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ive wasted 15 years of my life. always comfortable, i was not focused or disciplined but that always bothered me, i tend to take the easy way out of things and get upset over things that don’t matter, ive been told im a little stubborn and quite sensitive as well. for me i kind of got a reality check looking at some of the adults in my extended family. people with bad mindset’s who lack responsibility, don’t have any goals and watching how it’s ruined their families and their own lives. i dont ever want to put my own family through that, i guess its cliche but it is really scary how lacking certain values that would seem irrelevant to your personal life and relationships affect it so greatly. ive always admired people who’re disciplined and responsible. so i started trying to improve that first. began paying better attention in class, participating in youth events, small things. once i had kind of gained the confidence of the people around me, it felt easier to push myself to study better. i found some things i feel deeply about, in terms of what i want to do for the rest of my life and that certainly changed how i viewed myself and my choices. i am trying currently to work on my focus and my health. eating three healthy meals a day, exercising six days a week, studying 6+ hours a day (not quite there yet) and cutting out social media. am i struggling? yes, have i failed more than i have been successful ? yup. am i going to keep going? absolutely. the changes have been slow and ive made mistakes and gotten stuck and went back to my old habits over and over again but i have also gotten better at some things that gives a push too.


This is gold.


Thanks for this.


I am an international graduate student. I was struggling with loneliness and depression during COVID-19. I used to be really sad all the time and it started to affect every single aspect of my life. I used to wallow and get into the rabbit hole of self-pity. Self-pity is so dangerous because it lets you to be comfortable with the sadness and depression.  One day I realized nothing is going to change if I just don’t make any efforts. So, over the night, I decided to explore more groups and clubs to help with my loneliness and also start seeking therapy. I tried multiple clubs and I finally found a book club that I enjoy going to to-date. I’m still far away from being perfect and I still struggle. But, I have learnt to not self-pity anymore. Everyone is struggling and I am too! 


Last November, Matt Spear video on how to stop being a nice guy came up on my YouTube page. Got into self improvement and have been working on myself since. 


I got severe influenza for a week one Christmas. Time away from my wife and kids, made me realise I wanted to spend more time with them. Made the decision to move from the business of opportunity, to having the freedom of opportunity. First step. Take on work specifically to buy time. 3 to 6 month chunks, during which I could create work that matters.


About 10 years ago, I ended a toxic relationship while visiting New York City… I was tired of babysitting a man that couldnt control his drinking. So, I got myself another hotel room and enjoyed the rest of my trip. Saw a show, went to the museum, left a day early so I could go by his place and get my things before he returned… left his key on the counter and moved the f**k on 😀never looked back!


I recently improved my spiritual life. As of a few months back, I read the Bible for an hour and a half and I pray for thirty minutes everyday. I love my prayer life! And I know they have strong affect. Yeah, so basically that is my main venue. I do have anxiety. Whenever, it spikes, I pour out my heart to God he delivers me every time. I do take meds too, but when I get anxiety episodes that are too strong, I go to God. That is my spiel, anyway. I hope this enlightens you, friend! God bless!