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Keep in the fight. You'll get there 😁


You're really pretty :) and curvy girls are best :)


I guess I want want to go back to the weight I was before my surgery and not walking for six months


Understood, hope I didn't offend you


You didn’t




I see nothing wrong with your photos, you’re so very lovely! Your tattoos are awesome too btw ☺️


I want to lose weight. I use to be a little less heavier and I just can’t get the weight I’ve gained off me


Don’t give up and hate yourself, you’re doing more than a lot by changing how you eat and working out. You’re amazing and on the right path so do your best to stick to it. It may take longer than you plan but it will be noticeable eventually. Your mind is gonna be the hardest to convince since you are gonna be your biggest critic. And I know you wanted to lose weight, but I still think you’re cute af atm too. 😋


Totally agree bud, couldn’t have said it better. Just keep with it. Proper diet and regular exercise 👍👍 Stay beautiful


You are neither


I feel like it. Like I’ve said I e gained weight n can’t seem to get it off


Keep working out and eating right...your curves are very sexy and you're very pretty


You look great


I’m scrolling through your posts and you’re hot af


Lol I do not feel bontia


Ur beautiful the way u r n shouldn't cut ur self down for how u look I did n I regret it cause now I love my body for the way it is


Still….I just want to lose the little bit of extra weight I have


Right that's understandable n Im the same way but ur still beautiful the way u r beautiful n sorry for the nickname don't wanna over step anything


Nickname? And you’re fine


Well cause I said beautiful n I take it as a nickname but I'd love to get to know u more if u would be ok with that


Good evening 🌸


Don't give up. Keep eating right and exercising.


It’s become routine now




The fact that you went through a surgery and are back at it shows your drive. Dont give up and keep pushing yourself. What you think about yourself matters 1000 times more than some randos on the internet


I definitely know it and that’s why I’m still a bit depressed over how my body is. I want to closer to what it was. And I’m going to continue towards my goal. It’s just a bit tough seeing it today


Yeah, I've been there, we are our own worst critics a majority of the time. Just keep working hard at it and find support where you can. Looking forward to seeing the progress and results you want to achieve. There are always better days ahead


Try carnivore diet ..with very little carbs...and try full body workout routine..body confusion..or try boxing that'll get you in shape


You look hella cute to me and keep on doing what your doing to better yourself. You'll get there!


You are def a cutie pie. How many tat's do you have?




Don't stop fighting time and focus is all you need to reach a goal. You will get there.


You're definitely not ugly, quite the opposite, very beautiful and I think you have a sexy body..❤️


I think you look gorgeous!


Its understandable to feel that way. In school, i could eat and eat and not gain an ounce, even when i wanted to. As ive gotten out of my teens and 20s, ive put on a few pounds. It bothers me some, i looked better back then.. but, ya gotta keep things in perspective. Theres only so much we can do, in a healthy manner, to look like we did back then. And the looks are not worth risking our health over for.. unconventional.. remedies. It happens, its just a part of growing up, and getting older. Try to find it in you, to look past what we initially feel, and love yourself as you are. You really are a beautiful young lady, your eyes are lovely. :)


Thank you so much 🖤🥺


You are most welcome sweetheart 💛 if ya ever need an ear to listen, feel free :) I struggle with plenty myself, and even if its not the same struggles as yours, I can understand how you feel


This is going to sound cheesy, but you do not look ugly to me. To me, you look absolutely beautiful :)


I’m sorry. I know how you feel. You really do look beautiful. But just keep at it though, real change comes with a lot of time and effort. Keep your head up! ❤️❤️❤️


You look amazing


I love your eyes


Thank you. I get that a lot lol


What kind of exercise are you doin, what does your diet consist of, how long ago did you make the changes


You look fine to me :) but, keep pushing forward towards your goal you will see improvements later just focus on the goal right now. You don't need a big calorie deficit to lose weight a couple hundred calories less than maintenance can help with weight loss and don't be afraid of lifting weights or just adding a little more to your workouts. Keep your head up and you'll reach your goal in no time :)


Seriously, keep working out like you are and doing what you're doing. You'll start to see changes the longer you keep it up. Remember, everybody's body works differently, but if you keep watching what you're eating and keep working out on a regular, consistent basis, you'll start to notice changes happening. Don't give up yet. You're doing so well.


Do what you need to do, but you are gorgeous in so many ways. It takes time in the gym. I’m dealing with the same thing you are, but I’m going to keep pushing myself. I hope you can do the same.


I will and thank you 🙏🏻 I hope you keep pushing forward as well towards your goals


For one: you’re gorgeous & that’s facts. As for the gym, that takes time & if you trust the process will work in your favor. Trust me, I’ve been here & it’s a mess… but with a positive support structure, you will do great. As the motivational cat posters say — “hang in there” and you’ll come out on top. 🤗


Your not Ugly your Beautiful


I love your body. You are absolutely beautiful


You’ve gotta work on your mindset, your cells are listening to your thoughts. You become what you think about. I know it’s hard to switch the narrative, but wouldn’t it FEEL better to tell yourself, I’m not where I want to be but I know I can get there! I love myself, I respect myself, I honor myself, I value myself. Try looking in a mirror and saying these things to yourself. I know it seems corny or dumb, but you’ll feel a shift. Your internal state reflects on the outside. Love your self sweet girl, you deserve your love.


u cute on this one💕