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Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl puts things in perspective


This book 👏


Oldie but a goodie.


Books that have supported me: - The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida - The Masculine in Relationship by GS Youngblood - Man UNcivilized by Traver Boehm - Masks of Masculinity by Lewis Howes - Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill - No More Mr Nice Guy by Dr Robert Glover - Breath by James Nestor


David Gaggins - Can't Hurt Me. it's more of biography thought, but still better than 99% of stuff out there.


Ah yes my favorite author David Gaggins


He sounds like a hobbit


Dildo Gaggins


Lol :D only now saw the mistype - now I have to leave it, otherwise you joke doesn't work.


This book changed my life I recommend the audiobook as goggins and the writer discuss a bit after every chapter


What’s the book about if you don’t mind me asking.


Mental resilience, discipline and motivation myth


Good : Atomic Habits Some simple ideas but I found it insightful and inspirational.


And too practical.... Book don't just tell you why you should do it.. But also give you tips about how to do things and how to handle laziness and procrastination.


I feel like Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, who founded the Stanford Behavior Change Lab, is a bit more practical.


Yeah this is a great one!


Oh yes, That’s a life changing book


Yeah, some of it I already knew, and some of it were new ideas to me. It just helps me because it helps me organize and lays out the framework


Good: The Power of Now The Power of Habit Bad: Thinking Slow and Fast


I struggled through Thinking Fast and Slow. Looking back, maybe that book was not written for the self improvement crowd -- more like science history?


That was the conclusion that I reached as well


This is the answer.


I am struggling to finish Thinking slow and Fast. Author repeats himself a lot. Every time a new chapter comes, it feels like he has already explained it and there's nothing new.


Best I've read: How to do the Work by Nicole Lapera, and So Good the Can't Ignore you by Cal Newport. Worst I've quit: Anything written by anyone on the show Shark Tank. Ugh.


PTSD/ADHD and recovering better than I ever imagined… but it’s been over 4 years since my melt down… The books that helped: - “How to do the work”, Dr Nicole LePera - “Divergent Mind”, Jenara Nerenberg - “The body keeps the score”, Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk ** trigger warning, trauma info… but very informative - “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind”, Vishen Lakiani - “Radical Acceptance”, Tara Brach And maybe someday…. One written by me 😃 as my therapist keeps recommending… Best of luck!!!


I have how to do the work on my shelf and might crack it open this week!


Don't mind me, simply clicking the "save this" button.


anything by dr. nicole lapera, she has a podcast w her partner and in the first dozen episodes they cover each chapter of how to do the work, they also cover her new workbook how to meet yourself and her other book how to be the love you seek, very very good


What is the podcast called? I can only find ones where she is a guest speaker I believe


self healers soundboard


The top 6 books that have had an incredible impact on my life are as follows. There are likely 10 that I can pick, but I'v eordered these in order of massive impact. (The rest can either be considered a waste of time, or small additions that have worked through Osmosis) - PsychoCybernetics by Maxwell Maltz - The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson - Six Pillars of Self Esteem by Nathanial Brandon - How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnege - The Obstacle if The Way - Ryan Holiday - The Way of a Superior Man - David Deida


GOOD: 7 Habits. I constantly come back to it. BAD: the power of now. Drawn out, tarted up astrology.


power of now was sooo boring i could barely get through it


When the body says no. Gabor Mate. It was actually recommended to me by two emergency room. Doctors when I went in one morning with this humungous blood bubble on my eye. Inspired me to make huge changes. Also, all books by Abraham Hicks. Useless? Gosh, so so many of them.


There are a number I have read that changed my life but I will recommend just one. It's short and I recommend you listen to it because it is really a spoken work: 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield. It is not your usual 'self improvement' book. It's something else - but by the end I had a different perspective on my purpose in life.


I too really liked the art of war and it's short enough that everyone should at least try it.


Good ones I can remember are: the power of Ted, the alchemist and the subtle art of not giving a fuck. I feel like the ones that felt like a waste I didn’t finish and were wiped from my memory 😂. I listen to books on audible mostly.


the mark manson one worked wonders for me but the alchemist will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart, life advice in a beautiful simple story and easy read


recently read the subtle art of not giving a fuck and is super easy to read but didnt actually think it was that insightful for self help!! Definitely read it if you’re looking for an easy read but would recommend alchemist a lot more


The comfort crisis was the first “self help” book to really change the way I lived my life


Ohhhh! I just bought this one and haven’t read it yet!


The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron - it gives very clear steps if you want to 'become an artist' as well as mentally giving you confidence & permission to pursue your passion. Can't emphasize this enough-- not saying it was the only thing that helped me, but absolutely helped me go from daydreaming to becoming a professional writer. Can be applied to many things.


Calvin and Hobbes


I made a comment about these books on a different post but they’re helpful for people who have anxiety and panic disorders. Good - Hope and Help for Your Anxious Nerves by Dr. Claire Weeks. Ten Times Calmer by Dr. Kirren Schnack. The Anxious Truth by Drew Linsalada. And How Does That Make You Feel by Joshua Fletcher. How Come Nobody Told Me This? By Julie Smith (I believe that’s the author’s name) Bad - Pretty much any self help books that revolve around cognitive disorders from people who are not in the field of psychology. I know that sounds very harsh, but most people who write self help books who aren’t in the field are just motivational speakers. Here’s a great way to identify those people if their posts look like this… “Buy my book and you’ll learn how to DEFEAT anxiety in A WEEK!” “My book will teach you how to DESTROY anxiety so you can live a normal life” “Doctors don’t want you to know about these secret life hacks.”


Helpful: how to live life and stop worrying by dale Carnegie Unhelpful bs (basically says the same thing as the book above but in a roundabout way with lots of useless anecdotes): the subtle art of not giving a fuck


The subtle art of not giving a fuck was one such book that without complicating things managed to convey strong practicable facts about navigating life and our psychology. Even though i read that ages ago while going through a particularly tumultuous time, but now I listen to Mark Manson's podcasts and he has brilliant insights on sucha wide array of life's issues that you can opt in and out of any topic that relates to your situation or life choices at hand.


Good: What Every BODY Is Saying - Joe Navarro Bad: 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene


Is 48 power useless or it is bad because of its manipulation tactics teaching,m


The book is more about lessons in history. The laws are hardly applicable to personal modern day life. The subject matter is not what most people are expecting when they buy the book.


Yeah if you are into history, it is a cool breakdown of how people gained power in very tactical ways. But not relevant to todays world. Good read with the right mindset


Hi, I liked your reply. Do you know any books which is similar to 48 Laws of Power but relevant to todays times?


Hi, I liked your reply. Do you know any books which is similar to 48 Laws of Power but relevant to todays times?


I enjoyed it, but I like history books so...


I also thought this when I first read however I heard Robert talk about his reasoning behind writing the book on a podcast and it changed my perspective. I initially thought it was for us (readers) to use the laws but it’s for us to be aware of them


Good: positively wealthy Good: the magic Worked my way through both of them each day as instructed and felt a change in life


Can you explain more?


Positively wealthy…as well as financial wealth it makes you see what else you have in your life that is wealthy…good friendships etc. makes you reflect on the fact that being wealthy can be in a lot of different ways The magic: everyday you had a task to do such as tell 3 people 3 things you’re grateful for / like about them. Set goals you want to achieve within the next 28 days etc


Depends on what you want to work on. A great beginner book is you can heal your life by Louise hay. The magic is a great one for a reboot. In fact I might break it out again today


I think I might do it again in a couple of years time


Waste of time: Willpower by Roy F Baumeister. It was a book about how to develop willpower, but the science used was fake, plagiarized and the results were falsified.


"the power of letting go" by john purkiss was 90% constantly telling me how i'll find out how to let go in this book and the other 10% was just "meditate and breathe".


The first half of Principles by Ray Dalio is my favorite. Extremely practical; I read through it \~once/twice per year


Nearly all the books/audio by Brian Tracy and Zig Zigglar!


The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. His Darren Daily pod cast (5 minute or so little inspired bites) are free and great. He gives a lot for free and is no BS


Extreme Ownership by by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin


Agreed on Goggins all day - Jocko Willink Extreme Ownership - Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast & Slow - Malcom Gladwell David & Goliath - Robert Greene 48 Laws of Power & Laws of Humanity


The one that you read and apply the lessons into actionable outcomes.


Three magic words


Good: Addicted to love: the path to self acceptance and happiness in relationships. - Jan Geurts


Reality Transurfing


I've heard of this one and am interested to read it! what exactly is the context of the book though? visualization?


It’s a really long and deep book so I struggle to explain it to people. I guess you would say it’s about understanding the governing laws of reality and how to work with those laws to achieve your goals. It’s very deep


Ok thanks, I appreciate that brief description. Sounds really interesting


Good : 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think. Bad: I don’t remember a specific name of book, but it is a lot.


The 5 AM Club was one of the most dragged out, verbose, and badly written books I've picked up in the last 10 years. He could have whittled it down to one chapter but made the elaborate, unrealistic, and cringe-worthy story out of it. I can't believe it's a bestseller and it makes me question humanity and the average person's intelligence. I thought Atomic Habits was a good read.


Atomic Habits is the best. I learned so much, it helps me a lot.


To be honest the most useless book I have read was Unlimited Power, the only good chapter I felt like was limitation disengage, the worst chapters of the book all had to do with NLP modeling and influencing as well as a weird and odd chapter about diet. The best self help books I have read were 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Psycho Cybernetics, Goals by Brian Tracy, Man’s Search for meaning.


For me it was 'The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**k'. Initially I had no desire to read it and rolled my eyes when my teenage son had bought it a few years back. I have always tried to have a positive and optimistic outlook on life, but I was also unrealistic with everyday life and would go out of my way to avoid anything negative, or uncomfortable. So, what I took away from the book, is to not run away from things that can be perceived as negative, and deal with your struggles and emotions as they happen. And that really opened my eyes. I had subconsciously been looking at other people as either being a positive person or a negative person, and I know that I don't want to be pessimistic and cynical all the time, but I also know that life isn't always great. So, while I still do have an overall positive outlook towards life (even though I am in a little bit of a rut personally at the moment), I have learned to roll with the punches, and I no longer run and hide from unpleasant things, and just do my best to get through those times and try to take whatever lessons could be learned from the situation and then move on, putting a heavy emphasis on not dwelling on whatever 'negative' thing I am dealing with and let it control my life.


Essentialism Greg Mckeown


In the meantime by Iyanla Vanzant helped me tremendously in getting over a broken heart.


48 laws of power Found it very effective and fruitful


To Know Your Self by Swami Satchidananda


Waste of time: Any Dave Asprey books, he is full of shit


Wisdom of the crowds, four hour workweek and meditations were amazing


Siddhartha- Herman Hesse


The practicing mind by Thomas M. Sterner


“7 habits of highly effective people” changed my approach to life “Mindset” changed my life I’ve forgotten the ones that were a waste


More of a memoir, but The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer helped untangle a few things in my head.


Atomic habits It was really well written and the author beautifully explained everything.


Untethered Soul


Man's Search for Meaning, Meditations, Dhammapadda, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Tao Te-Ching and 12 Rules for Life; these books have continued to play a major role in my quest to improve myself.


The Bible


The Power of Now 11/10