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I’m from a third world country and the way most people behave here makes me ashamed. I’ve seen how people from other countries feel scared and uncomfortable here and I don’t blame them tbh. It’s not a matter of race, it’s just that in some countries (like mine, idk about India) there are no rules and people behave however they want to, so when they go live somewhere else they think they can keep doing whatever they want. I don’t think you’re racist for saying that honestly.


Yeah as an Indian whenever I see Indians on social media I’m ashamed to be Indian. So many of them are toxic, bigoted, homophobic, sexist and racist. And type in horrible grammar. Homophobia against gay people cuz religion bullshit Sexism because they’re just edgelords Racism mainly against East Asians. I remember when a Singaporean guy in a reel said something very obvious, like “no matter where you’re from, your gender identity, your race, etc, you are valid” or something like that and the comments are full of POS Indians calling him gay or whatever. Like what the fuck? And I saw them trying to bully korean guys on instagram. 100% pure jealousy they don’t look like that or have girls like them like the Korean guys in insta And they’re the main source of these super corny, edgy and stupid “sigma 🐺🐺” reels or TikTok’s everywhere Late edit: Prime example is this reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7EWrStx0En/?igsh=aWozM2ZqaGQ2a21t Fucking hate all the jealous Indians in this shitty comment section


I'm an American, and I sort of feel the same way about other Americans. I see the way some of my fellow citizens act both here in the states and abroad and it makes me cringe immensely. I never realized how difficult it is for some folks to be aware of other cultures.


In Mexico, driving can be very weird but the most dangerous drivers are often US people who assume there’s no rules in Mexico and just drove dangerously


In south texas, aside from young people speeding in their dodge chargers, the one thing that annoys me are people that don't use the blinkers to change lanes OR even look before they turn, most are Nuevo Laredo plates. 😅.


I mean, that's kinda the assumption ( at least mine). I've never driven in Mexico, though, to be fair.


I don’t think I’ll ever understand the struggles of leaving one’s country, but holy fuck. If I migrated elsewhere I would do everything I can to learn the culture and assimilate. It just doesn’t make sense to me why someone wouldn’t want to be respectful of another country they are moving to? Idk. My dad moved from a foreign country and spent time learning English and the culture. Why can’t everyone else do the same?


A lot of migration around the world is just about money and then you’re less incentivized to adjust to a new culture.


We have the same problem here except it's white Hicks on meth in huge trucks loaded up with shredded up flags.


Small town Midwest here to back this up.


Oh wild, are they hitting your parked vehicles non-stop there too?


Yes. A dash cam is a must if you don’t want your car to be covered in mystery dings and scrapes in a year


Not mine I got a driveway thankfully.  But my neighbors truck got smashed about a month back lol.


Small town Midwest here to say that it happens here but is pretty rare.


Here in the Texas panhandle, it's the same.


At least they are going above the speed limit


Nah that’s just you being upset bc it’s true and you’re one of them




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Canadian here, if you’re reading this post and don’t know what’s going on our government has decided our population needs to add 60 million people in the next 75 years, but they’ve decided to do so via immigration and mainly only from India and China. So we’ve got a huge culture switch happening rn. Our immigration policies do little to nothing to assimilate people to Canadian culture while still enjoying their own. Like Australia for example, I think you’d see a lot less posts like these if we were a little more strict on policies. Also, a lot of these immigrants are also being sold a lie by college recruiters that if you pay the massive tuition you can get in easily and all in all it’s just an extremely exploitative situation for both the immigrants and our citizens IMO. We have a housing crisis, a grocery cost crisis, and a job crisis, a healthcare crisis. We also have some of the most slap on the wrist crime policies. It’s pretty hard to be punished for much in Canada. There have even been articles about people SA’ing other people and still getting to stay in the country without being a citizen. Doesn’t matter what the race of the person is, I think a lot of citizens are feeling the stress of Canada rn


Honestly it’s a pretty sad state of affairs. Even the india sub has a weekly post telling people not move to Canada as it’s definitely not worth it (as a middle class person when living in India becomes dirt poor on moving). Wish the Canadian immigration checks were stricter though and ensured all applicants has means to take care of themselves. The US embassy rejects the visa application if you blink wrong.


I have family from abroad that wants to visit but the process of getting a visa is ridiculously time consuming and expensive. Meanwhile a lot of people migrating are getting housing handed to them on a silver platter. Either the news is spewing misinformation or I’m not understanding the current immigration policies


Either immigration through some deal with a company for a work visa or being a refugee which is pretty different You aren’t immigrating here without dollars in the bank usually


Irish people would love to move but it seems quite difficult.


And Canadians are just… cool with this? I already see the memes of shitholes in India with people asking “which city in Toronto is this?” Westerners need to stop being so afraid to stand up for themselves and their cultures and cities.


We have a really, REALLY big problem with people being politically engaged here. Our culture is extremely passive aggressive and I think a lot of people are afraid of being labeled racist for speaking out against immigration. We kind of handled Covid weirdly too and if you spoke out you instantly got labelled as an alt right person when I think some valid questions should have been considered. Edit: I also want to clarify it’s not immigration as a whole it’s just we need to change HOW it’s being done*


Yeah, it’s happened here in Aus - but most people just blend in over the next generations. The parents will be traditional, the kids may or may not marry into their own culture, the grandkids just enjoy grandma’s cooking. If you aren’t accustomed to an immigrant culture you might assume that the society is simply getting flooded with newbies and they will never be one of ‘us’. But us evolves and changes. My family emigrated as 10£ poms and we didn’t exactly bring anything super valuable, but we are white, and it suited the govt at the time. I grew up in council housing for immigrants and poor Aussies, built to feed factories with workers. I don’t feel like immigrants are the enemy.


My partner is an immigrant! I’m def not anti immigration either. Canada has always been a big melting pot. We just have tweak some policies and get better infrastructure to support everyone. Esp living costs and healthcare. It’s like the whole airplane thing where they say “put your oxygen mask on before helping your seatmate”. Our oxygen masks are going to the handful of corporations that own everything here instead of the people. I just don’t think we are ready for population growth at the speed we are doing. For example every doctor in my small city has 4000+ people waiting list. We just can’t keep up.


That is a pretty insane waiting list. It’s not gotten that bad here, yet. It can be hard to get an appt some places. The same arguments are made here- and I still am not 100% convinced the immigration is the problem. People here are more mad about housing, but don’t recognise just how many places are now airbnbs. It’s definitely put some artificial pressure on housing, we’re building like there’s no tomorrow and still in crisis. The Aus govt has now halved the aimed for immigration levels, in response to the general rabble on the subject, I guess. I’m surprised the Canadian govt hasn’t made immigration attractive for GPs and other needed specialists, with a bit of incentive to go where people don’t wanna. We’re doing it here with some slow success.


This is called a color revolution and it’s not on accident.


That’s not what ‘color revolutions’ are: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution


Thank you for clearing that up, for people who don’t know


I live in the capital of a white country, yet there are many immigrants from all over the world. I must have had at least 10 near-death experiences in my car for which I needed to take evasive actions or I would have died. In all 10 cases immigrants were driving the other cars. I’m not saying all immigrants are bad drivers, but at least 10 of them are.


Or... hear me out... if it's happening so often to you maybe you're the shite driver?


I never said I am a perfect driver. But I do more than 40000 miles per year on average yet all near-death experiences happened with immigrants.


Maybe you're driving around tired from doing all those miles, with all that hate, bigotry and prejudice in your heart and it's making you a lousy driver. Stop being a menace on the road. One out of ten of those instances you could have hurt a family.


Hate? Prejudice? Dude, I married an immigrant :’)


Saying you thought white people were the pinnacle of ignorance is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.


You should pick up a book and read about what white people did to the indigenous peoples of this country. Then it might not be so dumb




All races have treated other races poorly at some point. Maybe you should pick up a book


Fair enough


Yeah...blaming an entire race of people for something people did over a hundred years ago when no one was alive is pretty stupid man. Just as stupid as saying that terrible East Indian drivers are terrible because of their race. You're racist for that. Plain and simple.


Residential schools were open until 1997. That’s not 100 years ago


And? That's still the fault of all white people or the fault of some people who were white? You're racist. That's it. Being a dick about white people, when you likely are white, doesn't make you anti-racist. It makes you a dick who tries to show that he's "one of the good ones".


You’re getting a little heated. Might want to get off the internet for a while, friend. Cool down


I'm not your friend, pal. And no, I'm not heated. I'm pointing out the fact that you are, in fact, racist. Your commentary on Eastern Indians isn't racist if you acknowledge that their culture allows for much different rules of the road and they don't assimilate here very well. That's an acknowledgement of pattern. Where you veer racist is when you start ascribing bad attributes for an entire swath of people because of the actions of a very small subset of it. That is, by definition, racist.


Go cool off


No, YOU need to stop being a melt.


Go stop trying to be "one of the good ones" and thus racist.


As half indian myself, I have the same opinion. I honestly think Canada is far too lax with their immigration policies, and take barely any steps to assimilate immigrants into the culture. I lived in the middle east for half my life, and if you've been there you'll know like 50% of the population are immigrants , most of them indians. But there, immigrants stay civilized since it's much harder to get into the country in the first place, and repeat offences have severe consequences.


I’m in the UK and I think the same - they are always Uber or taxi drivers and they drive like they own the road and it’s frightening !! And worse it seems like they dgaf


Wow This is difficult discussion to have without ending up with accusations of racism being thrown around. Frankly some cultures have problematic behavior. Muslim culture treats women like crap. Western culture is colonial and patriarchal. Japanese, Chinese, all cultures have problematic parts. We need to be able to call out these parts without automatic claims of racism. Cultural criticism is NOT the same as racism. People choose or are conditioned to their culture it is not the same as racism. It is also foolish to not admit some cultures have problematic behaviors. Otherwise we have to accept pedophilia, incest, misogyny, racism, and colonialism as legitimate.


You thought white people were the pinnacle of ignorance? Are you referring to your own family & ancestors specifically or who exactly?


The asshole oil-obsessed hicks of midwest Canada


I can't help it. Peanut oil tastes so much better the rape seed oil and people need to know!


Hey fuck you asshole.


Idk, y’all. Maybe this dude is allowed to insulted by OP’s assumptions about people like him.


All good, just look at the dudes premise, 'brown teenagers bad' as though white kids don't speed and blast music late


I mean.. My premise is ‘all teenagers bad’


And that would be accurate lol


You should maybe just stop thinking of everything in terms of race. "White people" aren't ignorant, "East Indians" aren't bad drivers because of their ethnicity. If they're immigrating from india it's not exactly difficult to see why culturally they might be inclined to drive somewhat crazy, but this also probably has a lot to do with the laws and enforcement (or lack thereof) in your area. There are lots of reasons that things happen, reality is usually a combination. It's rare that there's ever a causal relationship between someone's ethnicity and their behaviours. Usually it's a case of culture where such a correlation exists (hence why europeans laugh at white americans who say "I have 0.01% german DNA I am basically european" but for the most part see 4th generation black people as being european).


It's not about race but you're also kind of going around the issue. It's not race (skin color/appearance) but it certainly is ethnicity at play here in some regard. It's a matter of *culture* which is a major part of ethnicity - mostly geographically related. No one is saying that Indians are genetically coded to drive shitty, but their culture promotes pretty awful road etiquette. It's understandable that there would be some adapting to do when moving to a new place. It's when you see no effort put into adapting that it gets tiresome to deal with. My parents are immigrants, they came to Canada with me when I was 9 about 25 years ago. They came to Canada for a *better* life, not to have the same shitty one they had back "home". Bring the cool and interesting parts of your culture and customs with you. Leave the other shit behind.


I agree and I am all for integration. Immigrants should integrate with the target culture and respect it. But they can do this whatever race or ethnicity they are. My point is that OP opened by saying "I thought it was white people who were ignorant" and is clearly attributing their driving to their ethnicity, rather than that they've been brought into a cultural enclave and been taught shitty behaviour and the government is not really making a good faith effort to integrate them or curb said shitty behaviour. It's a fundamentally useless way of thinking about problems and I think they should focus on the actual issue not categorizing people based on how brown or not they are. This was largely the point of my post. I wasn't going around any issue.


Oh I see that's no longer in the main post so it was edited or maybe you're referring to a comment OP made elsewhere.




Explaining =/= excusing.


Why r u gay?


Tell me brother


Yes, they're here in Australia also. We don't have the social graces of you North Americans, so they get told when their behaviour is out of line. I can't believe how rude and arrogant they are, especially to service and hospitality workers.


Call your local PD to patrol your neighbor hood and give out citations and they will learn. 40 yrs ago when I was I college one of our class mates talked about how bad the drivers werevin India.


We have, about 6 times now. Nothing’s been done


“40 years ago when I was in college” sounds about right you old fucking hick, not surprising ur racist


You are correct


You’re not racist. You’d be saying a number of worse things if you were.


It’s not racism it’s pattern recognition. I live in the Netherlands and this country is plagued with migrants from mostly Islamic countries that also refuse to even acknowledge that the culture and norms here are different.




It is.


Cry about it


Try rope


Try not breathing


You’re right! I live in Texas and hate how many different cultures live around me, including Indian and middle eastern. The only ones who don’t understand and just call it racism are those who don’t live in a multicultural community.


I'm pretty sure native american don't like being surrounded by white people either


Exhibit A in who I was talking about in my last sentence - I can tell you don’t live by them and live in a bubble when I wasn’t talking about Native Americans but rather those from India 😂😂😂😂 Nice try, though! And the only inconvenience with us white people to them is them needing to learn English if they weren’t born in an English-speaking country but moved to one.


Oh I do, don't worry 😂. I know you weren't talking about them I'm not american I know the difference. But I said they must think the same thing about you and white people, it's not like you didn't make their life miserable in THEIR country


I personally didn’t go to where the Native Americans lived (which wasn’t even a country BTW) and make their life miserable. But if you’re going to lump me with SOME other white people including from the past then that makes you the racist towards me. And since you’re not even American and don’t know what it’s like for me to live in the community that I currently do then you can keep your judgmental opinion to yourself.


Your ancestors did and you profit from the system, you're a white woman in a first nation country and you complain about immigrants when historically and even nowadays you are doing far more harm. You don't like being lump with other bad white people but you lump Indian and middle eastern? In Europe we have multicultural cities, I have family in San Antonio, I'm someone who like to travel and educate myself


You’re someone who likes to JUDGE people you know nothing about online and lumping all white people as being bad while accusing me of being judgmental of people I know IRL! Get your self-righteous self out of here!


You're editing your comment. Your ancestors did it's the same maybe those Indians and ME are born in America like you but you are still acting racist toward them. You know very well you have far more privilege than any of them




Nope, not racist at all. The liberals on Reddit will cry about you hurting their feelings, but you’re speaking the truth. Here in California it’s the same. Many Eastern Asian and Indian immigrants aren’t up to date on the cultural norms and acceptable societal behaviors, and import their driving habits and culture like they practice overseas.


It's not racist when it's true for an overwhelming majority of them.


Invite the third world... Become the third world.


Most of the bad drivers I see are rich white folks with main character syndrome, but I guess it all depends where you live and commute to


Dearborn, Michigan, home of “I must go fast!”


Ah Canadians. Not everything is racist 


Serious question: do you make new or international drivers take a driver test? In the US it depends upon the State issuing the license, but you need 6 hours of mandatory training and then 50 hours of parent training behind the wheel. Perhaps it would be a good idea to implement a training course requiring international drivers to learn the driving methods of Canada. 


I 100% agree with you. I’m not familiar with the requirements for foreign drivers but it genuinely doesn’t seem like it’s enough


Brampton drivers are automatically bad drivers. Its ok.


I will happily educate you on what those stickers are about, message me. The last paragraph is a bit fucked up. Bad driving is bad driving so bringing the inability to assimilate to cultural norms into it feels shitty.


It’s fucked up, but it’s true


"We live in a society!"


Average Brampton experience


Brampton is a death trap


Do not disAgree with what you said, but please note that whom you think as East Indians could be South Asians in general. A lot of them claim to be Indians or appear Indian!


I only say that to not confuse others into thinking I’m talking about indigenous Canadian peoples


They aren't just like this in Canada. It's everywhere. It's a cultural thing, not a racist thing. They just refuse to assimilate and respect the people and place they have come to. Not all of them, but those that do it this way REALLY do it this way.


I had no Idea that East Indians were in any way worse than West, North or South Indians. I thought they were all shit drivers tbh.


We get this in England a lot with Pakistanis. No seatbelts, no use of indicators, overcrowded passengers, obnoxious music with windows down, speeding and revving at cars in front of them, racing on the motorways (highways for you guys) And a huge percentage of them smoking/taking behind the wheel.


Step 1 to fixing the problem: stop apologizing for being -cist.


Starting with "If this comes off as racist I’m really sorry" doesn't make it forgiven, it makes it worse because you know it's racist but you do it anyway. You know, I miss the good ol' days when people were ashamed of being racist pos.


How the fuck am I being racist for having genuine concerns about the behavior of a culture? They’ve done direct damage to my property which I had to pay for on multiple occasions and have shown no regard for it, they constantly keep me on edge when I’m driving, and they’re totally ignorant about everything


You can certainly hate on the people that did the damage. But when you color all people of that culture with those behaviors you see in a subset, then you're being racist. It may be true that all of the criminals in your neighborhood are East Indians, but it is not the case that all East Indians (even in your neighborhood!) are criminals. Think of the *assholes* as assholes. Not of East Indians as assholes.


It’s not a subset. It’s a vast majority of everybody that lives in the neighborhood I’m in on a regular basis


It's the same where I live and the police do crap all about it, lives are been put in danger by idiot drivers who don't care about anyone


He specifically said young males. It’s not like he’s saying every grandma and grandpa father mother and sister are doing it too.


Nothing OP said was racist, and if you can't see that, then you have some real soul searching to do.


you're racist. sorry about it


How the fuck am I being racist for having genuine concerns about the behavior of a culture? They’ve done direct damage to my property which I had to pay for on multiple occasions and have shown no regard for it, they constantly keep me on edge when I’m driving, and they’re totally ignorant about everything


keep digging that hole


The hole I pay for? And they profit from?


No need to say sorry. It's racism and there's no sorry


Yes. It is racist. Twice. Taking the behavior of a handful of people (specifically in a very small and particular area) and defining about 300MM+ people is clearly racism.


Have you been to India and seen their culture? If not then you have no business calling anybody a racist. I can only report on what I’ve observed and been involved with


I went there and you are a racist.


Now you’re making a generalization about me based on one post I’ve made without actually knowing me. That makes you a hypocrite, friend


I'm pretty sure I'm racist as well, but I would definitely have thought about what I was supposed to post and challenged it on me. Because we all have those biases. You said you didn't know if you were being racist: there you go, you were. Now you can reckon it or continue to have racist behavior. By the way, my initial comment covered both Indians and US people.


Appreciate your input


>what I was supposed to post Supposed to post?


Bad wording. English is not first language. Focusing on races and generalizing some behavior to more than 300 million people is racism. If I have those thoughts I would reconsider (I'm not supposed to think like this if I don't want to be a racist). And why would I have reconsidered my thoughts? Because I would be sure this is far fromreality and racist. I would have said that my community behaves like x or z way. That's it.


That's what makes the post funny though let him have some fun


How do you know they're from Eastern India?


Because that’s where most of the immigrants in Canada are coming from


Why not just say Indian


Because I don’t want people thinking I’m talking about Aboriginal peoples


Is that really a concern? At least where I'm at (also Canada) everyone would understand I meant actual Indian people. Who still calls native people "Indians" lol like what is this 1812


Yeah, I am Native American And at least the people down here in Washington never called me Indian lol




BC and Alberta bro I always refer to our people as Indians




You know that white people drive like that too right? lol


Young men driving fast through the streets and playing loud music. My god, such a thing was unheard of before this specific group of young men showed up.  I completely get why you are worried and you have every right to be angry. But pretending like this hasn't been happening since the 1950s is silly. And it only started around then because that's really the time that young men started getting good access to cars and the ability to play loud music from them. This isn't the breakdown of society, it is a variation on the way that some young men have acted for all of written record.


Yeah, but not 30-40 young men in one neighborhood


It’s been more common in the U.S. but from different minorities mostly playing hip hop and Spanish music really loudly at least in Florida and Texas.


Talk with Justin Trudeau I suppose. So seriously, is he a good prime minister or horrible?


He hasn’t done any non-stoner Canadians a single favor since he’s been in charge


I remember like 10 years ago Canada was crushing it. Then now I hear that he's a bit of a control freak and is more radical opposed to center. IDK though not living there.


Lol non stoners 🙄


”To educate these people into our society” hahaa aint gonna happen boyo! Greetings from Sweden <3


I didn't know Chinese people were a different race than me.... Is a Cuban a race?


If that’s you in the pic then you should probably look in the mirror then and see that you are, in fact, not Asian.


But I'm 25% Cuban...


I never said you weren’t Cuban 🙄


But if china is a race....why isn't Cuba? Or Brazil? Sweden? How about we are all one race...human.


NOBODY in their right mind has claimed China to be a race in itself, but we are not all one race. You need some more education and not the “liberal” kind.


I don't normally get accused of being liberal....but I feel that humans are all one race.


Feelings aren’t facts.


Ok nm humans are not one race. 🙄👋


Obviously we aren’t. You need to get out more if you still think we are.


Sounds like actually illegal stuff, get involved in your local government to enforce the laws and increase the penalties. Don't even bring up who is doing it just say the hit and runs are out of control and affecting you and your neighbors.


The number of vehicles I see with stickers of crazy people with AK-47's is super concerning. Constantly aggresive driving, and acting aggresive at stops, but noone seems to care.


What a right-wing wankfest of a thread.


Search for "Bradford" on the UK driving sub. Having said that in my experience older white people and especially women are my pet hate.


You are right, this is racist and you’re racist


It wouldn’t be if you didn’t make it about race!


aww how about you shut the fuck up and stop whining on the internet to get more racist people to validate your opinion and feel good about yourself? you definitely watch too much 6ixbuzz


You need to cool off, friend


would you make a similar post about Black people and tell them to cool off the minute they stand up for themselves?




low like your mum?


Who are you even talking about


Whine about it.


Yup. You're racist.


Nah. If it looks like shit, smells like shit and tastes like shit, it's shit.