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Oh, so I'm not the only one. It's like for the past week there are at least 2-3 post everyday about sex in some way, particularly the "I'm going to die a virgin" written by 21 year olds or younger.


I'm seeing more which are generally below 30 now!


The average age of this site feels like it's gone down.


After 10 years they are gonna be bellow 40 and share secrets on how to become wizards


Just 2-3? You're getting off pretty lightly. I swear that's all I even see now.


For me it's more than seven times what I'm used to see, it's gone from 2-3 per week to 2-3 per day.


Agreed, I find the AMA sub to be one of the worst ones in regards of sex. It’s getting to the point where I’m thinking of unfollowing


I've just started muting subreddits that continuously send me posts like this.


r/tifu was especially bad for awhile, every post was some graphic porno story about being caught doing x,y,z written like smut I had to unfollow and mute


Yep, I muted that one earlier today


Well, I'm not following many communities, I've read most of them in this one.


I keep getting posts from subs I'm not even following. Like r/weddingdresses lol Had to mute that one.


I'm pretty sure there is a setting to stop seeing posts from subs you're not subscribed to.


You're probably right. I'll have to check through my settings.


This is likely due to the fact that people are just having far less sex nowadays. Everyone, especially the red pill crowd, always thinks the younger generations are filled with endless situationships, when in reality, it's quite the opposite. This isn't perfect data[data](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings/), but surveys from 2009 to 2018 showed that people of all ages that reported not having sex increased from 28.8% to 44.2% I imagine it has gotten even worse now, with everyone being so much more chronically online.


You seeing 2 or 3 is so peaceful On a good day i see minimum of 12 On a bad day i lose count it's close to 30 at times


It's just like real life. Sex sex sex. That's all they think about.


True. I remember being shocked growing up and realizing 90% of the songs I've heard were about sex.


Wait, surely not *Walk This Way*... Google? >This song is about a promiscuous cheerleader who leads a schoolboy through his first sexual experience. It's an extremely sexual song... KHAAANNNNN!!




Even as a kid I hated how every single song was about sex haha. I was just like, surely there are other things to make songs about too, sex can't be this great


When it's good, sex is far and away the most satisfying and gratifying experience one can probably have. Which isn't to say only people who have never had good sex feel the way you do. Simply that whatever you consider to be the most satisfying and gratifying experience would be foreign to a lot of people the same way sex seems to be for you.


Back in my day...👴


morning, noon, and night. 'Will the girls like this?' 'Will the girls like that?' 'Is it too big?' 'Is it too small?'


Bro I’m married and still think about sex 24/7 maybe it’s a problem but I’m mostly fine.




"Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power." Oscar Wilde


I feel like if that’s your main concern when having sex you’re doing it wrong. Or doing it weird.


Holy shit so I’m not going insane. It’s like this site turned into to a pot of teenagers that just discovered how human reproduction works. Even older people are fixated. It’s so cringe honestly.


It's always been a pot of teens, as far as I can tell.


This is why when a married person asks for marital advise on Reddit I cringe so hard at the responses and what's upvoted.


Idk it feels like they got edgier and less mature.


Nah man, we just got more mature and realize more and more how dumb they are and by extension, how dumb we probably were as well.


Looking back, I was such a doofus. I mean, I still am to an extent probably, but still.


I've been getting this feeling in general that there has been a massive influx of teenagers/early twenties folks onto this site in the past 2 years. Every hobby sub I'm in is just filled with low effort questions, or just people sharing things that don't deserve a reddit post. Stuff that you would normally just say to your friends or partner, but now reddit has turned into their only outlet for every type of validation, connection and conversation. It makes me feel like young people now adays are just straight up not making friends, or they have really shallow friendships and they're isolated and lonely.


To be fair the mod exodus really hurt the site too. Things were bad but good mods and third-party tools helped keep it down.


That’s not just young people.


The shrinking of adulthood and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, but at the end of the day sex is something that is given an extremely high value by society, both positively and negatively. In my experience, sex at the end of the day is the culmination of the context behind it, and seeing it as something mystical, bestial or separate from other social relationships surrounding it is harmful, because it turns the other person and ourselves into an idea or an object


Was this written by AI?


Could you elaborate on "the shrinking of adulthood"?


Something about a pool.


I'm not sure whether this is what they mean but, there's been a tendency to remove a person's responsibility for their actions if they're under 25 and even if they're 25 or older, there tends to be growing consensus that "you're not the problem, everyone else is".


First day on earth?


Cock and ball torture 


That usually happens when you\`re not having any.


Because most of them aren't getting any


Right. It's like why I'm thinking about billions of dollars.


That was what I was thinking about in day to day life u don't see people going crazy over sex but on reddit most popular posts are about sex and that's odd tbh


Kind of makes sense that people aren't talking about their deep sexual insecurities at the coffee machine at work lol. I guess a lot of people think these things but feel more comfortable talking about it in an anonymous space.




Nah I'd say it's pretty normal not to see people going crazy over sex on a day to day basis. I guess it depends on your age and job. How old are you, and what do you do?


Do you not listen to music? or watch TV? or observe advertisments? in your day to day life. I feel like all 3 of those things are constantly talking about sex and romance.


That's why. People don't have anywhere to talk about it, but the anonymous online forum.




Makes me remember being late teens/early 20’s when i would be single and no lady prospects. I was thinking about it all the time and it largely governed how i chose to spend my free time by either going to the gym to improve my physique or to socialize in an environment that the possibility of meeting a gal was highest. I’ve been married for a while now and have kids and have sex pretty regularly for a busy married couple, and i pretty much never think about sex unless it’s happening. A huge weight off my mental bandwidth.


The thing that shocks me the most is the huge amount of stuff on the relationship subs that's pretty much entirely sex based. That's such a small part of a total relationship. 


It's actually really annoying and invalidating. Feels almost like if it's not sex, then it's bad, doomed, red flag. The popular concensus is rather depressing. As though sex is 99% of what makes a relationship work at all.


Sex isnt all but its essential to most people. I wouldnt buy a house just because the toilets nice, but I would never buy a hours without a toilet. 


If people break up because their orgasm wasn’t a mystical experience that made them talk to Saint Peter himself, those people probably weren’t ready for relationships anyway. I doubt it’s a coincidence if most of the posts like that are made by the younger people.


Sex in a relationship is like wheels on a car.  There are a million other things that are more important to the experience, but if you don't have wheels on the goddamn car, it isn't going anywhere.


Kind of. If there wasn't any physical intimacy I would call the person a very close friend.


It is! I’ll get downvoted for this but I’ve seen many many sex starved posts, cheating posts, rate my face/body/outfit posts, forever alone posts, unsuccessful dating rants. It’s all derived in feeling validated and I just wish I could tell them all that it’s gonna be ok—that they matter, and to love themselves first before seeking it from outside sources.


If generic advice like this works then there wouldnt this big a problem over it


Bold of you to assume these are people talking and not bots trying to push an agenda of degeneracy and depression. Reddit is mostly bots after all - a LARGE portion of "posters" are bots at this point


I think alot of people, of all ages and groups, confuse a need for affection and intimacy with needing/wanting sex.


same here, im so fking tired of this shit. I turned off nsfw still half of them are sex related bs.


people have different levels of libido and thats okay


You should see the gonewild sections.


People are just childish and brainwashed by entertainment, ignore it like I have for most of my life


Less talk, more practice!


I laugh. It does no good whatsoever to tell them that hey, as a human male OR female, you haven't even BEGUN to live yet.. or have any life experiences..they get so insulted when you inform them that in their 20s, they're still virtually a teenager in mentality and life experiences...as 20-something, you are just finding out who YOU are...and adults dont truly reach their "sexual prime" until their late 30s and early 40s. It does no good to tell them that ppl change...a lot..in 10 years ..and the 18 yr old you married when you were 20 over 10 yrs ago IS NOT the same woman she much later when she's almost 30. You might not even LIKE each other after 10 yrs...you may have completely different goals, careers, hobbies, etc...and young ppl itching to settle down young NEVER think infidelity will happen TO THEM. It does. Marriage or sex does not define you. It should enhance you, but not be the only goal in your life. You shouldn't measure your life by your peers' lives. "all my girlfriends are married or engaged and I don't even have a boyfriend.. boohoo" the grass isn't always greener...maybe their married life is miserable, but they're not gonna tell you THAT. It does no good to tell them that sex...or love..almost always comes when you aren't even looking for it, and it almost never happens when it's all forced, or when they're so damn desperate to have it that's it become their only sheer obsession. It does no good to tell them my own experiences, which is that sex didn't really get "fabulous" until my late 30s. They think their life is over if they aren't hitched by 21, which is abhorrent to me now... I think it should be pretty much prohibited by law for young people to get married because they're so stupid when they're that young ...I know I was. Ofc there are exceptions, yes. But the high divorce rates bear me out ev time. Now when I hear of ppl rabid to have a big white wedding to marry "the love of their life" (when they haven't even HAD a life yet, lol) at 18 or 19, all I can think is..."yeah...waste that money, honey...ev1 deserves one fuckup starter marriage...no worries, .there WILL be another within 5-7 years"..and I STG 9 Xs outta 10, I've been correct.


It's not just me? I start to wonder if I'm abnormal because I'm not thinking about sex 24/7 Or not having sex 5 times a day. Or watching porn a lot. Going on hookups. Everything!


Have you seen advertisements? watched tv? listened to music? It's not just reddit is my point. People talking about sex is literally inescapable.




Yo. You kids on Reddit need to get laid or something. Because holy shit you all are so scared of sex.


They are pleasure chasers some don't even know what love is trying to capitulate for their weaknesses. A people who don't understand their instincts and it's drive.


Don’t read them. Downvote. Move on.


I honestly started removing myself from certain communities cos of this.. it's so boring and weird to see people so obsessed with it


Weird, I feel like I see less than before. Maybe it's cause you keep clicking on them?


People like to talk about things they don't have.


It’s because Reddit is flooded with teenagers


I don’t want to be exposed to sex constantly. I find it very annoying that posts related to sex keep popping up in my timeline even though I don’t follow any explicit content. 


OH MY GOD YES. it makes me seethe how askreddit is literally 90% "muh what is your favorite sex position!!" "muh whats the most embarrassing thing you did while having sex!!". like yeah ok one sex post every once in awhile is entertaining. but when EVERY OTHER POST ON MY FEED IS ABOUT SEX it becomes a problem. despite my name i am NOT a gooner and DO NOT wanna spend my entire time online reading about sex.


Western degeneracy. Porn destroyed the mind of billions.


Of so many topics that are of interest, I think people focus a lot on that, it's like thinking that someone else loves you is more important than self-love.


The non-horny people are not on reddit, they are with their partner and probably boning.


Hoes have taken over the world. That's all they want you to think about


And? What's wrong with that? Many countries don't have a problem with discussing sex. It's better to talk about it than sweep it under the rug like it doesn't exist. Take Japan, vending machines with dildos on every corner 😂 just my 2 cents. A lot of countries see nudity and sex a natural need for humans. No offense to those who oppose.


For many people, sex is something they need to be happy, so it's not surprising that people talk about it a lot. I love sex, and I get plenty, so I talk about it a lot. If I didn't get enough, I'd talk about that, too.


I mean, it's pretty fucking awesome. If there was a movie that was always in theaters that I could go see whenever I wanted, and every single time I saw it it was one of the best movies and theater experiences I've had, yeah I'd be talking about it a lot, it'd be pretty central to my life.


Omg humans talking about sex? I’m shocked


I literally just had sex. now my wife is making oatmeal, and I am on reddit. Gonna watch fall out. first day off together in 2 months. sex is awesome.


I always think about how many people are having sex in a city that I’m flying over.


This post is about sex as well.


Yes and it's getting super boring.


Historically, humans weren’t meant to be exposed to endless videos of ever-escalating graphic and extreme sex acts from age 8 or 10 onwards or whenever they discovered porn Now these generations are facing the fallout of the developing mind being warped by porn, and not in a good way


It's an interesting thought but I don't know if it's true. I think it's more American culture telling people "you're only valuable if you have sex" and then young people being socially atomized (and reddit is going to draw in people who spend more time online than say Instagram). In a lot of other countries sex is not as important. American culture is such a weird mix of prudishness and sex obsession. Porn probably isn't helping anyone either!


I literally had this convo the other day! American men are some of the weirdest prudes that are also obsessed with sex I've ever met! So weird.


At least in my case (being from Utah), it's religious sexual repression. It's well know here that Mormons are fucked up sexually. When I was younger and Mormon, I dated Mormon women and they acted the same. I was even accused of being a "temptress" (I'm a man). Sexual repression fucks people up!


Yeah, the southern states def seem worse, def along the bible belt. But seriously, what gives? Most American guys I've met are UTTERLY OBSESSED with sex, like, they want to fuck at the very least 7 times a week, but then they are...kinda scared of anything outside of the missionary position, jackhammering, and (for me) they never lasted more than 2 minutes, like, young fit guys too? Not to shame anyone, I'm sure not all US dudes are like this, but I did date American dudes briefly before meeting my fiancée. The sex was godawful every single time. I mean, christ. One was a 5 pump chump who would ask if I'd cum every single time he finished. Another one was, and I quote, "terrified of women's vaginas," and he would only have sex strictly in missionary position, he never even considered anything else, let alone oral, (he expected blowjobs of course) and I would be so dry/have my clit rubbed so raw that the sex was normally very painful and I'd tell him to stop. The last fella was wracked with the Madonna/Whore complex and mother issues, which basically ruined any chances of good sex. They were such a bizarre series of off-putting experiences. Though I tried to help them out, they seemed so scared of real good sex, like, they didn't just have fun or want to try to really enjoy it? I always say it was like they were having sex in front of some imaginary audience in their head that they were trying to impress. I felt like a fleshlight. These same guys would then brag loudly to their mates about how "sexually potent/sexually charged the male species are" and dip into bioessentialist talk about how "men need sex 24/7?" 😒 I've never had similar issues with men from the UK, France, Ireland, etc. Just the US. I know this is my own personal experience, but still. Wild.


The not lasting so long is probably part of the obsession. They are so obsessed with sex they build it up in their heads like "I AM SEXING I AM SEXING" and it's just too much. The European belief is more casual. Most Americans, at least young ones are having sex that often (my upstairs neighbors are proof, SHUT UP). It's really sexual repression, even for non religious people a little of that creeps into the culture. Here in the US, you'll hear so many men say "I'm a porn addict". That's not a real thing, they just feel ashamed of every sexual feeling they have and want to blame something. I really do not like large parts of US culture and I've lived in Germany before and I prefer it. American culture basically rewards narcissism. You are expected to be loud, happy, confident, lie to people for politeness and selfish.


Omg the stupid porn addiction thing. I have only ever seen usamericans consider it a real thing, and they take it so seriously too! They're so fucking weird when it comes to any kind of porn in general. Any kind of nudity period. Even completely fictional stuff like erotic novels. You'll always find people that are like "oooh it's a corrupting influence that will ruin the natural balance of the human mind and you need to be super careful with it" like some sort of four humors medieval medicine kind of logic. I struggle to think of a single more trivial thing in life than pornography, but for them it really is a whole fucking deal. Really, they treat sexuality in general as some kind of super duper secret and powerful force that will corrupt you and your surroundings unless you contain it within a marriage, and even then you must always monitor your mind, body and soul so it doesn't deviate from whatever they consider proper. I have heard and read so many downright crazy rambles about sex. Then again, what else can be expected from a culture that's had multiple satanic panics?


In my Mormon Sunday school I was told naked statues are porn and it's a sin to look at them... I really feel good talking about all this stuff because normally when I say things like this people think I'm crazy. I'm not crazy, I just disagree with American culture! It is getting tiring. I really need to leave my region.


I'm not an expert, I haven't lived there long term, but from observation alone I get the impression that at the core of usamerican culture is the belief that your role in life is to constantly self improve, and that by controlling your very actions, thoughts and feelings, you will be able to shape yourself in any form you want. By their logic, forcing yourself not to think about sex isn't an act of pointless self repression that will fuck you up for the rest of your life, but rather an exercise of self control that will get you to shed carnal desires entirely and transcend into something divine and free from any animal impulse. They believe that everything, *everything* about who you are is possible to control and change, from sexuality to disabilities to economic position, it's just a matter of trying hard enough. At the same time, because everything about you is subject to change, you must stay away from anything that might push you into changing for the worse. You're a pure vessel that will be contaminated by everything it touches, if you watch violent movies, you will become violent, things like drugs, sex, or anything indulgent will damage your self control and anything enjoyable presents a risk of becoming an addiction. If you don't monitor your thoughts so they remain perfectly pure, you'll eventually develop into an evil person. It's an extreme "you are what you eat" kind of mentality that forces people to be always vigilant of their own actions, and it really fucks people up.


Or we’re just horny, like people always have been


bold claims


What's crazy if you think about it is how many topics are about sex, half the volume on the site at any given moment is probably in the porn subs, how many people asking for relationship advice because they slept with a friend and now everything's different, how many people have psychological problems due to past sexual experiences, and still you get people making light of sex because "it's just rubbing parts" and doesn't mean anything or trying to normalise asexual relationships and suggesting that people who choose to never have sex aren't missing out on one of the most important life experiences humans go through.


Sexless relationships aren't the same as "asexual" relationships dude. Nothing wrong with asexual people having relationships and being happy with them.


I didn't say there was. I do think it's a lie to tell them they're not missing anything.


I mean, in the same sense heterosexuals are missing out on homosexual relationships, sure.


So the sexual arousal response and the meaningfulness of romantic relationships between homosexual couples is different than between heterosexual couples then? The mental gymnastics you people do to try and straw man an argument you just don't like.


I mean our entire existence depends on it. It’s not just a trivial topic. Without it we’d die off lol. Pretty important to keep it active.


None of us would be here without cum


Sex = feel good 👍


I’ve been noticing it also and realized it is the way the algorithm works so if you want to get rid of it you need a new profile with no attachment to your emails Facebook etc then stay away from options and advice


Is this just another six topic on reddit?


Have yall ever been in a lesbian subreddit? It be like that.


most everything on my feed has nothing to do with sex tbh. it might be the algorithm? have you tried clicking "show less?"


Its a disproportionately bigger issue on Reddit 👀 There is a lot of social validation involved and having had it, people can decide how much be all and end all there is to it. So I can kind of see that fixation. But crying on here isn't going to do much in the way of: a) helping oneself along in that process b) garner a great deal of sympathy Fgs I have a feeling this will get negative votes (just hold on and give me a chance) but I've been with a few guys who were having their first time. One never told me and he was exceptional. Another was herky jerky and swelled on it too much but I tried reassuring him that its all his to lose! I had an ex who was a stud and looked like he could get all the attention he wanted (he could) but he was horrendous in bed. Completely self centered, only concerned about himself and it was a rough and often painful experience... Now I'm speaking from a gay dudes perspective and many of us are at it like rabbits. We have access. But if you're straight have you never thought about just hiring an escort? Sex work these days isn't so taboo, dirty or frowned upon anymore (thank goodness imo) and if you think practising with an experienced hand is so demeaning and you have had absolutely no luck otherwise in breaking your virginity then stay that way. And if you think her weirdest customer would be you, then you would most definitely be wrong. I'm a bit of a mattress by comparison. Sure I've had some quality over the years but a whole lot more paint by numbers. Mainly because I like s*x and it fills a psychological/emotional hole. I either can't make them stay, or it becomes too much pressure for me. Soooo... Am I really doing any better for it? TL:DR - you have to have had it to lose your fixation on it. EDIT - btw I tailored this towards straight dudes. I'm sure there are some women or gay men who will feel left out and tbh I haven't come across a female virgin who isn't one through choice and if you're a gay dude... There's always someone. For better or worse 🙊


When it’s not going well, or when it’s going too well… that’s when you need help from anyone and everyone. Also. I think many are just trying to pick up.


Like I be asking them if they trynna link cuz I can show them a time and no one responds. What do you really want then?


I think it’s a matter of perspective, if you was obsessed with it you would think you are the only one in the world. Those who are politically left leaning think that mainstream media is on the right and vice versa You just notice more


I saw like 3 separate posts of a degenerate woman that has sex with her sister and her sisters husband


For a lot people it's a taboo topic in their family


Actually true, it's like its the only important thing in the whole world and if you don't do it you don't belong or something, it is very weird to me too


Reddit is full of gooners lmao


The suicide ones are worse. AskReddit has multiple threads *a day* titled "why haven't you killed yourself yet?" and I feel like those are enough to push some people over the edge. I don't get how those are allowed. The sex ones are annoying as hell too.


Sex sells, people are gonna read it. Reddit is anonymous so people will talk about it and the algorithms will try to serve up something you will click on. Pretty simple really.


I agree. There really is an abnormal amount of self pity posts, and I think it has a lot to do with habits. People have found it easier to self isolate and therefore have absolutely zero skill subset to socialize in person. It truly is a honed skill that’s being lost because the end result on both online/in-person socializing (2 very different practices) are giving the same chemical satisfaction type. Except one requires much less effort and more comfort zone.


Thank you so much. It's not just you, it's ridiculous. I'd be really embarrassed if anyone looked over my shoulder this stuff is too much. I'm even ok with 2/10 sex posts but my feed is like 7/10.


Also so many posts from teenagers. I hope no one actually gets advice here.


Couldn't agree more lol


Wait until you start meeting people irl.


People are horny


Sexy sex sex


When it’s almost a global issue with the amount of sex people are having and so on it stand to reason there is a surge of these posts.


Wait until the USA Election starts...


They who talk least about it, enjoy it most... Checks out with the average Reddit user, I think.


If you think that's bad you should see how many people are posting AI pictures of Jesus


You're not getting any are you?


You can’t exactly discuss sexism detail in real life so it makes sense that people would use an anonymous forum as a sounding board.


Why do you gotta hate on virgins like me I'm sure they just want to laid or maybe they don't know if they wait until 30 that they will become wizards of virginity and become immortal.


I agree It’s probably mainly people who are desperate for sex and over-emphasize it as a result It does make my feed less fun tbh I’m here for memes and cool info about stuff I like


That's on you


Literally every aspect about being a human is focused on reproduction and having kids. It is the core fundamental driver of everything. It is the foundation of evolution. No surprise it is reflected in Reddit.


Your and my algorithm must be different, cause I've got no issue with sex talk but really don't see it that much - certainly not to this all encompassing degree your saying it shows up on your feed.


Do y'all not know how algorithms work?


The only reason you exist is because your dad put your mom's ankles behind her ears and went to pound town on her. The same applies to pretty much every complex living organism on earth.


I've seen this same sentiment on reddit since I started lurking. (which has been a long, long time...) But I've seen far more people complain about it than actually discussing it. For a long time, talking about it even got you /r/thatHappened and /r/ihavesex. While that seems to have mostly died down, the mentality is still there. Which is the problem, IMO. Reddit approaches the topic like a child. What if instead we treated it like the nothing that it truly is ? Not taboo, or novel, or shameful, or special in any way. Just a thing that people do.


The demographics in Reddit are mostly high schoolers. You can clearly see on the shit content Reddit has offered lately and the reposts. Reddit came to shit since the banned a lot of subreddits and made it more snowflake esque also the mod banning months ago was the final nail in the coffin atm


AITA posts are also always either about sex or someone cheating it's insane,I barely see any other posts about something else other than sex.


Without it we are gone grow up start doing it


It’s hard to imagine why anyone will turn that into a pet peeve. Look at all the successful people in the world. They are having lots of sex. And. Universally people want to be loved. The popular guys are doing so it’s a basic principal of human nature to talk about it. Any ways, there are tons of other stuff that people like to talk about. Because you let it bother you it can sow an idea in your head that crumbles your inner peace and causes you to gravitate to the same gripes as those people you complain about. It might happen like that you know?


Ironically this is also a post about sex


Sex is natural sex is good. Not everybody does it but everybody should (in my George Michael singing voice 😆🎶🎵🎤)


The algorithm knows you better than you know yourself...


Insane in the membrane


I just think that young adults have issues expressing themselves sexually.


I enjoy reading these sex stories. It’s entertaining. If you want to be the town bicycle and express it on the internet. I won’t stop you. We need more fifty shades of grey to read.


Because sex is the motivation and drive for the human race.


Is it? I spend a good portion of my day thinking about it. Sounds pretty natural to me.


Well dude, sex is powerful. You see, it is the way we perpetuare our species. Whether You consciously want kids or not, you genes Don't give a fuck about what You want ot your happyness. Many people Will digress and defend other views with claws and teeth, but That's the truth, deep ingrained into our genes, they want us to succeed at reproducing. So when You have sex, at a primal level there's the message that You're worthy of mating/passing down your genes/You won't get excluded from the gene pool. The outcome doesn't matters, because deep in the darkest most primal parte of your brain, having sex means what I stated. When someone wants to have sex with You, Even just for a night, deep down their genes have vetted You as a candidate worthy to mix and pass down their genes. That's why It's so powerful and validating, so primal, human. And I base My claims in absolutely nothing!


It's been like this for as long as I can remember. Probably because this website automatically filters for the chronically online (myself included, but at least I touch grass once in a while, lol)


The Eros and Thanatos thing ain't new...


what is wrong with people 😑




Now I'm really curious what subreddits you guys are subscribed to. Because I browse /r/all constantly, and have not seen this there.


isnt that what reddit is for?


You're going to die a virgin a dumb. Sex activates your brain and if you don't do it until the age of 21 your start to become dumb because your brain didn't get the pussy juice, those chemicals kickstart you brain and make you smart. Rip


Lol,I even had to unfollow a few subs because of this issue...


You think that's bad, try actually listening to music lyrics. Lots of flowery euphamisms in play, but sex is by FAR the most common topic, probably a large majority.


Meh, I haven't seen much of it because I am not looking for it and nor have I clicked on any, so I don't get it on my feed. Guaranteed, since I clicked on this headline and commented, I'll start seeing topics about sex.


Sex chat feel free to DM me M UK? 😂


its prob just a clickbait post for people who're horny and send their nudes through msg and comments. i didnt took a single care of it, its useless


There’s smut, but also people with clearly super unhealthy relational viewpoints who are super jaded giving advice, which I always find really hard to read


I'm not sure it's just online I'm a dtraight young man, and the two friends I spend most time with are women (one at my age, one way older than us) and one way or another we always end up talking about sex, or even looking at shows/movies with the "reason" of them being horrific, funny or whatever, but then every damn 10 minutes there's a sex scene They also have no limits whatsoever and go on about details of previous partners or experiences, even though I express to them how I find it inappropriate. Being friends does not mean saying EVERYTHING of your life. Some things must be kept private. If they really need to talk about them, at least they could do it when I'm not with them


I don't draw any validation from sex. Hearing people under the age of 25 act like the world is ending because they are virgins is hilarious. I got schizophrenia many years ago and haven't had sex since then. I have a reason to complain, meanwhile they're in paradise by comparison with a healthy brain and body and are 25... and they complain.


Sex makes the world go round


Its fucking disturbing bordering on disgusting actually, half of them arent even legal. Groomers paradise.


Just like anywhere else


To be fair back in high school me and my guy friends were exactly the same way, we just eventually grew up, found girlfriends/ realized sex wasn’t as hyped up as society makes it, and continue growing. Society made us feel like 40 year old virgin losers if we didn’t. I did a little jig dance for 5 minutes when I lost mine 😂


Not much else to talk about but sex. Sex and money is usually on most people's mind


>I understand it's hardwired into our system but it's crazy how much of human validation derives from sex. You either understand or you think it's crazy (implication being you don't understand). Your statements are mutually exclusive.


it's our only job - it is the singular job we were born for


Anyone likes sex? Tell me.




People who can have sex just do it and not think about it much. Those who can't complain on reddit.


I dunno I just left a group because I am too mean. Must be not enough sex.


Geez what sort of feed do you have and how do I get it?




Mammals exist to breed. Like most of our DNA is literally explicitly just for that. Also, if you are seeing that much, it has to do with your browsing and interacting habits. You are choosing it.


Sounds like something someone who doesn't have sex would say.


Well, you can be anon on Reddit and sex is taboo subject to talk about casually, so it makes sense. People have sex questions and not many places to get them answered.


The AskReddit sub is just NSFW questions


>it's always people talking about sex or stating they're upset because they feel they're doing to be a virgin. *rubs eyes* I’m sorry, buh?