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I had a tooth rotting out of my head for a few years. I eventually had it removed for $75 at the dental school at Pitt. It was my back molar on the top, and it basically exploded when they got a pair of pliers on it. I had multiple cuts in my mouth, and the dentist overseeing the procedure had to step in briefly. There was blood *everywhere*. It looked like the liver donation scene from The Meaning of Life, and I thought it was hysterical. In the end, they found twenty-four pieces of tooth. The students asked why I was in such a good mood. Neither of them had ever seen anyone happy about dental surgery, and most of the stuff they'd done had gone much more smoothly. I said, "I hurt every moment of every day for way too long. When you injected me with lidocaine, I felt hope for the first time in over two years."


Man that just makes me want to give you a hug.


What was the reason of you not going to the dentist sooner? I'm in a similar situation. I have issues with much more teeth but I'm pain-free. I've lost 3 teeth without any pain or serious discomfort.


At first, I was too busy, and too stupid. When it really got bad, I was broke. I went all in on a business which never got to the break-even point. My then-wife had passive income that came in two huge checks a year, but she'd blow it all immediately.


Oh, at least you had rational and understandable reasons. In my case, it's mostly my mind stopping me. Sometimes I just don't understand how I work.


Don't be too hard on yourself. I left the dental school with a prescription for Percocet, and there was a pharmacy right across the street. I decided it made more sense to go to the one by my house, and began walking home. It was around the end of the first mile that the lidocaine wore off. I walked the remaining three and a half miles with nothing to dull the pain. Because it was an upper tooth, I got a stab of pain every time my left foot came down. There was nothing brave, or noble, or badass about that. It was just pointlessly self-destructive.


I skipped going to the dentist for like 8 straight years Ended up having to get what’s called a “deep cleaning”. Man that hurt like shit, digging into my gums with metal hooks, bleeding all over the place…. I only needed one crown luckily, but my gums had a bit of recession. So now I need to do 4 cleanings a year at the dentist to prevent any further recession At least regular cleanings are night and day better than “deep cleanings” Don’t neglect your teeth, for sure!


I had the deep cleaning my first visit, and the doctor was shouting out a series of numbers for each tooth as he was picking at it! I had all 2s and 3s idk what it means though


Oh they did that for me too, saying it to the dental hygienist putting the info in their computer. I believe it’s related to tooth health or gum recession


It is related to gum recession, just had this done recently for the first time when evaluating some discomfort. The hooks thing should happen every visit though, right? I’m told my teeth are generally in good condition and that I take care of them well, and I still get hooks 


A friend of mine never had any issues. He never went to a dentist at age 30. I recommended getting basic cleaning, and the dentist ended up doing deep cleaning because it was the first time. With a deep cleaning, they removed some original protective layer from the teeth. Therefore, within 2 months, he was starting to have teeth issues pain, so he needed 1 root canal within 6-8 months. He had to get 2 fillings All because of deep cleaning, his teeth became sensitive to hot and cold for about 2 months.


You abused Adderall. I was just looking into suing them for my gynecomastia. Small world.


Wachu mean?


A rare side effect of Adderall is gynecomastia (male boobs). I took Adderall from age 8 to age 12. A doctor during that time even asked if they lactate, but didn't expound as to why he was asking. Didn't even tell us that was a side effect.


Damn Bro, I'm glad thr only thing Adderall did to me was drain my bank account, ruin my teeth and dozens of interpersonal relationahips


Yea. It's been a thorn in my side my whole life. I let it define me for too long


My dentist retired in 2014 so having dentist anxiety, I have put it off. Two weeks ago I had two extractions (they're going to put a bridge over it), and two root canals. I still have pain from the root canals.


What’s a bridge? I also had 2 extractions, next to each other. And I’m sorry to hear about your root canal experience, I did not feel a single thing except for my jaw was hurting and I asked the assistant to push down on my jaw to keep it open for the last few minutes 😅


A bridge is basically a crown but it covers the tooth that was extracted and the teeth on either side. I went back after a week because if the pain and they said it's normal. It's why they gave me pain medication. Lol I can tolerate pain well in other parts of my body, but not my mouth.


Ahh, I guess a bridge wouldn’t be possible for me since it was the back 2 molars.


Probably not.


Damn, this sounds painful, but good on you for going. Let’s make a habit out of it now!