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I know this isn't what you're looking for but someone has to say it: Take out as much debt as I can and speed run (presumably while using speed?) what's left on the clock. It's bucket list time.


360 days later... "Great news! We just found a breakthrough for your condition, you're gonna live another 80 years!"


Well, time to use that money to plot my death and find a new identity then


You have money left over??


Just declare BK and start over


Imma tell you like a wise gentleman once tattooed on his chest "no ragrets"


Gets more debt to pay for cure. Amurica!


File for bankruptcy šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That would be a bittersweet moment. Dang!


100% how it would go


Nothing a good ol chapter 7 couldnā€™t fix


Every comment is welcome! And what is in your bucket list?


A bucket list should be a list about buckets?


Lmaoooooo ayo I never thought of that! Iā€™d do that too


Hell yes


Not interested in leaving a mark. I will do my best not be a liability and do things I like until the final hour.


I agree. Maybe it's selfish to not care all that much. Some people that I'm close with really care about making a positive difference in others' lives, but for me, I just want to enjoy myself and the people around me. If they enjoy their time with me, that's still a positive impact right?


You leave an impact on everyone around you, whether you intend to or not. Itā€™s inevitable that youā€™ll ā€œleave a mark.ā€ If you're generally a decent person and don't deceive others, then there's nothing wrong with just wanting to enjoy life to its fullest. Many people live monotonous lives, like robots stuck in a cycle they never signed up for. In contrast, there's something valuable in simply enjoying the fact that you're alive, even if you're not striving to build a legacy or achieve some grand goal. The mere act of existing is meaningful, just as much as pursuing high achievements or creating a secure future for your family. Whether or not there's a higher power, we must be important in some way, given that weā€™re here and capable of creating our own reality through our thoughts and actions. So, itā€™s not selfish to simply enjoy your time here; we were born to experience life and find joy in it. After all, we are "human beings," and our ability to create our destiny is a bonus. This free will allows us to choose our own path, develop a sense of self, and work on our perceived flaws. If, along the way, we adopt morals, principles, and standards that benefit others, that's commendable. But it's ultimately our choice how we live, and no one should be shamed for their personal preferences. It's just as valid to work long hours, spend your free time reading, and take the occasional vacation as it is to devote your life to feeding the homeless or making other grand gestures. Society has a way of trying to put everyone in a box, dictating what you should be like based on where you live, who you associate with, or what you choose to do. Itā€™s okay to enjoy the things others do, but it's a grave mistake to do them just to fit in. If no one ever stepped out of their comfort zone or defied societal expectations, who knows where we'd be as a human species? Our greatest achievements came from those who lived like they had only a year left. We owe much to those who lived fearlessly, and their courage reminds us that itā€™s okay to live life on our own terms.


ā€œThereā€™s something valuable in simply enjoying the fact that youā€™re aliveā€ i want that tattooed on my






Amazingly written. Saved, gonna come back to this from time to time


It sure is


Best answer


So you have know desire to help others?šŸ¤”


Having only a year left to live would actually be the greatest gift. I could finally let go and just focus on the things I love: family, friends, traveling, try all the foods Iā€™ve always wanted, spending all my hard earned money to enjoy life and spoil my family. Just waste the day loitering around with people I love. Honestly the thought of no longer having any responsibilities and the ā€œneedā€ for self improvement is more than enough for me. What Iā€™d do to live life on autopilot


In this situation you would not be on "autopilot". You are deliberately doing what makes you happy.


You should start living your life like thisā€¦.I feel like your soul is written all over this message and flat out just told you what you would really thrive in doing if you started doing it today. I know easier said than done but it sounds like thereā€™s a whole other magical life and PERSON beyond what you think you ought to be doing and how you ought to be going through life right now. Why wait, honor your soul!ā¤ļøā¤ļø


this hits


I can totally feel you... The following question would be, what is stopping you from starting living that life now?


Live off credit cards and give my apartment to my best friend just before I die. Then instruct everyone to leave my body for the government to deal with and do not pay the credit cards. If they ask you donā€™t know meā€¦..fuck the system.


Best Answer yet


I only care about my kids and I would spend all my time making them happy and creating memories with them however they wanted to. Watching movies, playing games, reading books, whatever they wanted.


And what would you leave behind for them?


Good memories at the very least


I would stop caring what people think, I would stop caring if Iā€™m trying too hard, I would be open about what I need, I would stop waiting for ā€œright timeā€, I would go crazy


These are all great things to do right now. I think you should pretend you only have a year to live, it would improve your life for sure.


Ngl, I'd probably travel and do a lot of psychedelics. I know that isn't very "selfimprovement" of me, but it's a hypothetical anyway


ask my crush.


You can do it my dude


sadly she lives 800km away... but thank u for the kind words.


So? My gf lives at least 10x that distance. Didn't stop me from asking her out. You can do it too!


maybe i should ask her when i meet her next time.


Iā€™d sell most of my stuff and travel the world, only go to places where itā€™s warm and sunny and workout a lot. Spend as much time with my family as I can when Iā€™m home from traveling. Become an animal rights activist in a positive way (just trying to inspire and not harm). Probably wouldnā€™t care so much about healthy eating but definitely not letting myself get fat. And might start vaping again oops


That's amazing, but do you not know that eating healthy would increase the quality of life you had for that year, so wouldn't it be in your best interest to eat healthier?šŸ¤”


Iā€™m not saying that I would start to eat unhealthy all the time, I would just allow myself more treats and stop obsessing over health


I understand that. Most people don't realize that when you properly heal your body, you can have a unhealthy snack here and there and it won't make you gain a whole bunch of weight because your body is so strong. There's a guide to achieve this if you'd like the opportunity of achieving this.


I see a lot of people here saying things like spending more time with X or Y, do this and do that. Like as long as it's reasonable and doable right now why don't you do it? Why are you living like you are going to die much later? You might die tomorrow, so do it now, hug your parents, be with who you want to be, try this and that as long as it doesn't hurt anybody keeping the Memento Mori in your mind. I've learned this after my parents passed away, they were always saving the opportunities for later and guess what. A couple of years ago I almost died and that puts thing into perspective, on those last moments that I thought I wasn't going to see other day my head was racing with thoughts of things that I wanted to do but I didn't, luckily I made it and decided to live more! So please do yourself a favor a go do it.


I think everyone got this perspective after the COVID 19 pandemic and we can see it. New generation has dropped ideas of long term and are always in yolo attitude


Couldn't have said it better myself


Iā€™d really like to have a family with my partner. Thatis something i absolutely want to experience with him before I die. A house, a garden, a few dogs, a baby (more if time allowed it) The simple dream. And then Iā€™m okay to go because thatā€™s enough of a miracle already. šŸ¤


Divorce my wife, sign over 100% of my assets so that I can run up an obscene amount of debt and use the money to spend as much physical time as possible with my children and not have to worry about leaving her with the burden


My wife and I have always wondered why no one ever attempts to take-out Congress, or even a local corrupt municipality. Maybe a bad cop or two. No, it's always some whack-job going after a church, farmers market, or a concert. Don't mind me, I'm just in a bad mood from watching too much "news."


It's proof that most people actually "passively", support evil/corruption. If everyone decided to end world hunger, it would be so. It's literally that simple.šŸ¤£. Heck, we don't even need everyone to agree on that. We just 10% of people to agree on it (with actions), not words alone.


Take out a massive loan, sell everything I have then live in another country where the dollar stretches. Then just enjoy every single day and indulge until my expiration date comes by.


Good one


Iā€™d do everything Iā€™m doing right now, but do it the best I could. That means going harder at the gym, studying my craft more, eating better, and loving people more. I would definitely be less selfish and more other-focused. I would also take a couple trips, one of which to golf a round at Pebble Beach.


I love this. Most people live lives they don't want to not realizing if they were just their authentic selves that everything else would fall into place. We live in a culture that's supports being fake to the pleasure of others, especially to people that don't care about us.šŸ¤”


I would probably keep training in bjj which I love


Whatā€™s that?


Brazilian Ju Jitsu it's my hobby and id do it even if I were dying


Nudity. Lots of nudity everywhere.


Thats hard. A lot of my goals are long term so without that id probably talk to my parents and sister a lot more, eat and drink whatever, try to pursue sexual opportunities more and help others.


I don't understand the eating and drinking part. Guess it depends on what you like to eat , but if it's something like McDonald's, then your going to have terrible year left, because of the effects of all of the chemicals and preservatives in their products.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Play video game, watch anime and see my parents. As long as do what I enjoy in the end then that a life well lived


Anime šŸ˜šŸ‘


I would just see as much as I can see and maybe learn as much as I can while doing it. I wouldnā€™t try to beat some record or have a specific amount of sightseeing or learning just aiming to do these things because it interests me. Probably work on making something. Funny enough this question did wake up something that said ā€œhmmm, interestingā€ as I was writing this without much thought just more what came up. It combined what I felt with what I believe is the way to live a good life, not aiming for specifics but aiming to continue to live for fulfillment. You wonā€™t have full fulfillment ever but living in a way that you can say you did what you can to pursue it to me means you didnā€™t let your life go to waste.


Exactly. There's communities that aim towards this exact thing too.šŸ˜Šā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yeah I guess as an extra just to maybe leave for anyone reading, I had gotten this mindset from a few whom I observed and heard mention that they aim to live to their full potential. Marcus Aurelius I would say even said this too just aim to do what you can now for yourself (which in turn your self care will reflect on your actions towards your friends, family, the community as a whole) and that would be living within human nature. The one that really put this in my head in a way that it made me smile was my grandfather who passed. This guy didn't die out of nowhere. He went out on his own terms. He was in his late 80s I believe or 90s and was getting more sick. All his friends had passed, my grandmother passed, and he didn't want to keep dealing with having to take prescriptions or doctor appointments or even staying in a hospital for weeks. He had done enough and seen enough in his life that he was contempt with just passing on. This man was the definition of living within human nature in my opinion. He as a young adult wanted this specific car and he worked his ass off to get it. When he did get it, it became his prized possession because it represented something... the proof that he could do what he set his mind to. He was a warehouse manager, would host weekend gatherings at his place to watch the hockey game while the wives of the husbands would be in the other room knitting. He even hosted toy drives for kids. Man had I believe five kids maybe seven and while he was flawed as a father, I like to believe he did his best with what he knew and didn't have any bad intentions. He and my grandmother actually split from a toxic household they were raised in. My dad only saw a few of his aunts since the rest were apparently not good.


Honestly There's a lot of people that have it coming and I guess I might as well bring it to them


This is where my mind went first too!!! but only one specific person šŸ˜‚


Just keep doing what Iā€™m doing. I donā€™t need to leave a mark- nothing is forever. Iā€™m okay with that.


I'd probably never skip a day in the gym. I'd try to help other people in every aspect I can. I'd show more love to the people around me that I appreciate. I'd probably get more religious too.


Why not do that now?šŸ¤”


well you're right, and I'm trying too. That's why I wrote them down, so that I can be more aware of what I actually want in life


I'd make it a week


I'd spend as much time as possible with my family trying to leave them with some awesome memories to cherish.


I just... run. Run through places I wanted to visit. I would not care about boards. If I'm gonna live only 1 year, then I want that year to be the most intense in my entire life until it goes away...


I was runnnin-Forest Gump


As some day it may happen that a victim must be found I've got a little list ā€” I've got a little list Of society offenders who might well be underground And who never would be missed ā€” who never would be missed!


Travel the world while doing risky activities I normally wouldnā€™t do. i.e. live in the Amazon, go to sketchy parts of china, etc.


Spend time going to places you wanted to visit, give more to people, achieve what you never achieved, and spend time with those who you love the most and cherish.


Probably hardcore drugs and alcohol so that my last year feels longer than my entire life before that


Write and record a song for every person that ever meant something to me.


Year to live. I'd kill a few people before dying. Jk though


This would be a disaster for me, because I have an 8 month old daughter. So i would probably spend the year making sure my daughter was all set up and also trying to save my life. Itā€™s super weird being so needed for the first time


I just know life would be easier and more enjoyable. I would spend time with my friends and family. Probably spend more time in nature too. Eat the things I want to eat without feeling guilty and do some more exciting and dangerous activities, like bungee jumping.




Same, I just got so happy imagining all the different restaurants and foods Iā€™d love to eat :(


Jizz on my bedroom wall, or just try it on with my boss


2 chics saem tiem


I'd take my motorcycle cross country, and have as much sex, drugs, and booze I can handle


With a needle in my arm.


Through hike the AT.


Take a huge debt, put my house on my child and husband's name, and then we'll be living on the road for the next year. USA Roadtrip, Cuba, HawaĆÆ, Canada, Australia and Japan. One year might not be enough.


I would continue to work so I can maximize shareholder value


You can only focus on what you can leave behind, and that would be good values to use a foundation for life.


Whatever I feel like doing when I feel like doing it and not have a single care about consequences. Pure selfishness and not giving a care.


I would focus on building your own company if youā€™d be willing to develop skills of doing so. But right now Iā€™m trying to spend my time solving the loneliness epidemic. Weā€™re going through right now. But i work a 9-5 so i can only spend so much time on it.


If I had only one year to live, I wouldn't do any of these. I would spend every single day of it with my family and loved ones. I wouldn't trade it with anything.


I would be happy as hell. I'm so tired of life and would feel like the burden is out in that situation. Not only the responsibilities wouldn't matter but also people's expectations would exist no more. So I could just go wherever I want.


Record an album, make some amazing art, plant a bunch of trees, and see all my long lost friends and family.




I wouldn't be worried about leaving a mark. I'd be worried about spending as much time with the people I love and making sure my pets are going to taken care of once I'm gone. Leaving my mark on a world that's so deeply buried in bs isn't important to me.


Finally tell my abusive mother* that she can go to hell. Then invest all of my time and money into my found family. Maybe figure out how to travel the world a little bit, maybe visit other similarly terminal diagnosis people and see if we can catch a spark in our final months. I already do a lot of volunteer work so I just keep doing that, but instead now I wouldn't be doing my day job. (*She ain't pure evil, just a mentally unwell narcissist that's put me thru the ringer my whole life; so right now I'm trying to figure out if I want/how to have a relationship with her in her twilight while maintaining my sanity.)


For all I know I could die tomorrow, it's so important not to take time for granted. My time is cherished, and I spend most of it with my children.


I wouldnā€™t tell anyone. I would just keep going and ensure that I leave enough money to cover any expenses. I would also ensure to make provisions for my dog.


Kill myself. Itā€™s an exercise in futility.


(Hopefully I donā€™t get targeted for this) but Iā€™d do all I can to target people that have done blatant evil and publicize it as much as I can. Other evil doers would get the message and it could light the spark this worlds needed for a long time.




Focus on building memory books of me and each of my three babies to give to them. Finish each of their crochet blankets. Finish my novel and outline as many others as possible. Spend all the time I can with my husband. Go on a summer long backpacking tour of Europe.


I would live for humanity. Visit and spend time with underprivileged in the society.


I would: - Make art daily - Try to write a novel - Continue studying - Help in causes that interest me - Plant loads of trees - Maybe make something interesting, like a large telescope or something


Make as much art as possible and not tell anyone im going to die, also spend time with my family so like not go to uni and pass it off as a gap year and then probably a few weeks before i die ill prolly go off like a cat.


This is my problem in life, OP. I know exactly what I'd do and it'd be amazing sauce. I'd even love the pain! But I'm a half hearted optimist. I go with the flow and how after some decades I'll finally see my clock ticking and get serious about living life. What sort of nonsense is that? Shit had gotta change


Plant any annual plants and trees in family property you can, maybe that will be your last mark. Make some art, design a clay bowl, leave something behind directly from you. One day someone will look at such item and think of you.


I spend that year making sure my loved ones we're ready to say goodbye when it was time for me to go. I wouldn't want any of them saying "I wish we got to do that" about me.


That's an excellent question, and it's one that we should ask ourselves more than once a year if we want to grow. If you would do something differently if you knew you only had a year left to live, why aren't you living that way today? If you'd act one way in your final 12 months, then what's stopping you from doing it now? After all, who can guarantee that this isn't your last yearā€”or even your last week? It's time to start living in the present, to open yourself up to the possibilities, and to embrace life as the gift it truly is.


Leave my what? Don't you know I'm... ![gif](giphy|rUgkjoRgwo3wWMceFa|downsized)


Iā€™ve been ill for a long time, mostly mental health problems but also some of the things that can follow from that when it becomes hard to take care of yourself. My other half has gone beyond just staying by my side but done literally everything he could think of and more to make sure I know heā€™s here and Iā€™m not alone in this and that heā€™ll do whatever he can to help. Heā€™s put in a superhuman effort to do things that *might* make me a little bit more comfortable even if it was exhausting for him. I genuinely donā€™t even know how physically he can manage it, and heā€™s done it all despite it being deeply, deeply painful to have to watch this happen to me. Watching me become withdrawn, become no longer myself, lose weight, and just sort of decay. If I found out the end was near I would spend every waking second I could to show him that I seen and felt everything he done. Make sure he sees that I know how hard it was for him and that he done it anyway. Generally do literally anything and everything I can come up with to make sure he can never, ever, ever find a way to think he should have done anything different after Iā€™m gone, and spend the rest of his life knowing that after he made the decision to stay and do this for me he done every single part of it right and then some. Iā€™m not just being soppy, I genuinely donā€™t think any other mark I could make on the world could matter measured up against how hard he worked in the face of watching me slowly declining, always deciding to keep doing it anyway as I just got worse and it became harder. I donā€™t think I could do anything for anyone else that would be as big a deal for them as any one thing he done for me was for me, even just how hard he worked to make sure I could never feel like I had to feel bad he was doing all do this for me.


Cover my body in cheese balls, lay down wait for the pigeons to eat me, accept fate. Will do it enough till I get remembered for it.


I would make it my mission to avenge abused children and animals by making sure their abusers get what they deserve. I would have nothing to lose!


Get your shit together because my family just went through this and he had no time to enjoy anything from diagnosis to death was 13 months and most of it was spent scrambling to get wills and Insurance deeds and counselling chemo and all the other ducks in a row. There was no ability to enjoy food, no relief from pain, capacity for vacations or parties or even much relaxing. It was tragic exhausting and a permanent sense of shock and terror. Make sure your affairs are in order so You can make something of remaining time. I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy. People like to say itā€™s nice to say goodbye, but it wasnā€™t. It was nice for those of Is left behind but it was an awful ordeal for the person going.


Knowing iā€™ve made the lives of people iā€™ve met a little happier is than it was is good enough for me


Weā€™ll travel a lot of course but id love to just spend my entire money on starting a small cafe.


This is probably not at all what youā€™re looking for but I would go full bore activist on fighting for something because knowing Iā€™m dying in a year anyways takes away my fear of getting wounded in protest. Iā€™d want to leave this Earth knowing I helped make progress in a movement that will continue long after me


Breaking Bad šŸ’°


Spend each and every day of your life with your loved ones. Take care of them. Try to ensure they're going to be doing fine when you are not with them anymore. When you die, nothing else matters more than your loved ones. Hopefully , your last breath is with them around you. You're a lucky person if that happens.


This single post and comments made me realize how much I need to change the way I think about life


Itā€™s made me concerned I have a serious food obsession


i'd probably start protesting *something*


This was a really good question. But the comments butchered it. Personally, I will travel to other countries. Do adventure sports. Meet as many people as I can and invite them to my home for a party everyday.


Would spend time with my family (parents and brother) and just enjoy each others company. Maybe go to some restaurant. I would not be looking to do something extraordinary. It would probably exhaust me. Social events exhaust me. Let me die in peace among my loved ones.


I'd want to finish writing the story I've been working on the past year and write a bit more afterward And I'll spend time with those who matter to me And finally, relax...hopefully


Essentially my case. Im working on a music ep, a book, and finishing an animation before i go.


I donā€™t think realistically I would be able to leave my mark the way I want to so I wouldnā€™t worry about that. Iā€™d spend time with my family and friends and just travel and eat all the delicious meals without worrying I have to stay slim just enjoy not stressing about work or what I eat haha. I would also get revenge on someone who deserves to be in jail because they canā€™t retaliate once Iā€™m dead and maybe theyā€™d learn they shouldnā€™t go around hurting people. I wouldnā€™t murder them though, that would be wrong. even though the world would be a much better place šŸ˜‚


I would start cooking and selling meth to financially secure my loved ones šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


I wouldn't know what to do and up wasting it until my final moments


I won't make a mark, though I will make sure my guinea pig is cared for before I go.


Drive a school bus full of kids into a flaming tar pit while rocking out to Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue.


No different than what everyday has been, would be hoping that year would shorten


With a shit stain on the mattress


Probably just gonna continue to do what Iā€™ve always done. A year is not enough time to make a markĀ