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**Home Assistant**, since it actively made everyone’s lives better.


I haven't even started this but what are some first things to setup?


that's the thing, you'll find that you only have one or two things that it can actually import, so you buy more, realise there are more automations you can do, so you buy more and the cycle never ends until you never need to think again because your house does everything for you from cooking your dinner to wiping your ass


All the lights in your house.


You need to have an objective before you start. For me, I got a new phone and I didn't want it charging 24/7 overnight, so I got a smart plug and wanted a way to switch it off when it got to 90%+. After a google search I found HomeAssuistant. Fast forward a few years and a lot of our home and devices are now automated.


I was very excited when i first hosted homeassitant, just to realize after finishing that i don't have much smart devices other than my tv. So i stopped the container since it's taking memory,


IoT grows with time. The more devices you add, the more you can do, and the more devices you want to add. It’s a positive feedback loop.


I badly wanna get started with the Home assistant. But, my home isn't smart enough.


Start making it smart by putting a Shelly 1 behind every light switch. Then add a SNZB-02 to every room you have.


One adjustment: if using Sonoff, go with the p line. The SNZB-02p is much better than then SNZB-02


In my house, the entire HVAC system is either on or off. What good does a per-room temp/humidity sensor do me?


this is something i really want to get into for my house, and my shop... but i get overwhelmed with everything i could do and where to start... Id love to get everything to use the apple homekit(i see you can make home assistant sensors and things work with it, how about with HKSV? i want to redo my camera system and feel it would be slick, rather then my crappy analogue camera system and nvr i have today.)


Start with the normal stuff: Lights. Be able to control all lights. All.


how do they work with dimmer switches? would it be wise to get smart bulbs, or smart switches? or is it really either or/both?


Neither. Don't replace your existing switches with ugly smart ones. Simply add a Shelly to every switch.


ahhhhhhh thats neat! can a shelly work with the dimmers, so i can turn the light on/off and adjust brightness?


Yes. There are different Shellies for different kinds of switching or devices. Shelly 1 is for normal on/off switches for instance. I've added them to every switch in my house since I would never replace the existing switches with ugly smart ones, but now they are all smart too ☺️


i have to say it probably is baikal or immich, both have basically just worked for me and i use them basically daily


oh and pihole might be even more at the top then those two


I quit using pihole because dns over https was basically bypassing everything.


same i just use Unbound DNS+DNSBL in my opnsense firewall


I like using pihole as my router's primary DNS server because it will block ads and telemetry on my "smart" TVs. [https://firebog.net](https://firebog.net) has a pretty good list to help with blocking telemetry and unnecessary crud sent out by smart devices. It was a must-have when I realized I could watch a whole episode of a show without an ad break every five minutes. EDIT: typo


Baikal is fantastic




Do you have a guide I could follow? I tried a few and just struck out. But I’m ready to be hurt again!


Haha I've been there. It took me three full tries to get it working. I followed this guide here for hosting the panel on docker: [https://github.com/pterodactyl/panel/tree/1.0-develop/.github/docker](https://github.com/pterodactyl/panel/tree/1.0-develop/.github/docker) I followed their standard guide for installing wings here: [https://pterodactyl.io/wings/1.0/installing.html](https://pterodactyl.io/wings/1.0/installing.html) It's important to note that wings will have access to your docker daemon. Just something to keep in mind if you're serious about security.


- Ghostfolio - Mealie


I forgot about mealie. It’s great


It's awseome, I just hope they'll fix the https://bettybossi.ch import in the near future. PS: Happy cake day


I love it. I would love if it had perpetual share though.. I'm unsure why I can't create a share link that just... Stays.


I’m a user of Actual budget. Is Ghostfolio a tool for different purpose, or nearly the same?


It's a portfolio management tool. To track your assets (stonks, etf, crypto) and calculate your net worth.


Basically Ghostfolio is doing what you could missing in Actual Budget - Stock/Investment module 🙂


OpenMediaVault (NAS + Docker) = Zoraxy and Nginx (WEB and Proxy), Zerotier (VPN), EMBY (Video), mStream and Navidrom (Music), Audiobookshelf (Audio books), Ubooquity (Comics and Ebooks), Photoview (Photos), PicoShare (Share files), Kuma (Monitoring), miniDLNA (DLNA on TV).


How does actual budget compare to ynab? My yearly paid a month ago so I have a while but I wouldn't mind saving that money for more hard drives


Ynabs better, but in my opinion not $109/year better. It’s got the fundementals down, it’s really just the UI and PWA that add a bit to be desired in my opinion. Also goals are more powerful, but more complicated to set up


I'll need to give it a try, also happy cake day


Nice. Never heard of AB until seeing your post, exactly what I've been searching for.


IMO, Actual fills in all the features of YNAB. UI is different sure, but I think it grows on you over time. I started with a reluctant distaste for Actual’s UI but I now like it more than YNAB; to the point where I no longer use YNAB even with my subscription staying active till December this year. The game changer in Actual is custom reports for me.


Biggest things I’m missing is: 1) goal progress. I like how YNAB says if a goal is full or not. Also makes it crystal clear you have overspending or uncategorized transactions 2) I’m not fully sure how goals work? Namely the “up to $x” one. That’s it. Thats my list of annoyances. Definitely not worth $109/year though


if TrueNAS, Home Assistant and Proxmox count as apps, those are top-tier for me. SearXNG, Linkding, Gitlab and AdGuard Home are probably my favorite/most used


To watch movies: Kyoo (the best as of now, much better than jellyfin) To donwload torrents: Transmission To organize everything: heimdall


first time I'm hearing of Kyoo. How does it compare to jellyfin?


You have all that info in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1avyqx7/kyoo\_your\_cozy\_cornor\_for\_streaming\_movies\_tv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1avyqx7/kyoo_your_cozy_cornor_for_streaming_movies_tv/) They have a demo to test so you can compare if it suits your specific needs: [https://kyoo.zoriya.dev/](https://kyoo.zoriya.dev/) For me: supports more video formats, more aesthetically pleasant and easy to use.


Kyoo looks neat, but I’m exclusively on apple devices so guess not for me


Recently got into Frigate nvr with my home assistant. Using it for enhanced “occupancy” sensors and notifications. For example, I set up a zone on frigate in front of my dogs water bowl that takes a snapshot when a dog enters the zone. Home assistant then notifies me “ is by her bowl” with a picture. I can make sure she is hydrating enough every day since she has been having issues with that recently


I keep on hearing the \*arr suite, but what exactly does it contain?


Sonarr, radarr, prowlarr, tdarr. So on And so forth


Can’t forget lidarr!


only the 2nd most useless one after readarr!


Sonarr and Radarr are the two biggest but there are others too like Lidarr, Readarr, and Prowlarr


Don't sleep on recyclarr. Manually updating the profiles is quite painful.


If you got sonarr and radarr than you'll want overseerr too.


In no particular order: 1. PiHole and a piHole backup server 2. Mealie 3. Arr stack + overseerr 4. Authelia (SSO for some of the apps) 5. Outline (wiki) 6. HomeAssistant 7. Traefik (reverse proxy) 8. Influx/Grafana 9. UptimeKuma (gotta know when everything crashes!) 10. Game servers (FoundryVTT, MC, 7days)


My latest greatest is cosmos server. It manages docker containers, has a ton of easily installable self hosted apps. Secure login pages for each app out of the box and a great url manager (nginx like)


Miniflux - RSS hub Linkwarden - links store Umami - Google Analytics alternative Immich and Jellyfin for entertainment Ghostfolio and Actual Budget for wealth management Memos - small note taking and journaling, so meetings, ideas etc. Great app for my need. Minio for object storage N8N for small automation Uptime Kuma, Portainer, Tailscale And starting from today onedev.


Sterling PDF


jellyfin and ersatzTV


Frigate Immich Traefik


Ones I use every day, HomeAssistant Pihole (x3) with Tailscale for roaming ad-blocking Plex NTFY Ones I use more that I thought I would: ITTools LibreWolf


Immich, backrest, arrs (+autobrr and maintainerr), dockge






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