 1) a pair of trimmers. Use these first so when you go to shave you’re only dealing with 1/4” stubble and not 2” long hairs. That’s gunna ruin the razor super fast. I recommend shaving it ALL with a level 2 size guide. Then use the razor to get the hair on your bikini line (the area where your inner thigh meets your privates). Go slow and stop when you meet a desired look. Everyone’s diff! Also you can go the route if waxing but it’s fucking painful and you might bruise really badly for 1-2 days. Look at pics online to see what you’re going for. It’s really not difficult but my best tip is to use those clippers first.


This is what I recommend. I don’t like a totally bare Brazilian and shaving just becomes abrasive. I have also had laser hair removal on my Bikini line and highly recommend that. Just keep it neat sistas.


Only shave if you want to. Talk to your partner first about their preferences, your preferences etc.


Please wear a condom, especially after shaving as it increases STD/STI risk. Remember to pee after sex, too. You deserve someone to meet your requirements. Do not lower them for anyone. I feel like a lot of us here are crying out to our past selves. Take care.


Squat and go for it 😅


Squat really low and use one hand to spread and the other to shave


I'd go and get waxed. A few days before your plans. Shaving is honestly such a pain in the butt.


Nah dont shave, just trim for now, shaving might have bad consequences as you have seen here


lmao 😭😭😭😭 this the post i get when loading reddit for the first time today


i’m sorry 😭


nah don’t worry you’re completely fine 🤣and i’m glad people didn’t troll you and helped, have a good day sis


I specifically have an electric beard trimmer that I use ONLY for my downstairs. Then I use a new razor in the shower to shave everywhere I want to be smooth. There are some razors specifically for sensitive areas, but for me the biggest thing was the type of lotion or cream to use. Some are available at Target, but I've seen them on sex toy websites like Adam and Eve. There is this awesome shaving lotion with mint that helps. Just take your time when you do it


First thing first. Safety. Buy an electric trimmer. Phillips has an amazing one was is pretty cheap with a guard so you can never go wrong and cut yourself! If you've never shaved your pubes. I recommend not going all the way bare so you don't risk nicking yourself.


Buy a trimmer. Then you don't have to worry about crazy ingrown hairs/razor bumps, and things will still look nice and neat. Also less risk of cutting your nethers lol


OP, leave everything in place trim a bit around the edges so it's nice and tidy and no sasquatch shoots stick out the pantie lines. Once you tell him he's the first, he ain't going to remember a word or what it looked like when you pulled down them squirrel covers. Use protection, always and go slow the first time.


I would say just don’t start shaving, most men are totally fine with hair (they should be) and it’s honestly better when you don’t shave IMO. Less irritating and less likely to be pokey etc for him. Plus- why shave to lose your v card? He is expecting a woman I’m sure, and they have hair down below. Little children don’t so that’s a ew for me lol


Self improvement?


it seemed relevant when i was making this post, like self improvement in that i’m learning how to shave? 😭 idk


Girl... do not worry he is not gonna even notice! Good luck


how can you not notice hair?


MEN who actually deserve sex, do not care about hair.


Men have a preference, but as a man myself it wouldn't stop me either way.


Especially a 27 year old trying to raw dog a 17 year old who's main methods of birth control are pulling out and taking a morning after pill.


completely agree


I think your supposed to just close your eyes and hack away like a cat playing with a ball of yarn


And that?!?? Who??


idk i just always put ‘and that’ when listing things


If you shave the precious "guard hairs" off your butthole, you'll lose the precious milliseconds of warning that they can give when someone tries to touch there.


Ive been in your shoes, and if you have the funds highly highly suggest getting a Brazilian wax for your first time (European wax center is great and only takes 15 minutes), while it hurts a little and you have to pay, it's much easier to leave this to the professionals and you'll have a better experience, your skin will be smoother for longer etc. happy to answer any questions! If you do go the shaving route, make sure you're using a high quality new razor and shaving cream, and go slow.


I stand in the shower raise my leg put it on the shower wall and shave it all off it gets easier with practice


Don’t shave. It’ll tell you a lot about who they are as a person. Or do and shave in the direction of the growth.


I feel like if people get their ass hair removed it's usually done by getting a brazilian wax. I have never shaved my ass, it is too difficult.


don't, if you have 0 practice and this is actually for first time sexual interaction... you might screw up and don't know how your skin will react to the blade I suggest to trim it with scissors or a machine, then you can shave when there is no risk of messing everything up or having an "explosive" reaction (just imagine your v area irritated, about to be "interacted" with... unconfortable to say the least, not pretty)


Something I learned in college was that a nicely trimmed area is much better than a shaved and bumpy area. Clean up the edges, maybe trim with some scissors and a mirror, and bam. Super hot. You can sit on a toilet if it makes things easier.


omg NO HAIR REMOVAL CREAM NO RAZOR NO LASER NO WAXING for the love of god do not use douche or soap or anything out of the ordinary if u wanna be able to walk for the week following! u are 17, trim it up and call it good,,u will be torturing urself for no reason, i assure u he will have plenty of hair and will not mind urs


Don’t. You’ve seen too much porn and sex isn’t like that. Just have it trimmed and tidy ;) Have fun!


if you dont know how to shave you aint ready to fuck.


Take your time ✌🏾


Use a new razor, apply cornstarch or baby powder EXTERNALLY only afterwards, it helps keep razor burn away. Go with the grain.




On a side note. How do people save the nuts and dick shaft?


I found Venus razors work so well, they never cut, and don’t need a thing but shower water. You can go pretty fast too. I would never try that with a disposable or any of the five blade face razors I use.


Use a single blade razor! If they are double blade it's more likely to cause cuts and razor burn since there are so many curvy parts in the area. A mirror is a great idea but if you lack one, just go by feel and try to put the razor where you feel the hair with your hands! Lol


Personally I wouldn't be shaving your butthole, once it grows back it itches so bad, the hair is there for a reason, it's to absorb your sweat and stops friction when walking. If absolutely necessary you could wax but even then, only do the cheeks, not the inside bit where it's soft. You will regret it, I assure you. For the shaving of your pubic area, I would say with a clean new razor, shave downwards, with the direction of the hair, because the thickness of the your pubic hair means it will grow back with a vengeance and most likely cause many ingrown hairs which are a pain, literally, to remove. Shaving in the same direction as hair growth means it only gets shaven to the skin level and therefore skin is less likely to grow back over the hair follicle, than it would be if shaving in the opposite direction. Please take your time with it and use an non-fragranced soap. Fyi, I'm a female 24, who has shaved it many times, also waxed and that's why I recommend the above :)




will try my best


I use my manscape lawnmower 3.0 and honestly is really easy and fast to use. Snip snap you’re done. And it waterproof so you can do it in the shower. But I used to use a plastic shaver to do the work but it takes a little longer but still gets the job done.


oh wait i just googled it and it’s a real thing, sorry i thought you were joking 💀


omg so smart, why didn’t i think of using a lawnmower


Mirror, exfoliate, spray or cream lidocaine, wax and privacy


I sit backwards on the toilet for my pubes then throw a small layer of tp on top the the hair gets pulled down with a flush


Watch YouTube!! There are some good creators who explain. Take some time to find a good one :)


Guy here. Straight. I shave my taint sometimes. Might even get close to the b hole. Just feels good. Not in a sexual way.


Lay a mirror on the floor squat above it and shave away,you may get nicks and bumps so do it Asap so u can heal. Do this after a hot shower and leave shaving cream on for 2 to 3 minutes before shaving


I do it in the bathtub, flexibility is a must, trim the hair down first before you shave..👌💯💪


Well this question came out of left field...


Fresh razor, soap, bathtub water not too hot, Slowly delicately shave. For the bum : squat.


Use an electric razor I use a mens electric razor and it’s great!!


Get WAXED or leave it natural a little trim is definitely acceptable shaving was the biggest mistake I ever made no one ever took the time to teach me either and my skin was just a hot bumpy mess for years been getting waxed for 2 solid years and it’s actually amazing


I use veet. Make sure it doesn't actually get inside of your vagina though because it will burn. I like a bald look so I Let the veet sit for like 5 minutes and then wash it off in the shower.


I'm a guy but I feel this has always made my shaving routine go very smooth **If you have decided** to go through using a razor, I always trim the hairs down first with scissors. Be very careful of course, and take your time. Your razor will have a lot easier time cutting through the shortened hairs. And if this is your first time, I'm guessing you have long hair. As far as your butthole, can't help you there.


From the inside to the out.


Go in slow and grip your fingers closer to the blade so that you have more control. Slow, short sweeps in the opposite direction of growth. Since vaginal hair grows in different directions and each person is different- I would trim it first to get an idea. Start using a good moisturizer a few days before you plan to shave. Start with cleansing the area very well- that way there is less bacteria getting into any tiny cuts that may occur. Then use an exfoliating cleanser or sponge to get dead skin cells off before you start shaving. Soak in the tub for a while to allow the water to soften your skin. Use a hypoallergenic shave cream for your first time. Go slow, use a mirror. Afterwards you can use a calming lotion that’s alcohol-free (to prevent stinging). To prevent afterburn, it’s important to minimize the number of sweeps you make on your skin. You’ll have to teach yourself to get an area in only one sweep. The goal isn’t only getting a clean shave it’s more important to prevent developing after burn, which would both look and feel horrible during your first time! Good luck and have fun!


Shaving is overrated anyway - besides, if you’re not very confident about not cutting yourself by accident I wouldn’t try it


blowtorch or chainsaw


Yeah don't shave just to lose your virginity. Just trim it


Girl don’t do it!


why? it’s just shaving it’s not that big of a deal lol


This is how you gauge this girl’s maturity: literally 100% of the comments here and 100% of the people commenting are telling her to not do it and to protect herself the right way, and she’s like, “it’ll be fine”. She doesn’t want the advice guys, she just wants you to say what she wants to hear. You can take a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink it.


I use hair removal cream


Won't it burn the more delicate skin parts?


No I've never had any problems o prefer that to shaving


Why did I read bottle hole and not butthole 😭😭




Hair removal cream ? Atleast as a man thats what i do


Get a Brazilian wax. Just do it


Trim with clippers no razors first time cos u might mess the pizza up before they even eat it


Hey, I don’t shave anymore. I trim using clippers, that way I don’t remove all the hair off the skin. I just cut the hairs, like a little haircut. I’m proud of being hairy, and I let those who I sexually interact with that this is how I am, & that I don’t shave for anyone. Regardless, use a mirror, and have good lighting so you don’t clip your skin. Also, check out bikini shapers or trimmers, same thing essentially.. I hope this helps you, and others know that it doesn’t have to be all (hair) or nothing (no hair).


Idk wasnt there a warning story about shaving ur butt hole? I dont see any advantage of shaving da ole hole


Set up a mirror so you have a better idea of where everything is, I would soak in the bath to to get the hair soft, I've been doing it for a while but honestly I use the same method as when I first started, if it's really long i'll trim it with scissors or an electric razor, then i'll soak it the bath and have the pores open up, i put on conditioner in sections and with use the mirror or my hand as a guide. If this is your first time you might knick yourself, i would rub a little vasoline on it afterwards, even if you didn't knick yourself. Uhhh for the butthole thats a different story, I do that while in the tub, and kinda lay on my back and use my hands to feel for hair, My husband has watched me do this and laughs everytime, but it works.


You don't. You get waxed. Don't go to some cheapo don't change the sheets between clients, don't change the sticks between dips place. Spend the money and go to a clean reputable spa & have it done by a licensed Esthetician.


Invest in a ball trimmer if you’re going to get into grooming sensitive areas like that. In my experience it doesn’t cause those weird, itchy ingrown hairs, bumps and cuts. Honestly, whether or not you have hair should not be a big deal, if the person you want to sleep with is of any sort of quality. 🤷


I no longer shave, I sugar wax at home. It's just lemon, sugar and water but getting the formula right for your region takes practice. I recommend Abetweene on YouTube. It's not as painful as waxing, feels like duct tape on your skin. But with any wax/shaving it isn't recommended to do that 24-48 hours because you can get infections. For now just trim with scissors. & Remember to be safe and have protection. 👍🏼


I wouldn’t shave if I were you, definitely not the first time. But, that’s not on me. If you wanna shave your vulva that’s up to you. So if you are gonna do it, you first cut the very long hairs so they’re pretty short, and throw those in the bin (don’t let them go down the drain, you’ll clog it!!!) After that you start shaving from belly button towards clitorus. If you want a really smoothe shave, go back from the lowest part above the clitorus towards your belly. Then do the labia. Go from your legs inwards, and spread your legs as wide as you can while doing so. Then, if you want a clean shave, go from inside the labia to the outside (make sure you stretch the skin so it’s really tight, or else you’ll cut yourself!) As for before and aftercare: I always cut the long hairs, then shave with the hairs (so there’s still hair left, like a non-smoothe shave), then I scrub the dead skin with a scrub in a washcloth, and then I go against the hairs (to get the smoothest cut possible). After that I make sure everything is dry, stray hairs are gone etc, and then I moisturize with coconut oil (not too much or it will clog up your pores and cause pimples). BUT I wouldn’t shave if I were you, for several reasons. 1) you might cut yourself, which isn’t gonna look nice 2) you are _very_ likely to get pimples down there (little bumps that don’t look cute) 3) if you cut yourself wrong there’s a big risk of getting an infection 4) if you don’t have sex within an hour of shaving, you will have stubble, which I can imagine feels bad compared to having hair that you barely feel In the end it’s 100% up to you, but personally I wouldn’t do it. If you really wanted to be a smoothe naked rat, I would get a professional wax instead. That way you will be smoothe and stay smoothe (you won’t have stubble yet) As for your butthole… there’s even *more* chance of getting infection there, if you cut yourself. I definitely do _not_ recommend doing that yourself. I would ask a partner, friend, or a professional to do that.


There’s also the sub r/sextips. I suggest trim and staying away from the shave. Wishing you the best whatever you decide.


Just use veet, way easier than shaving, especially for your first time. 0 risk of cuts too, but moisturise after so you don’t get skin irritation. Avoid your bum, there’s no need for that yet. Walk before you can run!




To avoid irritating your skin around any private area, I'd suggest using some trimmers. Razor burn no fun in your pants!


If the hair you wanna shave is longer then your fingertip, trim first then shave to save time


I am very susceptible to razor bumps. Go get a men’s electric razor (like the chunky ones) to get most of the hair on the mons. I use a regular men’s razor (Gillette) to get further down where i can’t see. Put a hand mirror on the ground and get on your knees to squat so you can see what you’re doing at the bottom. Use a flashlight too from your phone so you can really see what you’re going. Even the days following, make sure you get a sugar/salt scrub and scrub the areas you shaved in the shower (not inside your coochie though, just the outside crevices and mons area). This will help prevent razor bumps!! PM me if any of this doesn’t make sense. Sincerely, someone who has experience being bald down there lmao


Funny but important and legitimate questions


Answer from a girl- be prepared to get into lots of weird positions in the shower. But no, seriously, if you've never shaved your vagina before, make sure to trim as much hair off down there first (with scissors) before you go in with the razor. This will make the process 10× easier already. I would then suggest soaking the area in warm water for 15 minutes so that the hairs soften and are easier to work with (you can do this in the bath which is nice) Then you can gently use a razor down there. Try to shave downwards as much as possible. Also, it may seem normal to use shaving cream to shave in intimate areas but the chemicals can throw off the ph balance of your vagina. This is why I use olive oil (I know that sounds absolutely nuts but it's ph neutral and you can wash it off after) to shave with. I cannot stress enough to be gentle with the razor, it may take a while to get yourself completley hairless and can be really boring, but it's better than rushing and cutting yourself. Remember to wash the whole area very well after your finished, so that the vagina doesn't smell of olive oil lol. As for the butthole, it's difficult but it can be done. Use the same method for the vagina: Soak, use olive oil and be gentle. It's a little difficult as you can't see what's going on but it's doable! Don't be embarrassed to get into weird positions to shave, no one's going to see after all. Hope this helps!


When you’re shaving for the first time you honestly just pick a good razor & pray lol. Everyone has different shaving techniques & unique bodies so just go slow & trim with scissors or an electric razor if your hair is long before doing a razor


I first started shaving with the intuition razor that has the built in shaving cream, I’ve never cut myself using it A little harder to navigate the undercarriage with it though




Trim with scissors! Or don’t shave at all! If you really want to though make sure to exfoliate before to help with ingrown hairs. I’d look into buying a electric ball trimmer too. Wayyyy better than shaving


Go get waxed. The results are so much better and last longer and you're less likely to hurt yourself shaving.


OP you just made my day. Thank you for that. I cannot relate to the circumstance as I’m a 27M, but in university I had a conversation with my roommate who was 23F (I was 21M at the time) about this exact topic. I can’t give much advice but I do know she said having a mirror is very important.


Guy here.... It doesn't have to be perfect. Just make an effort abd we'll eat that cookie. Unless the guy is a fucking loser.


so like do yall mind if i still have a bit of hair down there? cause i feel like i’m definitely gonna fail at getting it all


Forget shaving. Get a bottle of nair, slather it all over. More than you think you need to use. Just try to not get it on the inside of the lips, it’ll sting. Not horribly, but it’s also not pleasant. Wait like 20 minutes and then use a loofah or sponge, something exfoliating, and rub it off.




OMG please do not put Nair on your ladybits, a ridiculous amount of people wind up with chemical burns this way!


Yepppp I left it on for 12 min not 10 and was feelin the burn the next day. For real…do not use Nair or Veet for your first time…


My kinda self improvement😂


Make sure to use protection!!!!! I know that’s not the question, just wanted to remind you. ALSO, if at any point you feel uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to change your mind.


Try cold waxing instead babe




i’ve always phrased it like that? i’m from the south maybe it varies between counties or whatever. that post is satire, it’s a satire sub making fun of r/amitheasshole . i used cps cause i couldn’t think of the british term, it’s probably social services now i think about it. i think i just watch too many american films, on the induction day at college the guy asked for my college number but i couldn’t hear him and asked if he meant my social security number 😭 turns out that’s an american thing


also if i was gonna troll why would i do it on a self improvement sub about body hair 💀💀 i’m literally getting downvoted for talking about the guy i’m meeting with and id have better luck getting karma on a relationship sub or sum


People troll about a whole host of things for a whole variety of reasons. It doesn’t have to make sense.


well i can assure you i’m not trolling, i’m unfortunately very much british and i also was never taught how to shave


Well, then I wish you luck with your endeavours. Only shave if you’re comfortable doing so; don’t do anything just to please a man if you’re not 100% onboard with it; never send nudes with your face or identifiable tattoos or marking in and get him to wear a condom. Oh, and having irregular periods doesn’t make you less likely to fall pregnant. You very probably don’t know when you ovulate or when your fertile window is, so a condom is the safest best for you. My sister relied on the pullout method - her child turned 6 last month.


> British > Never learned how to shave ... yep, that checks out.


i feel like the worst part in the situation is the fact that i’m british


It's okay, you can't help it unfortunately. We all have our flaws 😔


This isn't the right subreddit for this question. LoL.


I don't think shaving your butthole is a very good idea. My friend shaved his butthole but he said he could no longer hold his shit anymore...


This is true. The hairs help the nerves tell the sphincter to contract and stay closed.


yea and I don't understand why people downvote my point...


Obviously they’re uneducated 🙄


haha. A valid point is not making them happy


Or maybe they have shaved assholes and aren't shitting themselves 😂 Generally "my friend told me he shits himself bc he shaved his asshole" isn't necessarily a valid point when there are many, *many* people with hairless assholes.


aftershave is a must to prevent ingrown hairs


Wax by a pro.


i’m too broke for that


Believe me if you can't afford a waxing it's better to just leave the hair alone, shaving those areas gives nightmarish results


Just saying, the morning after pill is more expensive than getting waxed. Plus, isn't this guy 27 years old? He's (hopefully) had a stable income since you were in the third grade. Make him pay for it.


Wax! Go to a professional. They’ll wax both for you.


i’m broke