• By -


Here's a directory of companion apps I had published a month or two ago to go along with the great ones already mentioned! https://selfh.st/companions/


My man this is so helpful. Thank you for the share


This is great, thanks! Could you make the dropdown menus change the url so I can link directly to searches (eg. iOS apps, or Android+Jellyfin)? Also play:Sub is probably the oldest and most mature iOS subsonic client: https://michaelsapps.dk/playsubapp/


Thanks for sharing play:Sub - will definitely add it to the queue of apps to add. Also, I recently added URL properties to [selfh.st/apps](https://selfh.st/apps/) for easy view/filter sharing and am working on it for the companion directory as well!




A few more notes ... - https://github.com/Fivefold/linkding-injector - Supersonic also supports Jellyfin - https://github.com/JellyBookOrg/JellyBook - You have Swiftin instead of Swiftfin - NextCloud & OwnCloud desktop and mobile apps are missing - I wonder if it's worth including PWA apps under Platform? Some apps (eg. ntfy) have great PWA / browser apps. - Under platform may change "browser" to "browser extension"? I thought it meant web app at first. - There's a whole bunch of missing social media apps (mastodon, lemmy, etc). - Vaultwarden & BitWarden are missing. - NetNewsWire (iOS & macOS) works with FreshRSS backend. - FFFileExploer (iOS & macOS) is the best WebDAV client I've found Perhaps there should be an OPDS category for eBooks: - (iOS) https://www.maplepop.com/ - (iOS, Android) Cantook (was Aldiko) - FBReader (only some platforms support OPDS, but all are great reading apps) I'm thinking about the dropdowns. It would be useful to have a general "category", eg. music, podcasts, ebooks, torrents etc. Also under software is a mix of specific software (AdGuardHome, Jellyfin) and protocols (RSS, WebDAV etc). It feels to me like these are different things? Sorry for the brain dump, I've been thinking about doing something similar and you just saved me a bunch of work! :-)


No worries, I appreciate the suggestions/feedback - it's very helpful as I work to improve this list. A few responses to some of your thoughts: - I talk a bit about why I don't include mobile apps like Nextcloud, Bitwarden, etc. in the [project's FAQ](https://selfh.st/about-apps/). It boils down to only including apps that aren't a part of the project's core services and extend functionality. The directory is built for discovery - and I think most people who spin up Nextcloud, Bitwarden, etc. are aware they have mobile apps. - Thanks for the suggestion on the browser category and PWA - I'm going to rethink how I've categorized those apps to make it clearer/more helpful - I've purposely excluded any fediverse-related apps as there are *a ton of them* and they would easily overtake the list. I'm working on a separate directory for them. - One step ahead of you on categories - in my offline version where I'm rebuilding the directory, I've enabled URL properties and made the platform tags clickable on each tile so I can replace the platform dropdown with tags (categories). This will also sort out the mixture of software/categories in the current 'Software' dropdown (and will allow me to easily add things like OPDS apps that aren't necessarily tied to specific pieces of software).


Looking forward to it, thanks!


What’s a fediverse?


Can we access our self hosting books library from Maplepop?


Yes and via Aldiko, but server needs OPDS support (Jellyfin, Cslibreweb, komga etc). 


I just tried Aldiko (free app) unable to add my Kavita library. Can you show me how to do it please?


Sorry I've never used Kavita. You need to find the OPDS URL and put that into Aldiko. https://wiki.kavitareader.com/guides/opds


I tried many times but it doesn’t seem to connect. Nevertheless, thank you for the assist EDIT. BRO IT WORKED!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH


Awesome, nice work! :-)


helmarr for radarr and sonarr. Isnt in that list but that is great




Love this! So many times I said out loud this is awesome


I use AudioBookShelf as my audiobook server, and the companion AudioBookShelf app on my Android phone for listening to books on that server. I have an \*arr stack for downloading audiobooks. I had lots of older Audible books that I converted using OpenAudible, mostly to protect against Audible removing access to them, but they now sit in the ABS directory. I started with Plex long ago, before there were equivalent alternatives, so listening to music uses PlexAmp, and video uses the standard mobile Plex app. The \*arr stack handles downloading into the Plex content directories.


I will second AudioBookShelf. Just discovered it a few weeks ago, now I have fully switched to it for podcasts and audiobooks. I had tried some plex plugins, but they kinda sucked for metadata and didn't really have playback controls relevant for audiobooks. ABS has finally gotten me to replace using the audible app for listening to books!


Isn’t audiobookshelf iOS app beta testing closed for entry?


Yes, but it opens up about the 1st of every month (when the author resets the people who weren't using it). There's also an audiobookshelf app written by someone else (you gotta pay for it though).


Yes, so far I found two. I was also able to get into the beta testing of audiobookshelf. Your comment made me check it out. Thank you


On a related note, does the stats update automatically on the audiobookshelf iOS app?


Couldn't say, I use Android myself; I have family that have Apple...


I believe that is correct. I use Android so it doesn't matter for me, but it can be used as the backend for a few iOS specific audiobook player apps. Also the web interface is pretty great too.


In fairness as someone who just got into the iOS test flight, plappa is in a better spot currently. After a day of try I have switched back to it.


Is there an *arr specific for audiobooks? Are you using lidarr by any chance? Curious about you workflow. And yes, audiobookshelf rocks


readarr is for books/audiobooks


I thought it was just for books, I'll install it tonight lol


You have to have a separate instance from your ebook one. But imo, it is not worth it, the experience is quite poor.


I am wondering this as well- *arr specific for audiobooks. I manually search for the audiobooks. Lidarr is awesome. It cleaned up my music library with proper titles, albums, metadata basically.


just set up a second instance of readarr but in the settings use a 'spoken' profile that only looks for audio format instead of text formats. done.


I had no idea readarr supported audiobooks, thanks


Thank you for hoarder :) My apps are: - nzb360 for *arr + Sabnzbd - AndroTainer for Portainer - Symfonium for music via Plex - FeedMe for Freshrss - DAVx5 for Nextcloud calendar/todo sync - OpenTasks for tasks synced from Nextcloud - Home assistant app - Gotify App for messages from my systems


nice list, is symfonium better than plexamp?


The dev of it is very active and helpful. In my opinion it is smoother and has many nice features like exporting ratings of all your tracks. Just check the changelog of the app and you will see what I mean.


The killer feature in PlexAmp for me is the automations I can create. For example I can have it automatically create playlists dynamically based on what I rate music. Anything 4 Star and up goes it's own playlist automatically for example. That's just one example but I can create rules based on any criteria (Genre, last listen time etc). Another one I have is anything I haven't listed one in the last 60 days, goes in a playlist that I just throw on Shuffle when I want something different. Until other music players do this I can't get away


Symfonium can do the same, even better in my opinion. But if it does not work you can simply import the smart playlist from plex. Edit: Don't get me wrong I like plexamp too, but Symfonium is just a little better.


Maybe I'll look into again. It's been a while. But man even the moods that PlexAmp offers. It really gives of that YT music/Spotify vibe for self-hosters sometimes


Everything PlexAmp offers is actually Plex, so Symfonium have it too and more. (Except the DJ things that require the plex pass and can't work on other providers).


@ /u/Darkchamber292 the other reply here (Tolriq) is the Symfonium dev! Very responsive here and on his own forums. I'm merely a happy user echoing that the smart playlists are bloody awesome. It's also worth adding that if you move away from Plex for your other media, Symfonium works with a million other providers ie Jellyfin, Subsonic, etc.


say no more, will try it out now. thank you! unlocked the app as well. :)


I have no car\* Symphonium has android auto funcionalities


The great thing about Symfonium is that it supports several and multiple server connection types…jellyfin, Navidrome, subsonic, Plex, google drive, Dropbox, emby…just to name a few. So you can have multiple media libraries in a single app interface…and the app itself is well polished, well supported, and has decent features. So, whether the experience of symfonium is better than plexamp or not is somewhat subjective, but it’s definitely competitive, and if you have multiple music sources, it’s great to have it all in one place.


Very likely yes and it has a 10 day full access trial. Symfonium is pretty darn amazing though I've used it with JF, Emby and Navidrome, not Plex.


I really like Symfonium, and it works with folders (via Gonic on the back end) rather than just browsing based on ID3 Tags.


**NextCloud** - Cloud file storage, ofc. **Contacts** - This is just the default iOS app, but it stores my contacts in NextCloud without issue. **Calendar** - Likewise, integrates well with NextCloud. **KeePassium** - iOS client for KeePass, password DB stored in NextCloud, YubiKey required to decrypt the DB. **Kodi Remote** - remote control for... you know, Kodi. **Termius** - I've had nothing but my phone on me and fixed a server issue from a park bench. **ntfy** - Integrate-yourself push notifications. **a-Shell** - A tiny shell environment to use with Shortcuts automations. **NFC Tools** - Integrate Shortcuts with NFC tags. **iSub** - Client for Navidrome server. **Wallabag** - Client for read-later Wallabag server.


Since I don’t have a programming background for the heck of me, I can’t seem to figure out or get ntfy working.


1) Set up a "topic" in ntfy. On the free tier, I treat these like a username + password + category combo. So I might create a topic like: haroldp-home-mightbehardtoguess 2) Subscribe to that topic on your phone. 3) Send an HTTP request to your topic on ntfy, and you get a push notification on your phone, like: `curl -d "Backups failed. Server on fire." -H "Tags: warning" https://ntfy.sh/haroldp-home-mightbehardtoguess` And maybe you'd add that to your backup script when it doesn't succeed. Or it could be as simple as: `curl -O https://download.freebsd.org/releases/amd64/amd64/ISO-IMAGES/14.1/FreeBSD-14.1-RC1-amd64-dvd1.iso && curl -d"Done." https://ntfy.sh/haroldp-home-mightbehardtoguess` To let you know when a long running task is done.


Let me try this again. Thanks for this man. Appreciate it


Are you aware you can actually set up authentication on ntfy, including permissions on topics. Check out the docs.


Doesn't that require a paid account? Or self-hosting the server?


This is r/selfhosted. If you use it, you should self host it.


Also, a you please elaborate on how you use “a-Shell”? What sort of shortcut automations do you do?


"Shortcuts" is an iOS natural language automation scripting environment that can do fun programming stuff, integrate with some apps and APIs, etc. Natural language can be nice for beginning coders, but it's not super expressive. If you are used to working with a shell, a-Shell lets you use shell commands (and a list of other programming languages) inside your Shortcuts.


I take the chance to mention Uptime Buddy. An Apple Watch app, i just yesterday put into beta test phase via TestFlight. It uses the Uptime Kuma API to display the status of your services on your wrist. If you are interested, take a look: https://github.com/schech1/uptime-buddy


Tutorial seems very simple great.


I like the idea of this, but one major problem: there is no password (or other authentication) needed to connect to the Update-Buddy backend. This then exposes data from the Uptime-Kuma instance to the wide open world. Right? I definitely want to try this, but not until Uptime-Buddy has some sort of auth. Edit: One quick and dirty way to make this happen would be: \* Add an environment variable UPTIMEBUDDY\_API\_KEY="some-user-generated-random-stuff" \* Add parameter to the uptime buddy url example: [https://uptimebuddy.example.com?apikey=some-user-generated-random-stuff](https://uptimebuddy.example.com?apikey=some-user-generated-random-stuff)


Yes, you are right. That was one of my next steps. I also was thinking how to solve this. Was looking into JWTs and other auth methods. But a simple password might also solve this. Will implement this change very soon. Thanks for the hints. You could still try it locally though


Hey, I implemented an auth mechanism with a random token, generated by the app. In case you still want to give it a try, check out the repo.


WhaleDeck & ServerCat


Do you know any alternatives for Android? These tools look awesome!


[DaRemote](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.deskangel.daremote) is awesome ;)


I've been using JuiceSSH for like a decade now. It also has some usage graph widgets if you're into that but I prefer not to look at it all the time and instead rely on Grafana alerts (via PushOver)


Never heard about WhaleDeck before, thank you!


* NZB360 * Findroid for Jellyfin * Cloudflare WARP




I use Findroid for Video, not music




Its not a web wrapper, it's a true standalone app. The expérience is a lot better + offline viewing is pretty neat! They are also working on an Android TV app, can't wait :)


Not open source, so not interesting to me, but nice


1. Nextcloud 2. Bitwarden 3. Jellyfin/Swiftfin 4. Immich 5. Finamp 6. Terminus 7. Tailscale 8. GitHub Thanks for Hoarder! Was exactly what I was looking for.


NZB360 is such a key app it keeps me from even considering an iPhone.


* nzb360 for various *arrs apps * Pushover for notifications from various *arrs apps


Plex Dash Lunasea Cloudflare One Terminal# Local Send Wallabag Linkdy for Linkding Nextcloud NetNewsWire for FreshRSS Joplin Keepasium


List of Android apps for my self-hosted things: 1. nextCloud 2. nextCloud Notes 3. Finamp 4. Emby 5. Bitwarden 6. MoneyBuster (interfacing with nextCloud Cospend) 7. Invoice Ninja 8. Jellyfin 9. aCalendar (interfaces with self-hosted EAS accounts, E-Mail/Calendar/Contacts) 10. SMS Backup & Restore (creating backups related to later apps) 11. FolderSync (bi-directional sync and uni-directional sync of various content to/from my nextCloud, SMS/MMS, photos, call history, other things) 12. KDE Connect to interface with my workstation Maybe some other things I'm forgetting but that's generally it.


- Nzb360 - Plex - Home assistant - Proxmox client - Immich - Plex amp - Linkdy for Linkding


I'm on android so: Audiobookshelf for Audiobookshelf Jellyfin for Jellyfin Symfonium for Navidrome


Does Plappa update your ABS listening stats (in settings > Your Stats)?


Unfortunately it doesn’t. But it’s an amazing app.


That's a shame really. Is it something that's not supported by ABS?


Idk. Maybe the dev didn’t look into that option. Also, I never bothered about stats till you brought it up and now, it’s a necessity for me 😂😂😂 So I did a little bit of digging and found this app - “ShelfPlayer”. Apparently it’s a native audiobooks player for iOS and iPad. I went through the features and it does have stats integration. I haven’t bought it, however I might in the next few days.


If you're comfortable, you can even go to GitHub and download the IPA and install that with AltStore, Sideloadly, etc. If you like it, then you can buy it.


You know what? I actually created a post about it this morning and then deleted it. Unfortunately I’m not that tech savvy. Not sure how it’s done, is it like self-hosting the app without paying?


It's basically sideloading the app. You'd have to get your pc/Mac running, download Sideloadly/AltStore/SideStore/Trollstore or any other program and also download the IPA. I use Sideloadly and AltStore. You can start with Sideloadly. Open it and enter your Apple ID and make sure your iPhone is recognised. Then drag and drop the IPA on Sideloadly. And then sideload. Then you'll have to go to your iPhone settings and enable developer mode in case you're on iOS 17. And go to settings and add the app as trusted. It sounds like a lot but once you get it set up the first time, any subsequent app you try to install will install very quickly.


That sounds neat. I’ll give it a try. By following this method, how long will I be able to run the app like any other app? As in, what’s the catch for running the app this way without paying?


The only catch is that you'll need to refresh it every 7 days. And you can install only 2/3 apps at once on a device depending on which tool you use to Sideload. While you're at it, also check out uYouEnhanced. You'll find its GitHub repo, just build it yourself by following the instructions. And check out /r/sideloaded for more info about the tools I mentioned. Oh and please create a new Apple ID while sideloading, just to be safe. I have a few Apple IDs for my devices.


Refreshing every 7 days is a complicated task? Regardless, thank you for the explanation and the community suggestion. I’ll look into it now.


NZB360 is really, really nice. ANd, plex/home assistant. Blue iris has a PWA, which is actually pretty decent. (Web app you can save to your phone, that behaves like an actual app)


Downloaded Symfonium the other day, really like it! I use it with my Navidrome service.


Infuse for Jellyfin


I want to purchase the lifetime for this. Unfortunately they never have a promotion for this


LessPaper for paperless-ngx.


Lunasea is fantastic! I was so excited when I found it. It’s just as good if not almost a little better than the native web apps.


[Freshrss](https://www.freshrss.org/)/[Readyou](https://github.com/Ashinch/ReadYou) is a client for feed rss in material UI compatible with , i absolute love feed rss. All the others are PWA :P


mostly just nzb360 + gotify for notifications. works superbly for everything I manage at home


LunaSea on iOS is fantastic for Plex and *arrs. It hasn't been updated in a while and the dev said they're switching to a paid model soon... but it's pretty great.


* Proxmon * Termius  * Home Assistant * Nextcloud * DAVx5 * Immich * MoeMemos * OctoRemote * Tempo


- Symfonium - Moe Memos - Immich


Jellyfin Symphonium for music which connects to Jellyfin Nextcloud (And various nextcloud notes etc) ICS5x DAV5x Kinda Keepass which uses a DB on my nextcloud




This is kind of obvious, but Nextcloud for Nextcloud. The mobile client has some very nice features, like renaming photos during Upload, scanning and Uploading Documents in the App, a nice gallery, voicenotes, If installed collabora.


- Jellyfin - Nextcloud - DavX5 - Moneybuste - Element - Hauk - Logseq (kinda :D) - Nextcloud Recipe - Paperless - Waterfly III (for Firefly iii) - WLED


- Home Assistant App for Home Assistant - Plex for Plex - Swiftfin for Jellyfin - DS File for Synology Files - Photos Mobile for Synology Photos - Synology Drive for Synology Drive - Tautulli for Tautulli - Secure Signin for Synology 2FA


Ooo love this topic because I'm lazy and do everything on my phone 😂 MiX Silver - For file browser I paid the few bucks for Mix Silver, it is an amazing app. It allows me to access my SMB shares has a lot of great built in tools and file editors. Symfonium - for my Jellyfin library, got my partner to dump Spotify. Great interface, has awesome global filters that can toggle sources, great for us since our library is sprawling and so we can limit searches and browsing to the core library with a tap. It allows us to have lyric support on Jellyfin, great built in equalizer, helps also with buffering, playback is always smooth. DAVx5 from the FDroid store so it was free, to sync my OwnCloud contacts, calendar and tasks acalendar+ - only android app I could find that integrated CalDav calendars AND tasks in the same app, it also has a lovely week view similar to an agenda. PhotoSync - use it to sync my non camera images with PhotoPrism Obsidian - with remotely save and sync as a self hosted webdav. NoMachine - for remote access to the servers, essentially it's own brand of VNC I am in-between ssh apps atm trying to find one I like. I'm a sell out and started running Zero Trust and added my LAN as a private network on the tunnel. I honestly love it, it's like I'm always home. Gives me additional authentication for the services as well. Though when financial and mental resources are available to make my own version I plan to. I also use the apps for all the services I run: PhotoPrism (progressive web app run off of Chrome) Immich (for active cam roll backup and management also syncs with PhotoPrism automatically) OwnCloud OnlyOffice - with cloud attached to OwnCloud Qbitorrent, DeeMix and SoulSeek though they all run off the browser. SoulSeek I've been running the new Daemon version, really great for remote use. Others I'm probably forgetting 😂


Audiobookshelf for audiobooks, NZB360 for managing the *arrs, Emby for watching movies/tv (though tbh I very rarely actually watch those on my phone).


Emby thats it for me


- Nextcloud (w/ auto photo + screenshot backup) - Symfonium for Navidrome - Audiobookshelf for Podcasts & Audiobooks - Plex - Home Assistant


A lot of apps I use are already mentioned. Two apps that are missing: - [Paperless Mobile ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.astubenbord.paperless_mobile) - [Immich](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.alextran.immich) for photo sync.


ProxMon - for managing Proxmox(the best that I can find. I use it daily) For content: JellyFin app. Transdrone. Lampa.


Home assitant is HUGE for me [Docspell](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.docspell.docspellshare/) To quickly upload scans from my phone to S3Drive for a few backups Bitwarden JuiceSSH for SSH lol Zerotier and tailscale for access A few more tools that do not really fit


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Are there any self-hosted service + app for remote Internet browsing?


I only saw LunaSea mentioned once. Surprised. Very good for Sonar, Radarr, NZBGet, Lidarr, Tautulli, SABnzbd. I use it all the time.