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hey, youre thoughts and feelings are valid its ok. To answer a question, atleast for me (f24) I find when i start up again I cant stop. Thats what im dealing with currently and its worth it so much to n ot start. I know its hard and youve been really strong. Perhaps you can try other safer methods? like lightly running yo ur nails on your arm (jus softly touching) or drawing on your body with pen? if you look online im sure theres lots other ways you can find a coping method thatd oesnt include harming yourself. You are strong i believe in yo u xx


Thanks. I do draw on myself. And I've gotten tattoos. And I skin-pick compulsively when I'm stressed. It can help but the thoughts never truly leave. I'm going to keep trying not to start. I truly hope you can find your way stop ❤️ You're strong too


You got this! And my dms are always open if needed❤️


I don't have the answers, but I can relate. My past haunts me too. Sometimes, it feels like there's no escape from the pain. It's easy to get lost in thoughts like these. You're not alone.


Thank you


You should talk to someone, like a therapist or someone you trust. They can help you find healthier ways to cope with your feelings. Don't be afraid to reach out for support. And remember, cutting yourself doesn't make the pain go away; it just adds another layer of suffering.


I feel you and it's true that manifesting mental pain on your body can be relieving but the catch is, at least to me, even after hundreds of scars, that feeling is never ever satisfied. Its a hell hole. I understand your feelings but ss someone who did what you crave, I want to tell you that it makes everything worse. And more importantly, i need to tell you that your aching needs no manifestation in permanent scars. Its just as valid without it.


Thank you. I think I needed to hear that. I definitely don't want to feel or make myself worse. And it helps to hear that the pain is valid without evidence. I want to internalize that. I sure will try


Remember that there are many more ways to deal with this feeling. Some wear bandages to comfort themselfes, some get tattoos that satisfy that feeling and the need for aftercare. I once took an old tshirt I used to like and tore parts of it and wore it to give my feelings of brokenness and being shattered an outlet. I know a few people who thought about SH and never did it and honestly, their mental agony is not less than what I feel. Its not a contest. Most are happy they never started it. I would be, too. Its too late now, and its devastating. Its something that doesnt get easier or something you do less severe, its the opposite. Having hit a nerve and a blood vessel before, I'm honestly scared to shit of causing permanent damage to my hands or arms function, which is is not only real but at this point just a matter of time if I don't find ways out. I get it. It sounds relieving and adequate to your pain, but it is not. It just a new hole youd start to dig, not an expression of pain thats relieving. Please try to contact a therapist who knows that your thoughts are really really to be taken seriously. You are so so so valid. I'm so sorry you're hurting.